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ENDOMETRIOSIS Chapter34 pg 416

One of the most common gynae conditions AETIOLOGY

affecting women of reproductive age Unknown, but many theories postulated

DEFINITION Transplantation of shed endometrium

 presence of tissue, histologically similar to Retrograde menstruation
endometrium, at sites outside of uterine cavity Endometrial cells regurgitated through FT at time of menstruation
- Endometriosis common at site of entry into peritoneal cavity i.e. FT ostia & near uterosacral
Definite histological dx needs 2 of the 3 following ligaments at base of broad ligaments
features: - Transplantation of free-floating endometrial cells appears to be influenced by gravity; found in most
 endometrial glands dependant portion of pelvic cavity
 stroma - Pelvic peritoneum presents favourable site for implantation
 haemosiderin pigment o One cell layer thick w/ highly vascularised underlying stroma
= endometriosis externa o Ovarian surface covered by same mesothelium which is broken down at time of ovulation,
enhancing likelihood of attachment
Endometriosis interna/adenomyosis = presence of o Ovary present as most common site for ectopic endometrium
nests of endometrium in myometrium of uterine
wall  should be 2 low-power fields (≥3mm) Lymphatic & haematogenous dissemination
below endomyometrial junction - Microscopic endometrial tissue found in lymphatic channels, lymph nodes & umbilicus
- Multiple reports of endometriosis in well-vascularised organs: lungs, skin, muscles

INCIDENCE & PREVALENCE Iatrogenic dissemination

Accidental transplantation of endometrium in surgical scars after CS/hysterectomy & in lower genital
General population 15-50 yrs: 2.5-33% tract following surgical procedure, delivery/open wound
Females evaluated for acute/chronic pain: 12.5% - Not more frequently observed due to ‘take’ rate of surgically excised endometrium highest in
Females w/ localised pain/severe dysmenorrhoea: interval phase of menstrual cycle and lowest during pregnancy
Infertile females: 30% Coelomic metaplasia
Repeated irritation of peritoneal coelomic epithelium, ass w/ variety of factors (hormonal/infectious stimuli) can
induce pluripotential coelomic cells to transform into endometrial tissue

