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Personal Statement

Think about an academic subject that inspires you. Describe how you have furthered this interest
inside and/or outside of the classroom.
A subject that really inspires me is Horticulture. Horticulture is the art and science of plants. The
cultivation of plants in gardens or greenhouses, and opposed to the field-scale production of crops,
has been a source of inspiration for many people. It shows up a wide range of opportunities for
creativity, self-expression, and personal growth. I take Horticulture as a therapeutic activity that
helps people as grass and ornamental trees and plants. Gardening can be materialistic of
agriculture. I’ve always loved working with plex and reducing stress. It is also a way to connect with
nature and appreciate its beauty. Horticulture can include the cultivation of fruits, vegetables, nuts,
seeds, herbs, sprouts, mushrooms, algae, flowers, seaweeds, and non-food crops, especially flowers.
It shows me that our world is beautiful and creative. Horticulture has a positive impact on mental
health by helping with depression and anxiety, it helped me a lot when I was having hard times.
When I was feeling low, the only thing I wanted to do was garden, all day, every day. But also, it takes
a lot of responsibility to grow plants and patience to watch them grow. I would recommend growing
plants because it can be good for the environment and promote sustainability. It can also include
plant conservation, landscape restoration, landscape and garden design, construction, and
maintenance, and arboriculture, ornamental trees and lawns. Not to mention, it can be a beautiful
way to arrange some unique plants to create pretty landscapes. The only way to horticulture all the
time is by having soil around you, it hasn’t been the most popular way to grow food. Most people who
do not have access to land and have no option but to grow their own food can’t. One of the
disadvantages of horticulture is pests and diseases. It can be an issue when plants are ingrown
indoors because they spread diseases that can harm the plant’s health and growth. The most
important disadvantage is time, especially for the gardener, it can be difficult to control what type of
plants you grow, as well as how they react with each other.

Every person has a creative side, and it can be expressed in many ways: Problem solving, original
and innovative thinking, and artistically, to name a few. Describe how you express your creative side.
I express my creativity by having passion. I have strong feelings about things and I know what is
right and wrong. I love to set goals in my life and I feel very glad for myself when I accomplish them.
One of my bad habits is daydreaming. I love to think about how my future will be. Another way to
express my creativity is by writing down ideas. I think it’s a very smart thing to do especially when
you have big plans ahead. I always keep a journal with me just to write down some new ideas I have.
I don’t like being the first person to have an answer to a solution, most likely not saying it outloud. I
like to keep it in my head so that I can keep track if I’m right or wrong. I love to show my innovative
ideas though, if I’m in a group project, I do talk to people and tell them my ideas about it. The last way
I like to express my creativity is by being present. Being present is probably one of the most
important things to do especially while you’re in school. I feel like it’ll take a lot of damage if you miss
a couple of days. People express themselves in different ways, depending on their personality, mood,
and preferences. Some common ways that people express themselves include writing, singing,
painting, or drawing to convey their feelings and opinions. Also wearing clothes or accessories that
reflect their style and taste. Playing an instrument, a sport, or a game that they enjoy. Yelling, crying,
laughing or smiling to show their emotions, Keeping a journal, joining a club, or decorating their
room to express their interests and hobbies.Self-expression is the action of expressing oneself
through any of these means and more. It is an important aspect of life as it helps individuals
communicate their thoughts, feelings, and ideas to others It also allows people to explore their
creativity and individuality.

Describe the most significant challenge you have faced and the steps you have taken to overcome
this challenge. How has this challenge affected your academics?
People face a variety of challenges every day, and these can vary depending on their circumstances.
Some of the most common challenges that people face include :Health crisis: This can range from
minor illnesses to serious medical conditions that require hospitalization. Workplace issues: These
can include conflicts with colleagues, job insecurity, and difficulty balancing work and personal life.
Emptiness: This refers to feelings of boredom, dissatisfaction, or lack of purpose in life. Friendship
issues: These can include conflicts with friends, betrayal, and jealousy. Failure: This can refer to
setbacks in personal or professional life, such as failing an exam or losing a job. Financial crisis: This
can include debt, unemployment, or unexpected expenses. Career pressure: This refers to the stress
and pressure that comes with trying to succeed in one’s career. Unfair treatment: This can include
discrimination, harassment, or bullying. Stress: This can be caused by a variety of factors, including
work, relationships, and financial problems. Anxiety: This refers to feelings of worry or fear that are
often related to future events or situations. These challenges can be difficult to overcome, but there
are many strategies that people can use to cope with them. Seeking support from friends and family,
practicing self-care, and seeking professional help are all effective ways to manage these
challenges. There are many challenges that people face during their education. Some of the most
pressing issues include discipline and security, it's about ensuring a safe and secure learning
environment is essential for students to thrive. Another challenge is race and equality. It’s about
addressing issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion that are critical for creating a fair and just
education system. One of the main challenges are family issues. Family problems such as poverty,
abuse, and neglect can have a significant impact on a student's ability to learn. Family problems can
also impact your mental illness. Mental Illness issues such as anxiety, depression, and stress can
have a significant impact on a student’s ability to learn. It can also cause a problem about ensuring
that students have access to technology, which is essential for preparing them for the 21st century
What have you done to make your school or your school community a better place?
There are many ways to make my school community a better place. One thing I would like to do is to
encourage parent involvement, it’s essential for creating a strong school community. Parent groups
can work to create camaraderie, engagement, and a sense of belonging by organizing social events,
coffee gatherings, and other activities that promote parent involvement and bonding. The second
thing I would like to do is foster inclusive learning environments. Also to create welcoming and
inclusive learning environments for all students is critical for building a fair and just educational
system, it can also be achieved by promoting diversity, quality education and inclusion in the
classroom and ensuring that students feel safe and supported. The third thing I would like to do is to
invest in high-quality teaching materials: Providing teachers with high-quality teaching materials
and resources is essential for ensuring that students receive the best possible education. The fourth
thing I would like to do is to encourage collaborations between educators and staff members.
Encouraging collaborations between educators and staff members can help to create a more
cohesive school community. It can slo be an achievement by organizing professional development
opportunities, team-building activities, and other events that promote collaboration. The fifth thing I
would like to do is to create positive learning environments in classrooms. Creating positive learning
environments in classrooms can help to improve students' motivation and engagement. This can be
achieved by using positive reinforcement techniques, providing students with opportunities to
collaborate with their peers, and creating a safe and supportive classroom environment. The sixth
thing I would like to do is to make physical improvements to the school. Making physical
improvements to the school can help to create a more welcoming and inviting enrollment
environment for students, teachers, and staff members. The last thing I would like to do is increase
educational opportunities. Providing students with access to a wide range of educational
opportunities is essential for preparing them for the 21st century workforce.

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