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SCHOOL YEAR 2020 - 2021
11th GRADE
NAME: Samuel Esteban González Rodriguez

DATE: 18/12/27 GROUP: 3rd semester

A. Below are 25 idioms. Please read them first, then use each one of
them only once in the sentences following them.

1. anyone’s call – a situation in which any result, outcome, or consequence might happen
2. as luck would have it – an expression used to describe something useful that has
happened by chance
3. fat chance! – an expression used to describe something that one believes has little or no
chance of happening
4. the luck of the draw – an outcome based on chance that one doesn’t have control over
5. more by accident than by design – due to luck rather than skill
6. Murphy’s law – the imagined law of nature that anything that can go wrong will go wrong
7. no such luck – an expression used to convey disappointment that something won’t or is
unlikely to happen
8. pot luck – a situation in which one has to take the chance that whatever is available will
be acceptable
9. rotten luck! – an expression used to commiserate
10. that ship has sailed – that opportunity has passed
11. to be sitting pretty – to be in an advantageous circumstance
12. to get a free ride – to benefit from a situation without putting in any effort
13. to get a second bite at the cherry – to get a second opportunity
14. to have a vested interest – to have a personal reason (such as the opportunity for
financial gain) for getting involved with something
15. to have something fall into one’s lap – to have something desirable happen/to acquire
something desirable without putting in any effort
16. to jump on the bandwagon – to join a growing movement just as it’s becoming
17. to luck out – to be very lucky
18. to make hay while the sun shines – to make the most of an opportunity while it lasts
19. to play the waiting game – to wait before doing something in order to do it at the most
opportune moment
20. to push one’s luck – to take a risk in the hope that one will achieve success
21. to strike gold – to achieve success

22. to strike while the iron is hot – to make the most of a particular circumstance and use it
to one’s advantage
23. knock on the wood! – a superstitious expression said to stop a confident statement from
bringing bad luck
24. to wait in the wings – to wait to do something at the appropriate time
25. while the going is good – when the conditions are good

B. Write the correct idiom to fill in each sentence. You must conjugate the verb

1. That student is striking gold to try and get a better grade.

2. I guess it’s _____________________ if we’ll go back to school next year.
3. That was no such luck that the teacher didn’t win the raffle.
4. Well, let’s go on vacation _____________________________________.
5. With _________________________, we got an easy first game.
6. It looks like someone _________________________ with the grade he got.
7. ________________________, I hope we have a calm night with no
8. Let’s __________________________ and go to the party too.
9. Well…she’s ____________________ now that she’s on the Honor Roll.
10.We have no electricity, no car, and it’s snowing!! Rotten luck
11. The director has to wait in the wings for his movie to be produced.
12.While the going is good they cancelled our flight.
13.My mother didn’t win the lottery so I guess that ______________________.
14. Now, we can get back to work after this pandemic ____________________
__________________________before we start having more people infected.
15.He got a free ride with that job offer.
16.Getting a scholarship is sometimes _________________________________.
17.The school had a __________________ dinner for “Day of the Dead”.
18.Trump has __________________________ in continuing to be president.
19.The groom ___________________ with that beautiful bride.
20. He thinks he’ll win the lottery, but he knocked on the wood
21.We have got to go dancing tonight and _____________________________.
22.______________________ that we’ll ever travel around the world!
23. Our mayor always wanted his own plane and now it has just
24.She is __________________________________ to see if Carlos will ask her
out on a date.
25.And she __________________. Carlos finally asked her out.


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