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Gear Terminology


The distance between the pitch circle and its tooth tip circle is called the addendum of
the gear.

Also, the distance between its root circle and the tip are called the tooth height (h) and
the over-all height of the gear is determined by the module (m) of the gear.
The total height of the gear is the sum of the addendum (ha = 1.00m) and the dedendum
(hf = 1.25m).

Formula :
h = 2.25m ( = addendum + dedendum)

The addendum value is the same as the module, and it is in mm.

Base circle

Many gears have tooth forms made up of involute curves called involute tooth forms. The
circle that serves as the basis for drawing the involute curve is the base circle (d b) which
size is determined by the pressure angle (α) and the pitch circle diameter (d ).

d b = d cosα
Base pitch - Gear Nomenclature

The length of the arc between the starting points of the involute curves of adjacent teeth in
the base circle of a gear, that is, the circumference of the base circle divided by the
number of teeth, is called the base pitch. This base pitch is equal to the normal pitch.
For a pair of gears, the condition for meshing is that the base pitch is equal for both gears.

Center distance

For a pair of gears in mesh, the distance between the centers of the two gears (the
minimum distance) is the center distance.

As shown below with the equation and the diagram, the center distance of the meshing
gears, a, is the sum of the pitch diameters (d1 and d2) divided by 2.
a = (d1 + d2) / 2

For example, if
then a = (40 + 80)/2
and the center distance is 60.

Also, if there is a limitation on the center distance, due for example to machine design
considerations, the center distance may be adjusted by shifting gears. (For more details,
please see a separate page.)

What is a circular pitch ?

A circular pitch is the distance between the corresponding points of the adjacent teeth
measured on the pitch circle. In other words, it is the space between the teeth.
In order for the gears to mesh properly, the meshing gear teeth must be of an equal size.
That is to say, the circular pitches must be equal.

If d is the pitch diameter and z is the number of teeth, its circular pitch p can be obtained by
the formula :
That is, the circular pitch is calculated by dividing the pitch circle circumference by the
number of teeth.

Because the above formula for the circular pitch contains the circular constant π, the
calculation becomes cumbersome.
For that reason, in general, π in the fornula is eliminated (by dividing the right side by π) to
obtain a clean numerical value of module m which is widely used.
In short, m = d /z becomes the formula for the module.

The diagram below shows the circular pitch graphically.

Circumferential Backlash
Backlash refers to the play (gap) between the tooth flanks of a pair of gears when they are
meshed. Among these, circumferential backlash is defined as the length of the arc of the
gap at the pitch circle.
1. Circumferential Backlash
2. Normal Backlash
3. Meshing Flank
4. Meshed Flank

mesh vi (gears) engranar⇒ vtr

backlash n uncountable (mechanism: space between) espacio de contragolpe nm + loc adj

backlash n uncountable (recoil between parts of mechanism) contragolpe nm

Recoil = retroceso sustantivo

el retroceso

backward motion backward,

also UK: backwards adv mainly US (towards the rear) hacia atrás loc adv

gap n (opening, break) (abertura) hueco nm

espacio nm
What is a contact point ?
A contact point is where a pair of gears touch each other. In the diagram below P1, P2 and
P3 are the contact points.

As shown in the diagram below, when involute gears mesh, the contact points of both gears
move along the line of action which is the common tangent of the two base circles.
At that moment, the trace that is created by the contact point is called the trajectory of the
contact point.


Spur gears are used to transmit motion between two parallel axes. In order to make them
transmit motion uniformly, the gears have to be conjugate gears. Gears use no
intermediate link or connector and transmit the motion by direct contact. In this method,
the surfaces of two bodies make a tangential contact. The two bodies have either a rolling
or a sliding motion along the tangent at the point of contact. No motion is possible along
the common normal as that will either break the contact or one body will tend to penetrate
into the other.

