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United States Patent 1191 1111 Patent Number: 5,514,278

Khudenko [45] Date of Patent: May 7, 1996

[54] COUNTERFLOW MICROBIOLOGICAL 4,919,815 4/1990 061166161. ........................... .. 210/631

PROCESSES 5,057,220 10/1991 1111161166161. .
5,192,442 3/1993 P16616116 ............................... .. 210/605
[76] Inventor: Boris M. Khudenko, 744 Moores Mill
Rd” Atlanta, Ga- 30327 Primary Examiner~Thomas Wyse
Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Needle & Rosenberg
[21] Appl. No.: 181,387
[22] Filed: Jan. 13, 1994 [57] ABSTRACT
. . A multistage biological treatment method receives material
Related U'S'Apphcahon Data to be treated, and passes the material through multiple
[63] con?nua?ondmpm of Ser' NO‘ 102,618’ Aug‘ 5’ 1993’ reactors. From each reactor some of the contents are
which is a continuation_in_pm of Sen No_ 46,738, Apt 127 removed and separated, and the biomass is moved into the
1993. previous stage While the material to be treated and metabolic
[51] Int. c1.6 ...................................................... .. C02F 3/30 pmgucttl are gwvedf gob?“ suc9eeding Stage‘ 5h?’ ‘he
[52] U.S. c1. .............. .. 210/605; 210/625; 210/631 pm Ommm Ow o 6 “mass is upstream an ‘ 6 pre'
dominant ?ow of the material to be treated in downstream.
[58] Field of Search .................................. .. 210/605, 616, Preferably’ alternate reactors are anaerobic, and alternate
210/625, 631, 695, 723, 748, 661335 reactors are aerobic, so the material is alternately subjected
to anaerobic, then aerobic, environments. The process can be
_ improved by applying physical, physical-chemical, chemi
[56] References cued cal, and biochemical actions to the treatment system.
4,193,866 3/1980 Slusarczuk et al. .................. .. 210/625
4,200,524 4/1980 Levin .................................... .. 210/616 23 Claims, 10 Drawing Sheets

22! 2f I 42! 4! l
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2lO 4lO
ll 1 1 1 v
23 l 33 l 43 l
111 / 4.1 1/ 591
‘ 310 ‘
BZI 5l2


————-—>- WATER FLOW

SLUDGE FLOW 4-—-—-—-—"

U.S. Patent May 7, 1996 Sheet 1 0f 10 5,514,278

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US. Patent May 7, 1996 Sheet 2 of 10 5,514,278
US. Patent May 7, 1996 Sheet 3 of 10 5,514,278
U S Patent May 7, 1996 Sheet 4 of 10 5,514,278
US. Patent May 7, 1996 Sheet 6 of 10 5,514,278
US. Patent May 7, 1996 Sheet 8 of 10 5,514,278


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US. Patent May 7, 1996 Sheet 9 of 10 5,514,278
1 2
COUNTERFLOW MICROBIOLOGICAL Design of Anaerobic Processes for the Treatment of Indus
PROCESSES trial and Municipal Wastes, Edited by Joseph F. Malina
and Frederick G. Pohland, Technomic Publishing Co.,
APPLICATIONS Various fundamental and practical aspects of the relevant
water and Wastewater treatment processes are described in
This application is a continuation-in-part of the applica the above listed sources. These data are also applicable to
tion by the same inventor, ?led Aug. 5, 1993, under Ser. No. other processes, for example, conversion of slid and liquid
08/102,618, which is a continuation-in-part of the applica waste and other materials into biogas and biological fertil
tion, ?led Apr. 12, 1993, under Ser. No. 08/046,788. 10
izers and soil augmentation substances.
