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"THIS IS AN ANCIENT CHINESE SECRET that people forget and don't care...

WESTERN world has made a very money oriented business to gain money from supplements
and FAKE science and illegal drugs to make people looks good.

yet they demand the people to suffer their life by dieting, and fear from lack of supplements..."

Obsessive Corbuzier's Diet


If you are reading this article, there are several possibilities that happen to you, the first is, you have a
bad body shape .. or mostly called fat and chubby

Or obesity..

what it's like to be obese .. I know how it fells.. i live half of my life like that.. being bullied on
school.. scared on mirrors and scales ..

only your parents that are saying your great.. actually they lied

I was born with a worst body type.. endomorph .. which means my genetics requires me to grease ..
steady instead? And it happens to my brother and sister too... the great thing is, my sister did diett
hardly and eat brown rice and chicken breast without seasoning almost 20 years before she was
introduced to my OCD. And now, her body shape is great to be seen at the age of nearly 50... she’s
still pretty... It means that doing diet by eating 6 meals a day can be successfully if you can live with
such a pattern. Unfortunately, I can not.

i love to eat and i looove to eat.

All of my life as an entertainer I have to keep my body, that's why I force myself with most others
tried various diets that tortured my body and diet pills just to waste the water in my body and back
getting fat ... one word ... I was tired .. but now everything is changed .. I can eat my favorite foods, I
exercise energetically and I have 8 packs at my age that is almost 40 years ... with the age of the cell
body is now only 28 years old ..

yes im getting younger by time now..question is how?

So let me tell you a little story first..

About 5 years ago I went to Hongkong to take a martial arts instructor certificate and I spent nearly a
week with a rental car along with the driver .. the interesting thing is, the first 3 days I just knew the
age of the driver is 70 years with the face and physique like 40 years .. I think it’s impossible ..

So i asked him how can he achieved that? And he shared me a secret..

A secret that I think it does not make sense, but interesting ...

This idea I learned from him for 4 days until I know that he is a former Shaolin monk from China..

But after I went to Indonesia this idea just disappeared.. I was struggling back to my old diet with the
same stupidity.. which s is I don’t want take the risk to try something new .. till this 3 months. (now is
August 2013)

I had to present out a show on TV and I had to open my shirt at the scene .. i was so stressed ‘cause
my body is not that good...

Then I remembered what I learned from the taxi driver, I analyzed it, looking for logical explanations
on the internet for 1 full month until I believe what he said before is true and I could try and try ...
here I am with 8 packs stomach and going younger and stronger!!! Bigger with Muscle!!

Do you know that diet pills are the best-selling drug in the world? Everyone almost has to buy it, try
and feel nothing.

On the most diet pills are written “"must be accompanied by exercise and food controlling" so, what
does the diet pills for?
But the unique ones, we see why do many diets fail?

In one study, 311 obese women were recruited

to follow one of the following popular diet programs:

AtkinsDiet, Zone Diet, Diet LEARN or Ornish Diet. (Various kinds of diet)

To begin the study, each woman was given one of the popular diet, the kinds were randomized and
assigned to follow.

Then, before they started dieting, each woman was attending a series of 8 classes (each lasted one
hour) to explain exactly how to follow the assigned diet.

Once the course was completed, then they set out to follow their diet for a total of 1 year.

What’s the result?

They lost a lot of weight in the first two months, then the diet tend to stop even finished and at the end
of time, they lost the weight away from the expected – none of them got more than 5 kilos in a year..

They concluded that the diet does not work ... and said they might get the wrong program, they also
said they should get a program that earned from another friends .. (They have not seen the results of
other diets from their friends are the same.)

but I think this failure is much simpler ...

First, in this experiment of the diets used is difficult to accurately measure how many calories a
person eats in a day, and my second think that these results indicate that the number one reason diets
fail is the obedient to the diet itself .. and i guess that there is still a diet that is more simpler.
In other words, the more complicated way of diet, the more it will fail in the long run. People are not
able to obey to diets for long periods of time.

In fact, there’s support for my anylisis.

In a study which published in the International Journal of Obesity, titled "Compliance with diet
and weight loss success among overweight women":

Guess what they found?

Only one of the 12 people who followed the diet for a full year managed to lose 40 kilos. While others
claimed not to obey the diet itself...

This means that 100% of people want to have a great body, but 90% of them are reluctant to do so
because it is too complicated and boring...

more complicated = low chance of success.

easy = high chance of success.

is this happening in all areas?

And I think the most complicated in the diet rules there are 2 ..

1. Calculate the number of calories

2. Looking for healthy food to be eat. (The food is not tasty)

And they are becoming very lazy because they have a long time to reduce weight significantly.

The problem is we are not Ade Ray (Indonesian body builder) and would not be .. at least I do not
want... he is an amazing person and I really appreciate him as a friend.

but being that Big is not my dream.

let's talk a little bit about him, Ade ray is an incredible person and I very impressed with him
excluding what the other body builder say against him.
His healthy lifestyle could be a great inspiration for everyone. An outstanding diet and very healthy ..
an extraordinary exercise anyway ..

But everyone not is Ade Ray, everyone will not survive in long time on the diet which is his applied as
eating brown rice every day or a chicken breast and a variety of supplements.. at least I was not able
to. I was only able to last a maximum of 1 or 2 weeks eating food that he ate. I’m sorry I’m not that
perfect.. GOD I LOVE FOOD ... maybe not a healthy Food but I LOVE TASTY FOOD... just like u

For Ade Ray or other body builder they could follow a variety of programs that exist because ther eis
their whole life.. they sleep and wake up only to do that but how could they looking for a job except
some of them are successful in bodybuilding ..

Do not forget that many of them are using steroids to be like that.

While you or me or most people might have a life outside of it is not possible to follow the pattern of
their diet also exercise every day. Thats why we stop...


But what if I told you there are other alternative ways that might change all that?


although some say that OCD may simply will be a trend that will disappear like other diet .. one said
that we must see whether a dietary pattern could persist into the future or a moment ..

but to be honest... ask yourself .. anyone of you who managed to hold off any diet you will ever get?
perhaps only 10% of us all .. its basically a choice ..
whether eating brown rice with chicken breast or white egg every day can last a long time for you?
only you can answer it .. for me, this is the best and easy way for me to do.

so again its a matter of a choice my friend.


-In a week this eBook has been downloaded about 2

million copies.

-In a week many supplement products offer to talk

about the contradiction of this book.

-In this week also thousands EVEN MILLIONS of

people has improved their body shape.


according to record holder republic survey, OCD has been performed more than 4 million people
within a period of 3 weeks in indonesia. even many of the artists who succeed with OCD and happy
because finally they can eat well and still keep in shape!! .. thats how good OCD is.
In summary OCD is a FASTING

(While eating and drinking .. WHAT?!? Do not be afraid of fasting,this fasting is possible that you
could eat whenever and whatever.)


"Everyone has a physician inside him or her; we just have to help it in its work. The natural
healing force within each one of us is the greatest force in getting well. Our food should be our
medicine. Our medicine should be our food. But to eat when you are sick is to feed your sickness.
"- Hippocrates


"Instead of using medicine, rather fast a day." - Plutarch

Do you know why almost all religions teach the people to fast?

Yes in addition to the spiritual needs?

That was the first question asked the taxi driver to me.

besides, this is what I found in my search ..

Approximately 3-4 hours after we eat, we entered what is known as postabsorbtive condition, where
insulin starts to drop.

This is where the energy used by the body's internal sources start coming in body.

The liver is the main source of stored glycogen through glycogenolysis (remember the primary source
is not from muscle, but fat unless they are involved in a loud activity).