Spur gear arrangement is one of the most commonly used layouts. Normally it is possible
to have a maximum single gearing ratio of 8:1 between a single spur gear pair. Gear
boxes with spur gear trains have been built to transmit as much as 3000kw. Toothed gears
are distinguished by high efficiency, compact layout and reliable service. But they require
special equipment and machine tools for manufacturing and errors in the machining of the
teeth may cause vibration and noise during operation. In order that the angular velocity
ratio remains constant between mating gear wheels, the primary condition to be satisfied is
that common normal of the mating profiles should always pass through a fixed point.
Among many profiles which satisfy this requirement, involute profiles are extensively used.
In involute profile gears, the line of action remains unaltered and also the velocity ratio is
unaffected by the change in centre distance.


Pitch is defined as follows:

Pitch cylinders: Pitch cylinders of a pair of gears in mesh or the imaginary friction
cylinders, which by pure rolling together, transmit the same motion as the pair of gears.

Pitch Circle: It is the circle corresponding to a section of a equivalent pitch cylinder by a

plane normal to the wheel axis.

Pitch Diameter: It is the diameter of the pitch cylinder.

Pitch Surface: It is the surface of the pitch cylinder.

Pitch Point: The point of contact of two pitch circles is known as pitch point.

Line of Centres: A line through the centres of rotation of a pair of mating gears is the line
of centres.

Circular Pitch (p): It is the distance measured along the circumference of the pitch circle
from a point on one tooth to the corresponding point on the adjacent tooth.

P = πd/T


Where p = circular pitch, d=Pitch diameter, T = No. of teeth

Diametral pitch (P): It is the number of teeth per unit length of the pitch circle diameter in

P = T/d

Limitations of the diametral pitch are that it is not in terms of units of length, but in terms
of    teeth per unit length. Also, it can be seen that

pP = πd/T × T/d = π

The term diametral pitch is not used in S.I. units.

Module (m): It is the ratio of pitch circle diameter in mm to the number of teeth. Theterm is
used in S.I. units in place of diametral pitch.
m = d/T

Also, p = πd/T = πm

Pitch of two mating gears must be same.

Gear Ratio (i): It is the ratio of the number of teeth on the driver gear to

the driven gear.Fig. shows a basic understanding of gear ratio.

i = Z2/Z1= Driver teeth/Driven teeth

Where,     Z1 = Number of teeth on the driven gear.

Z2 = Number of teeth on the driver gear.

if  i > 1 , is known as speed increasing gear pair.

if  i < 1, is known as speed reducing gear pair.

Velocity Ratio (VR): Velocity ratio is defined as the ratio of the angular velocity of   the
driven gear to the angular velocity of  the driving gear.

Addendum: It is the radial height of a tooth above the pitch circle. Its standard value is
one module.

Addendum circle: It is the diameter of the cylinder which contains the tips of theteeth (tip
Dedendum: It is the radial distance from the pitch circle diameter to the dedendum circle
diameter of the gear.

Dedendum Circle: It is the diameter of the cylinder (called the root cylinder) which
touches tangentially to the bottom lands of the tooth spaces.

Clearance: It is the shortest distance between the tooth crest of one gear and the bottom
of the tooth space of the mating gear.

Whole Depth: It is the difference between the radius of the root cylinder and the tip 

Whole depth = Addendum + Dedendum

Working Depth: It is the maximum depth to which a tooth penetrates into the tooth  
space of the mating gear.

Working Depth = Sum of the addendums of the two gears.

Space Width: It is the width of the tooth space along the pitch circle.

Tooth Thickness: It is the thickness of the tooth measured along the pitch circle.

Face Width: The length of the tooth parallel to the gear axis is the face width.

Backlash: It is the difference between the space width and the tooth thickness alongthe
pitch circle.

Backlash = Space Width – Tooth Thickness

Centre distance: It is the length of a common perpendicular to the axes of two meshing

Contact ratio: It is the ratio of the length of line of action to the base circle.

Fillet: It is that portion of the tooth surface joining the tooth flank and the bottom of the
tooth space.

Fillet radius: It is the smallest radius of curvature of the fillet.

