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Case #3

1. The problems in this case were technical and manual the MCAS had one of the sensors

broken and the pilots were not trained to fly the specific plane. It is an ethical dilemma

in where all levels including federal had been rushed in order to save money and time,

by doing this the FAA and Boeing completely disregarded the safety of its passengers for

increased revenue with a fuel-efficient plane.

2. The Government and engineers were mostly at fault with this tragedy as the FAA

oversaw certifying the plane however with no resources, they allow every airline to self-

certify. The production was so rushed to the point where no flight sim or extra safety

features for the plane was given.

3. The solution which was provided was adequate which was to stop all its plane’s flights

and production.

4. Boeing and the FAA could have taken extra time to perfect the plane and train their

pilots so they could efficiently fly safely, the main objective of the plane was to save the

company millions of dollars in a rush to keep their expenses low this case shows how

quality must be assured over quantity.

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