Also with insulin fell (and the drop in blood sugar) comes an increase in lipolysis (Freeing fat and use
them for energy) and gluconeogensis (Converting the sources of non-carbohydrates such as glycerol
and amino acids to be glucose).

Levels of lipolytic hormones such as glucagon, GH (growth hormone) and catecholamines would
increase (as well as the body's sensitivity to them), allow more fat to be released as OCD.
The longer people are in a position without food (low state of insulin / blood sugar lowering),
increased this process.

A perfect example is when we go to bed and sleep without eating at night. Most of the time will make
our liver work to supply our brain (hog glucose) with the process of glycogen and fat will be burning.

This situation will continue until 3 days without eating and then the body will be damaged if it is done
over 3 days without eating. but when it was done even up to 48 hours of the great advantages you will

In short, fasting in a short time (a state body without food) can cause burning fat faster.

while fasting body will begin to increase lipolysis (fat release process). This is done by lowering
insulin and increased lipolytic hormones (such as glucagon, growth hormone and catecholamines).

Fat cells getting a strong sign and open their action. For burning.

but not everyone will agree this .. why?


Unfortunately, many people will start complaining now without reading further ..

Usually they (especially body builders and nutrition expert) would begin to ask questions like:

1. while fasting then we will be depleted (muscle will be lost)

2. while fasting our metabolism will be break down...

3. while fasting then we will lack the protein intake and so on.

4. We have to eat 6 small meals a day to maintain our metabolism to build muscle ..

5. Protein intake should be a lot or muscle will not build.

My question ..

Where do you know all this theory from? Read? Googling? Or what?

Did you know that the character of Santa Claus was first created by Coca Cola? Probably not ..

Same with this thing .. where do you know from? Most of the people think ...


1. Not eating at all is different from fasting. Even a research has shown that in up to 72 hours of
fasting, the metabolism will not slowed (Macdonald IA, Webber J, 1995) and it even
increases a little of metabolism. Yes I said it’s rising! (After going through 72 hours it will

This means that short-term fasting will not lower your metabolism by itself. As long as you do not do
this fasting without eating at all, you'll be fine and it will increase your metabolism.

It is true that in the long run, there is a higher risk for loss of body mass (muscle). But otherwise if it
is done right and not too long then your body really wants to maintain your muscle. There are
different hormonal signals here that makes you maintain your muscle and increase your metabolism.

As we have seen the growth hormone (GH) is one of the hormones involved in lipolysis that increases
with fasting. GH also has a "muscle sparing" property as well, most of the studies demonstrated
through fasting (where people do not lose muscle mass in an environment of elevated GH).

One study (Norrelund H et al, 2001) compared with the test group underwent 40 hours in a state of
starving by eating a low calorie diet / nutrition and their bodies begin to deteriorate and decline in

That means you could be starving to eating six times a day as well if your calorie intake is less. (Try
to eat only a cracker every 2 hours in 6 times, you will get hunger right?) This has nothing to do with
the frequency of how often you eat, just the summary of calories for longer periods of time (in days or

So if you miss a few hours of your last meal still scary to think you will get sick, ask yourself, is it
because unhealthy or just because your mental pressure that makes you greedy?

2. 'They said, Your metabolism will drop! "When fasting and this makes you more fat .. This is
another fear ...

Let’s not forget the myth about eating more often and faster metabolism that you all might believe.

It's still about the total calorie intake, not meal frequency. Also how long the food intake lost ..
don’t want debate about eating healthy or not, I say the amount of calories).
this the simple, calorie is a calorie, regardless of its form if the amount is same it’s still calories..
eating fried rice is more lower calories than eating 30 apples.. whenever you eat ..

3. "But he said MUSCLE will disappear when you fast!"

Do you really think your body's internal survival mechanism so stupid and will just take your muscles
directly than to prevent?

Let me ask ..

If your right hand break then being plaster, your left hand is okay, then you eat the same food every
day for a month and after a month you opened the right hand plaster.. what happened?

Which hand will lose the muscle mass? Right or left?

Yes! Your right hand which is fitted with plaster will shrink instead right? That would mean there is
any intake or not it will still shrink if there is no movement or exercise.. how smart our bodies are...



This is from Wikipedia:

extended fasting has been recommended as therapy for various conditions by health professionals of
most cultures, throughout history, from ancient to modern.

Research Suggests there are major health benefits to caloric restriction. Benefits include reduced risks
of cancer, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, insulin resistance, immune disorders, and more
generally, the slowing of the aging process, and the potential to increase of the maximum life span.
[3] Besides these health benefits, research by Valter Longo has also uncovered a potential link
between fasting and improved efficacy of chemotherapy.

As you can see from its ancient. . But we never Realize why ... and what or how to manipulate this
fasting condition to give us more result we need for our body.

Did you know that Plato and Aristotle say that stops eating in a short time or fasting is cure any
disease? including cancer ..

Human Trial (s)

A 2009 case study that delivered promising results. Ten Cancer Patients - four with breast cancer, two
with prostate cancer, one each with ovarian, lung, uterine, and esophageal cancers - underwent fasting
prior to and after chemotherapy treatment. Fasting times ranged from 48-140 hours prior to and after
5-56 hours; were all affective at reducing side effects of chemotherapy.

In the first case, a 51-year old woman with breast cancer did her first round of chemotherapy in a
fasted state of 140 hours. Other than dry mouth, fatigue, and hiccups, she felt well enough to go to
work and resume her normal daily activities. For the subsequent two rounds, she did not fast and
instead ate her normal diet, and the side effects were extremely pronounced - severe fatigue,
diarrhea, weakness, abdominal pain, nausea - and prevented her from returning to work. For her
fourth round of chemotherapy, she fasted, and the side effects were again minimized. And it wasn’t
just the subjective effects that improved with fasting, but also her physiological markers. Total white
blood cell, absolute neutrophil counts, and platelet counts were all highest after the fasting regimens.

The point is fasting is a good thing when done properly, and anyway almost all religions teach it right?

The question .. how does this fasting? Where you can still eat well, eat at any hour you want and eat
what you want but you still fasting ... and have your dream body?

That will be the secret of monk's fasting

NOW Lets see how those monks believe and practice in fasting

Buddhist monks and nuns following the Vinaya rules commonly do not eat each day after the noon

This is not considered a fast but rather a disciplined regimen aiding in meditation and good health.

Funny thing is ... This fasting is teachings in all religions ... and they describe what results will you get
there ...

Sometimes an ancient messages are easily forgotten.

how does this fasting? Where you can still eat well, eat at any hour you want and eat what you want
but you still fasting .....
OCD Fasting Methods

Now the part you all been waiting for ...

A great shape body is not only form in the gym, not form with sports only and supplements!

Ask any health expert, then they'll all say the same thing with me .. build a great body is not in the
gym... GYM only form 30% of your body pattern. While the other 70% is formed in your mouth ..

You are what you eat.

And i also believe you are depends on how much you eat and When you eat!

Therefore, there will be 2 thing in the formation of our bodies ...

1. the amount of calories in more than calories out means you will convert calories into fat.

2. Calories out more than calories in means you will burn fat ...

How do I burn calories?

Well basically anything you do will burn calories .. even when you sleep you will burn calories, thats

Now, let’s see how the implementation of OCD in daily life for your body formed!
The Monk’s Secret of

i will start with...

OCD BREAKFAST (Break Fasting)

dinner okay.. breakfast? NO NO NO

Well let's start by removing the myth first, eating breakfast..

How many things that you heard that breakfast is the most important food in a day and there’s a
variety of benefits in eating brakfasting.. it will give you energy and also would not make us eat a lot
during the day, so it could keep our body health.

