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Group no.


Pedestrian tunnel


Science, Technology, Engineering

and Math KFS High school
1|Page Group 18110




Ministry of education
STEM Egypt
Ahmed Hisham
Code \ 1822009

Abd ElRaouf Mohamed

Code \ 1822020

Hamza Mohamed
Code \ 1822015

Ahmed Anwar
Code \ 1822006

Mahmoud AboElros
Code \ 1822043

There are a lot of problems that face most of the planet countries
and Egypt is not an exception. These problems are considered
Egypt grand challenges as they don’t only form an obstacle for
Egypt’s stability and renaissance but also affect Egypt socially,
economically, environmentally, and stop the government from
developing itself, making it considered one among the developing
countries despite having the elemental factors alongside the
acceptable human, natural and artificial resources giving it
countless chances to stay up with the planet daily developing and
provides it opportunities to steer the planet , so solving these
challenges must be as fast and final as we will , there are about
eleven grand challenges that face Egypt and that we are getting to
discuss below.

Present and Justify a Problem and Solution

Egypt Grand Challenges

II. Error! Reference source not found.
III. Error! Reference source not found.

Sources of information we depended on:-

The internet is the biggest source of information we depend on in our capstone. The internet provides a lot of information
about any object you have if you search in challenges, prior solutions or current solutions we get a lot of information we
need. But there are sites that aren’t true as anyone can write on it and make deformation on the information. So if you want
to use the internet collect your information from articles, journals or scientists sites and try to get the best key ward about
your object. We can also make experiments about out project to know its results. These experiments are very useful as we
know every step and we can use it as a video to have evidence.

How the research about the problems helped us:

The research thought us many skills as we learned how to solve the problem with the best way like the EDP first we
should identify the problem then search about it and search for the prior solution for this problem and then make a test
plan for this solution, so the search is the best thing for the solution to know anything in our problem. Also the research
teaches us many things that we thought it wrong and percentages that we can't find them after the search.

List of sources and links that we depended on: -


Other Solutions Already Tried

Generating and Defending a Solution

I. Solution and Design Requirements

Selection of solution

Selection of prototype

Constructing and Testing a Prototype

I. Materials and Methods
II. Test plan
III. Data Collection

Evaluation, Reflection, Recommendations

I. Analysis and Discussion
II. Recommendations :-
III. Learning Outcomes :-

Egypt Grand Challenges
• Reduce and adapt to the effect of climatic change: -
• Recycle garbage and waste for economic and environmental purposes
• Deal with urban congestion and its consequences.
• Work to eradicate public health issues/disease.
• Increase the industrial and agricultural bases of Egypt.
• Address and reduce pollution fouling our air, water, and soil.
• Improve uses of arid areas.
• Manage and increase the sources of clean water.
• Error! Reference source not found..
• Improve the scientific and technological environment for all.
• Improve the use of alternate energies.

Recycle garbage and waste for economic and environmental purposes
Now, Egypt faces a huge waste recycling problem. The previous government tried to dismantle it with forced
conscription, but it failed. Now it looks a lot like the mountains of trash that can be found everywhere. Egypt
faces a big problem in the solid waste management crisis, for example:
-There are 14,000 quantities of daily waste produced in Cairo that are still not recyclable.
- The reasons: -
• High pollution and increased waste production.
• The lack of infrastructure for waste collection and disposal facilities. • Not relying
on garbage and waste recycling.
• The illegal disposal of domestic and industrial waste.
• Solid waste management has given priority to coffee in Egypt.

Recycling is the process of collecting and changing old paper, glass, plastic, etc. for use and enjoyment.
Recycling has many benefits such as: -
• Helps protect the environment, and recycling reduces the need to extract, refine and process raw materials.
All this creates significant air and pollution.
• Energy saving because the use of recycled materials will reduce the restrictions imposed on the production
of completely new products that reach new raw materials. Also, it could reduce greenhouse gasses helping to
cope with global climate change.
• Saves resources by reducing the use of raw materials.
• Saving Money.
• Reducing the dimensions of landfills.
• It offers cash benefits.
• Encouraging the use of environmentally friendly technologies.
- Steps to recycling material
First step: collecting garbage and waste households must sort their garbage in various categories before
discarding it. In Egypt that does not happen so garbage collectors must sort them.
Step 2: Manufacturing … In this step the wasted materials become new products. This material like
(Newspapers and paper towels, Aluminum, plastic, glass and soft drink containers, Steel cans, Plastic.
Step 3: Purchasing New Products Made from Recycled Materials It is the last step. After the material is
recycled it becomes a new product and we can use them again.

Urban congestion
It is a substitution problem that appeared in the twentieth century. The definition of urban crowding is an
increase in the number of individuals with an unexplained proportion of the government.
It can also be defined as the gathering of many individuals in a small place which leads to overpopulation.

- the reasons
• Failure to reclaim desert lands in Egypt:
It is also known that every country has a lot of desert areas that will be used as cities for measurement in or
as agricultural land via reclamation.
As we all know that the majority of Egypt may be a desert like 90% of its area, and that we only sleep 10%
of it. This means that Egypt should pay attention to desert reclamation.
The presence of many slums:
This means that some homes and cities are being built randomly without government permission, and this has
led to several problems and it has become difficult to avoid these cities due to the large number of them.