Several modi?cations of Wastewater treatment processes
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION have been developed: 1. aerobic (activated sludge process,
lagoon systems, and bio?ltration), 2. anaerobic (various
1. Field of the Invention attached and suspended growth processes), and 3. combined
This invention relates generally to industrial biological anaerobic-aerobic systems.
methods and processes for treatment of Wastewater, waste Modem activated sludge systems are used for removal of
water sludges, and solid, liquid and gaseous organic mate organics and suspended solids, and for control of nutrients.
rials, and is more particularly related to a counter?ow
In these systems, the predominant co‘current ?ow of biom
system wherein the in?uent ?ows generally in a ?rst direc ass (activated sludge) is used. In suspended growth systems,
sludge recycle from the ?nal sludge separator to the head of
tion and the sludge ?ows generally in the opposite direction. 20 the treatment process is provided. These systems often
2. Description of the Prior Art incorporate several functional zones, usually called anaero
Many biological technologies have been ?rst applied to bic (nonaerated, preferably with low nitrate and nitrite in the
Wastewater treatment, and later used in other applications, feed), anoxic (nonaerated, nitrite and nitrate present in the
sometimes related to the environmental technologies. feed water) and aerobic (aerated, dissolved oxygen present
Wastewater treatment methods and are 25 in the water, nitri?cation occurs). Mixed liquor is recycled
described in literature, for example, in the following from downstream zones to upstream zones and the separated
activated sludge is recycled from the ?nal clari?er to the
Water and Wastewater Engineering, Vols. 1 and 2 by Gordon head of the process. A so-called single sludge is cultivated
Maskew Fair, John Charles Geyer and Daniel Alexander in all these zones. This is predominantly aerobic sludge. It
Okun, John Wiley & Sons, 1958; 30
includes very few strictly anaerobic organisms. Facultative
Biological Waste Treatment by Wesley W. Eckenfelder and anaerobic organisms develop in the nonaerated zone; there
Donald J. O’Connor, Pergamon Press, 1961; fore, the nonaerated zone in these systems should be more
Water Preparation for Industrial and Public Water Supplies properly called the facultative zone. This term will be used
by A. A. Kastalsky and D. M. Mints, Publishing House in the application. The sludge recycle from the ?nal clari?er
Higher Education, Moscow, 1962 (Russian); 35
is intended mainly for controlling the average sludge age, or
Treatment of Natural Waters by V. A. Klyachko and I. E. average for the system food to microorganism (F/M) ratio.
Apeltsin, Publishing House Stroyizdat, Moscow, 1971 The upstream facultative zone serves to control the ?lamen
(Russian); tous growth (selector zone) and to release phosphorus for its
Pysicochemical Processes By Walter J. Weber, Wiley-Inter improved uptake in the aerobic zone. The facultatively
science, New York, 1971; anaerobic organisms are circulated with the sludge through
“Anaerobic Waste Treatment Fundamentals” by Perry L. out the system. Anoxic zones are used for denitri?cation: the
McCarty, Public Works, pp. 107—l12, September 1974, biological reduction of nitrites and nitrates formed in the
aerobic zone and directed to the anoxic zone with the mixed
pp. 123—l26, October 1974, pp. 91-94, November 1974,
pp. 95—99, December 1974; liquor. These systems are used for treatment of municipal
Biochemical Treatment of Wastewater from the Organic 45
and low to moderately strong industrial Wastewater.
Chemicals Manufacturing by F. V. Porutsky, Moscow, Examples of these systems are described in US. Pat. No.