And There’re 1001 good reasons of eating breakfast will find in the internet...

Now, everything will change if you still trust me, let’s ask.. why do children do not want eating
breakfast? Remember, when you were a kid, you would get upset when you have to eat breakfast?
But, it’d be your habitual, right? Do you know the children who eat breakfast a lot then 90% of them
are overweight. And remember too, when you became sleepy in class and even hungry in your first
break on school which is only 3 hours different with the breakfast and you get hungry again, right???

Believe or not eating breakfast will make you hungry all day ... makes you sleepy all day ... and lower
your fat burning than dinner....

But I stop eating dinner and even my weight down...

Yes I know.,. it got down. But it’s not because refusing dinner!

getting down by reducing your food portions a day,the dinner. Easy huh?
If we do not eat dinner calories do not gain .. so the myth of eating dinner makes fat is wrong! Dinner
means adding one potion .. so calories will be added. Calories do not caretime and hour .. if a day you
get 2000 calories in dinner or lunch or morning, it’s also 2000 right. same ..

If you burn 1500 a day means excess 500 a day would be dumped as fat ... I stopped eating at night,
my weight dropped .. DEFINITELY YES you reduce your calorie intake!!! Get it?

Remember, when you eat a lot and then sleepy ... remember?

So if u have dinner its good to sleep after that .. since sleeping is also burning ur fat ..


So, you are wondering how to breakfast...

Almost all taught not to late to eat breakfast and so they teach that eating breakfast provides many
benefits, and should be irreplaceable energy supplies to make you move, build your metabolism,
make your muscles healthy, feed your brain, and generally prepare you for the concentration in a
single day.... BLA BLA BLA BLA

But what if all that was wrong? what if this is wrong and they keep saying everytime to be true as if
it? Well...

And this is the latest research about breakfast.

eating breakfast means eaten soon after waking up.

Thus, at 02:00 pm lunch could be breakfast if you have just woken up, but not if you've been up since
8:00. right?

While was what does breakfast mean? Break fasting or fasting ... not eating breakfast!!!!!

This is the research.

a study showed people eat the same portion when eating lunch and dinner regardless of how much
they ate for breakfast. (This means that people eat breakfast or not then the amount will be the same ..
it does not mean that eating breakfast then eating lunch will be less and dinner too, as nutrition experts
say nowadays.)

This challenges the conventional wisdom that if you skip breakfast, you will starve and then eating
lunch as you want.
The number of eating is not based on the number of meals have been eaten or have not been eaten
before, but because our brains habits. if you used to greedy then you will still be greedy either have or
have not eaten breakfast.

Have you seen skinny women who have not had time to eat and then eat as she wants? I think no .. but
have you ever seen a fat person eat everything despite have just eaten? NAH!!

Indeed, there’s a study in the October 2012 at Imperial College London, who compared the brain
scans and caloric intake of the 21 people who eati breakfast or skip it. As Medical News Today
summarized the findings: "Skipping breakfast increases hunger, the appeal of high calorie foods and
food intake at lunch."

What happened? Bias in psychology. Imagine you are in a trial should not be eating for breakfast ...
hold, then you got showed the lunch and getting score ...what would you do unconsciously? Eat as
much to train your brain .. not stomach! Remember, they know this is a research so they will think
that they are expected to demonstrate that they will eat a lot if they do not eat breakfast.

some says do not eat breakfast will make obesity.. hahaha obesity is not about eating breakfast
or dinner .. they are always eating!

Another study recently saw a difference between exercising with a filled up stomach or not. In late
January, the British Journal of Nutrition published a papers that suggest exercise before eating
breakfast to burn 20 percent of body fat more than the same exercise after breakfast. The study also
determined that people who exercise before breakfast does not consume extra calories will increase
appetite during the day.

Thats the NEW Facts!

Javier Gonzalez (a doctor), part of the research team, told to the Science Daily: "In order to lose body
fat we need to use more fat for energy ... increase the total amount of energy we spend, and a larger
proportion of this energy comes from fat burning exercises if performed after an overnight fast
without breakfast. "

The conclusion, breakfast will hinder your fat burning opportunity at the start of activities in morning
after fasting sleep. while the dinner will be burned while you sleep. not a problem.
Do not eat breakfast
much better than not to
eat dinner. That’s the
point I have tell you.
Eat Time Window.
after stop eating breakfast, I will introduce you to the eat time window.

1. Fasting by limitting eating time and eat anything without thinking about

Remember, this does not mean you suddenly become greedy and eat everything. (Many people think
after fasting may eat as much.. this is wrong!! Eat naturally what you eat each day.) do not think about
what you eat, eat your usual meal. OCD WILL NOT PRODUCE ANYTHING IF YOU
(I discuss this issue later) IT ALSO DOES NOT MEAN YOU BECOME GREEDY.

Here, the fasting means

there're no calories intake
while fasting.
However, this means you are still allowed to drink water, tea or anything that does not contains
calories. Even the candy was allowed as long as not many. (Low calories count of 0.5 or 0 calories,


The fasting times are 16 hours, 18 hours and 20 hours. (Time not eat)

It means your eating times are 8 hours, 6 hours or 4 hours. (Eat time window)

What does that mean?

This means you may eat whatever you eat as usual (do not be greedy all of a sudden) for 8, 6 or 4
hours a day (without eating breakfast at least 3 hours after you wake up)

So if you take 8 hours means you start eating at 12 to 8pm. (3 meals a day) or if you start at 3 you
could eat until 12 o'clock at night ... easy, isn’t it?
If you take 6 hours so if you start at 12, then your last eat is at 7 am. (Time to start eating free when
starting up your needs)

If you take 4 hours so if you begin to eat the meal at 2 pm then you may eat up to 6 hours a night.

(The scales of eat is free on you in order you don’t feel hungry but not to be greedy! The unique is you
will not feel hungry)

That is the first kind of fasting.

With this type you can manage your meals if you have any dinner party.

Very flexible.


2. The 24-hours Fasting

This is the second ... Sounds scary, right? Yeap ... This means you only eat once in a day. Anytime, eat
anything as much as you want. (Remember not to be greedy and not to eat breakfast and during
fasting you could drink anything that is not containing calories too)

Example, you begin to start eating on Wednesday at 3 pm, only eat once and quite filled up.t that's it!
(Drink anything anytime but no containing calories)

Just eat only once on Wednesday until the following day (Thursday) at 3 pm then do the eat time
window.. (Example, if you take 4 hours, then please eat on Thursday from 3 pm to 7 pm on that day)

It’s The 24-hours Fasting

It might sound scary, but it is actually very easy if you are already doing that.

Do you remember, you must have only once meal a day in your life, and you did it right??

The usual question is whether it will get dizziness, headache and so on? NO.when you are used to do
it, Perhaps in the beginning, but once you get used to try 2 times then all of it will be lost.
What if you have stomache disorder? Easy .. such as Ramadhan advertisement on TV, break the
fasting with its liquid drug. Then in 3 tries, your stomach will follow your pattern.

Remember, most of stomach disorder come from mind.. if your mind agree, it will be okay.

The implementation of combination of eat time window and the

24-hours Fasting

Simple ..

1. Eat time window.

In the first week you should start by eating 8 hours a day without breakfast (very very easy)

In the second week you should try the 6 hours a day ...

In the third week and so you should try the 4 hours a day.

Remember you could stop at 8 hours a day for the rest of your life or at 6 hours if you want without
to turn to 4 hours a day, but the results will not maximum ..

You will need a long time to reduce and shape your body when you are stuck in 8 hours or 6 hours.

