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How to control the level of stress in the last year of high

school to get into university?

Students face many challenges as they move from high school to university. they may avoid talking
about their problems, their social relations may weaken and they may be dragged into depression or
they may feel psychologically inadequate. As a solution, students should give importance to spending
time with their friends and family in social environments. They should not stay away from social life.
Students can cope with the stress factor if they always share their problems with their family, friends
or teachers. Psychology argues that it is healthier to talk about problems than to live in oneself.
Another way to avoid stress is to take time for ourselves. Students should set aside one day of the
week for themselves and they can do the activities they like to do during that day. For example,
swimming, walking which is very useful, or listening to music, playing an instrument. Another thing
students should be aware of is not to set goals that are too high. I mean, they shouldn't be
perfectionists, instead they should be realistic and set real goals. Apart from these, students can
control stress by getting help from a psychiatrist.

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