Publisying House Khimiya, 1975 (Russian); 3,964,998 and No. 4,876,883. The disadvantages of such
Chemistry for Environmental Engineering by Clair N. Saw systems including the following:
yer and Perry L. McCarty, McGraw-Hill, 1978; single predominantly aerobic sludge is formed in the
Metcalf & Eddy’s Wastewater Engineering Vols. 1 and 2, 50 system, such sludge having a poor diversity of species
Edited by George Tchobanoglous, McGraw-Hill, 1979; and a narrow range of oxidation-reduction and biodeg
Biological Process Design by Larry D. Bene?eld and Clif radation ability;
ford W. Randall, Prentice Hall, 1980; process can be used only for dilute to moderately strong
Water Chemistry by Vernon L. Snoeyink and David Jenkins, Wastewater;
John Wiley & Sons, 1980, 55 sludge concentration along the process train and along
Low-Maintenance, Mechanically Simple Wastewater Treat major process zones is almost uniform;
ment Systems by Linvil G. Rich, McGraw-Hill Book F/M ratio in various process zones varies drastically;
Company, 1980;
Biochemical Processes In Wastewater Treatment by S. V. in the downstream sections, the Wastewater concentra
Yakovlev and T. A. Karyukhina, Stroyizdat, Moscow, tions are low, while the sludge concentration is about
the same as upstream; accordingly, sludge dies off from
1980 (Russian);
Handbook on Design of Wastewater Treatment Systems, lack of food, releasing nitrogen, phosphorus, and
Edited by V. N. Samokhin and Boris M. Khudenko, organics back into the water;
Allerton Press, New York, 1986; sludge generation by mass and volume is high, accord—
Industrial Water and Wastewater Systems by S. V. Yakovlev, 65 ingly, the sludge disposal costs are high;
Ya. A. Karelin, Yu. M. Laskov, Yu. V. Voronov, Publishing sludge age (10 to 30 days in the USA practice) is high and
House Stroyizday, Moscow, 1990 (Russian); so is the corresponding degree of sludge stabilization;
3 4
at high sludge stabilization, the content of organics provides a substantial process stability. These systems are
anaerobically convertible to methane is low and so is mechanically simple and require low maintenance. Many
the sludge mass and volume reduction in this conver disadvantages of ASP and anaerobic-aerobic processes listed
sion; above are also typical for bio?lters, lagoon systems and
degradation of soluble organic is poor due to limited various other modi?cations of biological wastewater treat
oxidation-reduction potential (OPR) range, especially, ment.
xenobiotic, recalcitrant, or poorly degradable organics Industrial biological methods, such as treatment of pol
(halogenated, and others), luted gases, composting of solid waste, soil and waters
usually, the SS content in the in?uent to the ASP process bioremediation methods, treatment of fossil fuels (gas, oil,
is limited by about 100 mg/l, otherwise removal of or coal) have many features in common with the wastewater
suspended solids is poor; treatment systems. They also have advantages and disad~
process stability in response to dynamic overloading and vantages such as those listed above.
toxic shocks is low;
volatile organics may be emitted to the air in facultative, SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
anoxic and aeration sections.
The combined anaerobic-aerobic systems have been The main objective of the present invention is to improve
developed and used during the past ?fty years for treatment biological treatment methods by providing novel ?ow pat
of concentrated industrial wastewater. These systems incor terns of wastewater and sludges, and by cultivating sludges
porate a separate anaerobic subsystem (functional section) most appropriate for the concentration and composition of
20 wastewater in a given process section, by providing a broad
with the ?nal anaerobic clari?er and sludge recycle, and
aerobic subsystem (functional section) with the ?nal clari?er rage of sludge compositions and properties.
as a sludge separation and sludge recycle step. Only excess The objectives of the present invention are achieved by
aerobic sludge may sometimes be transferred to the anaero using a treatment system with (l) a general counter?ow of
bic subsystem. This system has important advantages as the biological sludges and wastewater being treated, (2) a
compared to aerobic systems: high concentration waste can high sludge concentration at the head of the system where
be treated, lesser quantities of sludge are produced, better the organics concentration is also high, (3) a great diversity
removal of soluble and suspended solid organics can be of sludge organisms in the systems and gradual change in the
achieved. biocenoses along the system, and (4) an alternating exposure
However, anaerobic and aerobic functional sections in the of wastewater constituents and metabolic products to vari
anaerobic-aerobic systems are only mechanistically ous functional groups of biological sludges. In such systems,
coupled. Sludges in these sections do not interact: their the wastewater constituents are exposed to a broad range of
make-up and properties abruptly change from anaerobic to environmental conditions: physical, chemical, and bio
aerobic stage. The major disadvantages of anaerobic-aerobic chemical and physical-chemical actions due to the availabil
systems are as follows: ity of many organism types, enzymes, co-metabolizing
almost uniform sludge make-up and concentration along species (vitamins, growth substances, steroids, nucleic
the major process zones (poor F/M ratios in various acids, etc.), a broad ORP range, and favorable chemical
process zones), and poor diversity of species in the make up.