I personally turn to 4 hours a day in the second week.

Do this for the length of your life i you could.

Difficult? No! at least you will be stuck in 8 hours, which means you just do not eat breakfast.
Children could do it too.

If you can turn into the 4 hours a day, then it's INCREDIBLE ... congratulations to you.

In fact, sometimes you may also make an alternative. Example, in a week you would eat 8 hours only
on Saturday or Sunday, then eat only 4 hours on another day.
And there’re many alternatives that you can make.This point is not to be stuck to the rule. It's just t if
you can stay in 4 hours then it will produce incredible results in a short time.

2. The 24-hours Fasting..

If you want the better results, in a week you should take 1 or 2 days (3 is maximum for me) for a 24-
hour fasting.

Do not scared, this does not mean you do not eat at all. Like I said, Remember, you must have only
once meal a day in your life, and you did it right??

If you eat at 4pm then start to eat at 4 pm again on the following day and turn to the eat time as in
number 1 above.

It's easy.

Combine those two things then you will shape

your body in no time!

Even being quiet, then your body will turn into a

fat-burning machine naturally ..

How do I do that?

This is an example of a program that I personally do from the beginning and became a habit.

1. On the first week i tried to eat 6 hours of the eat time window. (8 hours is too easy for me)

2. The second week i turned to the 4 hours of the eat time window (once failed then i turned back to 6
hours but i was soon back to 4 hours if failed)

3. The third week I apply 24-hours fasting once a week with a 4 hours eat time window.

4. the fourth week until now I use a 24-hours fasting 2 times a week with 6 hours / 4 hours eat time
window a day.

Remember, it is very flexible!


Obviously without having me explain, you already know that the best pattern is 4 hours eat time
window with 2 or 3 times 24-hours fasting a week.

It means I can use the two patterns perfectly,

BUT no one perfect!!! And its okay.


Let's talk what makes a well-developed muscle?

Are the supplements?

The exercise?

Or What?

Let us look first know about supplements before ..

The only supplement that has been proven in research is creatine. Yes thats all and I will discuss about
it later in depth. Whereas protein is needed by the body, but not as much as you think. People say
protein intake will make your body muscular and it’s not true when you only eat protein without any
muscle exercises .. while many people say to have a lot of protein if they want to build muscular, well
okay but not as much as you think the intake at all. Regular food that we eat actually contains enough
protein. Its okay if you want to add it to supplement but not excessive.

The point is do not waste much time thinking about protein and other supplements at all unless you
are a body builder and use steroids

Remember that shakes protein and so on are also a calorie intake that could fattening the body .. have
you ever seen in gymnastic a big guy but shapeless? Like his body and brought tens of types of
supplements? That’s they are ... whereas the body builders that use supplement was successful in life
because they count calories diet and eat brown and stew chicken breast without seasoning each day
and supplement ... if that's what you want .. please. Leave posts me and start to follow their
lifestyle .. for me? NO NO NO i want to eat free!



Let‘s discuss about the Shakes Protein that sales as the main menu at the gym.

if you ever join gym or another you would always been scared, like:

-After lifting weights you have to go straight into protein!!

-Protein must in at least 2 times of the amount of your weight .. so if your weight is 70 kilos, it should
be 140 grams of protein.

-Protein-late in and it will damage the muscles and it will not develop.
some even say that using my method then the muscles will be lost .. oh really? well mine is not!!
MUSCLE will be lost if not used!!!!

Then, let’s see what you usually hear this from? most of the coaches or from people who sell
supplements .. sometimes may be from body builder that has very huge bodybuilding .. are you sure
they do not use steroids?

Shake Protein supplements do help the development of muscle .. it sometimes if you do not eat
regularly meals that have protein.

so if you do not eat and drink the shakes protein, that's good .. but how much?

and should immediately drink after exercise? Or should 3 hours once a protein comes in?

the answer is NO!

let me explain:

More Protein Does Not Mean More Muscle

This protein is essential for building muscle, but it does not mean that eating more or drinking protein
supplement and the muscles become larger.

So how much our bodies really need Protein???

refer to research or check in google, it is recommended 0.8 grams per kilogram of adults body weight.

or, less women need at least 50 grams of protein per day, and men need at least 60 grams of protein
per day (to avoid muscle loss).

This is much lower than what you might hear out there from a lot of people or nutrition experts.

It is certainly if you exercise more then recommended amount of protein intake will increase.

It’s also important to remember that the overall calorie intake as well will increases with the level of
activity. So in essence, if you are doing more activiyies then the amount of the calories needs more..
Logic, right?

Protein only will be absorbed about 30 grams per meal, then how about OCD, fasting and eating .. Are
we going to lose all of our muscles when we are fasting and eating only 2 or 3 times or even once?
Clearly, NOT. our bodies are smarter than that .. it will use fat stores and protein to build muscles.

Then, how about the theory that you need to eat 5 to 6 times a day to maintain your protein levels?
Yes, actually. if you listen to the supplement company who loves us all to make us believe that we
need 20 grams of protein every 2-3 hours.

in fact ,may be the body works better when the proteins are expressed at a random time.

Quote from Dr. Eades on his blog commented:

"I do not think the protein will affect the muscle mass at all. If you go without food for a long term,
like, a few days, your metabolism is going to take your muscle mass to alter the stored protein there
into the glucose that you need to keep normal your blood. BUT It does not happen in the short term
and fasting is not to fast everyday "

Instead, it would be nice to get rid of your fat because the muscle will recycle the waste protein from
your fat!

Drink Protein immediately after exercise will

develope muscles!! Are You Sure??

(As we have heard that eating right after a workout increases protein synthesis to build muscle)

It’s important to know that your body works in the long term and not minute by minute. Then, we
must not ignore the muscle recovery ..

Our muscles are not built within an hour after the workout! Our muscles can be built within 24-48
hours after exercise, and while there’s no intake at anytime then the muscle will be built.
“even in a fed state, protein and carbohydrate supplementation stimulates muscle protein
synthesis during exercise. Ingestion of protein with carbohydrate during and immediately
after exercise improves whole-body protein synthesis but does not further augment muscle
protein synthesis rates during 9 h of subsequent overnight recovery.”

Source: Coingestion of Carbohydrate and Protein Hydrolysate Stimulates Muscle Protein

Synthesis during Exercise in Young Men, with No Further Increase during Subsequent
Overnight Recovery; Journal of Nutrition, doi:10.3945/jn.108.092924

The study said that there will be no additional muscle building effects in protein intake immediately
after exercise.

Perhaps you need a direct intake if you are a body builder .. but I am not and I think you are not, then
why do you follow the body builders style who only eat brown rice and chicken breast without a
seasoning and bring milk everywhere you go.

The Protein Actually Use

Many people use a higher protein intake when they fear the loss of muscle. in fact you need all kinds
of calories to build muscle, including fat.

Why with many proteins they said it would be easier to be thin? because protein will help you feel
more fuller and stop you to overeat.

Remember!! The amount of protein you really need to build muscle is lower than you think, but you
still have to get enough calories from your meal, that's all.
I can’t imagine how good your life when thinking the amount of protein each day while eating....
hahaha or counting your calories at dinner later .. counting calories is very good but it is not to be a
must at all if you eat according to your needs on OCD.

OCD will not make your muscles lose, but in reality will truly utilize more internal sources (amino
acids) such as enzymes and proteins in the unused fat.

Body builders tell you to eat 300 grams plus of protein a day and exercise 5 times a week... well, ask
what kind of the other drugs are they using? almost all body builder (not all) that I know offered me
to use steroid or prohormone.. GOD .. yes, obviously they need lots of protein!