Activation of embryonic cell rests

Areas adjacent to developing Mullerian ducts, cells of Mullerian origin may be present w/ potential to form
functioning endometrium
Familial & genetic factors CLINICAL PRESENTATION
Occurs more frequently in 1st degree than in 2nd degree relatives of affected women – more likely to
have severe Endometriosis most commonly occurs w/in pelvis – on or w/in
Race ovaries, on peritoneum, beneath serosa of pelvic viscera
 incidence in Japanese women Depends on location of disease
Symptoms don’t correlate directly w/ extent of disease
Menstrual factors
Women w/ short cycle length and longer flow had > double risk than women w/ longer cycle Symptoms (from most frequent to least):
lengths and shorter duration of flow  Dysmenorrhoea
- Menorrhagia in hx of 76% of pts  Pelvic pain
- Early menarche & dysmenorrhoea significant  risk  Infertility
- Prostaglandin-induced  in intrauterine pressure, which causes dysmenorrhoea, may raise  Dyspareunia
sufficiently to  volume of retrograde menstrual flow  Menstrual irregularities
 Cyclical dysuria/haematuria
Delayed childbearing  Dyschezia – painful bowel movement (cyclic)
 Rectal bleeding (cyclic)
Outflow obstruction
Women w/ Mullerian duct anomalies ass w/ outflow obstruction (non-communicating Most common clinical manifestations:
rudimentary uterine horns, cervical stenosis, cervical atresia, vaginal agenesis, imperforate
hymen) more likely Dysmenorrhoea
 Initially mild, more intense w/ subsequent cycles
 Characteristically begins several days before &
Usually related to reactivation of pre-existing disease by high levels of oestrogen ass w/
continues to onset/throughout menses
obesity or oestrogen replacement therapy
 Dull & aching in lower abdomen, pelvis, back
- No cases before puberty, therefore, responsive to steroid hormones
 Occasional radiation to lower extremities
- Smoking & regular exercise identified as significant protective factors  ass w/
menorrhagia  oestrogen levels
Pelvic pain
 Frequently found w/ endometriosis and vice versa
Immunological factors
 Endometriosis must be considered in adolescent w/
Moderate or severe endometriosis highly significant depression of cytotoxic responses
significant dysmenorrhoea, pelvic pain, irregular
vaginal bleeding or chronic GIT sy, origin of which
remains unclear
 Apart from pelvic and menstrual pain, can present w/ CHARACTERISITCS OF EXTRAPELVIC ENDOMETRIOSIS
abdominal pain
- Less frequently, manifest as acute abdominal  lesions found in sites other than the uterus, FT, ovaries, surrounding
emergency w/ haemoperitoneum ass w/ peritoneum
spontaneous rupture of ovarian endometriomas = cervix, vagina, vulva, intestinal tract, urinary tract, abdominal wall, thoracic
cage, lung, extremities, CNS
Infertility Lower incidence than pelvic
 When adhesions are severe enough to produce Not been classified into stages
anatomic distortion, limitation of fimbrial mobility and
tubal occlusion or tubal destruction – mechanical basis Intestinal tract endometriosis
 Pts remain ovulatory Bowel endometrisis = sigmoid, rectosigmoid, rectal areas
- Slight  frequency of corpus luteum insufficiency  Ileocaecal area & appendix also frequently involved
  incidence of luteinised unruptured follicle (LUF) Sy: abdominal pain, distention, diarrhoea, vomiting, constipation, rectal
syndrome bleeding.
 Peritoneal macrophages & peritoneal inflammatory Obstrucitve lesions favour rectosigmoid & ileocaecal area
response can be hypothetical mechanism
 No convincing evidence polyclonal autoimmunity plays Urinary tract endometriosis
role Surface implants of bladder observed during laparoscopy
 Doubtful that abnormal prolactin secretion has  dysuria & frequency
causative role Urethral orifice, bladder wall or ureter
 No substantial  of spontaneous abortions  dysuria, urgency, frequency, haematuria, flank pain, fever, N+V
 characteristically cyclic pattern
Dyspareunia  intermittent hydronephrosis & UTIs
 w/deep penetration & more intense before
menstruation Pulmonary & thoracic endometriosis
 Positional, couple cans alleviate sy by varying coital Rare condition
positions Presentation: pleuritic pain, pneumothorax, haemothorax, haemoptysis
concurrent w/ menstruation
Other menstrual dysfunctions
 Menorrhagia & shorter cycle common Endometriosis of other sites
 Premenstrual spotting 3-7 days before menses Found anywhere except the spleen – suppresses endometriosis
Sy: Cyclical pattern related to menses, except peripheral nerve involvement
Dx: after biopsy – histological presence of endometriosis
3 forms recognised:
Bimanual exam
1) Peritoneal
May reveal:
2) Ovarian
- Tender uterosacral ligaments
3) Endometriosis of rectovaginal septum
- “cobblestone”/”shotty” feel in POD
- Tender nodules
Peritoneal endometriosis
- Thickened rectovaginal septum
3 types of lesions:
- Retroverted & fixed uterus
1. Red lesions
- Generalised/localised pelvic tenderness
- Red vesicles, polypoid lesions or flame-like
- Enlarged, tender ovaries
- More active forms
All be referred for laparoscopy
- Vascularisation of endometriotic implants one of the most NB factors in growth &
invasion of endometrial glands into other tissue
- High stromal vascularisation suggests angiogenesis induced by recent implantation via
Biopsy at time of laparoscopy – golden standard for dx
growth factors or cytokines secreted in stroma
Scanning electron microscopy has revealed 2 characteristics:
2. Black lesions
 Implant can be located intraperitoneally or
- Typical burn-out/powder-blue lesions
- Result of presence of intraluminal debris in implants
 Size of implant in terms of endometrial tissue cannot be - Scarification process probably responsible for reduction in vascularisation
evaluated by laparoscopy - Some cases, inflammatory process & subsequent fibrosis totally devascularise
endometriotic foci
Ovarian tumour-associated antigen (CA 125) - White plaques of old collagen are all that remain of ectopic implant
Cannot be used to differentiate cancer from endometriosis – 3. White opacification & yellow-brown lesions
overlapping range - Latent stages of endometriosis
Conflicting data when CA125 & stage evaluated - Probably non-active lesions that could be quiescent for long time

