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With the ubiquity and cheapness of most consum-
er-grade cyber, it’s not uncommon for even the poorest
Implantation Time and Difficulty
slum dweller to sport a skinmod or a cranial jack. As Cyberware Usual Time to
with all the products of modern corp marketing, how- System Strain Cost Implant Difficulty
ever, there’s always a price to be paid for their benefits. 0 $100 1 Hour 7
0.1 — 0.5 $1,000 1 Day 8
Installing Cyber 0.6 — 1 $5,000 4 Days 10
Dutiful corporate citizens get their cyberware in-
stalled at corp-sponsored clinics by corp-trained phy- 1.1 — 3 $25,000 2 Weeks 11
sicians. Operators rarely have the luxury of appoint- 3.1 or More $100,000 1 Month 12
ments at such institutions, and many wouldn’t trust
them to begin with. Instead, reliable street docs do
their bloody-handed work in shabby slum chop-shops Implantation Difficulty Modifiers
and discreet private buildings, bolting on new chrome Mod Circumstance
for cash in hand without asking questions or filling out
-1 Only has a cyberdoc kit
product registration forms.
A street doc needs to have at least Heal-1 skill to +0 Has level 1 surgical theater equipment
implant cyberware; even the simplest systems are too +1 Has level 2 surgical theater equipment
complicated to trust to the hands of ordinary phy-
+2 Has level 3 surgical theater equipment
sicians. They also need a clinic, though this clinic’s
equipment can range from a spare cafeteria table and -1 Lacks a dedicated surgical room
a case of “borrowed” medical tools to a cutting-edge +0 Has a dedicated, clean room to work in
computer-assisted surgical theater. All but the most
+1 Has a sterile medical operating room
charitable street docs charge for their efforts, with the
usual prices given in the adjacent table. If they donate +2 Has an entire medical clinic worth of space
their labor for free, the price is halved. -1 The cyber is used goods
Once the necessary doctor and gear are to hand,
the physician makes an Int/Heal or Dex/Heal skill
check against a difficulty based on the complexity of Removing Cyber
the cyber being installed, modified by the circum- Street docs can attempt to safely remove cyber at the
stances of the surgery. same difficulty rating as it took to implant it, with the
If they fail by more than two points, the surgery surgery taking one hour. On a success, the implant is
is unsuccessful, the target’s System Strain is maxi- removed intact and can be re-used. On a failure, the
mized, and the target is reduced to 1 hit point. The implant is ruined, but the patient remains healthy. In
cyber survives, but now counts as used cyber for fu- both cases, the permanent System Strain inflicted by
ture implant purposes. the implant is lost immediately. Note that convention-
If they fail by one or two points, the surgery is al modern technology has yet to accomplish effective
successful, but the user suffers a random implant com- large-scale limb or organ cloning, so taking off cyber-
plication from the table that follows. arms or removing cybereyes is effectively amputation
If it succeeds, the cyber is implanted successfully unless new systems are implanted to replace the old.
with no side effects. If the doc has no interest in the health or surviv-
Whether successful or not, the subject needs a al of the subject, the system removal is automatically
certain amount of time for recovery before they can successful and takes only ten minutes, as any quicker
return to action, whether an hour for the most super- removal is likely to destroy delicate elements of the
ficial cyber or a full month for full-body invasive sur- system. The subject of this ungentle disassembly al-
gery. During this time they must rest and follow the most always dies on the table.
appropriate anti-rejection medication regime. Failure Removing cyber is safest for the implant when the
to do so risks implant complications at best and system subject is alive during the removal, as death runs the
rejection and death the worst. risk of ruining delicate elements of the hardware. If
the subject is dead when the doc goes to salvage their
implants, a skill check is needed at the same difficulty
as implanting. On a success, the implant is recovered
intact, while failure means that it’s ruined.

Cyberware Maintenance Cyberdoc Tools and Facilities

Implanted systems require regular repair, mainte- Item Enc. Cost
nance, and firmware updates in order to function at
their best. Many items also require ongoing subscrip- Cyberdoc Kit 2
tions to corporate service plans in order to maintain Maintenance Supplies 1 Varies
the licensed use of the cyberware. Operators find it a Manufacturer’s Installation Kit 1 $10,000
simple enough matter to wash their identifying details
through widely-available fixer services, but the money Surgical Theater Tools / Level 1 10
has to be paid if those shiny new cyberlegs are going Surgical Theater Tools / Level 2 N/A
to keep kicking. Surgical Theater Tools / Level 3 N/A
These maintenance and subscription expenses
add up to 5% of the cyberware’s base cost due monthly,
not including any cyberware mods or implant surgery Cyberdoc Tools
expenses. The maintenance work itself takes a number A corp-sponsored physician can be expected to have
of hours equal to the System Strain of the system, to a an excellent selection of specialized diagnostic tools,
minimum of fifteen minutes, and must be performed surgical implements, and pharmaceutical aids. Street
by someone with at least Fix-0 or Heal-0. Maintenance docs often have to make do with much less, but there
supplies can be purchased almost anywhere cyberware are some implements that even they can’t do without.