The point is, if you eat in 1, 2 or 3 times portions in a short time within the eat time window , or 6
small meals in a day full........... your body are not dizzy. how best to build muscle. In the long run, the
result is the same as long as the total amount of protein each day is kept constant.

Bu, this is what I believe based on a variety of research, so if you want to waste your money for milk
as much .. it's your money ... so its up to you..................
How about me?

I honestly use Shakes Protein a glass in a day for my food intake and build up my muscles. thats it
not more than that which is approximately 30 grams of protein. But, I did it because sometimes I find
it hard to find food in my daily and the shakes protein is good to fill my protein intake, that's all.

in addition, I also used creatine protein that I eat before and after exercise as much as 5-10 grams
(Creatine allowed while fasting). one of the supplements that are proven to increase strength and
muscle mass in the long run is creatine monohydrate. And, because creatine is not metabolized for
energy and does not increase insulin levels, taking creatine on your fasting days is okay.

note: in this 1 month, I was not using anything whether its the shake protein or creatine and i did not
experience any setbacks.
Ladies and Gentlemen...
introducing, THE GREAT

Human Growth Hormon

So, what can really create and build your muscles? What could even make your body growing
rapidly? It may even be higher if you are still under 20 years old?

HGH ...

Yes Human Growth Hormone.

What is that?

Human growth hormone is a hormone produced by the brain you could restore your body's internal
energy, help you with build muscle fast, get rid of fat, and increase libido, while send tremendous
energy level and great .. MAKE YOU YOUNGER!!!.


The body naturally produces growth hormone (HGH or GH ) in HIPOFIS gland, and, as its name, it is
responsible for growth cells and regeneration. Increasing mass and bone density is impossible without
GH, but also as a major role in maintaining the health of all human tissues, including the brain and
other vital organs. When released, GH remains active in the blood stream is only a few minutes, but
it’s quite for heart to turn it into growth factors, the most important is a well-formed INSULIN like
growth factor-1, or IGF-1, which offers a number of anabolic.
How to get a lot of HGH?

There are some ways, these are some of them:

1. Sleep 8-10 hours a day (which I can’t do) and even then HGH levels will decrease when you are
aged over 25 years .. and not all men have the same levels of HGH when it is released during sleep.

2. Incorporate artificial HGH (inject artificial HGH into your body, there are many other supplement’s
containing HGH and it’s not true. Why? Because, HGH can’t be digested in your stomach)

3. Fasting ...

Recent research confirms the effects of fasting on human growth hormone (HGH), protein
metabolism. HGH works to protect muscle and metabolic balance, a response triggered and
accelerated by fasting. During the period of 18-24 hours of fasting, HGH increased an average of
1,300 percent in women, and nearly 2,000 percent in men.


Let's see the usefulness of fasting from the study:

Fasting can be studied to reduce cardiac risk factors such as triglycerides, weight, and blood sugar
levels Murray, UT (4/03/11) -

Fasting has been associated with religious rituals, diets, and political protests or demonstrations, but
new evidence from cardiac researchers at the Intermountain Medical Center Heart Institute shows that
regular fasting is also good for your health, and your heart.

Currently, research cardiologists at the Intermountain Medical Center Heart Institute reported that
fasting not only lowers one's risk of disease coronary arteries and diabetes, but also causes significant
changes in person's blood cholesterol levels. Diabetes and high cholesterol are the risk factor for
coronary heart disease.

This invention extends to a study from 2007 Intermountain Healthcare study that revealed the
relationship between fasting and reduce the risk of coronary heart disease, the leading cause of death
among men and women in America. In the new research, fasting was also found to reduce other
cardiac risk factors, such as triglycerides, weight, and blood sugar levels.

The inventions were presented at the annual scientific sessions of the American College of Cardiology
in New Orleans.
"These new inventions suggest that our researches are not coincidences," says Dr. Benjamin D. Horne,
PhD, MPH, director of cardiovascular and genetic epidemiology at Intermountain Medical Center
Heart Institute, and principal researcher of the study.

In contrast to previous research by the team, this new research recorded reactions in the body's
biological mechanisms during the fasting period.

Low-density lipoprotein participants cholesterol (LDL-C, the "bad" cholesterol) and high-density
lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C, the "good" cholesterol) both increased (By 14 percent and 6 percent
of each) they increase the total cholesterol - and make the researchers were surprised. (DO NOT

"Fasting causes hunger or stress. A response, the body releases more cholesterol, which is allowing to
utilize fat as a source of fuel, instead of glucose. This reduces the number of fat cells in the body,"
said Dr. Horne. "This is important because the fewer fat cells in the body then the less likely it will
experience insulin resistance, or diabetes." I will discuss that cholesterol has no effect on heart
disease later.

This latest study also confirms the previous inventions on the effects of fasting on Human Growth
Hormone (HGH), protein metabolism. HGH works to protect muscle and metabolic balance, a
response triggered and accelerated by fasting. During the fasting period of 18-24 hours, HGH
increased an average of 1,300 percent in women, and nearly 2,000 percent in men.

In this latest experiment, researchers conducted two fasting studies of over 200 people - both patients
and healthy volunteers - who were recruited at Intermountain Medical Center. A second 2011 clinical
trial followed by another 30 patients who drank only water and ate nothing else for 24 hours.

They test their blood and physical measurements were taken from all to evaluate cardiac risk factors,
markers of metabolic risk, and other general health parameters. And the results were outstanding.
HGH up and all the body function better.

So basically by fasting you will have more HGH means more MUSCLE. But If its true how to fast

So, the points is the formation of my muscle is using the boosted HGH

at 2.000 PERCENT... thats the secret!


1. OCD is one of my healthy lifestyle strategy which is the most convenient and proven to be
done by anyone. (it’s Healthy and not having a particular disorder or pregnancy, etc.)

2. Research shows that fasting can help prevent heart disease, cancer, diabetes and many
diseases and disorders that we could find nowadays.

3. Our ancestors followed the fasting lifestyle for thousands of years, which mean that we
created for doing this.

4. Recent study shows that fasting make HGH raise up to 1,300% in women and in men up to

5. This optimizes energy levels and your metabolism into "fat burner" so that you could lose
weight by normalizing insulin and leptin.

6. OCD could really help you gain muscle mass with no muscle damage as many people said.

7. OCD could only work well if you don’t become greedy, and Don’t eat as much when finished
fasting, and must be followed by exercise for maximum results.

8. Eating healthy foods in the OCD is great if you have your food choices.Eat thehealthy food in
the eat time window. Decrease carbohydrates and sugar.


Do the exercise in the morning or at the time of fasting before the food goes! The food means any
kinds of food you will eat. no calories at all.

Many people say that do not exercise on an empty stomach because your muscles will be damaged,
you will not be strong, you will be sick and so on ... well NO!
Here the research:

One of the key benefits of exercise and fasting is they both increase of insulin sensitivity, and insulin
sensitivity is an independent predictor of future mortality. But they work in different, complementary
ways. Exercise for example, particularly short burst of HIT (High Intensity Training) depletes the
glycogen stores in the muscles, while Intermittent Fasting (IF) depletes the glycogen stores in the

The point is if you are in a state of fasting and exercising lifting weights then your HGH will go up!!
Don’t worry about your muscle that would be damaged as the people said.. our bodies are smarter
than that. It would take our stored fat for our energy food and burn fat four times faster! (Perhaps the
muscle will be damaged indeed if your body fat levels are very minimal as the body builder or
under7%, but how your body fat levels? typically 20% or more for normal. I write this when I my fat
content between 9% -12%)

here is the best part! Because of your HGH rise then a simple will make you a quick muscular body.