sludge in each functional section; Further improvement is provided by establishing func
operational di?iculties in treating low concentration 40 tional process zones with speci?c biocenoses: anaerobic,
wastewater; facultative, anoxic, aerobic, and polishing (tending to
high sludge age and high degree of sludge stabilization in become catabolic). A novel type of functional zone with
the aerobic subsystem (low content of organics con simultaneous anaerobic, anoxic and aerobic activities is
vertible to methane and low mass and volume reduction developed for the removal of various classes of organics,
in such conversion); including biodegradable and recalcitrant and toxic, through
oxidations and reductions in a wide ORP range. Biological
poor removal of suspended solids;
and chemical pathways of nitrogen removal are employed in
low process stability in response to dynamic overloading such functional zones.
and toxic shocks; Yet further improvement is due to recirculation of treated
low ef?ciency of degradation of poorly and slowly 50 or partially treated wastewater back to the upstream sections
degradable and toxic organics; of the process and passing down biomass from the upstream
loss of volatile organics to the air in open anaerobic, sections of the process to the downstream locations, thus
facultative, anoxic, and aeration sections; providing treatment of the original wastewater constituents
di?iculties in removing nutrients (nitrogen and phospho and the metabolic products under alternating oxidation
rous). 55 reduction and enzymatic conditions. Such treatment also
Several modi?cations of bio?ltration systems have been includes nitrogen removal. The use of alternating exposure
developed, including aerobic and anaerobic, with and with of organics of the sludge to anaerobic and aerobic conditions
out recirculation, a single, or multiple-stage systems. Vari is described in the copending patent application Ser. No.
ous lagoon system have also been developed. Most often 08/046,788.
they are a series of aerated or nonaerated sections. Hydraulic Additional improvement is in applying to the treatment
retention time in lagoons is very long and sludge recycle is systems physical actions, such as magnetic, ultrasonic, or
not practiced. Processes in lagoons are usually similar to radio frequency electromagnetic ?elds, physical-chemical
those in ASP, but not intensive and less controlled. Some actions, such as electrolytic action, adsorption, coagulations
lagoons may have an anaerobic section, often followed with ?occulation (including electrocoagulation), and chemical
aerobic sections. Such lagoons are similar to the anaerobic 65 actions, such as addition of strong oxidants (H202, ozone,
aerobic systems. Large water volume in the systems insures Fe—, nitrates, nitrites, and other oxyions) or their internal
equalization of wastewater and sludge concentrations and bene?cial reuse. Addition of nutrients, such as nitrogen and
5 6
phosphorous, and micronutrients, such as microelements trated separated sludge being backfed in at least one of the
and, if needed, biostimulators, such as vitamins, steroids, preceding stages, or at least partially discharged from the
folic acid, metal naftenates and nucleic acids. ?rst stage, thus producing general counter?ow of the bio
An improvement is also achieved by using biological logical sludge and the wastewater. The ?nal sludge dis
sulfate reduction with organics oxidation resulting in organ charge is preferably provided at the inlet stage of the
ics and sulfurous species removal from water simulta counter?ow process. Optionally, sludge may be discharged
neously. Other oxyions WO4—, TeO3—, CO3—, SO4—, from an intermediate process stage.
