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What makes a person to be a good teacher/mother/doctor/artist

A good teacher is a talented student. He is constantly engaged in self-education. At
a time when answers to any questions can be found on the World Wide Web, the
teacher ceases to be a translator of knowledge. And his task is not to lay out the
facts on a silver platter, but to teach this knowledge to extract, conduct research,
check the reliability, admit the possibility of challenging. The teacher should know
his subject at a high level, but even better he should be able to teach.
Only by approaching teaching with positive emotions will it be possible to spark
interest in the subject. Pupils are sensitive to this attitude and are imbued with
trust. A professional has no bad students, but there are pedagogical tasks that he
tries to solve so that everyone can achieve their goals. Moderate self-irony, as well
as the ability to admit their mistakes, builds trust and helps not to be afraid of
mistakes. It is much easier to learn in such an atmosphere.
And also punctuality, politeness, honesty should be in the teacher. Glances are
directed to the teacher, he is assessed, and an example is taken from him. And of
course, the role model must be worthy.
Being a mother is also a serious job, so it's perfectly normal to get tired of it. But
this fatigue will not be an unbearable burden only if it brings joy, pleasure, a
feeling of satisfaction. How can this be achieved? First, love your child. It's the
most important. There are women who, as they say, give themselves completely
"as a sacrifice" to motherhood, and society often encourages this behavior. Overly
caring mothers try to anticipate the child's wishes, increasingly making choices for
him. However, this path is fraught with negative consequences. With this
approach, the child can grow up to be an egoist; in the process of upbringing, he
will not receive an example of the correct behavior of the mother, who is also a
person and must also take care of herself.
If the mother often scolds the baby for every prank, calls him bad, compares him
with other children who supposedly behave well, she inflicts severe trauma on him.
You allow yourself to be wrong, but you admit your mistakes and ask for
forgiveness for them.
Motherhood must be conscious. An attentive mother perfectly sees in what her
baby is showing success, what is interesting to him, and what needs to be
"tightened up". If you are attentive to the personality and feelings of a child, then
he will grow up to be a fully developed person.
The child is a copy of his parents. And you will notice it very quickly. Often, the
baby opens our eyes to our own shortcomings, which we do not want to admit. The
thing is that he mirrors mom and dad, learns from them, repeats everything after
them. Therefore, education is a delicate thing.
A good doctor, nurse, or any other member of the health center must have different
qualities. These are moral and ethical standards (honesty, kindness), and
communication skills (the ability to communicate and create trusting
relationships), and strong-willed (confidence, dedication, initiative), and
organizational (the ability to plan and allocate time).
First of all, this is a higher or secondary medical education, work experience in a
specialty. Medicine is developing rapidly, new diseases, technologies and methods
of diagnosis and treatment appear, which means that you cannot stop developing,
you need to regularly improve your skills, study throughout your professional
Medicine and patient treatment is always a joint work of several specialists:
doctors of related specialties, nurses, clinic administrators, so it is imperative to be
able to work in a team and be a communicative person.
The way the specialist asks and listens to the patient, is interested in his habits and
lifestyle, medical history and even the health of family members. All these points
instill confidence that important details are not overlooked, and the diagnosis and
treatment are correct. Patients trust more if they see that the specialist is imbued
with his feelings and experiences. A real specialist is ready to honestly and
patiently answer questions of interest, explain his appointments in a language
understandable to the patient.
The creator has lofty goals; in his work, not only earnings are important to him,
but also meaning. First of all, a good artist must have a special, unique perspective
on things. He should help people see something new, and express it in music,
sculpture or painting in an accessible language. If the creator's product is too
unique, he will simply be misunderstood and criticized. In this regard, the artist
must be a hardworking and persistent person who can reach the goal and not leave
everything half way.
Professionalism is encouraged among artists, but it is much more important to have
talent. Talent is a skill that cannot be acquired, and if you have it, then you are
already trained. However, you should always strive for more, learn new
techniques, work in different genres in order to find what will work best and bring
the most pleasure.
An artist is a responsible person. He must understand what he is bringing to the
masses. The artist as a person, or his works, will be something that people will take
an example from, and other artists will admire.
28. The effects of homeschooling
Homeschooling is when a child is educated outside of school. Parents decide to
take their children out of the traditional school for various reasons: because of
dissatisfaction with the quality of education, frequent travel, illness of the child, or
because the child is professionally involved in music or sports, which are difficult
to combine with classes at the desk. This is usually the name for any form of
education, when the child mainly studies at home. It can be both part-time and
online classes. But in the first case, the responsibility for the quality of education is
borne by a public or private school, and in the second - by the parents who decided
to take the child out of the regular school. The child can study at home according
to any program and at a convenient pace, but must be attached to an accredited
school in order to take exams.
As for the advantages of this training, it should be highlighted convenient
organization of the process: you can study at a convenient time and from
anywhere, according to your own schedule, as well as the opportunity to study at
your own pace, review the video lesson how many times, in addition, the child
learns to be independent and responsible.
Socialization of the child is considered to be a big disadvantage of family
education. When he goes to a regular school, he has to fit into the team. And
besides classmates, the school has a teacher, so the child communicates and
negotiates with different people in different situations. In theory, this should give
the child an important life skill. And homeschooled children are partially deprived
of this: for example, they do not need to call and ask the headman for homework.
On the other hand, a child can interact with other people not only during lessons
and breaks, but also at exhibitions, competitions, in circles - in places where he
will be united by common interests with other people.