But people say: do not exercise on an empty stomach...

Oh yeah?

Try to swim with a full stomach .. then you will cramp..

Like animals such as wild cats or dogs .. they hunt for food on the road .. with an empty stomach, the
maybe eat once a day.. and compare with a pet cat or dog whics eat 3 times a day at home ... they get
fat and get dead faster....

Exercise before eating is good!!!!

And may even be beneficial to do so.

Much of the literature on this subject out there,learn about Muslims during Ramadhan and get a mix
of positive and negative results, mostly negative results.

But this fasting is different as Ramadhan fasting, in the holy month of Ramadhan we restrict food and
water intake during the day and during fasting. And you could get hydrated during exercising.

In this fast you are still allowed to drink water, so you will not be dehydrated at all.

Second, because eating and drinking are limited to a pre-dawn and the afternoon, and that means you
get a less time of sleep. While in this fasting you could sleep well.
But if you sleep well and still drink water then doing excercise while fasting will produce very
different things!

1. Improving Insulin Sensitivity..

This fasting increases insulin sensitivity, a recent study found that this effect would increase when
combined with exercise.

At the end of the study, people who fasted had lower body weights

(The only group didn’t gain weight), glucose tolerance for the better body, and increase insulin
sensitivity. In addition, only the fasted training significantly improved muscular adaptations to

2. Increasing Recovery From Excercise Endurance

Improving post-workout recovery, maintain body mass, decrease fat mass, and the performance is

Other studies show that resistance training fasting could reactive muscle protein came from your body

3. Improving Recovery of Weight Training

A 2009 study found that subjects who lifted weights in a fasted state gain "intramyocellular anabolic
response" (indicator) muscle growth - in the fasting state doubled compared to those who eat before a
workout! (on the same group). In other words, fasting helps muscle growth post-workout.

Fasting does not directly give you super powers. But it could maintain performance while enjoying
the benefits of metabolic, such as increased recovery, rising higher of glycogen levels, better insulin
sensitivity, and enhanced muscle response to exercise.
The point is exercising during fasting will not kill you, your muscles will not damage, and it even
improve adaptation to exercise by forcing you to train in a state of "less optimal".

Hey .. Do the Africans who eat less antiquity when slavery have both genetic? how could their
body heve good genetic compared to us? Because they are underfed slaves but work ....

Mind my words.


The success of your training, whether it's lifting heavy objects, walking, running, rowing,
cycling, or climbing, not entirely depend on your physical condition, amount of glycogen in
your muscle and liver, your tissue mobility, the structural size of your muscle cells, the
distribution of fiber types in the muscle cells, this is all the matter and help decide how strong
you are.

Equally important is your mindset, your personal approach to training fasted.

Suggestion ... if you think you can’t or will be will. Have you ever heard a story of people
who chased the dog and can jump high fences? Same with this!!! MIND SET

I tried this on my assistant, invited him to practice on an empty stomach, and he was not strong
workout... limp and weak. the next day in the fasting state as well, I gave him a pill and said this is a
supplement to boost your body's blood sugar and energy, hour afterwards with empty stomach he felt
strong and could exercise ..

What pills did I give? It cintains sago .. yes sago!! I put in one little pill!!!!

See what happens? Placebo drug!!!! Placebo supplements!!!!

And he felt strong!!!!


Believe or not? and please try once a week your OCD then your power will be boosted while
exercisng to 75% in. it is going on me .. before eating at the hour of fasting, my energy growing

(This is my way and my thinking .. you dont have to agree or argue coz i really dont care)

a few days ago I saw in the gym a woman whose severe obesity, probably weighs 100 kilos more ..
and she was running on the treadmill ...

my question, how long she wants to run there?

how long she could survive there???

Can Cardio (cardio=heart) burn fat?ya. it CAN ,but only when you're running there and over time
your body will get used to and begin to burn muscle as well.

While lifting weights will damage your muscles (it’s not to lift strongly 20 times, that would be
cardio, lift it until you fail or limp)

And damaged muscle you will burn fat 24 hours long!!!!! WOW!

Want to burn muscle? Forget cardio!! Or do cardio after you lifting weights!!!!

This is my writing that invites a lot of controversies .. please read:


This is the thing that would surprise many people to the truth in shaping abdominal muscles ..

Forget excercising or sit ups or all things that have you believe will shape your stomach..

They are all bullshit...

Do you know many people who have 6 packs at the gym who always will lie to you if you ask how
they could be like that?

Everybody wants to have a great body shape (6 packs) huh? Would it be male or female?

It’s the dream of all men in all ages and imaginations of all women to all men. Yes .. please stop lying
to your self by saying you dont ..

Unfortunately, this is the most difficult thing to be able to in his establishment .. build muscle or chest
and the other could be very easy .. formed abdominal muscles? Now thats another story..

Since childhood I was among those who were born with a very bad genetics, I’m endomorph which
means ... born to be fat it could be till dead .. and how I’m so envious of those who were born with
good genetics ... I hate them

No.. I actually envy them.

Every time I exercise I see those nice young age and their body and began to blame genetics that I
have .. and I think maybe exercises like sit ups or cardio on the treadmill will establish my abdominal
muscles and I started to sit up 100 times a day .. and my belly is getting bigger ... YA getting
bigger...sit ups WILL JUST SIT UP YOUR STOMACH raise! Imagine a balloon .. whatever you fill it
with(water, air or whatever) will make it into the big ... as well as your stomach ...fill with muscle?
Will make your belly become more and more bigger (chubby)

So I STOP and NEVER DO SIT UP anymore... and thats when I built my 6 abs for the first time at
my 37 years old ages.

So how u ask me...

1. Forget abdominal exercise like sit ups or cardio and treadmill.

2. Forget commercial information such as vibrating belts or whatever it advertises that will
make you slim .. the wasting is the water .. your fat are not going to disappear just ob being
vibrated ... come on, you are smarter than that!!!!!!!!

3. Forget drugs or slimming tea or slimming ointments and many more (most of them will only
make you sick.) There are no magic pills ... that is why all the diet products there are always
small warning: must be accompanied by a regular diet and exercise..... oh come on....... is a
regular diet and exercise, then you do not need drugs anymore huh?

4. Forget buying food with NO FAT or Zero Fat or Low Fat..... the fact is we need fat ... and the
fat is in the diet is not our enemy! a right fat can actually make u slim!

So how can I get six pack?

1. Here the theory .. all people both men and women have muscles in their stomach ..if not then they
will not be able to stand up or sit down .. Imagine stomach without muscle. ? .. so all people have the
6 packs. All you have to do is to dispose fat which is covering. And it's NOT WITH ABDOMINAL
SPORT ... 10000000 times sit ups a day will only make your belly is getting bigger!

2. We build our belly into 6 packs based on our MOUTH not in the GYM!!

There’re no excercise will make your belly into 6 packs .. yap,they will tighten it..... if you had have 6
packs .. but if not then it would build within the muscle layer of fat ... what happen? Yes .. you are
getting fatter. you want to sit up? WAIT UNTIL YOU FAT BELOW 15%.

3. How many times so I have to do sit ups or other abdominal muscles? NO NEED .. you had train
your muscles every day with you sitting or standing and even running ... abdominal muscles are the
muscles that you inadvertently trained every day ... so forget to train your abdominal muscles again ..
there’s just cramps ... or as like I said above, if you want to sit up wait until your fat levels in below
15%. then sit ups might strengthen your abdominal muscles .. even if it needed .. I seldom do sit up.

