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#21 Harrison Road Baguio City

School Year 2020 – 2021

WEEK 4: Performance Task

Click the link below and listen to some examples of song from Arnold Schoenberg.
After listening, describe the music of Schoenberg by accomplishing the task below.

1. Compare and conrast the music of Arnold Schoenberg and Claude Debussy. Give at least
two similarities and two differences.
Arnold Schoenberg uses a style called Serialism, he created new methods of musical composition involving atonality, serialism and
the 12-note
12-tone row. While Claude Debussy's music style is Classical, Jazz, and Romantic just like the other composers. Most of Arnold
Schoenberg's music/composition is kind of chaotic and sometimes the melody is not that clear and the tempo is quite fast even at
the beginning. While Claude Debussy's compositions usually starts of slowly at first and slowly builds up its tempo and the melody is
quite clear and not that chaotic compared to Arnold Schoenberg's compositions. Both their music is classical but their compositions
are presented/created in unique ways. Both their musics were created in the Romantic period and Early 20th Century.

2.Describe the music of Arnold Schoenberg through a drawing (How you felt after listening
to the song).

Expressionism in music explores the inner feelings conveyed through

intentional misinterpretation, distortion, and exaggeration of musical
Congratulation! You just finished your first module.
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