Base pitch: It is equal to the distance between the starting points of involutes of similar
flanks of two successive teeth, measured along the base circle.

Hunting tooth: If the gear tooth number is a simple multiple of pinion tooth number, same
pair of teeth will engage for every revolution of the gear. If the gear tooth is increased or by
reduced by one, i.e., by introducing a hunting tooth in the gear, wear in the teeth will be
distributed uniformly. However, there will be a small change in the velocity ratio and this
may be accepted.
Top Land: It is the surface of the top of the tooth.

Bottom Land: The surface of the bottom of the tooth between the adjacent fillets.

Face: Tooth surface between the pitch circle and the top lad.

Flank: Tooth surface between the pitch circle and the bottom land including fillet.

Fillet: It is the curved portion of the tooth flank at the root circle.

Line of action or pressure line: The force, which the driving tooth exerts on the driven
tooth, is along a line from the pitch point to the point of contact of the two teeth. This line is
also the common normal at the point of contact of the mating gears and is known as the
line of action or the pressure line.

Pressure Angle or Angle of Obliquity: The angle between the pressure line and the
common tangent to the pitch circles is known as the pressure angle or the angle of
obliquity. The effect of increasing the pressure angle are summarized as below:

1. The limiting number of teeth to avoid undercutting is lowered. That is to say if the
pressure angle is increased, pinions with comparatively lesser number of teeth can be
generated without undercutting.
2. The shape of the tooth becomes more pointed or peaked.
3. Tooth flank becomes more curved.
4. The relative sliding velocity is reduced.
5. The contact ratio and overlap are reduced.
6. The tooth pressure and axial pressure increases.
7. Tooth load – carrying capacity increases.

Path of contact or contact length: Locus of the point of contact of two mating teeth from
the beginning of engagement to the end of the engagement is known as path of contact or
contact length. It can be subdivided as follows,

Path of Approach: Portion of the path of contact from the beginning of engagement to the
pitch point.

Path of Recess: Portion of the path of contact from the pitch point to the end of

Arc of contact: Locus of a point on the pitch circle from the beginning to the end of
engagement of two mating gear is known as arc of contact. It can be subdivided as

Arc of approach: It is the portion of the arc of contact from the beginning of engagement
to the pitch point.

Arc of Recess: It is the portion of the arc of contact from the pitch point to the end of
engagement is the arc of recess.

The addendum is the height by which a tooth of a gear projects beyond (outside for
external) the standard pitch circle or pitch line; also, the radial distance between the pitch
diameter and the outside diameter.

clearance n (space, room to move) espacio libre nm + adj mf

    espacio nm

Addendum circle
The addendum circle coincides with the tops of the teeth of a gear and is concentric with
the standard (reference) pitch circle and radially distant from it by the amount of the
addendum. For external gears, the addendum circle lies on the outside cylinder while on
internal gears the addendum circle lies on the internal cylinder.
Pressure angle
Pressure angle in relation to gear teeth, also known as the angle of obliquity, is the angle between
the tooth face and the gear wheel tangent. It is more precisely the angle at a pitch point between
the line of pressure (which is normal to the tooth surface) and the plane tangent to the pitch
surface. The pressure angle gives the direction normal to the tooth profile. The pressure angle is
equal to the profile angle at the standard pitch circle and can be termed the "standard" pressure
angle at that point. Standard values are 14.5 and 20 degrees

backlash is clearance between mating components, or the amount of lost motion due to clearance
or slackness when movement is reversed and contact is re-established. In a pair of gears, backlash
is the amount of clearance between mated gear teeth.

backlash n uncountable (mechanism: space between) espacio de contragolpe nm +

loc adj

slackness = [of rope etc] flojedad,holgura

mate vi (gears: engage) encajar⇒ vi

engranar⇒ vi

reversed adj (turned back to front) invertido/a adj

Base circle

The base circle of an involute gear is the circle from which involute tooth profiles are

Base cylinder
The base cylinder corresponds to the base circle, and is the cylinder from which involute
tooth surfaces are developed.