- Results
• traffic congestion
Crowded areas have many cars in a small place,
which causes a traffic jam problem. Increase the
number of cars. Traffic volume is in the range of .000
to 7.000 vehicles / lanes of major lanes. This indicates
that engorgement increases and exacerbates its ill
effects. This graph shows the share of each type of
traffic in GCMA. As shown in the chart, the best
the percentage is that cars are 55%, so taxis are 24%,
minibuses are third
in GCMA trades, trucks are 5%, big buses 2%, and finally
heavy trucks are 0.3%. From GCMA Trucks.
Fig (1): Shows the urban congestion in Egypt

• pollution
As it is known that the fuel used in transportation means is burned to reduce the energy needed to form
movement within the dynamo of the car engine, these types of fuels reduce the toxic gasses that cause pollution,
especially pollution. By increasing the traffic (traffic congestion), the toxic gasses that cause more pollution
will increase and can make the ozone layer larger which leads to a rise in the temperature.
• Public Health
Pollution, especially pollution, is also known to cause many diseases such as lung disease and cancer. Pollution
is more concentrated in congested areas leading to any disease dividing faster than organized areas. Most of
these diseases are caused by pollution, and we are now facing a rapidly dividing disease which together is a
contagious disease COVID-19 which will divide faster within the congested area due to the large number of

- Solution

• Create new cities in the desert.

• Develop the roods, tunnels.
• Increasing social awareness of
the danger of overpopulation.

Fig (2): Shows the solution of the urban congestion in Egypt

- Urban congestion and its relation to Water

urban congestion causes water wastage: -
In large urban areas of developing countries about 30%of the population does not have access to safe water
and 50% does not have adequate sanitation and the world population. now is 7.6billion the world population
is expected to reach in 2030 about 8.6 billion a billion more people and 9.8billion by 2050 according to the
UN 55% of the world correct population lives in urban areas and that expected to increase to 68% by 2050
people to urban areas by 2050 with around 90% of this increase taking place to Asia and Africa after these
statistics we know that the waste of water will be huge and we must save water.
We can solution this problem: -
We can use a low-flow shower head; a low-flow shower head takes a short shower and doesn't let the water
run while washing hands or brushing teeth.
There are many ways to save water and for more saving we must collect the water of rain by the ways in the
research part. Because sometimes the rain becomes too much and all this water, we waste. Now we can solve
the water problem.
Fig (3): Graph Shows the increase of water wastage through the last years

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Reduce and adapt to the effect of climatic change: -
Climate is usually defined as the "average temperature" of an area. They include wind, trends, humidity,
temperature patterns, snow, rain, and seasons. Climate patterns play a fundamental role in shaping ecosystems,
and by extension the economy and human culture upon which we depend. Global climate change may be a
change in global or regional climate patterns. This may be a change in the amount of precipitation that an area
typically receives within a year. Or it could be a change during the usual place temperature for a month or a
season. Earth's climate usually changes. There are times when Earth's climate is much warmer than it is now.
There are times when it is cooler. These times can last thousands or many years. People who study the Earth see
that the Earth's climate is getting warmer. The Earth has warmed by 1 degree Fahrenheit in the past 100 years.
Egypt is one of the countries likely to be exposed to the impact of global warming and is ranked 15th in terms of
population in the world in terms of man-made environment that may exacerbate the prevailing problems. Egypt
suffered from an apparent rise in temperatures during the mid-to-late twentieth century onwards with 1.1% of
the world's population, and Egypt responsible for 0.5% of global emissions. Average 0.3 is a large amount of
carbon dioxide per person. Egypt is ranked 29th in terms of global pollutants. Energy, electricity, and
transportation are among the leading sectors that contribute to Egypt's greenhouse gas emissions. Egypt
contributes 31% of carbon dioxide emissions from North Africa, and 13% of carbon dioxide emissions from the
entire African continent.
- Causes of climate change: -
The temperature depends on the balance between energy entering and leaving the planet's system. When the
global system absorbs energy from the sun, the Earth warms. When the sun's energy is reflected into space, the
Earth avoids a warming. When the absorbed energy is released into space, the Earth cools. Many factors can
cause climate change on their own, including:
• Differences in the energy of the sun that reaches the world.
• Change the distance between the world and thus the sun.
• Changes in the reflectivity of the Earth's atmosphere and surface.

Fig (4): Graph Shows the increase of the temperature in Egypt by years

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In addition, climate change is directly or indirectly attributed to a change in the composition of the atmosphere
around the world. The verb includes:
Pollution from industrial activity and other sources that produce greenhouse gases. These gases such as water
vapor, carbon dioxide, methane and laughing gas have the ability to absorb the infrared spectrum and
contribute to the warming of the atmosphere. Once produced, these gases can remain trapped in the atmosphere
for decades or many years.

Fig (5): The graph shows the increase the emission of the greenhouse gasses

- The increase in greenhouse gases is due to: -

• Fossil fuel combustion.
• burning forests.
• Removal of agricultural lands.
• Use of chlorofluorocarbons (SFCs)

- Climate change impacts: -

The negative environmental impacts of global warming are:
• There will be increased evaporation within the Nile, and thus a shortage of water supplies, and thus water
• High water levels.
• Pressures on human health and the economy.
The future impact of the negative environmental consequences of global climate change on the dimensions and
dynamics of population in Egypt is the point of most concern during this study. If global climate change makes
Egypt's climate drier or warmer, the pressure on agriculture will increase. The total estimated risk of the
negative impacts of global climate change on Egyptian agriculture is $ 10.7 billion by 2030. In addition, the
delta will decrease by 15% because of rising water levels. To mitigate these risks, studies recommend the
necessity of making changes in the agricultural policy and the rate of agricultural growth from 3% to a

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minimum of five through the added value of agricultural investments from 8 billion pounds annually to 16
billion pounds annually with investments amounting to 320 billion pounds. Until 2030.
Solution: -
Reducing fossil fuel use.
• Reliance on renewable energy sources that do not pollute the environment. • Diversifying
crops and using drip irrigation for agriculture.
• Building sea walls and moving away from vulnerable coasts to avoid high water levels and storm surges.