N02‘, ReO 4-, CrO4*, SeO4_, IO3—, Cr2O7—, IO—, In this system, the largest sludge concentration will occur
N03“, BrO w, ClO—, MnO4—, can also be reduced with in the upper stages where the food concentration is also the
the bene?ts of using oxygen and removing or detoxifying IO highest; and, the lowest sludge concentration will be found
mineral pollutants in the water. in the last stages of the system where the food concentration
Provisions for reducing air emissions of volatile organic is low. Therefore, the F/M ratio along the entire process train
and inorganic constituents from the wastewater treatment can be close to the optimum.
processes further improve the system. A variable ?ow e?lu As in the conventional activated sludge processes, in the
ent recycling for stabilizing the flow rate across the treat present basic process, all stages can be aerobic. However,
ment train may be provided; and, a provision for managing unlike the prior art activated sludge processes, multiple
increased flow of more dilute water during a storm event is sludge biocenoses are developed in the counter?ow systems.
a further process improvement. In the basic systems with all aerobic functional zones, the
sludges in the upper zones are more concentrated and are
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS predominantly microbial. In the lower stages, the sludge
concentration is reduced, but the biocenoses is more diverse
These and other features and advantages of the present and includes protozoa. The sludge concentration may be
invention will become apparent from consideration of the very high (10 g/l on order of magnitude) in the upstream
following speci?cation when taken in conjunction with the aerobic stage, and changing to very low (possibly, a fraction
accompanying drawings in which: 25
of 1 g/l) at the downstream end of the system. This will
FIG. 1 is a schematic diagram showing the basic counter insure more optimal F/M ratios, the condition along the
flow arrangement of the present invention; process train in which the available substrate can best
FIG. 2 is a schematic diagram showing a modi?ed form support the biocenoses in a given process stage. The release
of the process of FIG. 1, the reactors of FIG. 1 being split of nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus) and intracellular
into a plurality of reactors; organics in the water at the end of the biological treatment
FIG. 3 is a view similar to FIG. 2 showing a distribution step (due the microbes’ dying from lack of food) will be
of the in?uent; largely eliminated. Accordingly, the control of organics and
FIG. 4 is a view similar to FIG. 2 and showing treatment nutrients is improved.
by electric potential and by magnetism; 35
As in conventional anaerobic-aerobic systems, or staged
FIG. 5 is a view similar to FIG. 2 but showing a constant lagoons, speci?c sludges are developed in particular stages.
flow system; However, unlike the prior art multistage systems, these
sludges have a gradually changing make-up because the
FIG. 6 is a view similar to FIG. 2 but showing modi? biomass is not only retained within a stage, but is also
cations for use in storm situations; transferred upstream and downstream. A gradual change
FIG. 7 is a rather schematic illustration showing an from a very high to low sludge concentration, and a gradual
apparatus for carrying out the process illustrated in FIG. 1 of change in the microbial and enzymatic make-up from the
the drawings; upstream to the downstream, provide greater diversity of
FIG. 8 is a rather schematic showing of a modi?ed form actions applied to the original constituents and intermediate
of apparatus for carrying out the process of the present 45
metabolic products in wastewater.
invention; Recycling of wastewater with the sludges transferred
FIG. 9 is a view similar to FIG. 8 but showing a modi?ed upstream exposes the metabolic products and incompletely
form of apparatus; degraded materials to repeated eifects of the environments
FIG. 10 is a cross-sectional view taken substantially along found in upstream process stages. Accordingly, the recycle
the line 10—-10 in FIG. 9; and 50 rate in the new system may be determined not only by the
FIG. 11 is a rather schematic view showing another form need to transfer the sludge upstream, but also by the require
of apparatus for carrying out the process of the present ment to recycle wastewater and metabolic products in it to
invention. the upstream zone.


Functional Process Zones
Optionally, anaerobic, facultatively anaerobic, anoxic,
Basic Counter?ow System aerobic, and polishing zones can be established in the
process train. Each zone may be represented by one or
The basic counter?ow system as shown in FIG. 1 com multiple process stages. Multiple, but interacting and pro
prises multiple parallel consecutive stages of biological gressively changing, sludges are formed in each stage in
reaction and sludge separation steps, with a fraction of the each zone: from the true anaerobic sludge that predominates
mixed liquor being fed directly to the downstream stage and at the upstream of the system, through facultative anaerobic
the balance of the liquor being fed to the sludge separator. and anoxic, to the aerobic being dominant at the effluent end.