Base diameter

The base diameter of an involute gear is the diameter of the base circle.
Center distance

Center distance (operating) is the shortest distance between non-intersecting axes. It is

measured along the mutual perpendicular to the axes, called the line of centers. It applies to
spur gears, parallel axis or crossed axis helical gears, and worm gearing.

Circular Pitch
The Circular Pitch defines the width of one tooth and one gap measured on an arc on the
pitch circle; in other words, this is the distance on the pitch circle from a point on one tooth
to the corresponding point on the adjacent tooth. This is equal to π divided by the Diametral

CP = Circular Pitch in inches

DP = Diametral Pitch

CP = 3.141 / DP

Circular pitch is the distance from a point on one tooth to the corresponding point on the
next tooth measured along the pitch circle
Diametral Pitch

The Diametral Pitch (DP) is the number of teeth per inch of diameter of the pitch circle.
The units of DP are inverse inches (1/in).

DP = Diametral Pitch

PD = Pitch Circle Diameter in inches

CP = Circular Pitch in inches

n = Number of Teeth

DP = n / PD

The Diametral Pitch (DP) is equal to π divided by the Circular Pitch (CP).

DP = 3.1416 / CP

Circular Pitch

the circular pitch of gears relates to the distance from one point of a gear tooth to another
tooth point measured along the pitch circle. The pitch circle is an imagined circle that
rotates in similar motions and circular rates as gear teeth. Circular pitch essentially
measures the space between different spot points in gear teeth.

To find the circular pitch of gear, divide the circumference of the pitch circle by the number
of gear teeth in a single gear. Circular pitches are not as common as diametrical pitch
specifications. Circular pitch is mainly used for larger diameter gears.

Diametrical Pitch

The diametrical pitch of gears relates to the ratio of gear teeth and pitch diameter. Pitch
diameter is the measured diameter of a pitch circle. Essentially, the diametrical pitch of a
gear is the number of gear teeth for each inch of pitch diameter.

In order to calculate the diametrical pitch, you must divide the number of teeth in a single
gear by its pitch diameter. Manufacturers can also calculate the diametrical pitch by
dividing pi by the circular pitch. While the circular pitch is mainly used for larger diameter
gears, the diametrical pitch is more common for most gear specifications. 

While these two pitch measurements may seem similar based on their calculations, they
relate to two different measurements. Circular pitch focuses on calculating the distance
between two points of gear teeth along the pitch circle line. In contrast, diametrical pitch
relates to the ratio of gear teeth and pitch diameter

rate n (speed, pace) ritmo nm

velocidad nf

gear ratio n (first and final gears) relación de transmisión nf + loc adj

Equivalent pitch radius

Equivalent pitch radius is the radius of the pitch circle in a cross section of gear teeth in
any plane other than a plane of rotation. It is properly the radius of curvature of the pitch
surface in the given cross section. Examples of such sections are the transverse section of
bevel gear teeth and the normal section of helical teeth.

Face width
The face width of a gear is the length of teeth in an axial plane. For double helical, it does
not include the gap.

Total face width is the actual dimension of a gear blank including the portion that exceeds
the effective face width, or as in double helical gears where the total face width includes
any distance or gap separating right hand and left hand helices.

For a cylindrical gear, effective face width is the portion that contacts the mating teeth. One
member of a pair of gears may engage only a portion of its mate.

Form diameter

Form diameter is the diameter of a circle at which the trochoid (fillet curve) produced by
the tooling intersects, or joins, the involute or specified profile. Although these terms are
not preferred, it is also known as the true involute form diameter (TIF), start of involute
diameter (SOI), or when undercut exists, as the undercut diameter. This diameter cannot be
less than the base circle diameter.

Gear center
A gear center is the center of the pitch circle.

Gear range
The gear range is difference between the highest and lowest gear ratios and may be
expressed as a percentage (e.g., 500%) or as a ratio (e.g., 5:1).
a helix angle is the angle between any helix and an axial line on its right, circular cylinder
or cone. Common applications are screws, helical gears, and worm gears.