is available, and any reasonable dollar amount of them
can be carried as 1 Encumbrance item. Cyberdoc Kit: A portable kit with all the tools needed
If a system goes more than a month without up- for maintaining cyberware, albeit the mainte-
keep, it starts to malfunction. The GM rolls or picks an nance supplies cost extra. In a pinch, this kit can
implant complication and applies it to the system until be used to implant or remove cyberware, though
it receives maintenance. Some ultra-high-end bespoke few would want to risk using such rudimentary
ware may absolutely require this maintenance if their tools. The kit can serve as a medkit at need.
complex systems are not to stop operating entirely. Maintenance Supplies: A collection of consumable
parts, lubricants, medications, faked subscription
Concealing and Detecting Cyber keys, and pirated firmware updates. Any reason-
Most conventional cyber has one of three different able dollar value of supplies can be carried as 1
levels of blatancy. point of Encumbrance.
Medical-rated cyber is completely concealed from Manufacturer’s Installation Kit: These tools and tech-
surface-level inspection, and cannot be detected with- nical resources are usually restricted to licensed
out a cyber scanner or a medical examination. installation vendors of a given cyberware com-
Touch-rated cyber is inobvious to mere visual ex- pany. They grant a +1 skill check bonus when
amination, but a person who touches the augmented installing or removing cyberware made by that
limb, skin, or other organ will immediately recognize manufacturer. They are closely tracked, and it can
the signs of cybernetic modification. be difficult to find a corp doc willing to sell them
Sight-rated cyber is so blatant that anyone who under the table.
looks at the affected body part can see that some form Surgical Theater/Level 1: A basic collection of medical
of augmentation has been done. Baggy clothing may tools, pharmaceuticals, scanners, technical man-
suffice to conceal it, but even the most perfunctory uals, and software subscriptions. Most ordinary
patdown will detect it. street docs command this level of hardware. Lay-
Ordinary investigators may not recognize the ing it out for use requires at least a semi-clean
specific cyber, but experienced operators and other room’s worth of working space.
cyber-versed examiners can usually get a good idea Surgical Theater/Level 2: A more sophisticated, ex-
of what’s under a person’s skin, often recognizing the tensive, and advanced operating theater than the
specific model of cyber by its signature telltales. level 1 version. High-grade street docs and stan-
Cyber that produces obvious bodily changes is dard corporate employee clinics would use this
likewise obvious when it is being used. A Body Blades tech, which requires the same amount of space
I implant may be hidden under most circumstances, as the level 1 array.
but slicing open some corp VIP with it is going to Surgical Theater/Level 3: Some of the most advanced
make it very obvious, very quickly. medical tech commonly available on the market,
this grade of surgical assistance is usually found
only in corporate clinics for high-level employees
or in the private clinics of top-end street docs.
It requires a half-dozen rooms to support all its

Implant Complications Implantation Complications

Sometimes a less-than-perfect installation results in
unfortunate side effects. These complications are tied d12 Complication
to particular cybersystems, and the only way to stop Unreliable: The first time each day that it's
them is to remove the offending cyber. important that the system function, roll
A user who wants a second try at installing a par- 1 1d6; on a 1, it's nonfunctional until it
ticular system will need to remove the original cyber, receives maintenance.
spend a month undergoing therapeutic medical treat-
ment at a cost equal to the offending cyber’s original Inefficient: The item incurs an additional 0.5
2 System Strain cost.
installation cost, and then try again with an entirely
new system from a different manufacturer. Such ad- Loud: When the system is operating, it's loud
ditional attempts have a cumulative -1 penalty on all enough to be heard clearly five meters
installation attempts after the original. away, making stealth impossible. Sys-
tems that are always on make this noise
Skillplugs constantly.
The distilled result of years of neural research and neu-
romotor pattern imprinting, skillplugs can grant a user Fussy: The required interval between main-
4 tenance is halved.
a reasonable facsimile of expertise in almost any skill.
Appearing as small, brightly-colored cylinders about
Bad Connection: Each time the cyberware
half the size of a cigarette, a skillplug jack and a Main
is triggered, there's a 1 in 6 chance it
Action is needed to load a plug.
