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Emotions, Thoughts & Words

LIT 1 Poetry

Name: Elmhar B. Aton


PRETEST: Poetry in Voice Analysis!

Directions: Below is a famous line of Christopher Marlowe’s play entitled “The face that launched a
thousand ships”. Mark (/) if the word has stress syllable and (v) if the wordhas unstressed syllable.

Was (v) this (/) the (v) face (/) that (v) launch'd (/) a (v) thousand (v) ships (/)
And (v) burnt (/) the (v) topless (v) towers (v) of (/) Ilium? (/)
Sweet (v) Helen, (v) make (/) me (v) immortal (/) with (v) a (/) kiss. (v)
Her (v) lips (/) suck (v) forth (/) my (v) soul: (/) see (v) where (/) it (v) flies! (/)
Come, (v) Helen, (v) come, (/) give (v) me (/) my (v) soul (/) again. (v)
Here (v) will (/) I (v) dwell, (/) for (v) heaven (v) is (/) in (v) these (/) lips, (v)
And (v) all (/) is (v) dross (/) that (v) is (/) not (v) Helena. (/)

Activity 1: Checking the Metrical Feet!
1. Identify what type of pattern has been used in the poem through dissecting each line. Rewrite
the whole poem inside the box, mark it with foot sign (/) and provide an explanation to
support your answer.
By: Robert Frost
v / v / v / v / v /
A the / ory if / you hold / it hard / e-nough

v / v / v / v / v /
And long / e-nough / gets ra / ted as / a creed:
Emotions, Thoughts & Words

LIT 1 Poetry

v / v / v / v / v /
Such as / that flesh / is some / thing we / can slough

v / v / v / v / v /
So that / the mind / can be / en tire / ly freed.

v / v / v / v / v /
Then when / the arms / and legs / have at / ro phied,

v / v / v / v / v /
And brain / is all / that’s left / of mor / tal stuff,

v / v / v / v / v /
We can / lie on / the beach / with the / sea weed

v / v / v / v / v /
And take / our dai / ly tide / baths smooth / and rough.

v / v / v / v / v /
There once / we lay / as blobs / of jel / ly-fish

v / v / v / v / v /
At e / vo lu / tion’s op / po site / ex treme.

v / v / v / v / v /
But now / as blobs / of brain / we’ll lie / and dream,

v / v / v / v / v /
With on / ly one / ves ti / gial cre / ature wish:

v / v / v / v / v /
Oh, may / the tide / be soon / e-nough / at high

v / v / v / v / v /
To keep/ our ab/ stract verse/ from be/ ing dry.

After carefully studying the srhythmic pattern of the poem I found out that each line had five
iambic feet with the total of ten syllables which can be identify as iambic pantameter. Each foot is
considered iambic since it uses unaaccented/accented pattern throughout the poem. Studying each
syllables it is very evident that the begging syllable is unaccented or unstressed followed by accented
or stressed syllable which is predominantly arranged along the line.
Emotions, Thoughts & Words

LIT 1 Poetry

Assessment 1: Create Your Meter-Based Poem!
The Lonely Cats
By; Elmhar Aton

v / v /
/ Cats ne / ver tired /
v / v /
/to lone/ ly nights/
v / v /
/ cold wind / and numb Iambic Dimeter
v / v /
/wai - ting / no-thing /
v / v /
/in lone / ly dark /

v / v / v / v / v /
/The cat/ on the / roof may /get wild /and drunk
v / v / v / v / v /
/drow-ning /drink-ing / the bi / tter-nes / of llife/
v / v / v / v / v / Iambic
/spark -ling/ dark eyes / speak to / my soul / te-lling/
v / v / v / v / v /
/lov -ing / some-one / you should / ne-ver / get tired /
v / v / v / v / v /
/and to / some-one/you should /ne -ver / beg love

The poem I wrote consist of 2 stanzas the first stanza is written with 2 feet (dimeter)
consisting unaccented / accented syllables (iambic). The Second stanza is written in pantemeter ( with
five metric feet per line) written in iambic foot (unaacented /accented syllables).

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