29. Causes heart problems
Incidence of heart ailments like coronary artery disease and congestive heart
failure have increased many folds in modern times. A heart attack has become so
common that people are getting it even in their mid-thirties.
Scientists identified a number of risk factors associated with heart disease. They
grouped these risk factors into major and minor causes.
Major causes are those that have been proven to increase your risk of heart disease.
One of the major risk factors is high blood pressure. High blood pressure increases
your risk of heart disease, heart attack, and stroke because the heart to work too
hard and can damage arteries. Another major cause is high blood cholesterol
levels. It is so dangerous because fatty deposits build up in blood vessels and make
at greater risk of having a heart attack. Extra cholesterol enters the human body
when they eat foods that come from animals (meats, eggs, and dairy products). The
leading cause in this group is diabetes. The American Heart Association estimates
that 65% of patients with diabetes die of some form of heart disease.
Minor causes are those that some doctor think can lead to an increased risk of heart
disease, but their exact role has not been defined. The leader in this group is
obesity. Extra weight and poor diet increases chances of developing other risk
factors for heart disease, especially high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol,
and diabetes. Next cause is having a sedentary lifestyle. Cubicle and home life on
the couch is not conducive to health. Exercise burns calories, helps to control
cholesterol levels and diabetes, and may lower blood pressure. Exercise also
strengthens the heart muscle and makes the arteries more flexible. And third cause
is having a Type A personality. It means the person becoming easily stressed,
being overly competitive, aggressive, and intense. Stressful situations raise heart
rate and blood pressure.
It is never too late or too early begins improving heart health. Some risk factors
can be controlled, while others cannot. But, by eliminating risk factors that can
change and by properly managing those that cannot control, may greatly reduce
risk of heart disease.
30. How happy relationships affect a person
Relationship means the bondage of two people with honesty, trust and
accountability. It is important that we always try our best to keep our relationship
healthier to arrive happiness in our life which should be the vital goal in marching
forward in life. In relationship one should give preference to quality rather than
quantity particularly in close relationship. All those people who are well connected
socially tend to be happier, healthier and have long life.
Whether with a romantic partner or close friend, relationships require work. But it
can be worth the effort. Beyond just making us feel happier, close, healthy
relationships bring important benefits.
At a basic level, it’s helpful to have people you can rely on to be there with an
extra set of hands or some expertise.
Whether we want to celebrate good news or pour out our distress, we feel
supported when we believe someone is truly there to offer a listening ear or some
sage advice. Also, having a social network, and especially a partner or inner circle
of friends, can greatly increase our sense of well-being. When you spend time with
people who value you, it can help you to feel more positively about yourself.
It can be affirming and energizing when your partner or best friend shows that they
love you for who you are. When they see you as being like the person you want to
be, that can help you to become more like that ideal self.
Having a close friend or partner to share the good times simply feels wonderful.
31. University should be free
Education is very useful in everybody's life. It empowers humans and gets them
ready to face the challenges of life.
Education is the most significant tool in eliminating poverty and unemployment. If
a poor and uneducated person can't live a good and healthy life, but if he would be
educated, he can live a happy and healthy life.
Education helps in making a person independent. Everyone deserves to be
educated an educated citizen is a more productive citizen, therefore able to pay
more taxes.
If education would be free, then the country will be a developed country. Due to
free education, students will have more time to focus on is studying rather than the
fee. That's why I think education should be free.
On the other hand, in this way people will not be responsible when choosing a
future profession and university. This will lead to the fact that a person will study
for a tick in a specialty that does not suit him, and as a result, he will become a bad
specialist. And lastly, students would place less value on education.
I believe that it is worth making college tuition free, and higher education should
be paid with the possibility of joining at the expense of the state (as it is now).
32. Animal testing
Animal testing has been the most controversial and frequently discussed topic
around the world. More than 150 million experimental animals die in the world
every year. The bulk of experimental animals - 65% - are used in medical research
to test drugs and new treatments. Fundamental (medical, military, space, etc.)
research accounts for 26% of experiments. 8% of animals die in toxicity tests in the
development of cosmetics, industrial compounds, etc. Animals are tested not only
for drugs, but also for cosmetics, construction and packaging materials, cleaning
products and other products. Animals breathe in vapors of a substance, the
concentration of which is so great that most of the animals die from poisoning.
The most common industrial Draize test for cosmetics has the following
procedure: the test product is applied to the cornea of a rabbit, after which the
examiner waits for the corneal injury to occur. An immobilized rabbit cannot rub
an eye corroded by a covered material. The animal is freed from torment only after
clouding and destruction of the eye. At the end of the experiment, all rabbits are
killed in order to determine the effect of toxic substances inside.
Many sources report that experiments with tetrapods are ineffective. In world
practice, there are many examples of how drugs that are effective for an animal
turned out to be fatal to humans. A well-known confirmation of this is the
"thalidomide catastrophe", when pregnant women, after the recommended intake
of thalidomide, gave birth to children with congenital deformities. It is worth
noting that there is no urgent need for tests for a number of reasons:
- testing efficiency is low;
- large costs of a financial nature and time.
Abroad, the "Beauty without Cruelty" movement has developed, which supports
cosmetics made without animal products and not tested on animals. The products
of these companies bear the sign: "Not tested on animals", "Cruelty free" ("the
product, during the manufacture of which there was no cruelty towards animals")
or the image of a rabbit against a triangle background or enclosed in a circle.

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