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100+ Words and Phrases About Places in Chinese

//Beginner Level
 Place in Chinese is 地方 dìfāng
English Hanzi Pinyin
Bank 银行 yín háng
Casino 赌场 dǔ chǎng
Cathedral 大教堂 dà jiào táng
Church 教会 jiào huì
City hall 市政厅 shì zhèng tīng
College 学院 xué yuàn
Drugstore, pharmacy 药房 yào fáng
Embassy 大使馆 dà shǐ guǎn
Gas station 加油站 jiā yóu zhàn
Hospital 医院 yī yuàn
Hotel 酒店 jiǔ diàn
Information office 问询处 wèn xún chù
Library 图书馆 tú shū guǎn
Money exchange 货币兑换 huò bì duì huàn
Mosque 清真寺 qīng zhēn sì
Movie theater 电影院 diàn yǐng yuàn
Museum 博物馆 bó wù guǎn
Nightclub 夜总会 yè zǒng huì
Opera 歌剧院 gē jù yuàn
Optical store 眼镜店 yǎn jìng diàn
Parking lot 停车场 tíng chē chǎng
Restaurant 餐厅 cāntīng
School 学校 xué xiào
English Hanzi Pinyin
Store 商店 shāng diàn
Subway 地铁 dì tiě
Synagogue 犹太教徒 yóu tài jiào táng
Temple 庙宇 miào yǔ
Theater 剧院 jù yuàn
Travel agency 旅行社 lǚ xíng shè
University 大学 dà xué
Zoo 动物园 dòng wù yuán

Places in Chinese | Sentence Structure

To indicate the location where the activity or event takes place, you need to
use the following sentence structure:
Subject + 在 + Place + Verb (+ Object)
Let’s have a look at some examples, so you know how to use it in a sentence:
 他在公司工作。
tā zài gōngsī gōngzuò.
He works at the company.
 妈妈在超市买东西。
māmā zài chāoshì mǎi dōngxī.
Mum is shopping in the supermarket.
 弟弟在书店买书。
dìdì zài shūdiàn mǎishū.
Younger brother buys books in the bookstore
NOTE – In English, location is usually put at the end of a sentence. In Chinese, location is
usually put after the subject but before the verb.

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