5 fails to activate and the action is wast-
Commonly-available skillplugs can be found for
ed. Cyberware that is always on is not
any skill at level-0 or level-1. A basic Skillplug Jack I
hindered by this.
can only interface with intellectual skills that require
only modest physical expertise; Know, Fix, or Heal Blatant: Cyberware that normally requires
could qualify for this, but Shoot, Exert, or most forms Medical or Touch detection now be-
of Perform would not. Such physical skills require an 6 comes obvious on sight, perhaps due
upgraded Skillplug Jack II unit. to excessive scarring or required sur-
Someone with a plug jack and the Skillplug Wires face-mount support.
implant can make use of rare, costly level-2 skillplugs,
Debilitating: Pick an attribute in some way
or the vanishingly rare level-3 plugs. Rumor persists
relevant to the cyber. The attribute suf-
that the more advanced plugs require the destructive
7 fers a 1d2 point penalty to its score that
disassembly of the neural tissue of an expert practi-
persists as long as the system remains
tioner in order to manufacture them.
While an excellent substitute for years of prac-
tice, skillplugs have their flaws. The programmatic Uncooperative: While the cyberware re-
expertise embedded in them sometimes conflicts with 8 mains implanted, it becomes impossible
the user’s natural instincts or already-extant muscle to benefit from a brand loyalty bonus.
memory. Whenever the user rolls a natural 2 on a
skillplug-augmented skill check, or a natural 1 on a Complicated: The complexity of the instal-
skillplug-augmented attack roll, the check or roll is an lation increases the minimum skill level
9 required to maintain it by 1 level, to a
automatic failure that no reroll ability can save. The
skillplug jack itself then locks up uselessly for the rest maximum of level-4.
of the scene. Exhausting: Maintenance on the system is
While it is possible to implant multiple plug jacks exceptionally taxing. After it's done, the
and use multiple skillplugs at once, the increased neu- 10 user needs to spend 24 hours of down-
ral crosstalk invariably increases the chance of severe time resting; if they omit this, they gain
error. Each additional skillplug run after the first in- 2 System Strain immediately.
creases the automatic failure roll range by one point.
Power Hungry: The user needs to supplement
Skillplug Cost the system with a Type B power cell
Level-0 intellectual skill $1,000 11 daily, or else plug into an urban power
Level-1 intellectual skill $10,000 grid for a half-hour. Without this, the
system goes inert until re-powered.
Level-2 intellectual skill $50,000
Level-3 intellectual skill N/A Petty Annoyance: It has some small quirk
12 or deficiency of fit that causes no real
Physical-based skill x2 problem in its functionality.

Cyberware Brands and System Synergy

Every corporation that manufactures cyberware uses this synergy allows the concealment of cyber that
their own in-house code suite and construction pro- would normally be overt. When active, one sys-
cess, and the industry’s respect for open standards is tem of the user’s choice gains a Medical conceal-
minimal. While implants from multiple manufactur- ment rating.
ers will work together, they will not work together as Sustaining: Corps focusing on life-support tech and
well as they would if all of them came from the same physical augments often build this synergy into
corp. Unfortunately for would-be completist operators, their offerings. When active, the user’s maximum
not all corporations make all types of cyberware, and hit points increase by 8.
sometimes a user who wants a particular implant has Universal: A trait held by dedicated cyberware manu-
no choice but to go to a specific manufacturer. facturing corporations, Universal mods are built
Cyberware manufacturers have one or more syn- to maximize biological compatibility and mini-
ergies available in their product lineup, depending on mize strain on the user. Activating this synergy
their corporate focus and technical aptitudes. Any user reduces the total System Strain cost of the user’s
who implants 3 System Strain or more of cyber from cyber by one point.
that manufacturer may activate the synergy during
their implant surgery. Only one synergy at a time can Cyberware Manufacturers
be selected from any given corp, but if the corp offers The corps listed below produce much of the cyberware
multiple options, the choice can be changed with a available on the legitimate market. Few operators will
day’s work by a street doc with Fix-1 and Heal-1 skills. risk buying anything but the most inocuous tech from
corp vendors, however.
Synergies The cyber that PCs buy is assumed to be “street
While boutique manufacturers and specialty product tech”, cyber that’s been scrubbed of corporate firm-
lines have been known to offer more exotic benefits, ware and identifying features. While this prevents
the following synergies are the most common. easy tracking or anti-theft disabling, such street tech
does not qualify to contribute to brand synergies.
Adaptable: Corporations that are unusually generous PCs who want the benefits of brand synergies
with their system interface access and technical need to “find” unregistered virgin cyberware or take
specifications can sometimes offer this synergy. their corp purchases to a street doc willing to carefully
When active, one cyberware mod made on the excise the offending code. Such an effort has the same
user’s systems does not require any Upkeep from difficulty as the cyber’s implantation difficulty with
a tech. the same mods, but failure means the cyber is bricked.
Aggressive: Military corps often provide this syner- Current popular manufacturers are noted below.
gy with their implants, the fruit of a wide array
of small but significant offensive sub-functions. Acheron Corporation: Provides combat augs and body
When active, the user gains a +1 hit bonus on enhancement tech. It provides the Aggressive
all attacks. synergy.