The helix angle references the axis of the cylinder, distinguishing it from the lead angle,
which references a line perpendicular to the axis. Naturally, the helix angle is the geometric
complement of the lead angle. The helix angle is measured in degrees

In terms specific to screws, the helix angle can be found by unraveling the helix from the
screw, representing the section as a right triangle, and calculating the angle that is formed.
Note that while the terminology directly refers to screws, these concepts are analogous to
most mechanical applications of the helix angle.

The helix angle can be expressed as:


l is lead of the screw or gear

rm is mean radius of the screw thread or gear

Lead is the axial advance of a helix gear tooth during one complete turn (360°), that is, the
Lead is the axial travel (length along the axle) for one single complete helical revolution
about the pitch diameter of the gear.

Lead angle is 90° to the helix angle between the helical tooth face and an equivalent spur
tooth face. For the same lead, the lead angle is larger for smaller gear diameters. It is
understood to be measured at the standard pitch diameter unless otherwise specified.

A spur gear tooth has a lead angle of 90°, and a helix angle of 0°.
Lead (L) – is the axial advance of a helix for one complete turn, as in the teeth of helical gears.
L = π · D / Tan Ψ (D = Pitch Diameter, Ψ = Helix Angle)
Pitch Circle – is the circle through the pitch point having its center at the axis of the gear.
Hobbing is a machining process for making gears, splines, and sprockets using a
cylindrical tool with helical cutting teeth known as a hob

Index deviation
The displacement of any tooth flank from its theoretical position, relative to a datum tooth

Distinction is made as to the direction and algebraic sign of this reading. A condition
wherein the actual tooth flank position was nearer to the datum tooth flank, in the specified
measuring path direction (clockwise or counterclockwise), than the theoretical position
would be considered a minus (-) deviation. A condition wherein the actual tooth flank
position was farther from the datum tooth flank, in the specified measuring path direction,
than the theoretical position would be considered a plus (+) deviation.

The direction of tolerancing for index deviation along the arc of the tolerance diameter
circle within the transverse plane
Involute gear

The involute gear profile is the most commonly used system for gearing today, In an
involute gear, the profiles of the teeth are involutes of a circle. The involute of a circle is
the spiraling curve traced by the end of an imaginary taut string unwinding itself from that
stationary circle called the base circle, or (equivalently) a triangle wave projected on the
circumference of a circle.

Two involute gears, the left driving the right: Blue arrows show the contact forces between
them (1) downward force applied by the left gear and (2) upward resistance by the right
gear. The force line (or line of action) runs along the long leg of dashed blue line which is a
tangent common to both base circles. The involutes here are traced out in converse
fashion: points of contact move along the stationary force-vector "string" as if it was being
unwound from the left rotating base circle, and wound onto the right rotating base circle. In
this situation, there is no force, and so no contact needed, along the opposite [lower left to
upper right] common tangent (not shown). In other words, if the teeth were slightly
narrower while everything else remained the same there would be a gap above each tooth
on the left gear, because downward force is being applied by it.

The involute gear profile was a fundamental advance in machine design, since unlike with
other gear systems, the tooth profile of an involute gear depends only on the number of
teeth on the gear, pressure angle, and pitch. That is, a gear's profile does not depend on
the gear it mates with. Thus, n and m tooth involute spur gears with a given pressure angle
and pitch will mate correctly, independently of n and m. This dramatically reduces the
number of shapes of gears that need to be manufactured and kept in inventory.

In involute gear design, contact between a pair of gear teeth occurs at a single
instantaneous point (see figure at right) where two involutes of the same spiral hand meet.
Contact on the other side of the teeth is where both involutes are of the other spiral hand.
Rotation of the gears causes the location of this contact point to move across the
respective tooth surfaces. The tangent at any point of the curve is perpendicular to the
generating line irrespective of the mounting distance of the gears. Thus the line of the
force follows the generating line, and is thus tangent to the two base circles, and is known
as the line of action (also called pressure line or line of contact). When this is true, the
gears obey the fundamental law of gearing:

The angular velocity ratio between two gears of a gearset must remain constant
throughout the mesh.