US Ovarian endometriosis
Not recommended as sole method of dx – no echo pattern Result of metaplasia of coelomic epithelium invaginated into ovarian cortex
specific for endometriosis 2 types:
May give additional & confirmatory info & serve as ancillary 1. Superficial implants
technique - Peritoneal implants that resulted from implantation of endometrial cells from
May be of great assistance in confirming presence & measure retrograde menstruation
size of ovarian endometrioma 2. Intraovarian endometriosis
- Consequence of metaplasia of invaginated mesothelial inclusions
MRI - Epithelium & stroma of cyst wall are able to invaginate secondarily, creating extracystic
No adequate to evaluate superficial lesions endometriotic lesions
Can’t supplant info obtained by laparoscopy & histological study
Endometriosis of rectovaginal septum (adenomyotic Note: Indications for rx
nodules)  Complete pouch of Douglas obliteration =  Pain – pelvic, dysmenorrhoea,
- AKA rectovaginal nodular endometriosis/ severe disease dyspareunia
adenomyosis  Tubal endometriosis is documented under  Abnormal bleeding
- Large and deep nodule (>2cm in size), largest ‘additional endometriosis’  Pelvic pathology – ovarian cyst
 Infertility
area of which is under peritoneal surface  Place for recording less frequently
 Bowel symptoms
- Originates form rectovaginal septum encountered endometriosis i.e. bowel,
 Urinary tract symptoms, incl. ureter
- Consists of smooth muscle hyperplasia w/ urinary tract, vagina, cervix, skin & other obstruction
active glandular epithelium & scanty stroma  Low prevalence of extragenital disease  Prophylactic
- Histologically similar to uterine adenomyosis precludes its direct incorporation into
 theory that they develop from Mullerian staging of severity Surgical rx
remnants  Points have been randomly assigned to  Laparoscopy
- Clinical dx made when smooth muscle different structures & severity of  Laparotomy – conservative, complete
proliferation is sufficiently large to be felt on involvement which is a weakness in this
vaginal exam system
- Endometriotic foci involving smooth muscle  Purpose of system is to predict fertility Surgical rx – conservative
are typically ass w/ striking proliferation of outcome for every category, but poor
smooth muscle, creating an comparison Surgery superior to non-surgical approaches in
adenomyomatous appearance similar to that  Gives an idea of severity based on improving crude pregnancy rates
of adenomyosis in myometrium morphological grounds & makes universal - Doubt regarding advantage in Stage I&II
report & comparison possible - Does seem to improve fertility outcome
compared to pts w/ idiopathic infertility
TREATMENT - Surgery rx of choice in Stage III&IV due to
Scheme designed by ASRM
ass anatomic distortion
- Enables uniform & objective description of
Depends on: - Laparoscopy better outcome than
various forms of clinical presentation &
 Age laparotomy
degrees of severity
 Duration of hx - Pouch of Douglas & rectovaginal septum
- Based on natural progression of disease,
 Desire for fertility or pain relief are where deep infiltrating endometriosis
considerations made for uni-/bilateral
 Degree of symptoms can be found
involvement, differentiation between
 Extent of disease, site of lesion(s) o Difficult to dissect
superficial & invasive lesions of peritoneum
 Prev attempts at therapy & o If nodules completely removed =
or ovaries or both, stratification for severity
 Primary or recurrent endometriosis good pregnancy rate
as minimal (Stage I), mild (Stage II), moderate
(Stage III) or severe (Stage IV) &
quantification of tubo-ovarian adhesions
Table pg423
Surgical rx for pelvic pain NB to seek help from experts Medical rx
Careful dx prior to operation
Not well studied Team approach in severe cases nb NSAIDS
- resolution of sy 6months after surgery noted - 2 gynaes, colon surgeon +/- urologist First-line rx
in 62.5% of treated pts compared to 22.5% in
untreated 90% of pts will have pain relief w/ correct surgical MOA: inhibit biosynthesis of prostaglandins (PGs)
- Return of sy expected by at least 10-20% of approach synthesised by ectopic endometrium
pts treated annually for pain
Surgical adjunctive procedures Sy due to PGs: pelvic pain & dysmenorrhoea
Deep lesions incl. lesions that invade rectovaginal
septum are responsible for severe pain LUNA Oestrogen-progestogen combination
- Rx: complete excision for these & ovarian - Effective in relief of dysmenorrhoea (70- Cyclic/continuous
endometriomas 90%) & dyspareunia (70-94%)
- Cysts: drained & ablated - Especially when uterosacral ligaments Continuous use of low-dose oral contraceptives =
involved anovulation & amenorrhoea (pseudopregnancy) 
2 schools of thought supporting either excision or progressive decidualisation & ultimate necrobiosis
ablations: Presacral neurectomy (PSN) & resorption of ectopic endometrial tissue
- Depending on size, may be necessary to first - Severing sympathetic nerves to uterus at
drain cyst, then treat pt w/ GnRH analogues level of superior hypogastric plexus SE: Table pg 426
& then operate after 3 months w/ excision or - Not advised as routine procedure
ablation Progestogens
- Excision is ass w/ less recurrence Role of new reproductive technologies Produce hypo-oestrogenic acyclic hormonal
environment by suppressing gonadotropin 
Pain relief after surgery observed in 61-100% of pts Mild endometriosis/microscopic disease amenorrhoea