Fig (5): The social and economic impacts of climate change

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Problem to be solved
First, The problem of recycling garbage and wastes.
The problem of recycling is a very serious problem in Egypt, and it causes many other collateral damages, such
as pollution, urban congestion, etc. The world produces 2.1 billion tons of garbage annually, which is a large
percentage compared to previous years. For example, in the year 2000, the amount of waste in the world reached
216 million tons annually, which is equivalent to 721 kilograms of garbage annually per capita. Today, these
numbers have increased.
The amount of waste in Egypt is increasing with the increase in population growth and economic activities.
Although this waste contains a buried treasure that generates and opens the way for many projects (fertilizer
production, energy production, recycling projects ... and others), the waste disposal process is often randomly
managed, and most of the waste ends up in Random dumps by the citizen, then burning or collecting them in
landfills, some of them healthy and the others unhealthy, and miss the opportunity for the waste management
process and make optimal use of it.
Egypt produces 90 million tons of garbage annually, and what is recycled does not exceed 20%. Therefore,
Egypt ranks 22nd globally in the field of waste recycling. And also Egypt produces 5.4 million tons of plastic
annually, making it the largest plastic polluter in the Arab world. All these difficulties threaten Egypt greatly in
the field of recycling. Therefore, we seek to solve this problem by using previously used materials and try to
use them again. Another meaning we are recycling wastes to make alternative materials .

If this problem solved:

1-Rcycling helps protect the environment.
2-Recycling helps build a strong economy.
3-Recycling create jobs.
4-Recycling can be financially rewarding.
5-Recycling assists in lowering the cost of manufacturing new products.
6-Natural resources are preserved.

If this problem isn’t solved:

1-it can cause health problems.
2-itge can contribute to climate change.
3-destruction of natural habitats.
4-overflow of landfills.
5-increased waste and pollution.
6- The deterioration of the economy.

Second, the problem of urban congestion

Recently, Egypt faces a difficult problem which is urban congestion.
Urban congestion problem means imbalance between population, resources, and services; the population issue
in Egypt is based on the imbalance between population and economic resources. There is no doubt that the
problem of rapid population increase in Egyptian society is one of the main obstacles to development efforts in
many economic, health, educational and service fields. It is also a stumbling block in the way of the success of
policies aimed at combating unemployment and poverty, in addition to threaten social stability and reduce the
per capita share of natural resources and national income.
The country has an area of 1001,450 km2. 96 million people are concentrated along the narrow Nile valley and
delta, while 98% of them live on only 3% of the land.

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Egypt is facing a significant increase in population which makes it the first in the Arab countries, third in Africa,
and fourteenth globally, and the fertility rate in 2020 at the level of the total Republic was 2.9 children per
The Egyptian cities have to accommodate almost 1 million new citizens every year. For Example: Cairo alone
saw half a million new inhabitants in 2017, making it the fastest growing city in the world. In the Greater Cairo
Region, almost two thirds of residents live in informal settlements, which is currently the pre-dominant mode of
urban development in the country. Due to poor water and sewage management and increasing droughts caused
by climate change, Egypt is expected to face a critical shortage of water by 2025. This makes Cairo one of the
most threatened cities worldwide that could soon be running out of drinking water.
Urban congestion increases over time, and it represents a danger for our transport and makes it difficult to move
inside Egypt. The government did its best in the last five years and we see new road network. And our team is
doing our best to solve this problem to facilitate traffic. And citizens, and life becomes faster and easier by
establishing tunnels for citizens to cross through.

If this problem is solved:

1- Greater minds are likely to emerge and innovations in agriculture, medicine and industry will increase.
2- Increasing the proportion of the workforce. And factories and the production of things in larger quantities,
which helps in the process of exporting abroad.
3-Increasing economic growth in many sectors.
4- Reclamation of desert and land for citizens' housing and livelihoods

If this problem isn’t solved:

1- Reducing the per capita share of the state's capital, which reduces productivity and returns, which leads to a
decrease in per capita income.
2- Food shortage; The insufficient resources available to cover the abnormal population growth, which reduces
the productivity of individuals at work, forces the state to import from other countries and increases the
economic burden.
3- Increasing demand for intensive agriculture; this is to cover the needs, but with inappropriate systems for the
safety of the land and thus its deterioration and inefficiency for cultivation again.
4- Increasing the old and unproductive category of people, which constitutes a burden on the state in securing
this category of people.
5- The population increase has led to a severe shortage of educational opportunities, as in public schools there
are two shifts and this is due to the increase in their numbers.

 Urban congestion
There are many causes that leads to Urban congestion, we must deal with them to solve the main problem. They
are in many fields and can be solved by different ways, But in our capstone project we aim to solve the main
problem by using Recycled materials to reduce the environment pollution.

There are four types of traffic congestion: environmental, mechanical and human.

1. Environment
There is a study found that traffic collisions increase by around 50 percent during snow and rain. From rainy or
foggy weather to the extreme snowstorm that stops drivers in their tracks, weather has an uncontrollable effect
on not just traffic but road conditions as well. Even a gentle rain can make an impact if all drivers slow down
together. Something more serious such as a sudden mudslide could not only stop traffic but cause a collision if a
driver happens to be in the wrong muddy place at the wrong muddy time. This is an example of how weather

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can have a compounding effect on traffic by creating bad situations, or by making already bad traffic situations
even worse. All in all, bad weather is the main culprit in 15% of traffic congestion cases, according to the DOT.
Read how you can protect your fleet from winter weather with a smart in-cab weather alert. This type will also
increase the percentage of accidents and make the pedestrian in the danger of injuring.