This property is required for smooth transmission of power with minimal speed or torque
variations as pairs of teeth go into or come out of mesh, but is not required for low-speed

Where the line of action crosses the line between the two centres, it is called the pitch
point of the gears, where there is no sliding contact.

The distance actually covered on the line of action is then called line of contact. The line of
contact begins at the intersection between the line of action and the addendum circle of
the driven gear and ends at the intersection between the line of action and the addendum
circle of the driving gear.

The pressure angle is the acute angle between the line of action and a normal to the line
connecting the gear centers. The pressure angle of the gear varies according to the
position on the involute shape, but pairs of gears must have the same pressure angle in
order for the teeth to mesh properly, so specific portions of the involute must be matched.

While any pressure angle can be manufactured, the most common stock gears have a 20°
pressure angle, with 14½° and 25° pressure angle gears being much less common.
Increasing the pressure angle increases the width of the base of the gear tooth, leading to
greater strength and load carrying capacity. Decreasing the pressure angle provides lower
backlash, smoother operation and less sensitivity to manufacturing errors.

Most common stock gears are spur gears, with straight teeth. Most gears used in higher-
strength applications are helical involute gears where the spirals of the teeth are of
different hand, and the gears rotate in opposite direction. Also there are various
researches on gears with a teeth with non-involute curve profile.

Only used in limited situations are helical involute gears where the spirals of the teeth are
of the same hand, and the spirals of the two involutes are of different "hand" and the line of
action is the external tangents to the base circles (like a normal belt drive whereas normal
gears are like a crossed-belt drive), and the gears rotate in the same direction, such as
can be used in limited-slip differentials [clarification needed] because of their low efficiencies, and in
locking differentials when the efficiencies are less than zero.
Involute polar angle
Expressed as θ, the involute polar angle is the angle between a radius vector to a point, P,
on an involute curve and a radial line to the intersection, A, of the curve with the base

Involute roll angle

Expressed as ε, the involute roll angle is the angle whose arc on the base circle of radius
unity equals the tangent of the pressure angle at a selected point on the involute
Involute teeth

Involute teeth of spur gears, helical gears, and worms are those in which the profile in a
transverse plane (exclusive of the fillet curve) is the involute of a circle.

Bottom land

The bottom land is the surface at the bottom of a gear tooth space adjoining the fillet.

Top land

Top land is the (sometimes flat) surface of the top of a gear tooth.

Line of centers
The line of centers connects the centers of the pitch circles of two engaging gears; it is also
the common perpendicular of the axes in crossed helical gears and worm gears. When one
of the gears is a rack, the line of centers is perpendicular to its pitch line.

The module is the measure of gear tooth size which is normally used for metric system
gears. It is similar to the Diametral Pitch (DP), which is commonly used for UK system
(inch measure) gears but they differ in the units used and in that they bear a reciprocal
relationship. Module is the pitch circle diameter divided by the number of teeth. Module
may also be applied to UK system gears, using inch units, but this usage is not in common
use. Module is commonly expressed in units of millimeters (mm).

MM = Metric Module

PD = Pitch Circle Diameter in mm

n = Number of Teeth
MM = PD / n

UK system (inch measure) gears are more commonly specified with the Diametral Pitch
(DP) which is the number of teeth per inch of diameter of the pitch circle. The units of DP
are inverse inches (1/in).

DP = Diametral Pitch

PD = Pitch Circle Diameter in inches

n = Number of Teeth

DP = n / PD

When converting between module and DP there is an inverse relationship and normally a
conversion between the two units of measure (inches and millimeter). Taking both of these
into consideration the formulae for conversion are:

MM = 25.4 / DP


DP = 25.4 / MM

Normal module
Normal module is the value of the module in a normal plane of a helical gear or worm.