- GIFT procedure accepted tool for rx of Effects: acyclicity & decidualisation
Surgical rx – extensive infertility Not popular due to break-through bleeding
interest due to low cost & fewer SE than other
Pain may be reduced in some pts by hysterectomy & Moderate to severe involving tubal obstruction drugs
bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy - IVF indicated following failed reconstructive
For pt who have: surgery Parenteral
 Completed their families - Medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA)/
 Sterility is acceptable Depo Provera
 Conservative surgical and/or medical rx has Oral
failed - MPA
Bowel & bladder surgeries will reduce pain if lesions - Gestrinone
are localised there - Dydrogesterone (Duphaston)
MPA MOA: inhibits proliferation of human endometrial Danazol
Dose: 150mg IM x 3monthly for 1 year epithelial cells & the growth of human endometrial Synthetic derivative of 17-ethinyl-testosterone that
stromal cells partially supresses gonadotropin levels, ablating
Drawback: prolonged interval between cessation of Also anti-inflammatory effect mid-cycle LH surge but preserving basal secretion
therapy & resumption of ovulation
Dose: 2mg/day minimal effective dose MOA
Administration of 30mg/day arrests progression of Effects: amenorrhoea,  LAP, pain during  Direct effect on endometrial androgen &
endometriotic implants menstruation, dyspareunia, defecation pain and pain progesterone receptors
SE: intermittent break-through bleeding, nausea, breast on examination  Displacement of androgens from sex
tenderness, fluid retention & depression Less effect on BMD than GnRHa hormone-binding globulins, augmenting
Generally well tolerated androgen effect on receptors of
SE: irregular bleeding, headache, weight gain, endometrial implants
Gestrinone depression, decreased libido, acne, alopecia,  Inhibition of ovarian and adrenal
Weak progestin & androgen agonist/antagonist that migraine, sleep disorder, vaginal dryness steroidogenesis by suppression of multiple
forms a relatively unstable interaction w/ progesterone enzymes
receptor Cyproterone acetate  Probable immunosuppressive properties
17-hydroxyprogesterone derivative w/ anti-
MOA: acts on hypothalamic-pituitary system to suppress androgenic, antigonadotropic & progestational Long-term use complications: troublesome
midcycle surges of LH & FSH & folliculogenesis, effects androgenic SE including adverse serum lipoprotein
diminishing oestrogen synthesis Combo of cyproterone acetate & ethinyl oestradiol changes. Hirsutism & deepening of voice may be
may be as effective as danazol in alleviating painful irreversible. Therefore less frequently used
Dose: 2.5mg 2-3x a week for 6months sy
Amenorrhoea & symptom relief observed in 85-90% of Dose: 200-800mg/day
pts Lack androgenic SE of danazol, but may cause High cost
SE: related to androgenic & anabolic activity fatigue, loss of libido, depression & weight gain
High cost Gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist (GnHRa)
Antiprogestins Produces an initial stimulation of pituitary
Dienogest Mifepristone – antiprogestin that’s mostly used for gonadotropes that results in secretion of FSH & LH
Progestogen that combines pharmacologic advantages of early preg termination Continuous administration of high doses leads to
19-nortestosterone & progesterone derivatives. Beneficial inhibition of ovarian pituitary axis  pituitary GnRh
oestrogenic activity in CVS, CNS, bone & vagina and MOA: inhibit ovulation & disrupt endometrial receptor down-regulation, gonadal gonadotropin
hepatic tolerability integrity, causing ovarian acyclicity down-regulation,  gonadotropin secretion & 
Reduces but not completely suppress endogenous ovarian hormone secretion
oestradiol production. Lacks any relevant androgenic, Dose: 100mg/day for 3 months
glucocorticoid or antimineralocorticosteroid receptor Found to induce amenorrhoea & to  pelvic pain Pelvic pain almost completely relieved after 2
activity SE: atypical flushes, anorexia, fatigue months of rx
Produces continued relief after 3-6months of rx MALIGNANT TRANSFORMATION IN
GnRHa as effective as danazol in:
  growth of endometriotic implants Malignant degeneration may occur, but rare
 Relieving symptoms during rx phase Can occur in areas of endometriosis & nr of
 Preventing recurrence of sy histological tumour types have been described 
adenoacanthoma most usual
These agents do not eradicate endometriotic
lesions Although endometriosis can give rise to malignant
Recurrence of sy will occur in most pts within 5 tumours, it should be noted that ‘endometrioid
years of cessation of therapy tumours’ of ovary do not arise from endometriosis
High cost precludes the use of the drug in many pts

GnRHa w/ steroid add-back

Observance of bone loss during GnRHa rx led to
studies evaluating various hormone add-back

Combo of GnRHa w/ oral conjugated oestrogen

0.625mg dly & MPA 5mg dly led to marked
reduction in bone loss.
Fewer occurrences of menopausal sy, but no
interference w/ efficacy of rx

Non-steroidal etidronate (bisphosphonate) appears

to prevent bone demineralisation during at least
6mnths of GnRHa rx

Combined medical & surgical rx

Surgical rx is cytoreductive
Impossible to resect all endometriotic lesions, and
recurrence of sy & disease is more likely in higher
staging, therefore reasonable that surgery can be
used to reduce endometriotic tissue
Medical rx can then be initiated for 3 months

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