Durable: Found most often in the manufacturers of Eastern Alliance: A coalition of Eastern seaboard
defensive systems and life-support tech, Durable corps, they specialize in sensory ware and thera-
cyber is built to hold up with minimum mainte- peutic cyber. They provide the Durable synergy.
nance. Activating this synergy doubles the time Legau-Durach GmbH: A European corp focusing on
between maintenance intervals for all the user’s high-end “security” tech and neuralware. Pro-
cyber. vides either the Specialized or Subtle synergies.
Hardened: A popular selling point for cyber from Lianghe Consumer Goods: The major producer of
more security-minded corps, hardened cyber- most consumer-grade lifestyle augs, LCG’s wares
ware is more difficult for a hacker to subvert. provide the Adaptable synergy.
When active, any cyberhacks directed at the user Nova Vida Networking: A Brazilian corporation
require 1 more point of Access than usual. known for its extensive development of neural-
Specialized: Cognitive cyberware manufacturers ware and advanced sensory tech. It provides the
often embed semi-skillware assistants in their Hardened synergy.
offerings to support specialized use cases. When Paracelsus Medical Technologies: The medical and
this synergy is active, the user picks one skill; prosthetic cyber produced by PMT is among the
once per day, as an Instant action, they get a +1 best and most biocompatible, providing either the
bonus on a skill check involving it. Sustaining or Universal synergies.
Subtle: By distributing otherwise-obvious but neces-
sary functionality over several different implants,

Cyberware Systems
Aesthetic Augmentation Suite: Any standard fleshmod ural ways. While the base model provides only
can supply beauty, but an aesthetic augmentation normal human hearing, all are equipped with ear
suite provides not only a fleshmod’s versatility, protection against loud noises. Cyberears grant
but tailored pheromones, vocal harmonizers, one point of free System Strain that can be used
social cue triggers, and an absolutely inhuman for ear mods only.
visual perfection. Subjects modded this way are Cybereyes: While single cybernetic eyes can be im-
obviously and blatantly tailored, but gain a Cha- planted, it is recommended that both be replaced
risma score of 14, or a +2 score bonus if already at the same time to improve neural adaptation.
14 or greater. These cybereyes are clearly artificial, though
Assisted Glide System: Retractable nanofiber wings most are styled in attractive or striking fashions.
and integral boost jets allow a limited degree of They all have perfect 20/20 vision and integral
flight for the user of this implant. When leaping flash protectors, but additional functionality
from a high place, they gain a flight Move speed must be implanted separately. A user with cybe-
of 30m for up to two kilometers before being reyes or syntheyes has one free System Strain that
forced to land. Gaining altitude requires a Dex/ can be dedicated to eye cybermods.
Exert skill check against difficulty 10, however, Cyberlimb: A standard medical-grade cyberlimb, albe-
with failure forcing a landing, and the wings it one Encumbrance worth of equipment or stor-
can’t carry them more than twice as high as the age can be implanted in it and remain Readied
height they jumped from. By deploying the boost without counting against the character’s Encum-
jets and wings as an Instant action, the user can brance. Add the equipment cost to the limb. The
ignore up to a hundred meters of falling damage. limb provides power to any electronic equipment
Banshee Module: Resonant cavities are designed into implanted.
the user’s torso, along with an advanced amplifi- Cybernetic Infrastructure Baseline: A set of standard-
cation system. They can reproduce any sound or ized support implants provide a baseline degree
voice they have heard before, and at maximum of cyber-compatibility to a subject. They can ig-
volume can be heard clearly up to five hundred nore System Strain from cyber implants equal to
meters away. Once per day, as a Main Action, 12 minus their Constitution score- so a PC with
this sound can be used to shatter normal glass Constitution 9 could ignore three points worth
in a ten-meter line in front of the user; creatures of System Strain from cyber implants. PCs with
without ear protection in this area must make a Constitutions of 12 or more do not benefit from
Physical save or take 2d6 non-lethal damage. this infrastructure.
Body Blades I: Assorted retractable blades and spikes Dermal Armor I: Subtle dermal weave reinforcement
are implanted in the user’s limbs. Their unarmed grants a base AC of 15, or +1 if better than 15.
attacks do 1d8 damage with a Shock of 2/15. Dermal Armor II: Heavier subcutaneous plating is add-
When not in use, they’re perceptible only to a ed to the dermal weave to give a base AC of 18, or
medical scan +1 if better than 18. The user can ignore the first
Body Blades II: The user’s body armament includes instance of Shock in a round.
not only conventional blades, but assorted im- Dermal Armor III: Overt ceramic body plating and
provements such as monomolecular edges, cut- double-mesh joint reinforcement gives a base AC
ting vibrations, or thermal augmentation. Their of 20, or +1 if better than 20. The user can ignore
unarmed attacks do 2d6 damage with a Shock of the first instance of Shock in a round and up to
4/15. Anyone who sees or touches their arms can 5 points of damage each round from fire, cold, or
detect signs of the cyber, however. electricity.
