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Left or Right Brain Dominance?

1.A□ I have fun without taking risks

B□ It’s fun to take risks.

2. A□ When one way works well, I don’t change it.

B□ I look for new ways to do old jobs.

3.A□ I finish a job before starting a new one

B□ I begin many jobs that I never finish

4.A□ I’m not very imaginative in my work

B□ I use my imagination in everything I do .

5.A□ I can analyze what is going to happen next

B□ I can sense what is going to happen next.

6.A□ I try to find the one best way to solve the problem
B□ I try to find different answers to problems.

7.A□ My thinking is like words going through my head.

B□ My thinking is like pictures going through my head.

8.A□ I have good self-discipline.

B□ I usually act on my feelings.

9. A□ I plan time for doing my work

B□ I don’t think about the time when I work.

10.A□ With a hard decision I choose what I know is right

B.□ With a hard decision I choose what I feel is right.

11.A□ Sometimes in a new situation, I don’t have any ideas .

B□ Sometimes in a new situation, I have too many ideas.

12.A□I have to have an orderly and well-planned life.

B□I have to have a lot of change and variety in my life.

13. A□I know I’m right, because I have good reasons.

B□ I know I’m right, even without good reasons.

14.A□ I keep everything in a particular place.

B□ Where I keep things depends on what I’m doing.

15.A□ I can follow anyone’s plans .

B□ I have to make my own plans.

16.A□ With a new task, I want to be told the best way to do it.
B□ With a new task, I want to find my own way of doing it.

Count only ‘B’ answers
0-3 left brain
4-6 moderate left
7-10 middle brain
11-12 moderate right brain
13-16 strong right

Left-brain dominance.
1. tend to think in a logical way
2. interested in what to do
3. are able to follow the guidance
4. love to work by themselves
5. attentive to details
6. analytical learners
Analytical thinkers Global thinkers
1.structured /planned 1. spontaneous
2.control feelings 2.let feeling go
3.logical , sequential 3.abstact, creative
Right-brain dominance 4.Remember names 4. remember faces
5.solve problems by breaking them 5.solve problems by looking at whole
1. may start from the apart
6.auditory/visual learners 6.kinesthetic learners
7.prefer to write and talk 7.preferto draw and handle objects
2. feel more than think
8.prefer multiple choice to think and learn
3. more creative/artistic
9.think of 1 thing at a time 9.look for similar qualities
4. interested in why they are
5. good team workers
6. global learners

Remembers names Intuitive
Responds to verbal Instructions and Remembers faces
explanations Responds to demonstrated
Experiments systematically and with illustrated or symbolic instructions
control Experiments randomly and
Makes objective judgments with less restraint
Planned and structured Makes subjective judgments
Prefers established , certain Fluid and spontaneous
information Prefers elusive , uncertain information
Analytic reader Synthesizing reader
Reliance on language in thinking Reliance on images in thinking and
and remembering remembering
Prefers talking and writing Prefers drawing and manipulating objects
Prefers multiple choice tests Prefers open-ended questions
Control feelings More free with feelings
Not good at interpreting Good at interpreting body language
body language Frequently uses metaphors
Rarely uses metaphors Favors intuitive problem solving
Favors logical problem solving

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