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Lemang method traditional has some drawbacks in terms of productivity of

work. It requires a lot of manpower, fuel consumption that is not exhaustive
and lemang cooked irregularly. The objective of this project is to produce a
prototype machine burn lemang using principles of oven operates without the
need for a workforce that is public. The production of prototype this involves
controlling mechanical pedal and allowed moves using chains. The prototype
is able to replace the traditional method of burning lemang and requires no
energy to manusiayang many to operate. The project was started by
producing technical drawings using CATIA software. Then based on the
sketches, this prototype was produced. Sprocket and chains used to produce
the movement rotate. This mechanical components connected to the
sprocket and chain. Through the experiments carried out, the results show
that the lemang completed burned in less than three and a half hours without
requiring the involvement of many humans. That decision has achieved the
objectives of the project.

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