Coordination Augment I: The user’s natural mind- Discretion Insurance Unit: A cranial bomb that can be
body interface is tightened. The subject gains a keyed go off when it receives- or does not receive-
Dexterity score of 14, or +2 if already 14 or higher. certain codes or transmissions. Its unfortunate
Coordination Augment II: As Coordination Augment I, tendency to the false activation of the anti-re-
but the subject gains a Dexterity score of 18, and moval protocols makes it an unpopular choice for
their base Move rate is increased by 10 meters. use in anyone but the most disposable subjects.
Cranial Jack: A discreetly-placed plug socket in the Removing this cyber is done at a +2 difficulty, and
user’s head or neck allows interfacing with cyber- failure causes detonation for 5d6 damage to the
decks and gear equipped with a jack line. surgeon and the death of the subject.
Cyberears: While normal in appearance, touch re- Ear Mod/Filter: The user’s sense of hearing is sharp-
veals the synthetic nature of these ears. Some ened remarkably, allowing them to follow indi-
owners prefer to style them in fanciful or unnat- vidual conversations in a noisy crowd, eavesdrop

on whispers up to twenty meters distant, and gain single-round magazine. If used against a target in
a +2 bonus on all hearing-related Notice checks. melee range who does not suspect its existence,
Ear Mod/Positional Detection: This ear mod con- a normal hit roll is made; on a miss, it does full
structs a spatial map of significant surrounding normal damage anyway, and on a hit, the damage
sounds, allowing the user to know the exact loca- is doubled.
tion of anything making audible noise. The pre- Eye Mod/Impostor: Aside from allowing free alter-
cise location of distant shooters, the location of ation of eye color, this mod allows the user to copy
targets in visual concealment, and the positions another person’s retinal patterns. Provided they
of moving creatures in darkness are all clear. are within two meters, they need only meet the
Ear Mod/Sonar: The user can navigate even in dark- user’s gaze for a few moments to get a good im-
ness or while blinded by means of ultrasonic print. The eye can store up to a dozen imprints,
sensors, being able to construct a crude map of but it takes a Main Action to shift from one to
people and obstacles in front of them. This sense another. Note that it is a relatively simple pro-
is the equivalent of vision, though it can’t discern cedure to alter a person’s retinal pattern, so an
details more subtle than faces. important target alerted to the imposture may
Ear Mod/Tracer: As an On Turn action, the user end up changing their imprint.
can nominate a target within 20 meters. Until Eye Mod/Infrared Vision: The infrared vision this
they get more than 100 meters away from the mod allows permits basic navigation in dark ar-
user or pass behind a solid barrier, the implant’s eas and makes the presence of heat sources such
hyper-specific hearing can track their motions as humans, engines, and infrared tripwires very
perfectly and overhear anything they say or that obvious. The user gains a +1 bonus on any Notice
is said to them. The user can listen to one such checks to detect the presence of thermally-un-
target at a time. shielded living creatures.
Emergency Stabilization Factor: When brought to Eye Mod/Low Light Vision: This mod grants low-light
zero hit points by an injury that does not in- vision, allowing clear sight to normal distances in
stantly kill them, the target automatically stabi- any light condition better than pitch blackness.
lizes, gaining one System Strain, and will regain Eye Mod/Tactical View: These eyes can receive text
consciousness at the end of the scene with 1 hit or video transmissions and play them on an inset
point. If they are already at maximum strain, this in the user’s normal vision. Outline and pattern
cyberware does not function. discrimination is enhanced; when specifically
Enhanced Reflexes I: Neural acceleration matrices can looking for some person or type of object, gain a
be deployed to briefly boost the user’s reaction +1 bonus to any relevant Notice check.
speed. Once per scene, as an On Turn action, the Eye Mod/Zoom: The user’s vision can zoom in on
user gets a bonus Main Action. distant targets. The user can see objects within
Enhanced Reflexes II: Once per scene, as an On Turn 500 meters as if they were standing next to them.
action, the user gains a bonus Main Action and The hit penalty for a ranged weapon’s long range
Move action. By accepting one System Strain, this is eliminated.
ability can be used as an Instant action, potential- Fleshmod: Careful surgery and support implants allow
ly interrupting incoming attacks. for a complete physical remolding within gener-
Enhanced Reflexes III: Twice per scene, as an On Turn ally humanoid lines, including alterations of sex,
action, the user gains a bonus Main Action and height, cosmetic limbs such as tails or decorative
bonus Move Action. By accepting one System ears, and overall weight. Reproductive ability is
Strain, this ability can be used as an Instant action. not conferred, but rumors persist of experimental
Eye Mod/Dazzler: This mod can emit a dazzling mods that can grant even that.
