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Usia: 20/ Perempuan/pulau Jawa/kost/bekerja/membuka bisnis travel/IPA/belajar adalah proses

menambah/rasional-friendly-enjoy-menyesuaikan kebutuhan siswa-project/-/49/masih harus

belajar lagi/kadang-kadang/berbicara-menulis-mendengarkan-membaca/jarang berbicara
inggris/hotel-untuk diri sendiri-luar negeri/offline-di dalam ruangan-sepi-dengan alas belajar/3 per
7/for current need/berbicara-mendengarkan-menulis-membaca/ingin lancar berbicara dg tamu,dst-
menulis artikel/

Based on the questioner that has been created for exploring needs of tourism education students,
the respondents that consist of 10 samples of population delivered that having a travel bussiness
becomes their main intention in studying tourism education. The participants require improvements
in speaking and writing of four skills in learning English in order to develop their communication skills
with the customers. The students are sometimes having adversity in comprehending English
materials since they are also still in lower intermediate level. A Teachers who easygoing and
experienced in teaching are what the students called for learning English for Specific Purposes.

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