Fig(6):shows the effect of environmental factors on urban congestion

2. Mechanical

Another factor that can cause traffic congestion is the case of a mechanical failing. While arguably a mechanical
failing could fall into a human-caused category, such as if the person failed to properly maintain the vehicle’s
tires, this is not always the case. Mechanical failings can also happen due to external factors such as a sharp
object on the road, and can happen suddenly while driving, even if you just had your vehicle maintained. While
humans can help prevent and decrease mechanical issues by inspecting vehicles before every trip and making
sure preventive maintenance cycles are followed, either way, these issues require the driver to get off the road.
When you’re on a five-lane highway, this task can prove difficult. When other drivers rush to get around the
stopped vehicle, it only further drags out the impact on traffic as drivers merge into surrounding lanes instead of
stopping to let the person quickly get to the shoulder. Again, while in some scenarios a driver may have been
able to prevent the issue, even some of the most seasoned and responsible drivers can find themselves in these

3. Human

The human may be the cause of traffic

congestion as the pedestrian which pass the
road will be exposed to the accidents and
increase the congestion and stop the roads.
The traffic lights are not enough to stop the
accidents. The studies show that by
increasing the population the percentage of
accidents increase, therefore the traffic
congestion increase.

Fig(7): a graph shows the increase of

accidents by increasing urban congestion

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After we researched about how to solve these problems to solve the main problem, which is the urban congestion,
we found that the pedestrian tunnel is suitable for the capstone project.

 The pedestrian tunnel

The pedestrian tunnel is an underground tunnel that is special for the pedestrian and make them away from the
cars to reduce the traffic congestion and save them from the accidents.

 Advantages of pedestrian tunnel

1. Tunnels allow rapid and unobstructed transport facilities in big, congested cities.

2. Tunnels protect the system (railway track, highway, sewer line or oil line etc.) for which it is constructed
from weather effects such as snow, rain etc. Thus, tunnels reduce the maintenance cost of the system.

3. Tunnels avoid troubling to surface life and traffic during construction. 4. Tunnels protect the system from
destruction due to bombarding during wartime.

5. In a certain place, tunnels have proved cheaper for crossing the mountain or river than open cut or

6. In the most congested urban area, underground railways or highways is the best alternative to provide
means of transportation.

7. In soft-rocked hill, construction of the tunnel has proved cheaper than open

cut due to a large number of the slips etc.

8. It avoids the long circuitous routes around a mountain or spur. 9. Tunnel avoid the dangerous open cut
very near to the structure.

10. Tunnels have proved cheaper to carry public utility service like water, gas, sewer etc.

11. Tunnels if provided with easy gradient, the cost of hauling is reduced. the

12. The safety of tunnel construction has considerably increased due to improved modern method of

13. Due to shortening in distance tunnels have proved economical.

14. It diverts water for power generation.

 Disadvantages of pedestrian tunnel

1. The initial cost of tunnel construction is more.

2. Tunnel construction requires skilled labor and technical supervision of high order.

3. The construction duration of tunnels is more than bridges or open cuts.

4. The construction of tunnels requires advanced and specialized equipment.

The following image will show the shape of the pedestrian tunnel:

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Fig(8)&fig(9): shows the shape of the pedestrian tunnel

- What would happen if the problem solved?

If we solve this problem in Egypt, the traffic congestion will decrease gradually until disappear and the traffic
will be freely and the time in the roads will decrease, and the life go faster.

Fig(10): shows that when the problem of

urban congestion solved

- What would happen if the problem NOT solved?

Egypt will suffer a lot of problems because the urban congestion increases, and it will affect the roads life and
the congestion will lead to increase of greenhouse gases and the climate change will occur and affect the

Fig(10): shows that when the problem of urban

congestion not solved

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There are 11 grand challenges that face Egypt which need to be solved over the three years in STEM. Our
project this semester is going to solve one of the grand challenges which face Egypt (Dealing with urban
congestion and its consequences). That will be a big problem in the future for the world especially Egypt so we
should find a solution to it. So, we began to search about this topic and solutions related to this topic to collect
the greatest amount of data that may help us to solve this problem.

- Topics related to the problem: -

 What is the cause of urban congestion and how to solute it?
We know that the urban congestion is a bid problem that faces the world specially in Egypt, the causes
of this problem related to the population, the bad roads, and
the decrease of the tunnels and bridges. There is a study that shows that the urban and traffic congestion
has been increase by increasing the population.

Fig(11): a study that shows that the urban and traffic congestion
has been increase by increasing the population.
 How can urban congestion pollute the environment?

Urban congestion produces traffic jams that affect commuter drivers, but also pedestrians that find their
streets blocked by an excessive number of vehicles that produce noise and pollution. In this regard, the
economic costs of congestion are very high

 Which season in the year does the urban congestion increase?

The most season does the urban congestion increase is the winter, because of there is an environment
factor affect the urban congestion which is the weather The rains and storms. The weather effects on the
roads and make a traffic congestion ad increase the percentages of accidents.

 Topics related to the solution: -

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How can our prototype resist more loads?

The idea of our project is to make a solution for the urban congestion, make a prototype that can resist more
loads, and use the strongest recycled materials. We searched about these, and we found that the as the roof of the
tunnel that we use to solve the problem must be circular because the circular shape distribute the loads on all the
surface and can resist more loads on it.

 How to calculate dimensional length of the project?

When we were building the prototype, we faced a challenge that we should calculate the surface area of
the cross section of the tunnel, so we searched about this and asked help from Math teacher and finally,
we managed to calculate it and make it suitable for our prototype.

 How to strengthen the project and make it rigid?

The prototype will carry 15 kg or more on its roof, so we made the thickness of the materials used is 3cm
and we asked some help from the physics teacher, and we could make it so accurate. We also determined the
length of the tunnel as 60 cm as we found it so suitable for the prototype.