Normal plane
A normal plane is normal to a tooth surface at a pitch point, and perpendicular to the pitch
plane. In a helical rack, a normal plane is normal to all the teeth it intersects. In a helical
gear, however, a plane can be normal to only one tooth at a point lying in the plane surface.
At such a point, the normal plane contains the line normal to the tooth surface.

Important positions of a normal plane in tooth measurement and tool design of helical teeth
and worm threads are:

1. the plane normal to the pitch helix at side of tooth;

2. the plane normal to the pitch helix at center of tooth;
3. the plane normal to the pitch helix at center of space between two teeth

In a spiral bevel gear, one of the positions of a normal plane is at a mean point and the
plane is normal to the tooth trace.

Outside cylinder
The outside (tip or addendum) cylinder is the surface that coincides with the tops of the
teeth of an external cylindrical gear.

Outside diameter
The outside diameter of a gear is the diameter of the addendum (tip) circle.

A pinion is a round gear and usually refers to the smaller of two meshed gears.

Pitch circle
A pitch circle (operating) is the curve of intersection of a pitch surface of revolution and a
plane of rotation. It is the imaginary circle that rolls without slipping with a pitch circle of a
mating gear. These are the outlines of mating gears. Many important measurements are
taken on and from this circle.

Pitch helix
The pitch helix is the intersection of the tooth surface and the pitch cylinder of a helical
gear or cylindrical worm.

Base helix

The base helix of a helical, involute gear or involute worm lies on its base cylinder.

Base helix angle

Base helix angle is the helix angle on the base cylinder of involute helical teeth or threads.

Base lead angle

Base lead angle is the lead angle on the base cylinder. It is the complement of the base
helix angle.

Outside helix

The outside (tip or addendum) helix is the intersection of the tooth surface and the outside
cylinder of a helical gear or cylindrical worm.

Outside helix angle

Outside helix angle is the helix angle on the outside cylinder

Outside lead angle

Outside lead angle is the lead angle on the outside cylinder. It is the complement of the
outside helix angle.
Normal helix

A normal helix is a helix on the pitch cylinder, normal to the pitch helix.

Pitch line
The pitch line corresponds, in the cross section of a rack, to the pitch circle (operating) in
the cross section of a gear.

Pitch point
The pitch point is the point of tangency of two pitch circles (or of a pitch circle and pitch
line) and is on the line of centers.

Pitch surfaces

Pitch surfaces are the imaginary planes, cylinders, or cones that roll together without
slipping. For a constant velocity ratio, the pitch cylinders and pitch cones are circular.

Pitch plane
The pitch plane of a pair of gears is the plane perpendicular to the axial plane and tangent
to the pitch surfaces. A pitch plane in an individual gear may be any plane tangent to its
pitch surface.

The pitch plane of a rack or in a crown gear is the imaginary planar surface that rolls
without slipping with a pitch cylinder or pitch cone of another gear. The pitch plane of a
rack or crown gear is also the pitch surface.

Transverse plane

The transverse plane is perpendicular to the axial plane and to the pitch plane. In gears
with parallel axes, the transverse and the plane of rotation coincide.

Principal directions
Principal directions are directions in the pitch plane, and correspond to the principal cross
sections of a tooth.

The axial direction is a direction parallel to an axis.

The transverse direction is a direction within a transverse plane.

The normal direction is a direction within a normal plane

Profile angle

Profile radius of curvature

Fillet radius

Profile radius of curvature is the radius of curvature of a tooth profile, usually at the pitch
point or a point of contact. It varies continuously along the involute profile.

Rack and pinion

Main article: Rack and pinion

Radial composite deviation

Total composite variation trace

Tooth-to-tooth radial composite deviation (double flank) is the greatest change in center
distance while the gear being tested is rotated through any angle of 360 degree/z during
double flank composite action test.

Tooth-to-tooth radial composite tolerance (double flank) is the permissible amount of

tooth-to-tooth radial composite deviation.

