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Physical Benefits of Badminton

Playing badminton can improve one's hand-eye coordination, flexibility and balance because of the
agility that's required to aim correctly and move to hit the birdie when it comes to your side of the
court. It can help to improve cardiovascular endurance, as it is a form of aerobic exercise. You'll be
moving quickly on the court, which will get your heart rate up and help you to burn calories!

Other Benefits of Badminton

- Working together as a team helps a player to develop respect for teamwork, and a respect for how
each individual works together to form a cohesive unit.

- improves reflexes

- improves perception and coordination of movements

- technicality (awareness for small detail in a set of rules)

Simplified Rules of Badminton (Click)

All games are played to 21. Teams must win by 2 points. First team to earn 30 points, win.

One match = best out of 3 games

*In PE, however, we play for a time limit of 3-5 min. to allow equal time for all students on the court.*

Ready position = Bend legs, be ready to move (especially backward or forward) with racket head UP!

Serving (say the score with your score serving your opponents' score) "1 serving 0 means that your team
has 1 point"

- All serves must be underhand (forehand or backhand) and hit under the waist level (racket head must
be clearly under server's hand)

- (Middle School is allowed two chances to serve)

- Only switch sides when your team serves successfully and scores a point
(if your opponent serves it unsuccessfully or you win the rally, you earn the point but you don't switch
with your partner)

- Even numbered points on the serving side means you serve on the RIGHT

- Odd numbered points on the serving side means you serve on the LEFT

*Don't add the score;

If the score is 9 serving 3, the server is serving on the left.

If the score is 4 serving 5, the server is serving from the right.

You always say your score first!


- Rally Scoring - is a scoring system in which a point is scored on every single rally, regardless of which
team is serving the ball/shuttle or birdie. Thus, in rally scoring, points can be scored by either the serving
or receiving team

- If the receiving side wins a rally, the receiving side scores a point. The receiving side becomes the new
serving side

- If the serving side wins a rally, the serving side scores a point and the same server serves again from
the alternate service court. Always serve diagonal of the server in their service area or box.

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