What is the best shape for the tunnel?

As we mentioned that the circular shape can resist more loads, but we found that the space will be so
narrow for people to pass, so we selected the segmental shape because it will help in increasing the

Fig(12): the shape of pedestrian tunnel on sketch up

Sources of information we depended on:-

The internet is the biggest source of information we depend on in our capstone. The internet provides a lot of information
about any object you have if you search in challenges, prior solutions or current solutions we get a lot of information we
need. But there are sites that aren’t true as anyone can write on it and make deformation on the information. So if you want
to use the internet collect your information from articles, journals or scientists sites and try to get the best key ward about
your object. We can also make experiments about out project to know its results. These experiments are very useful as we
know every step and we can use it as a video to have evidence.

How the research about the problems helped us:

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The research thought us many skills as we learned how to solve the problem with the best way like the EDP first we
should identify the problem then search about it and search for the prior solution for this problem and then make a test
plan for this solution, so the search is the best thing for the solution to know anything in our problem. Also the research
teaches us many things that we thought it wrong and percentages that we can't find them after the search.

List of sources and links that we depended on: -

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Other Solutions Already Tried
- a lot of countries in the world make several types of solutions to our problem and in this part, we will discuss
examples for it.

 The pedestrian bridge:

The pedestrian bridge is a helpful solution for urban congestion but has advantages and disadvantages.
Which are:
The pros:
 Allow access to stunning views.
 Enhance nature’s beauty.
 Ensure safer crossings over high traffic roadways, railroads, etc., in urban/peri-urban areas.
 Increase accessibility to anyone who is disabled.
 Offer year-round access to frequently flooded areas or ephemeral (seasonal) streams.
 Provide access to previously inaccessible lands for backpacking, hiking, mountain biking, horseback
riding, etc.
The cons:
 Difficult or costly to implement in remote areas.
 Increase cost in urban areas if the bridge requires long ramps for accessibility.
 Limited access for bridge maintenance and can prevent larger vehicles from crossing the bridge

Fig(13): The shape of the pedestrian bridge

After research, we found that the best solution to our problems is the pedestrian tunnel.

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The pedestrian tunnel serves more advantages than the bridge. We will show an example of pedestrian tunnel as
a prior solution for our project.

UNGC Pedestrian Tunnel:

The UNCG pedestrian tunnel is a 200’ long, pedestrian and bicycle tunnel under the Norfolk Southern rail line
that ensures safe and convenient access for students coming to and from the campus. It was finished in 2016.

Location: North Carolina, is a collaborative effort between UNCG and the North Carolina Railroad Company.
Reason of building: It was built to provide a safe connection between the campus and Spartan Village.
Materials used for building: brick and pre-cast concrete.
Design shape: Segmental shape.
Cost: 9million$

Fig(14): The shape of UNGC pedestrian tunnel

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Generating and Defending a Solution
Solution and Design Requirements
The team searched for a solution of the problem, and we applied design requirements on this project. This
project will be a pedestrian tunnel for people under the ground to make it easily to move for people and will help
cars too.

-To make a prototype successful, we should follow some requirements which are
 The tunnel should carry 15 kg and the maximum deflection is 1cm.
 The scales used in the prototype is (1/25) in the real life.

The cost: The cost of out prototype will be the cost of the glue only. All materials that we used are recycled and
can be recycled. They do not pollute the environment and are sustainable.

Materials Requirements:

Polymer: A material made of monomers and must be grinded, our team will used “Fiberglass and polyvinyl

Reinforcing: A metal that increase the strength of our prototype, we will use aluminum rods.

Glue: A material That stick the polymer and reinforcing together in the same matter.
We will use “polyester resin.”

-Design Requirements:

 The real length of the new tunnel must be not less than 14 m as 56 cm in the prototype.
 The real height of the tunnel must be not less than 3.0m as 12 cm in the prototype
 The internal net cross section of the tunnel must be not less than 18 m^2 as 288cm^2 in the prototype.
 The real thickness of the tunnel must be 0.75m as 3 cm in the prototype.

These requirements are good for making the prototype.

The design that we will be the segmental shape as shown:

 The height of our prototype is 22.5cm

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 The length of the prototype is 60cm
 We calculated the cross-section area by a mathematical equation
with the help of math teacher we found it 314.5 cm^2
 The thickness of the prototype is 3 cm 22.5cm

Fig(15):The height of the



Fig(16):The length of the


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Selection of solution
After talking about the problems that we want to solve and after talking about pre-solutions to them. We will
talk about the solution that we have chosen. We chose the pedestrian tunnel.
Egypt will suffer from urban congestion in next years because of increasing population and cars, so we should
find a solution of it.
And we chose pedestrian tunnel, to facilitate the roads and help people to save time and to be safe. and it is idea
can apply in new cities to improve the roads and traffic.

-Strength points of pedestrian tunnel

1-Provides a facilitating way for pedestrian.
2-Helps in reducing the human effect on the urban congestion problem.
3-It costs a little price and easy to build.
4- It is simple for anyone to build it.

-Weakness points of pedestrian tunnel.

1-It must be built in the busiest places to solve the problem.
2-It is for pedestrian only and can be for cars.

Fig(17): General look about pedestrian tunnels

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Selection of prototype
- The Design of our prototype should contain the following properties: -
1- It should be cheap as possible.
2- It should be simple as possible which doesn’t take a lot of materials to build it.
3- It should carry as much as more loads on it.
4- It should be simple that anyone can build it.