4. Okay ... here take this ... the only way to get 6 packs are ...reduce fat levels of your BODY,yap
BODY!! Not abdominal fat but body! down to below 12% and it is NOT with the CARDIO ... (cardio
is for heart not to dispose fat) lifting weights will dispose your fat within 24 hours even while
sleeping!!! (Weight lifting VS cardio but thats another story .. oh one more, many people don’t want
to lift weight because of scared of being bigger..DO YOU THINK IT’S EASY TO BE BIG AND
MUSCULAR? Yes. If you lift weights then getting fat because you will eat evrything after!! And
many women are afraid of large muscular ... come on ... WOMEN CAN NOT BE BIG WITH
WEIGHTS LIFTING! they simply dont have testosterone .. muscular women who you see in the
magazine is the result of an injection of steroids! You are not going to be big if you follow my OCD
diet! No reasoning to cover laziness.

5. Food ... yes the food, and the amount of calories that go into your body ... if one day you burn 1500
calories (there are ways of computation) but you eat 2000 calories which is food or just apples and
banana.... WILL KEEP YOUR FAT ACCUMULATED EVERY DAY!!! Otherwise, if you eat food
that you think is unhealthy or greasy but the total number under your calories burning ... then eat
anything you want will burn fat every day .. so the types of food are not a problem during calories is
awake (but forget it all, run the OCD!)

6. stop snapping photoes then upload to social media.......

why? U want to show ppl that you are a pig or what? Is that a Hobby? Not a problem ... but insert the
number of calories of them in the photo... lost fast that make u believe it or not ... research shows
people who put counted calories on food photo will significantly lose weight ... WOW.

I use the different personal weight training with the other (another monk's secrets) that make muscle
growth 4 times compared with exercise. 15-20 minutes in the gym 3 times a week without cardio also
sit ups.

you might start asking whether the ancient Shaolin is muscular?

simple, could be yes or no, believe or not they’re trained differently for different purposes with Kung
Fu or martial arts .. examples, tiger stance requires the muscles, then they’re trained to build muscle.
while the crane stance does not need the muscle but they need fast speed and dry with little muscle

Breathing Technic
Breathing Increases Muscle! Breathing is the oxygenation process to all of the cells in your body. With
the supply of oxygen to the brain this increases the muscles in your body.

Do abdominal breathing techniques for 5 minutes before exercise!. do you know the difference
between abdominal breathing and chest breathing? Do you remember that babies during sleeping and
they still breathe while their belly be swell and shrink?

That's because they’re breathing by using their abdominal muscles instead of chest, but for some
reason as we’re growing up, we turn it into a pattern of breathing chest.. perhaps of being ashamed.
unconsiously, we’re disposing our stomach while breathing .. YA, JUST LIKE WHAT YOU DO

Deep breathing provides your body's cells with oxygen, which helps you to absorb nutrients. It also
stimulates your lymphatic system to remove toxins. If you are breathing, also known as chest
breathing, your cells receive less nutrition and your lymph system may be sluggish, both of which can
lead to weight gain.

but the point is they do a simple meditation before doing exercise

Here is how:

1. before work out

close your eyes, breathe through your abdomen rather than your chest slowly, make one breath 20
seconds, hold your breath for 10 seconds and release slowly, so it’s about is 1 minute per breath!

Do it 5 minutes before lifting weights in the gym .. see the difference!!

2. on work out.

try to breathe deeply hen hold and tighten your body muscles.. good. Hold it ... feel the sensation. then
slowly while continuing to tighten your muscles, release your breath.... what happened? your muscles
will relax ...

They used it while lifting weights ..

breath, hold then lift weights for 3 seconds slowly, hold the weights a few seconds then release your
breath and lower the weights slowly ..

Proper Breathing assists in Weight Control. If you are overweight, the extra oxygen burns up the
excess fat more efficiently. If you are underweight, the extra oxygen feeds the starving tissues and

Blow WingChun Theory on Weightlifting.

as a practitioner of Wing Chun and international instructor, I use the theory of self-defense in the

most of the members of the gym lift weights with a light weight, such as lifting weights 5 kilos with
20 reps times .. This is just like the porters who is lifting sand, the same weights in their body over
many times.. and see.. skinny body huh?. if that's what you want, do it.

let me ask, how if you slap me in my face 3 times as hard, then I reply with my punch to your face
once as hardest?

Which is more painful? where the impact and the effect is more severe?

The concept on building muscle is damaging our muscles and rebuild when we rest. this is why I just
spend my time 15 to 20 minutes in the gym .. because it doesn’t need a long time if you want to build
muscles. It may be contrary to the concept of body builder, but I'm not a body builder.

so what do I do?

the same as the concept of body builder. I divide my muscles into 2 parts, the large and small
muscles .. muscle consists of chest, back or spine, shoulder and leg.
while the small muscles are divided into such hands biceps and triceps.

how to train your muscles can certainly get on google, or ask the instructor in a gym but the important
issue here is how much weight I lift, as I said before I don’t want to make my body skinny as porters.

I just lift with 6 times reps only

(6 times lifting x 3 times in one weight, muscles use 3 weights or 3 different games)


chest with the bench press 6x3 and butterfly press 6x3 and 6x3 the last 6x3 for upper chest

why only 6 times? Yes, because I only could do 6 times.I would look for a very heavy weight that I
only lift only 6 times, sometimes only 4 times.

I break every 6 reps in 30 seconds then i continue to lift the second and 6 reps onwards. I only break 1
minute on every lifting weight .. this will ruin our muscles.

I only spend a short time for the development my muscle with this.

For me, OCD is not a way of diet, this is a life choice and Way of Life.

and i wish you all with me. if not? then its your choice i wish you luck in everything.

one last thing..

i built my body so i can still play with my son, running over here and there with better shape and
condition. i have a genetic in cancer... and im trying hard to fight that :)

But, We will never know.

Questions and Answer

1. Is This Just a Trend?

Many people say or start to question whether this is a way of diet that will only be a trend that will
end soon?

Easy .. all diets are the latest trend for some people and become a lifestyle for others, that’s why i
said this is my way of life. Now, it has become my daily lifestyle, even I sometimes do OCD full on a
week with 24-hour fasting and it’s fun .. I believe that the OCD would be much easier to be a lifestyle
ecompared to other diet that prohibits to eat the tasty foods ... the basic lust in the human mouth is
looking for something good and tastefull and u cant denies it. I asked hundreds of people whether
they prefer eat a lot without taste or eat little and limited time but could eat whatever they like .. and
almost 100% of them chose the second .. so I think this will not be a trend, this will be a way of life

2. Skipping Breakfast?

all who do not agree with my theory always fuss about breakfast, even in a media say; not eating
breakfasr will susceptible to get heart disease .. but let’s reread why they are more susceptible to get
heart disease? They said by not eating breakfast then we will eat lunch more and we will become
increasingly fatter because of the more food that we eat .. I strongly disagree, because the research is
not always true, there are also studies that say eating breakfast or not will not be associated with the
quantity of food we assume to eat next time .. so the point i, it depends on what research that we will
follow and trust! I personally think the greedy is the mind set .. if your goal is to diet then your
greediness should not exist at all. it is true if you do not have a purpose to the diet, perhaps not eating
breakfast will put your desire to eat more next time .. i do my breakfast at 4pm and I am very fit and
do not feel anything bad, its all about your Mind .. thats all ... if you want u can beat it.

