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Digestive System Lab Worksheet

Name: Edward Johnston

Please use the modules in the Visible Body Classroom (Chs. 38 - 42) to complete this worksheet. Turn
the completed worksheets in to the Digestive System Lab assignment in d2l. Please see Visible Body
Tutorial document in d2l if you need help in using the chapters posted in the software.


Fill words to complete the sentence when seeing this type of blank ___1___.

These questions use Ch. 38 (digestive system overview)

38.1 - Digestive overview

When does the digestive process begin?

1) When food is taken into the mouth

Describe the path of the bolus from the oral cavity to the stomach:

2) oral cavity, Oropharynx, pharynx, esophagus, stomach

Once in the stomach, the bolus when mixed with digestive enzymes and acids is called:

3) Chyme

Involuntary muscle contractions, called ___4___, are used to move particles through the digestive
system and to mechanically breakdown particles in the stomach.

4) peristaltic waves

Most absorption of nutrients into the body takes place in the:

5) small intestine

The ___6___ has some limited absorption, but mostly contains indigestible waste that is compacted
before removal from the body.
6) large intestine

38.2 - Digestive Anatomy

What is the last organ (along the pathway of food particles) found in the Upper alimentary canal?

7) the stomach

What is the first organ (along the pathway of food particles) found in the Upper alimentary canal?

8) The mouth /oral cavity (teeth first contact)

List two accessory organs for the digestive system

9) salivary glands

10) teeth

38.3 - Digestive Process

Which section of the alimentary canal absorbs large volumes of water?

11) Large intestine

Waste is eliminated from the alimentary canal through which sections?

12) rectum and anal canal

38.4 - Alimentary canal

By length, what is the longest component of the alimentary canal?

13) small intestine

What are the four tissue layers of the alimentary canal wall?

14) mucosa

15) submucosa
16) muscularis

17) serosa

38.5 - Digestive juices

What is the function of digestive juices?

18) to break down and extract nutrients from food

List five digestive juices and list where those juices enter into the alimentary canal:

19) Bile- enters duodenum from bile duct

20) Pancreatic juice- enters duodenum from pancreatic duct

21) Saliva- Salivary glands

22) Gastric Juice- gastric glands

23) Intestinal juice- intestinal walls

38.6 - Production of digestive juices

Which six organs are involved in production or secretion of digestive juices?

24) Salivary glands

25) Intestines

26) Liver

27) Pancreas

28) Gall Bladder

29) Stomach

These questions use Ch. 39 (oral cavity)

39.1 - Structures of the oral cavity

What is the function of the epiglottis?

30) to push / pull bolus down the esophagus

What is the digestive function of teeth?

31) to chew food and break down with the help of saliva

39.2 - Oral cavity

Describe the location of the hard and soft palates in the oral cavity:

32) The palate divides the nasal cavity from the oral cavity, with the hard palate being positioned
anteriorly and the soft palate posteriorly from each other. It forms both the roof of the mouth and the
floor of the nasal cavity.

What is a function of the hard palate?

33) The palate divides the nasal cavity from the oral cavity- provides structure

39.3 - Chewing & swallowing

What is the function of saliva?

34) Aid in mechanical and chemical break down of bolus/ food

Which steps in the swallow reflex are involuntary?

35) The bolus passing through the pharynx, the epiglottis closing off the trachea, and peristaltic waves
moving the bolus into the stomach.

39.5 - Teeth

How many teeth are found in adults?

36) 32
Anatomically, the upper teeth are referred to collectively as the ___37___, and the lower teeth are
referred to as the ___38___

37) upper dental arch

38) lower dental arch

39.6 - Upper arch & 39.7 - Lower arch

List the five types of teeth, and list how many are found within each group on the upper or lower arch:

39) central incisors- 2 upper arch 2 lower arch

40) lateral incisors- 2 upper arch 2 lower arch

41) canines- 2 upper arch 2 lower arch

42) premolars- 4 upper arch 4 lower arch

43) molars- 6 upper arch 6 lower arch

A wisdom tooth is also referred to as a ___44___ molar.

44) third

Which teeth groups are involved in cutting and tearing food?

45) canines

Which teeth groups are involved in crushing food?

46) premolars and molars

39.8 - Tooth cross-section

Which bone are teeth connected to in the upper arch?

47) maxilla
Which bone are teeth connected to in the lower arch?

48) mandible

On the crown, teeth are covered on the outer surface by ___49___, which is the hardest tissue in the

49) enamel

39.9 & 39.10 - Tongue

What anchors the tongue to the skeleton and help move it?

53) extrinsic muscles

Taste buds are located in ___54___ on the surface of the tongue.

54) papillae

39.12 - Salivary glands

The largest salivary glands are the:

55) Parotid glands

Which glands drain saliva into the oral cavity via the submandibular ducts?