Total radial composite deviation (double flank) is the total change in center distance while
the gear being tested is rotated one complete revolution during a double flank composite
action test.

Total radial composite tolerance (double flank) is the permissible amount of total radial
composite deviation.

Root angle
Root angle in a bevel or hypoid gear, is the angle between an element of the root cone and
its axis.

Root circle

External gear

Internal gear
Root Circles for internal & external gears
The root circle coincides with the bottoms of the tooth spaces.

Root cone

Principal dimensions

The root cone is the imaginary surface that coincides with the bottoms of the tooth spaces
in a bevel or hypoid gear.

Root cylinder
The root cylinder is the imaginary surface that coincides with the bottoms of the tooth
spaces in a cylindrical gear.

Shaft angle

Shaft angle

A shaft angle is the angle between the axes of two non-parallel gear shafts. In a pair of
crossed helical gears, the shaft angle lies between the oppositely rotating portions of two
shafts. This applies also in the case of worm gearing. In bevel gears, the shaft angle is the
sum of the two pitch angles. In hypoid gears, the shaft angle is given when starting a
design, and it does not have a fixed relation to the pitch angles and spiral angles.

Spiral gear
See: Crossed helical gear.

Spiral bevel gear

Main article: Spiral bevel gear

Spur gear

Spur gear

A spur gear has a cylindrical pitch surface and teeth that are parallel to the axis.

Spur rack
A spur rack has a planar pitch surface and straight teeth that are at right angles to the
direction of motion.

Standard pitch circle

The standard pitch circle is the circle which intersects the involute at the point where the
pressure angle is equal to the profile angle of the basic rack.

Standard pitch diameter

The standard reference pitch diameter is the diameter of the standard pitch circle. In spur
and helical gears, unless otherwise specified, the standard pitch diameter is related to the
number of teeth and the standard transverse pitch. Standard reference pitch diameter can be
estimated by taking average of gear teeth tips diameter and gear teeth base diameter.
The pitch diameter is useful in determining the spacing between gear centers because
proper spacing of gears implies tangent pitch circles. The pitch diameters of two gears may
be used to calculate the gear ratio in the same way the number of teeth is used.

Where is the total number of teeth, is the circular pitch, is the diametrical pitch, and is the
helix angle for helical gears.

Standard reference pitch diameter

The standard reference pitch diameter is the diameter of the standard pitch circle. In spur
and helical gears, unless otherwise specified, the standard pitch diameter is related to the
number of teeth and the standard transverse pitch. It is obtained as:

Test radius
The test radius (Rr) is a number used as an arithmetic convention established to simplify
the determination of the proper test distance between a master and a work gear for a
composite action test. It is used as a measure of the effective size of a gear. The test radius
of the master, plus the test radius of the work gear is the set up center distance on a
composite action test device. Test radius is not the same as the operating pitch radii of two
tightly meshing gears unless both are perfect and to basic or standard tooth thickness.

Throat diameter

Worm gear diameters

The throat diameter is the diameter of the addendum circle at the central plane of a worm
gear or of a double-enveloping worm gear.

Throat form radius

Throat form radius is the radius of the throat of an enveloping worm gear or of a double-
enveloping worm, in an axial plane.

Tip radius
Tip radius

Tip radius is the radius of the circular arc used to join a side-cutting edge and an end-
cutting edge in gear cutting tools. Edge radius is an alternate term.

Tip relief

Tip relief

Tip relief is a modification of a tooth profile whereby a small amount of material is

removed near the tip of the gear tooth.

Tooth surface

Profile of a spur gear

Notation and numbering for an external gear Notation

and numbering for an internal gear

The tooth surface (flank) forms the side of a gear tooth.

It is convenient to choose one face of the gear as the reference face and to mark it with the
letter “I”. The other non-reference face might be termed face “II”.
For an observer looking at the reference face, so that the tooth is seen with its tip
uppermost, the right flank is on the right and the left flank is on the left. Right and left
flanks are denoted by the letters “R” and “L” respectively.

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