3. Junk Food vs Good Food?

I never said that healthy food is not tasty, I said that healthy food is usually bad, and that's according
me .. but let's look at the facts, if healthy food is tasty then we don’t have to ask them to eat it and
they will be healthy right? unfortunately, we more enjoy unhealthy foods than the healthy ones. so if
you can eat healthy foods in the OCD wow thats great ... do it.. for me? i mix it.. i eat healthy food
sometimes and sometimes i want to enjoy my food .. sometimes.
4. Its not Healthy

once again, I never said that eating “dirty” food made you become healthier. NO. I never said that at
all. Many media say that OCD will only make you to hoard disease one day, but,what the hell is
“dirty” food? Fried rice? fried chicken? let me talk about it. did you know that obesity also a disease?
did you know that death due to heart caused by obesity is 75%? Let’s do it all one by one. My target is
to remove obesity within us, if we are good physique, our fat will decrease then obviously our
illnesses will decrease the percentage too, it is very easy to isn’t it? you want to eat healthy food in
OCD? please. good for you and I support it, but I want us to throw away the things one by one first ..
and i start with ur weight. after you get your ideal weight then you will start to appreciate your
health .. thats easy.. and my another opinion, any food that we eat if it’d be burned down by our body
it will have no impact for us. Remember, we do not eat poison. Who says fat is not healthy, who says
goats are not healthy? everyone has their own allergy. To eat goats it depends on your blood levels
right?, so its all not FIX for everyone. and another one .. Who tells you that your high cholesterol is
not healthy? I will talk about it later.

5. Excercising on an empty stomach?

Couldn’t? who says ? the slacker? It’s proved right, that HGH will go up when you are fasting and it
increases your energy and strength!!!! if your’reyap. Still be lazy… thats it .. My energy increased
nearly 2-fold during exercise on an empty stomach!!

6. Bulking VS Cutting

Many people asked, whether OCD is good for Bulking or increasing your muscle mass? YES, but let’s
see one body builder mistakes (my personally thought) they do bullking with consuming more dietary
intake of 3000-4000 calories a day with a hope that a large body then the weights will be larger too,
bigger muscles, and they will do diet to reduce fat. well yes it works, but remember that they live and
die there, do you know by using bulking then your fat levels increase more compared with the levels
of your muscles? a lot of wannabe body builder who eventually lived in a state of bulking ... because
of being lazy and tired to cutting.

so this is how I think about good bulking in OCD, OCD could usefor gain weight? Yes it coud ..
remember,the weight that you want to add is the muscle weight not your fat, so this is what you
should do, first measure your fat levels, a lot of tools that can measure your fat levels (the most
famous one available is OMRON) make sure your fat levels below 15% (remember that there are
terms little Fat Man and Little fat girl that you think you skinny but it's just a lot of fat) so if fat you
are still 15% above you better not to fatten your body.

Well, let's see how OCD works to gain your weight by muscle mass, the way is in eat time window, 4
hours or 6 hours. eat foods that have calories more than the number of your burning calories. so
you’re burning your calories (1500 calories on women & 2000 on men) then eat more than that. Just
add 500 calories a day (2000 on women or 3000 on men) and do the excercise. Then, don’t forget to
re-measure your fat levels each week. when they are rasing more than 15% then stop and reduce your
calories intake again! Keep steady on15%. it will be more easier to reduce your fat levels. if you get
above 15% then will be more difficult. Remember, do not listen to any body builder if you do not
intend to be one of them

(I do not mean to mention all body builders, because many of them are good at giving advice, my self
I really like Mr. Ade Rai, i think hes good in giving a help and many of them actually good but not all
of them and I hope if there’re any body builder who read this. you could be much better to give us
advice without offering steroids and any other drugs)

7. Woman and Muscle

I am a woman and I am scared of being muscular .. it is usually asked by the women .. take it easy, it's
not easy to make muscles anyway, even if you are guy .. so just calm, once again I say you will not be
muscular like men when you do not inject your body with steroids. There’re many female body
builder using drugs or steroids for this.women only have a few levels of testosterone and can not build
muscle like men .. ull be sexy as good as your weights, the better shape you’ll get without making you
become bulky like men ..


It’s just like my writing about OCD it will definitely make an extraordinary contradiction, perhaps
even from the doctors, when I twitted about it, there was a quarrel of young doctor who’s my follower
then told me that I began to be mad in speaking and there’s no evidence and makes people astray, he
asked for the verification. so that I gave this research on my web along with a video footage and
eventually he was silent .. he’s shocked that there’s a new research shocked and he doesn’t know it

it is very regrettable. The medical science should follow the development that it can provide an
alternative thought to act on the patient. and this could led to problems later. not all doctors must be
silent and do not want to learn new things and sometimes we can’t blame them too due to their busy
lives. but as ordinary people or patients we should also be careful and look for other answers or
alternatives that are supported by new research. So we are also able to see other alternatives.
Remember, when we are sic, we should also be more sensitive against ourselves.

believe one thing without an open mind and look for other alternatives equally it’s just case with little
ones who believe in santa claus .. though perhaps the purpose is good. there are still many things that
we could get this world if we dare for capturing a new ones. Do not just accept.

Sometimes a case is made only to make it looks real and without any proof.
before I end this book, I want to tickle you once again.....

Do you know that recent studies say that the Second Hand Smoker or passive smokers are not at
risk at all? :)

in 1972 wa discussed about passive smoker as health threat and called for an anti-smoking movement.
This issue was discussed again in the Surgeon General U.S. in 1979, 1982, and 1984.

A 1986 report from surgeon general concluded secondhand smoke causes lung cancer, but it’s only
offered only weak epidemiological evidence to support the claim. In 1989 the Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) was charged with evaluating evidence over this truth.

In 1992 the EPA issued a report, "Respiratory Health Effects of Passive smoking, " claimed Passive
Smokers was a serious public health problem which kills about 3,000 nonsmoking Americans each
year due to lung cancer, this report has been used by the motion control tobacco and government
agencies, including public health departments, to justify this report and put thousands of indoor
smoking bans in public places.

This’s not supported by reliable scientific evidence. This report has been largely discredited and, in
1998, was officially abandoned by U.S. federal judges.

For its 1992 report, EPA arbitrarily chose to equate Passive Smokers with active smokers. One of
expressed assumption is because there is a relationship between active smoking and lung cancer,
there must also be the same relationship between passive smoking and lung cancer.

But the problems caused by the Passive Smokers are completely different from what were found with
active smokers. Principle of toxicology: "The dose makes the poison."

The not active smokers with the greatest exposure to their own were proved by a study equally inhale
(approximately 0.03%) of one cigarette per day compared with active smokers, which eqully smoke
10 cigarettes per year.

EPA Study Denied

On November 1995, after a 20-month study, the Congressional Research Service released a detailed
analysis of the EPA report that was highly critical of EPA's methods and conclusions. In 1998, the 92-
page opinion that broke everything, Federal Judge William Osteen rejected EPA study, declaring it
null and void. He found the culture of arrogance, deception, and cover-up at the agency.

In 2003 a definitive paper on passive smoker and lung cancer mortality was published in the British
Medical Journal. It’s the largest and most detailed study ever reported. The authors studied more than
35,000 California never-smokers over 39 years and found no statistically significant relationship
between secondhand smoke exposure and lung cancer mortality.
Millions of dollars have been spent to promote this belief as killer, and this’s proved to be wrong,
unfortunately, it’s not scattered because people are about scared to accept the reality ... indeed we have
to admit that smoking in front of people who do not smoke is disturbing and not good for taking their
right to receive the clean air, but the truth should be revealed, and finally, and perhaps most tragic
ones, all this costs millions of dollars wasted ..imagine if this was shifted to research to find the right
cause of lung cancer in people who do not even smoke.

Once again, I do not say what I write here is true. Remember, research is always developing, but
unfortunately this latest research has not been disseminated to our society. Thats why I do it.

open your mind to a new thing ..

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