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The Internet is helping women build communities and networks, giving them a greater voice and tools to

organize and assert their rights.

Critics of liberal feminism

Critics of liberal feminism point to basic gender relations, a focus on government actions that link
women’s interests to those in power, a lack of class or racial analysis, and a lack of analysis of the
differences between women and men.

Critics often accuse liberal feminism of judging women and their success by masculine standards.

‘White feminism‘ is liberal feminism that assumes the issues faced by white women are issues faced by
all women. Unity around liberal feminist goals is more important than racial equality and other similar
goals. Even if women achieve equality on paper, it fails to take into account the social and cultural
factors that perpetuate inequality.

Radical feminism arose partly because liberal feminism’s preferred approach was to ‘work within the
system’ rather than abolish patriarchy entirely.

Intersectionality is a theory developed in a critique of liberal feminism’s pervasive blind spot on race.

In recent years, liberal feminism has sometimes been conflated with a form of liberal feminism,
sometimes called equity feminism or individual feminism. Individual feminism often resists legislation or
government action, preferring to emphasize the development of women’s skills and abilities to better
compete in the world. This feminism opposes laws that give either men or women advantages and

However, after so many criticisms, let’s not forget their important roles in our societal development.
Every feminist theory has some criticism, and that is just a part of it, but indeed, one must work on these

After all, even though they have their own setbacks, one must not forget that feminists have an ultimate
motive to gain equal justice in society.


The conclusion of this article can only be that feminism is not about world peace or love and harmony,
but about eliminating society’s systemic, pervasive devaluation of women and women’s work. That
means more competition but also much more sharing and cooperation. Feminism draws only one
conclusion: equal rights for all genders. No gender is superior to another. All genders should be given
equal opportunities, better chances, and social status and be equally respected in society.
Beyond that, we need to change the way people think about feminism in general. Our culture’s
subconscious automatically associates ‘feminism’ with ‘man-hating.’ As a result, both men and women
today refuse to identify themselves as feminists. This understanding of the term feminism is at odds
with its original meaning. Having said that, mainstream society has a tendency to be blinded by fear (in
this case, fear is often misplaced). We need to understand that feminism is liberating women from
patriarchal oppression; at the same time, men are also being liberated through such initiatives.
Feminism also liberates men from patriarchal oppression, just as women are harmed by traditional
gender roles. Therefore, it can be said that feminism benefits both genders. Thus, it is high time that we
not only promote feminism in society but also explain the term feminism to society so that no one lives
in ignorance anymore.

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