We searched about these properties and finally, we reached to the design of the
Now after we know our prototype design, we searched for the best place to build the project. So, we looked for
the most places in Egypt that has a urban congestion to build the prototype.
finally, we found that Cairo is the most place that has urban congestion in Egypt, Because of Being that it is the
capital of the country, hosting a population of 19.5 million, Cairo is considered to be the most congested city in
Egypt. so, we decided to build the project in this place to make a successful pedestrian tunnel.

After reviewing the design

requirements which are,
The prototype shouldn’t exceed
60*22.5*15cm dimensions,
The total volume of the glue
shouldn’t exceed more than 20% of
the total volume of the tunnel,

The tunnel shouldn’t deflect more

than 1cm under the 150 newton
(15kg) load,
To deflect at least 1cm under the 150
newton (15kg) load.
Fig(18): shows that Cairo and Alexandria are the busiest cities
We concluded that we have to pick a medium hardness, as the tunnel need to deflect while holding a lot of loads.
So, after researching we found that the best tunnel to hold loads was the segmental, because the segmental holds
the most loads possible, the segmental doesn’t deflect.

As for the materials chosen, we decided to choose the Polyvinyl chloride, Fiberglass, and aluminum form the
building units, while making holes in the cubes to put the polymer and polyester in it.

The construction method is that we will mix all the materials together to form a mixture and a strong ingot, then
put the mixture in a solid mold in the form of a tunnel until it is cohesive with each other.

The main idea is that the segmental shape distributes pressure in all parts when heavy loads are placed on the
tunnel, and that when iron and aluminum are placed together, it will be a thick and solid alloy, and also when PVC
and fiberglass are placed, it will be a thick and solid polyester that bears pressure when heavy loads are placed.

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Fig(19): Shows the loads on the tunnel

Constructing and Testing a Prototype

Materials and Methods

Both of The Method and the materials that used in this project are simple and it depends on sticking the wooden
cubes with each other using GLUE (white glue of polyvinyl acetate) and the beam consists of only one layer that
is 3 centimeters high.

1-Never use any machine without asking leader of the FAB lab.
2-Never work in the FAB lab without wearing the gloves, the glasses, and masks.
3- Never clean the machines while it works.
4-Don’t forget to turn off the machine after using it.
5-BE careful while using any sharp tool.

The design requirements: -

1-No metallic materials at all.
2-The length of the beam should be 50Centrimeter.
3-Envelop: Max 10 centimeter*10 centimeter.
4-Material pieces: No piece should exceed 3centimeter in any dimension.
5-Any binder used, such as glues or epoxy, cannot exceed 20% of the beam by

- Materials: -
We built the prototype by which specific materials that have little cost and high quality,
we summarize it in the following diagrams: -

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Table(1):shows the materials of the prototype

Name Picture Quantity Total cost

We got it
Grinded 3kg recycled
polyvinyl from old
chloride pipes.
We got it
Grinded 3kg From
fiberglass broken

We got it
Aluminum from old
Bars 2kg electric

Polyester 2kg 120L.E


Table(2):shows the description of materials of the prototype

Name/ Picture Description

The polymer that we used in the prototype,

we used it grinded to get the requirements.

Polyvinyl Chloride
Fiberglass Another polymer in the prototype mixed with
the pvc to give the prototype strongness.

Aluminum Bars We used it as a reinforcing to make the

prototype hard and can not be broken or
have a deflection Easily

Polyester Putty The glue that we used to stick the materials

by each other and make them as one piece
that cannot be divided easily.

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We identified the solution and wanted to design our prototype that would be suitable for design requirements.
Firstly, We designed our prototype on the sketch up application and then, searched for materials which are:
(Polyvinyl chloride, Fiberglass, Aluminum bars, and Glue).
And then Started Building it, with the following steps: -
1-After we bought the materials, we started building the prototype and followed the safety rules of building like:
- Wearing gloves so that no harmful material affects our skin.
- Wearing lab coats.
- be careful with sharp objects.
- wearing safety goggles.
2- We grind the PVC and the fiberglass into very small pieces.
3-We cut the aluminum bars into pieces from 3 to 5 cm.
4-we have brought a large bowl to mix the materials after completing steps 2 & 3
5-We put a small amount of glue in half of our materials and made the first layer of polymer.
6- The second layer was the reinforcing on the first layer.
7- we put the remaining amount of glue on the second half of the materials and put them on the reinforcing.
8-finally, we put the prototype outside in the open air to dry which gives us the desired results.
After we finished the prototype, the prototype has been practically tested to ensure whether or not the prototype
meets the design requirements.

Test plan
After building the prototype, it must be cheeked whether the design requirements are met or not. so the test plan
was drawn up. the length of the real tunnel is 14meters and the high 3m and the internal cross section 18sqr.m
and the thickness 0.75m. Our design requirements we have chosen to test with the prototype. when converting
these real design requirements to appropriate with the prototype. The length is equal 60cm , the width is equal
15cm , the Height is equal 18 cm, and the internal cross section is 314.4〖cm〗^2 .
The design requirement that the prototype should achieve: -
*the prototype should be carried Weight 147N (15kg) at least.
*the deflection should not exceed 1cm at weight of 15kg
*the prototype cost has not to exceed 1000 L.E.

Steps of test plan: -

The prototype was put on a table and made sure only the prototype on the table Fig(20):The prototype
without and affect acts on it, as shown in fig (20)
The weights were brought every piece of weight was 49N (5kg).
The test plan has started, and the weights were put at center of mass of the tunnel which was
We have started to calculate the deflection at every 49N (5kg) was put.
After the test plan, we made sure that our prototype achieved the design

1st The method of calculating the deflection: -

First, the prototype was put in front of a fixed ruler. Then. A laser light was fixed on
the internal surface height of the prototype then we have known which point of the
laser appears on the ruler. After that, the loads were put in the center of the tunnel. Fig(21):The test plan way
When the deflection occurs the laser light disappears on the ruler. Then laser was
fixed on the internal surface height again. Finally, the deflection could be determined by looking at the ruler.
Then, the data was collected and the deflection on the tunnel is known. This experiment is shown in fig()
2nd method of calculating the deflection: -
We have calculated the deflection by the law of y-(max⁡(maximum deflection)=) (FL^3)/(48 EI) where F=
(mg)weight. & L= width. & E= the elasticity of the material. & I= the area moment of inertia= 1/2LH^3 where
L=width & H=Thickness.

