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Supporting Lecturer:
Alfi Suci Dirgantari, S.Pd., M.Pd

Arrenged by:
English E Group 8

Aliya Fitria 07211006

Muhammad ‘Ilmi Khairul I. 07211055
Reylanda Aran Apriza 10211079
Arya Pandu Dewananta S. 13211005



The sea is one of the important sources of life for life both in the waters and on land. The
sea is also the largest part of salt water that covers 70% of the earth's surface.
The marine ecosystem has 3 main ecosystems, including coral reefs, seagrasses, and
mangroves. The three ecosystems above are related to each other, if one of these ecosystems is
damaged, it can have a bad impact on other ecosystems. Marine ecosystems have a big role, both
for organisms in the sea and humans. The role of marine ecosystems for humans is to withstand
waves, tourist attractions, food defense milestones, carbon sinks, development of human resource
areas, and the largest oxygen producer on the earth. Unfortunately, currently our marine
ecosystem faces many problems, including over-utilization, waste disposal, mining or oil
activities, garbage, and mangrove logging,
Marine pollution is the entry of chemical particles, industrial, agricultural and residential
waste, storage, or invasive (foreign) dispersal into the sea, which may cause harmful effects.
Marine pollution is one of the problems that exist in the world because as we know that the
sea provides many things for life in the waters, even on land, one example is as the largest
producer of oxygen.
Pollution can also be interpreted as a form of Environmental Impairment, namely the
presence of disturbance, change, or destruction (Silalahi, 2001). the effect not only covers all
activities that take place at sea, but also about the activities that take place in the coastal area
including river mouths connected to the sea. Basically that sea has a natural ability to neutralize
incoming contaminants into it. However, if these pollutants exceed the limit the ability of
seawater to neutralize it, then the condition is categorized as pollution. Meanwhile, according to
UNCLOS 1982 article 1 (4), the sea is pollution of the marine environment means the entry of
humans, directly or indirectly, substances or energy into the marine environment, including
estuaries, which result in or are likely to result in deleterious effects such as: endangering
biological resources and marine biota, danger to human health, disturbance to 9 marine activities,
including fishing and other lawful uses of the sea, reduction or quality of sea water use and
reduction of amnesty.
The above definition gives the meaning that pollution of the marine environment means
the inclusion by humans, directly or indirectly, of materials or energy into the marine
environment, resulting in damage to the richness of marine life and life in the sea, danger to
human health, disturbance to activities at sea, including fishing and decrease in the quality of the
use of sea water.”
Marine pollution has a significant impact on the surrounding environment, especially if the
surrounding is a residential area where the population in general makes a living as seafarers or
fisherman. Population settlements are increasingly widespread, making more increase in
household industrial products which will result in industrial area development in big cities.
Industry in urban areas has positive influence to produce goods (products) and services that can be
improve people's lives. In addition, it has a negative impact because can cause pollution, both
water, soil and air pollution. Thing This will trigger pollution in coastal and marine waters,
because all waste from land, both from urban settlements and sourced from industrial areas, in the
end empties into the beach or sea. Pollution will be bad for life or the marine environment
depending on where the contamination occurs. This has a negative impact on fertility biological
productivity in the ocean is unequally divided.
Pollutants that enter the marine environment can come from: various sources, viewed in
terms of the substance of the waste as a unit sources of waste that pollute coastal and marine areas
can classified into:
1. Household waste
Household waste enters marine waters directly from the outfall in 10 the shore, from the
coast, from rivers that empty into the sea and from streams rainwater. In Indonesia,
pollution caused by households has occurred a lot. especially in big cities located in coastal
areas and near the coast
2. Industrial waste
Industrial waste comes from various factories, including industry food and beverage, oil
refining, metal jewelry, manufacturing steel/metal, paper mills and organic and inorganic
chemical factories other. Some of them contain elements that are very toxic, usually in the
form of acids, bases, heavy metals, and organic poisonous. In Indonesia, lack of awareness
of the dangers of industrial waste be an obstacle to be faced. For example in Surabaya, from
1563 industries that have the potential to cause pollution environment, only 87 companies
have Water Treatment Plants Waste (WWTP). This means that only about 5% of the total
existing industry has treat the waste it produces. One example sewage pipe from industry
which is channeled directly to the body water.
3. Solid waste
Solid waste that is dumped into the sea in the form of garbage is one of the the main
ingredients contained in the waste disposal. In Indonesia, trash which is thrown into the sea
is actually quite a lot and at this time includes in dire conditions, especially in the waters of
Jakarta Bay and several other waters in Indonesia. This waste can be in the form of food,
paper, plastic, bottles, cans, even household appliances or vehicles that are no longer usable.
Besides, habit Indonesian people who still often throw garbage carelessly to a body of water
which will then flow carrying the garbage ended up in the ocean. The condition of the
coastal area is filled by trash.
4. Sediment
Sediment carries material from land that is washed away by river water, and Most of it
settles in coastal and coastal areas. This type of waste dangerous for marine life, because the
turbidity caused covering the gills or filtering elements in animals that eat how to filter
water In addition, turbidity also causes disturbance penetration of sunlight that enters the
5. Oil Exploration and Production Waste
Offshore oil industry operating activities result in burden serious pollution in certain
locations, ranging from heat pollution, turbidity due to dissolved solids, to chemical
contamination of materials organic and hazardous metals. Some hazardous waste is
generated such as highly toxic drilling and cutting muds, produce water, drill cutting,
The world's governments must immediately address the policy aspects to actions in the field
that are not momentarily oriented and ceremonial, such as beach clean-up activities. In this case,
many people will be involved to reduce pollution of the marine environment. One thing that must
be done is to increase public awareness to participate in waste management. Not only waste
management but also can provide direction in daily behavior. Another effort that can be done is to
provide lessons for fishermen to be more careful in refueling at sea and check the condition and
quality of the engine to reduce oil leaks when traveling.
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