strobe of intense light, dazing and disorienting Full Body Conversion: The user’s brain and central
those standing up to five meters in front of the nervous system are transplanted into a cut-
user. The strobe is triggered up to once per round ting-edge organo-synthetic shell. This shell can
as an On Turn action and adds one System Strain. be augmented with cyber as normal, and the
Victims without eye protection must make a user gains an effective Constitution score of 18
Physical saving throw or take a -4 penalty to their for purposes of hit points, ability modifiers, and
armor class and hit rolls for the next 1d6 rounds. maximum System Strain. The inescapably un-
Victims who save are immune to this mod for the natural aura of the shell inflicts a -1 Charisma
rest of the scene. modifier penalty on all checks unrelated to in-
Eye Mod/Flechette Launcher: A holdout weapon de- timidation. The conversion requires twelve hours
signed for surprise short-ranged attacks, this eye of maintenance every two weeks instead of ev-
has been loaded with a small explosive flechette. ery month, and missing it will result in the user’s
It has the statistics of a pistol, has a range of 10 death in 1d6 days unless the omitted maintenance
meters, and requires a Main Action to reload its is performed.

Funes Complex: A synthetic eidetic memory is grant- are automatically gunlink-compatible, count as
ed by this implant, with formalized bodies of Readied at all times, and can be used even while
knowledge easily cross-referenced and recollect- both hands are occupied. Limbguns have an
ed. Once per day, as an Instant action, reroll any intrinsic +1 hit bonus, in addition to whatever
failed Int-based skill check. This memory can bonus the implanted weapon may have. The max-
be difficult to control, however, and unwanted imum size of the gun is Encumbrance 1 for flesh-
allusions can overwhelm the desired datum. If modded tails or legs, or Encumbrance 2 for arms.
the user rolls a natural 2 on any Int skill check, Medical Support Readout: A diagnostic system is
it automatically fails and cannot be recovered by interfaced with the the user’s biological process-
any rerolling ability. es, allowing a realtime analysis of their current
Gunlink: Hardwired control points interface with the health and any significant injuries. Aside from
onboard targeting systems of certain advanced immediately alerting the user when they are poi-
weapons. When using such a weapon, the PC ig- soned, diseased, or injured, it grants any healing
nores range penalties and negates up to 4 points or medical support skill check a +2 bonus thanks
of hit penalties for cover, concealment, or prone to the diagnostic information.
targets. Once per scene, as an Instant action, they Muscle Fiber Replacement I: Artificial muscle fibers
can reroll a missed attack roll with the weapon. are implanted as replacements for the user’s own
Headcomm: An implanted phone/short-range radio flesh. The subject gains a Strength score of 14, or
that can directly communicate within 100 meters +2 if already 14 or higher.
or use the phone grid, if it’s available. For cranial Muscle Fiber Replacement II: The subject gains a
security reasons, only text and voice can be trans- Strength score of 18, and can smash through
mitted, but conversations can be held without au- standard interior doors or equivalent barriers as
dible vocalization. a Move action.
Hemosynthetic Filter System: A wide-spectrum array Neolimb: The user gains an additional limb that nor-
of blood scrubbers, intake filters, and microbial mal humans lack. Usual choices involve an addi-
barriers grants the user effective immunity to tional pair of arms or manipulatory mechano-ten-
most natural diseases and non-synthetic toxins. tacles, though prehensile tails are popular among
Weaponized toxins and certain exotic natural those who aren’t satisfied with a fleshmodded
afflictions can still affect the user, but they get a cosmetic one. One installation of the cyber cov-
+2 bonus on all saving throws against them. The ers paired limbs or a single tail or body-mounted
system automatically alerts the user if they have tendril up to 3 meters long. Neolimbs can support
been exposed to a recognized disease or toxin, up to one Encumbrance point of non-weapon-
whether or not it affects them. ry built-in tech and add two items to the user’s
Holdout Cavity: A biosculpted torso pocket allows for Readied encumbrance allowance. Neolimbs can
the air-tight, climate-controlled concealment of hold or grip objects, but cannot employ additional
2 Encumbrance worth of items inside the user’s shields or take actions independent of the user’s
body and their easy production with a Main Ac- usual Main Action.
tion. Any given object stored can’t be larger than Omnihand: A full array of small mechanical and elec-
a pistol or a tightly-folded suit of clothing, and the tronic tools are folded into this cybernetic hand.
pocket’s contents don’t count against the user’s The user is never without the tools for relevant
Encumbrance limit. The pocket’s signature is dis- skill checks, and once per day as an Instant action
guised against conventional scanning technology, can gain +1 on any skill check involving the om-
and it cannot be detected without a manual strip nihand’s tool use. As an improvised weapon, the
search by a trained examiner. tools do damage as a knife.