By the substitution in the law & 1st method, it carried more than 15 kg with no deflection, but it made a

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deflection of 0.5cm on 30kg. according to the numbers of the deflection there are absolute error reaches ±0.001
which allows us to get the most accuracy measurement. During the test plan, the prototype achieved the design
requirements, It carried more than 147N (5 kg) with no deflection, but it made a deflection of 0.5cm at 294N

Data collection
In the test plan, the data was collected to check whether the predetermined
Design requirements have been reached or not. In the test plan, two design requirements were tested.

Two test trials were conducted: One of them failed and the another succeed The first trial: The tunnel attempted
to prevent deflection occurrence. The deflection occurred because the weight force was more significant than
the normal force of the tunnel. When the load was 1 kg, the deflection was 0.1 cm, when the load was 2 kg, the
deflection was 0.4 cm when the load was 3 kg, the deflection was 0.5 cm when the load was 4 kg, the deflection
was 0.6 cm, and when the load was 5 kg, The deflection was 0.7 and until it had been broken on the load of 10
kg. The first trial did not meet the design requirements, as it cannot carry 15 kg. after many searching about
why the tunnel did not meet the design requirements. two problems were discovered which led to the failure of
the tunnel. the 1st problem the kind of the glue which was not used to stick the whole materials together. the 2nd
problem, The PVC powder was used & we did not use grained material.

The second trial:

The second trial succeeded after the modification and avoiding the mistakes that were happened as the result of
that, It carries 30kg and the deflection is 0.5. Where The second trial was gone with the design requirements,
and it can carry more than 15 kg without deflection, It made a deflection of 0.1 cm at weight of 20kg. so the
tunnel has met the design requirements perfectly.

Table(3): The results of trial 1 Table(4): The results of trial 2

Fig(21): The graph of trial 1 and 2

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IV. Evaluation, Reflection, Recommendations

Analysis and Discussion

From our test plan we concluded that our prototype could bear more than 30kg and this achievement went
through two trials, the design and the materials were prepared, there are two trials. The first have negative
results and the second has positive results. The analysis of first trial results:

The first trial failed because the amount of Polyvinyl

chloride powder was more than the amount of
fiberglass small piece. when the amount of the
powder increase, the surface area decrease. The
pressure law=F/A where F=force & A= area, which is
considered as the reason for the first attempt failure,
states that, whenever the area decreases, the pressure
on the prototype increases.
Every time a load is added, the tunnel deflects.
According to Newton’s third law, every action has an
equal and opposite reaction in magnitude and
direction. The deflection that occurs when action
(The load) is applied to the tunnel is the Reaction in
the tunnel. As the load and gravity force were more
than the normal force of the tunnel, the tunnel Fig(22):The graph of results of trial 1
attempted to prevent this occurrence by deflecting. The deflection occurred because the weight force was more
significant than the normal force of the tunnel. When the load was 1 kg, the deflection was 0.1 cm, when the
load was 2 kg, the deflection was 0.4 cm when the load was 3 kg, the deflection was 0.5 cm when the load was 4
kg, the deflection was 0.6 cm, and when the load was 5 kg, The deflection was 0.7 and until it had been broken
on load of 10 kg. The first trial did not meet the design requirements, as it cannot carry 15 kg. The glue was not
able to stick the powder of Polyvinyl chloride, It is
so hard, If the size of the material increases the
ability of glue to stick increase.

The second trial succeeded because the amount

of fiberglass was doubled and
the amount of the of polyvinyl chloride was
decreased to half, So the thickness of the
prototype increase, so the stress decreased
. The reinforcing between the two layers had
been increased, so it can carry more
After analyzing, the elasticity of the Tunnel had
been found through some calculations. The stress on
the tunnel had been calculated by its law which is
Fig(23):The graph of results of trial 2
(force/area). Also, the strain had been calculated. With
these two factors, The following graph had been Concluded and the elasticity of the tunnel has been Calculated,
The elasticity also was
calculated by a Law which is (slope of the deflection graph*(L^3/48*I)
according To Physics.

The measurement equipment was used in measuring the dimensions of the

tunnel, and the thickness had been measured by Vernier to be able to identify
the thickness According to Physics.
In the test plan, When putting the load, the mass center was determined, and
the loads were put on it as shown in the fig(24)

as the study in the Mathematics cross-section area was calculated in Fig(24):The loads on the prototype

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three steps as a composite shape in Mathematics, the area of one third circle was calculated by the dimension.
Firstly, the area of the isosceles triangle was taken away
from the area of one third Circle. Then, the area of rectangle was added to the result. The area of the shape is
314.4cm^2. The cosine law was used in the triangle to ensure that width of the rectangle is correct.

According to the analyzed result, If our project is applied in Egypt, it will make a very big change. As We have
fulfilled the design requirement.
We also noticed that our measurements were very accurate because we made it with taking care of safety and we
used the suitable tools for measurement. Also we avoided errors as we learned about it and we were
concentrating about small errors and we tried to take care of it. So that made us draw our conclusion accurately
and in the best case of it.

What conclusions do you reach from the data you collected?

