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The past few years witness a typical urbanization era in large developing province such as Albay.

Cities in
Albay are experiencing rapid growth, which has accelerated urban development. In line with the
urbanization process, land resources have inevitably presented a series of changes. An evolution
perspective on the urban land carrying capacity in the urbanization era of China - ScienceDirect

Urbanization is not only a process of population but also a process of land

urbanization. Therefore, in line with the urbanization process, land resources
will inevitably generate a series of changes in terms of multiple perspectives
including natural landscape. This change of land use pattern will bring the
dynamic evolution of land carrying capacity.

Land-use refers to the purpose for which humans exploit the land-cover for
their existence. It involved both the manner in which the biophysical
attributes of the land are manipulated and the reasons for manipulation.
Examples of land-use are crop farming, livestock rearing, mining, housing
and infrastructural development (Lambin & Geist, 2006). Land-cover on the
other hand is defined as the biophysical state of the earth's surface and the
immediate sub-surface including biota, soil and topography, ground water and
human modifications, such as roads and building (Lambin et al., 2006). The
changes in land-use/land-cover hinge on those activities that people
undertake to earn their living and make their environment comfortable; by so
doing, end up transforming their land and land-cover and this eventually
affects food production. The long-term effect is the threat to food availability
in some areas or regions of the world as fertile lands are being converted to
other uses or degraded due to over cultivation, deforestation and over grazing
(Turner & Mayer, 1994; Tsegaye et al., 2014).
Land use patterns vary considerably across the world. 

Land-use and land-cover (LULC) change had seriously affected agricultural

development in various African countries over the past three decades

To provide a spatio-temporal analysis of LULC change and its attendant

impacts on rural livelihoods, a case study was taken in the eastern region of
Sierra Leone which accounts for most of the exports from the tree crop sector
in addition to being a major diamond producing area of Sierra Leone. The
current study tries to show how geospatial (spatial and temporal) data
complement traditional survey research techniques in providing an
understanding of the impacts of LULC change on rural livelihoods, which is
the key research question this study seeks to address. We approached the
question in three phases; first, we mapped changes in LULC from 1986 to
2000 and from 2000 to 2020 using multi-temporal satellite imagery. We then
carried out household surveys in four communities using a collection of survey
research techniques. . Finally, we linked the identified LULC change with
changes in livelihoods using multiple regression models and correlations. .
The information obtained will benefit research, academia, and policy makers
on sustainable rural land resources management.

Land use and land cover (LULC) change is a key variable in global
environmental change and biogeochemical processes, and it is a critical
component in understanding human modification on physical environment.
One important aspect of human impact on LULC change is the rapid increase
in urban areas in the last few decades. The increase of urban population
requires more land resources to be used for urban residential functions. Urban
growth refers to the overall expansion of human built-up areas.

Changes in land use and land cover (LULC) are important drivers of environmental change, and they are
essential to understanding how to modify the environment.

The rapid increase in urban areas is a crucial aspect on the evolution of Land Use and Land Cover
(LU/LC). As an effect, more land resources are used for urban residential uses that changes are easily

The rapid expansion of urban areas is an important factor in the evolution of Land Use and Land Cover
(LU/LC). As a result, more land resources are being used for urban residential purposes, and the effects
are visible.

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