Iron Hand Aegis: Absorption plates and kinetic abla- Poseidon Implants: These implants allow the user to
tives are implanted in the user’s arms and linked function normally while submerged for an in-
with a reactive ballistic calculator. Once per scene, definite period, drawing any necessary oxygen
as an Instant action, the user can deflect a suc- or drinking water from the surrounding salt or
cessful ranged bullet, arrow, or thrown weapon freshwater. Normal temperature extremes are
attack, including burst or suppressive fire. Sur- managed without difficulty, and pressure can be
prise attacks cannot be deflected this way, nor can handled down to depths of one kilometer. Visual
melee attacks or explosives. augments and pressure gradient sensors allow the
Limbgun: A ranged weapon is implanted into an arm, equivalent of normal sight up to 30 meters even
tail, or other significant limb, along with space in lightless water, and miniaturized support jets
for two magazines worth of ammunition. A full allow three-dimensional movement at twice the
reload of this space can be accomplished as a Main user’s normal Move rating.
Action. The chosen ranged weapon is to be sup-
plied by the user before the surgery. Limbguns

Reaction Booster I: These implants grant a +2 bonus Skillplug Wiring: A neural wiring connection im-
to Initiative rolls. Once per scene, as an Instant proves a Skillplug Jack’s limits to allow up to lev-
action, ignore Snap Attack hit penalties. el-3 skill usage. One set of wires can support any
Reaction Booster II: The user automatically wins ini- number of jacks.
tiative against targets that don’t also automatical- Skinmod: Various neon tattoos, skin texture and col-
ly win initiative; if both have this ability, initia- or changes, and other superficial physical mods
tive is rolled without modifications. The user can can be performed with no real systemic burden
act normally during surprise rounds. beyond the usual need for regular maintenance.
Recovery Support Unit: A number of support systems Skyborn Shielding: A set of implants and skin treat-
and blood purification filters are installed. The ments meant for those who spend extended peri-
user can absorb up to four points of System Strain ods in hard vacuum, this implant can be triggered
incurred from healing or wound stabilization as an Instant action. When deployed, the user
effects; this is a separate pool that recovers one gains the benefits of a Sealed Systems Implants
point every night at the same time as the user’s and low-G microjets that allow 30m/round flight
natural System Strain recovers. in microgravity conditions. Skyborn Shielding
Remote Control Link: A neurally-integrated control can operate for up to 72 hours before needing an
link allows for near-range control of drones or hour of downtime to regenerate.
remote-rigged vehicles. Stick Pads: Macroscale van der Waals generators allow
Sealed Systems Implant: When triggered as an In- the user’s hands and feet to stick to vertical or
stant action, implanted shields deploy and skin- overhanging surfaces, their full weight support-
weaves energize to seal the user off from hostile ed by one arm. They can climb such surfaces at
external environments. For the next six hours, their full movement rate, provided at least one
the user can operate as if wearing a vacuum suit, hand is free.
ignoring vacuum, contact poisons, non-immedi- Synthears: This model of cyberear is designed to be
ately-lethal levels of radiation, toxic gases, low or indistinguishable from normal ears, though they
high-pressure atmospheres, and environmental have all the properties of a normal pair of cy-
temperature hazards short of open flame. After berears.
deployment, the implant needs an equal time of Syntheyes: These high-end cybereyes are designed
recovery before it can be deployed again. to be indistinguishable from normal eyes under
Sensory Recorder: The user can record up to X min- anything short of a medical examination. Any ad-
utes of sensory input. If they have a jack line into a ditional mods made to the eyes share this subtlety.
transmitter or cyberware capable of transmitting Synthlimb: A high-grade cyberlimb that’s indistin-
data, they can share these recordings in real time guishable from an organic body part under any-
or afterwards. thing closer than a medical examination. It can-
Sharkskin Electrodes: An implanted mesh of elec- not be fitted with equipment the way a cyberlimb
trodes beneath the user’s skin allows them to can, however.
deliver debilitating shocks while grappling a Therapeutic Control Dampers: A set of customized
target, even if both are heavily clothed. At the medical and therapeutic implants are used to
end of each round of grappling, the user inflicts control the side-effects of a partially-successful
2d6 non-lethal electrical damage on anyone they cyberware implant. For each implantation of this
grapple or who is grappling them. The shielding system, the user can choose to ignore one implant
built into the cyber automatically negates non-le- side-effect they currently suffer. The skill check
thal electrical damage for the user and halves le- to implant this system can fail, but no side-effects
thal shocks. are induced by it even on a partial success.
Shock Fists: The user’s hands are implanted with sub- Trajectory Optimization Node: This cyber can calcu-
dermal electrical webbing. As an Instant action, late the optimal path for bypassing defenses and
accept one System Strain; for the rest of the scene, striking a target. Once per scene, as an Instant
your unarmed attacks do an additional 1d8 dam- action, turn a missed hit roll into a success. Melee
age. Unarmed attacks augmented with this mod and unarmed attacks can be used as-is, but using
are non-lethal if desired. this unit with a ranged attack requires an active
Skillplug Jack I: A discreet head-mounted plug port gunlink with the weapon.
allows use of an intellectual skillplug for a skill
requiring minimal physical ability, up to level-1.
