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Significance of the Study

IM 311
• What Is The Significance Of Study
• The Questions That Significance Should Answers
• The Purpose Of Significance
• Techniques Of Significance
• Examples For How To Write Significance
• In writing the introduction of a thesis, a section is devoted
to the significance of the study.
• This section, often referred to as the "rationale" is crucial,
because it is one place in which the researcher tries to
convince an audience that the research is worth doing.
• It should establish why the audience should want to read
on. It could also persuade someone of why he or she would
want to support, or fund, a research project.
The questions that the significance should answers:
• Why is this work important?
• What are the implications of doing it?
• How does it link to other knowledge?
• How does it stand to inform policy making?
• Why is it important to our understanding of the world?
• What new perspective will you bring to the topic?
• What use might your final research paper have for others in this
field or in the general public?
• Who might you decide to share your findings with once the
project is complete?
The researcher should think about how the research:
• May resolve theoretical questions in the research area
• May develop better theoretical models in the research area
• May influence public policy
• Change the way people do their jobs in a particular field, or may
change the way people live.
• And if there are other contributions the research will make, the
researcher should also describe them in detail.
There are two techniques to follow in writing

A. Refer to the statement of the problem

Your problem statement can guide you in identifying the
specific contribution of your study. You can do this by
observing a one-to-one correspondence between the
statement of the problem and the significance of the study.
For example:

• "Is there a significant relationship between the teacher's teaching style

and the students' long quiz scores in mathematics?"
• Then the contribution of your research would probably be a teaching
style or styles (among say, three teaching styles you evaluated) that can
help students perform better in mathematics. Your research will
demonstrate that that teaching style really works.
• That could be a groundbreaking approach that will change the way
teachers teach mathematics which many students abhor.
Write from general to specific contribution

• Write the significance of the study by looking into the

general contribution of your study, such as its importance to
society as a whole, then proceed downwards — towards its
contribution to individuals and that may include yourself as a

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