The outcomes of prototype tests and analysis lead to validating the design requirements. When the load was 20
kilograms, the tunnel deflected 0.1 centimeters. The tunnel carried 30 kilograms at the end, and the deflection
was 0.5 cm . The aluminum also aided the tunnel in carrying the loads and met the design requirements. It
achieved the design requirements which are: low cost , Efficiency, safety, and Long lifetime, When comparing
this solution (iron and+ aluminum) to the prior solution (plastic, wood), it was found out that the earlier
solutions had several drawbacks. For example, the plastic’s low modulus that doesn't carry the weights, which
renders it as unsuitable for load-bearing applications. The prototype behaves as an elastic below 735N.

Recommendations :-
A recommendation for future study:
Try to use a glue with properties and try to find a glue with a suitable elasticity.
Materials should be had a suitable elasticity and with a strength.
If this idea would be applied on the large-scale, It is recommended to:
-Use Fiberglass because of its enormous ability to bear weight
-use aluminum because of its high efficiency and stainless or damaged.
* Use solar panels to store solar energy and generate electricity from a renewable source (the sun)
* Use a rainwater drainage system (building an arc-like piece in the front and end of the tunnel and descending
through pipes and using a water filter to make the water very healthy and of high quality) Clean the pipes
periodically to make the water clean.
*Use of a waterproofing material coated on the tunnel from all sides in order to prevent damage and corrosion of
*Use a ventilation system to freshen the air inside the tunnel.

Learning Outcomes :-
Which 10 discipline learning outcomes did you identify as related to your Design Challenge?

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L.O. Definition Connection with Capstone
The six As studied in Math, when the tunnel makes a deflection, it makes an angle of
Ma.1.01 trigonometric deflection, the deflection of the beam is measured using the six trigonometric
functions functions. (Sin or cos or tan) can be used to calculate the angle of deflection of the
beam when the load was added, these trigonometric functions have a relationship
between the length of the sides.
0f the beam and angles.

The statistic As studied in Math, using of the graphs and diagrams were very important in showing
Ma.1.02 the data and making analysis for the results to make reader understand the data and
the results from only the graph. First, the chart was used for showing the results and
showing the connection between the load and the deflection, which was direct
relation. Second, the histogram shows the ratio between the weight of the tunnel and
the maximum load that the tunnel lift.
The similarity As studied in Math, if this project will make in the future each centimeter will be one
Ma.1.04 meter so the length of the tunnel will be 15 meters, the height of the tunnel will be
5meter and the width of the tunnel will be 3.75 meter.

Ph.1.01 Measurement As studied in Physics, the measurement error used in the measuring of the weight of
errors the load.

International As studied in Physics, the international system of units was used to know the
Ph.1.01 system of units of the weight of the tunnel (Kilogram) and the dimensions of the tunnel
units (Centimeter).

Every time a load is added, the beam deflects. This is when Newton's third law comes
Ph.1.02 Newton's third into play. Because this law says that every action has an equal and opposite reaction
law in magnitude and direction. The deflection that occurs when action is applied to the
tunnel is the Reaction in the tunnel (The load). Because the load and gravity force
was more than the normal force of the tunnel, the tunnel attempted to prevent this
occurrence by deflecting. The deflection occurred because the weight force was more
significant than the normal force of the tunnel. When the load was 1 kg, the deflection
was 0.00 cm, when the load was 2 kg, the deflection was 0.00 cm , the deflection
was 0.00 cm until the load was 15 kg, the deflection was 0.1 cm, when the load was
20 kg, The tunnel make deflection 0.5cm when the load was 30 kg The tunnewl met
the design requirements by carrying 15kg and causing a deflection and applied
Newton’s third law.

As studied in computer science, the design of the prototype by using many tools such
Cs.1.01 Sketch up as the pull /push tool, move, line, tape measure tool, orbit, pan, zoom, eraser and

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First of all, we give all the praises and thanks to Allah.
We have asked teachers who specialized in the subjects and helped us prepare our project & we
wanted to give special thanks to: -
Mr. Ahmed Shomar (Chemistry & Capstone teacher).
Mr. Mohamed Abd Elwahab (capstone teacher ).
Mr. Sherif Abd Elsalam (math teacher).
Mrs. Noha (English Teacher)
Mr. Mostafa Gadallah (English teacher).
Mr. Hassan Mohamed (Chemistry & general Capstone leader).
Dr. Samia Elzayat(Capstone leader).
Eng. Sayed Rashawn (Fab Lab engineer).

Apa Citation

• J.Smith, S. J. M. B. (2022). Earth COMM Earth’s Dynamic Geosphere. It’s About Time.
• Serway, R. A., & Jewett, J. W. (2018). Physics for Scientists and Engineers, (10th ed.). Cengage
Learning. Raymond A. Serway - Emeritus, James John W.
• Zyjewski, Artur & Chróścielewski, Jacek & Pyrzowski, Łukasz. (2017). The use of fiber-reinforced
polymers (FRP) in bridges as a favourable solution for the environment. E3S Web of Conferences. DOI.
• Charles Bukowski. (2022 ). Traffic Congestion: Problems and Solutions with Civil Engineering Designs.
Retrieved 12th Nov. 2022 from
• Lawrimore, E. (2015). Pedestrian Tunnel. Encyclopedia of UNCG History. Retrieved 12/10/2022 from
• Tyler Mulligan, Students, I. P. C. &. (2016). Student Corner: Pedestrian Tunnels: Connecting People
with Communities Part II | Community and Economic Development - Blog by UNC School of
Government. Retrieved 12/11/2022 from

• (n.d.).

• VRE Alexandria Pedestrian Tunnel - vre. (n.d.).


• Transport, S. C. (2021, September 12). Reducing Traffic Congestion and Pollution in Urban Areas.

Smarter Cambridge Transport.


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