Once slotted, a skillplug takes five minutes to
boot up and integrate properly.
Skillplug Jack II: This improved plug jack allows use
of either an intellectual skillplug or one requiring
physical expertise, up to level-1.

Ware Price Type Conc. SysStr Manufacturers
Aesthetic Augmentation Suite Body Sight 2 LCG, PMT
Assisted Glide System Body Touch 2 LCG, LD
Banshee Module Body Medical 1 LCG
Body Blades I Limb Medical 1 AC, LD
Body Blades II Limb Sight 2 AC, LD
Coordination Augment I Nerves Medical 2 AC, PMT
Coordination Augment II Nerves Touch 3 AC
Cranial Jack Head Touch 0.25 LD, LCG, NVN
Cyberears Sensory Touch 0.5 EA, LCG, NVN, PMT
Cybereyes Sensory Sight 0.25 EA, LCG, NVN, PMT
Cyberlimb Limb Touch 0.5 EA, LCG, PMT
Cybernetic Infrastructure Baseline Body Medical 0 NVN, PMT, EA
Dermal Armor I Skin Medical 1 AC, LD
Dermal Armor II Skin Touch 2 AC, LD
Dermal Armor III Skin Sight 3 AC
Discretion Insurance Unit Head Medical 0.5 AC, LD, NVN
Ear Mod/Filter Sensory Medical 0.5 EA, LCG, NVN
Ear Mod/Positional Detection Sensory Medical 0.5 EA, NVN
Ear Mod/Sonar Sensory Medical 0.5 EA, NVN
Ear Mod/Tracer Sensory Medical 0.5 EA, NVN
Emergency Stabilization Factor Body Medical 1 EA, NVN, PMT
Enhanced Reflexes I Nerves Medical 2 AC, LD, NVN, PMT
Enhanced Reflexes II Nerves Medical 3 AC, LD
Enhanced Reflexes III Nerves Touch 4 LD
Eye Mod/Dazzler Head Medical 0.5 EA, NVN
Eye Mod/Flechette Launcher Head Medical 0.5 AC
Eye Mod/Impostor Sensory Medical 1 EA, NVN
Eye Mod/Infrared Vision Sensory Medical 0.5 EA, LCG, NVN
Eye Mod/Low Light Vision Sensory Medical 0.5 EA, LCG, NVN
Eye Mod/Tactical View Sensory Medical 0.5 EA, NVN
Eye Mod/Zoom Sensory Medical 0.5 EA, LCG, NVN
Fleshmod Body Medical 1 LCG, PMT
Full Body Conversion Body Sight 0 AC, LD, PMT
Funes Complex Head Medical 1 LD, NVN
Gunlink Sensory Touch 1 AC, LD, NVN
Headcomm Sensory Medical 0.25 EA, NVN
Hemosynthetic Filter System Body Medical 1 LCG, PMT
Holdout Cavity Body Medical 1 LCG, PMT, LD
Iron Hand Aegis Limb Touch 1 AC

Ware Price Type Conc. SysStr Manufacturers
Limbgun Limb Touch 1 AC, LD
Medical Support Readout Body Medical 0.25 EA, LCG, PMT
Muscle Fiber Replacement I Limb Touch 1 AC, PMT
Muscle Fiber Replacement II Limb Sight 2 AC, PMT
Neolimb Limb Sight 1 LCG, PMT
Omnihand Limb Touch 0.25 LCG, NVN
Poseidon Implants Skin Touch 1 LCG, EA, LD
Reaction Booster I Nerves Medical 1 AC, LD, NVN
Reaction Booster II Nerves Medical 2 LD, NVN
Recovery Support Unit Body Medical 1 EA, PMT
Remote Control Link Nerves Touch 2 AC, LD, NVN
Sealed Systems Implant Skin Medical 1 LCG, EA, LD
Sensory Recorder Sensory Medical 0.5 LCG, NVN
Sharkskin Electrodes Skin Touch 1 AC, LD
Shock Fists Limb Touch 1 AC, LD
Skillplug Jack I Head Touch 0.25 EA, LD, NVN
Skillplug Jack II Head Touch 0.5 LD, NVN
Skillplug Wiring Nerves Medical 1 EA, LD, NVN
Skinmod Skin Sight 0 LCG, PMT
Skyborn Shielding Skin Sight 2 LCG, PMT
Stick Pads Limb Touch 0.5 LCG, LD
Synthears Sensory Medical 0.5 EA, LCG, PMT
Syntheyes Sensory Medical 0.5 EA, LCG, PMT
Synthlimb Limb Medical 0.5 EA, LCG, PMT
Therapeutic Control Dampers Body Medical 1 EA, PMT
Trajectory Optimization Node Nerves Medical 1 AC, NVN

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