56) submandibular glands

These questions use Ch. 40 (esophagus & stomach)

40.1 - Peristalsis

What is peristalsis?
57) contraction and retraction of smooth muscles in the alimentary canal

How many peristaltic waves are needed to move a bolus from the esophagus to the stomach?

58) one

40.2 - Peristalsis of alimentary canal

List four sections of the alimentary canal that undergo peristalsis

59) esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine

40.3 - Esophagus

What is the name of the section of the pharynx that connects with the esophagus?

60) Laryngopharynx

What is the name of the opening in the diaphragm that the esophagus passes through?

61) esophageal hiatus

What is the sphincter muscle that controls the opening/connection between the esophagus and the

62) cardiac sphincter

40.4 - Esophagus histology

Which layer of the esophageal wall contains stratified squamous epithelial cells which protect the
esophagus from possible mechanical damage from food particles?

63) Inner mucosa

Which layer of the esophageal wall secretes mucus that helps with bolus movement?

64) Submucosa
40.5 - Stomach regions

What are the four regions of the stomach?

65) cardia, fundus, body, and pyloric region

Chyme enters the duodenum through the ___66___.

66) pyloric sphincter

In terms of musculature, how is the stomach different than the rest of the alimentary canal?

67) The stomach has three layers of muscles compared to just two

40.6 - Stomach wall

What are the muscle layers in the stomach?

68) longitudinal, circular, oblique

What are rugae, and what is their function?

69) folds that allow the stomach to expand when necessary

These questions use Ch. 41 (accessory organs of digestion)

41.1 - Accessory organs

What are the three accessory organs found in the abdominal cavity?

70) liver, gall bladder, pancreas

41.2 - Liver segments

What is the primary function of the liver with regard to digestion?

71) secrete bile

Bile is used for the chemical digestion of which compound?

72) fats

41.3 - Liver ligaments

What is the name of the large ligament that separates the left and right lobes of the liver?

73) Falciform ligament

41.4 - Hepatic portal system

The hepatic portal vein collects and passes to the liver blood that has already passed through capillary
beds in which 6 organs?

74) stomach, intestines, colon, spleen, pancreas, gall bladder

41.5 - Pancreas, liver, & gall bladder

Which duct connects directly to the gall bladder?

75) cystic duct

Bile drains out of the liver directly via which duct?

76) left and right common hepatic ducts

The above two ducts join to form the:

77) common bile duct

The joined duct above unites with the pancreatic duct at the:

78) hepatopancreatic ampulla

Digestive substances from the pancreas, liver, and gall bladder all enter the alimentary canal in which

79) duodenum
41.6 - Bile ducts

When the liver produces bile, there are two options for what happens to that bile. Describe these two

80) enters the common bile duct and pass through the duodenum or enters cystic duct to be stored in
the gall bladder

41.7 - Pancreatic ducts

What are the two locations that pancreatic juice can enter the duodenum?

81) main pancreatic duct or accessory pancreatic duct

These questions use Ch. 42 (small and large intestines)

42.1 - Absorption

Most absorption in the small intestines occurs through which structures of the intestinal wall?

82) villi

Fatty acids enter the lymphatic system through which structures?

83) lacteals

Other, non-fatty acid, nutrients are absorbed into ___84___.

84) the large intestine?

42.2 - Absorption structures

Describe how the shape of villi help with absorption:

85) increase in surface area available for absorption

42.4 - Small intestine

List the three sections of the small intestine and describe their general anatomical position within the

86) duodenum- 25cm short, wide stretch of the small intestine that lies on the right side of the
vertebral column superior to jejunum and ileum

87) jejunum- Middle portion of small intestine inferior to duodenum

88) ileum- to the right of the jejunum and inferior to the duodenum

42.6 - Large intestine

List the three main sections of the large intestine and describe their general position in relation to each

89) cecum- superior to rectum and to the left running perpendicular with descending colon inferior to
ascending colon

90) colon- superior cecum and rectum

91) rectum- inferior colon and cecum

The appendix serves a role in the ___92___ system by containing gut-associated lymphoid tissue

92) lymphatic

42.7 - Colon regions

List the three sections of the colon and describe their general position in relation to each other:

93) ascending and descending colons- inferior to transverse colon, and superior sigmoid colon

94) transverse colon- superior to ascending and descending colon

95) sigmoid colon- inferior to ascending and descending colon

42.8 - Taenia Coli

What are taenia coli, and what is their function?

96) bands of longitudinal muscle that produce haustra or bulges

42.9 - Large intestine

What is the name of the connection between the ileum and the cecum?

97) ileocolic valve/ orifice

Undigested carbohydrates and other materials are broken down by ___98___, which live in the large

98) bacteria

The digestion described above releases which 2 vitamins from previously undigested material that can
now be absorbed by the body?

99) B and K

Stool is compacted by the absorption of ___100___.

100) water

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