The sludge-free clari?ed water from the separator is fed to 65 In particular applications the sequence of sludges may
the downstream stage, with the entire How of water being change, or certain sludge zones, (e.g. anaerobic) may be
clari?ed and discharged in the last stage, and the concen repeated, In speci?c applications, speci?c sludges (e.g.
7 8
anaerobic), may be transferred downstream; however, the wastewater Recycle
predominant ?ow of the sludges will remain from the
downstream to the upstream, in counter?ow to the waste In the upstream anaerobic functional zone, a signi?cant
water. Optionally, parallel process stages may be used. fraction of organics is hydrolyzed, and a fraction of it is
Particularly, an aerobic process stage conducted in a bio?lter converted into fatty acids and other degradable compounds.
may be established in parallel to the anoxic process stage. Such transformations are most applicable to the organics
Mixed liquor from the anoxic stage is pumped to the that can be easily reduced, or transformed in the reducing
bio?ltration stage wherein further organics’ oxidation and anaerobic media. Some fatty acids will be further converted
nitri?cation occur. The nitri?ed effluent from the bio?ltra into methane and carbon dioxide. The remaining fatty acids,
tion stage is returned to the anoxic stage for the denitri? and the constituents not easily degradable in the anaerobic
cation. Air fed in the parallel bio?ltration step may vent the environment, are transferred to the downstream aerobic
anaerobic and other stages and pick up the organic and zone(s) with the mixed liquor and sludge-free separated
inorganic volatile materials emitted from these stages. These water. Most of these constituents have been brought to a
volatile materials will be biologically treated in the bio?l reduced state in the anaerobic zone and are readily oxidiz
tration step, thereby preventing their escape to the air. able. Moreover, the remaining original wastewater constitu
Various sludges cultivated in the functional process zones ents are mixed with anaerobic metabolic products. Such a
will subject the wastewater constituents to the widest range mixture is nutritionally richer and can support the growth of
of enzymes, Oxidation-Reduction Potentials (ORP), and a more diverse aerobic biocenoses. Accordingly, the biodeg
other biological, biochemical, chemical, and physical radation e?iciency (percent degraded) and rate increase. For
chemical actions which can be established with the given example, the biodegradation of many single fatty acids (in
wastewater. This provides the best conditions for transfor 20
COD units) ranges from 60 to 80 percent, whereas their
mation and removal of waste constituents. Moreover, certain
mixtures may be 100% degraded.
metabolic products formed in the downstream stages (e.g.
aerobic), are recycled upstream with the separated sludge In the aerobic section, aerobic degradation results in the
and undergo a second round of treatment by a set of production of water, carbon dioxide, incompletely degraded
microorganisms available upstream in the ORP domain, that 25 products (as expected, in an “oxidized” state), soluble meta
would not be available in the downstream process zones. bolic products, and biomass. Much of the soluble products
Certain constituents, for example, nitrates and nitrites, in the mixed liquor cannot be further degraded aerobically.
recycled from the downstream to the upstream sections will However, being recycled back into the anaerobic stage, they
serve as useful reactants. For example, nitrites and nitrates will be additionally degraded either to the “?nal” products
(strong oxidizers) can support oxidation of poorly and such as carbon dioxide and methane, or converted into
slowly degradable organics. Passing down the mixed liquor products that will be virtually completely degraded in the
and the sludges, and returning upstream material from the next round of the aerobic treatment.
downstream process zones will subject the original constitu Nitri?cation will occur in the aerobic and aerated polish
ents and metabolic products to the alternating treatment ing zones. Recycling of the nitri?ed liquid upstream to the
conditions, particularly very wide ORP ranges. 35 anaerobic or anoxic zones will result in reduction of nitrates
Optionally, and for speci?c applications, sludges may also and nitrites to nitrogen. Additional denitri?cation may be
be transferred downstream, bypassing one or several process provided by using intermittent aeration in the aerobic zone.
stages. The excess sludge from the upstream separator is The nitri?cation can be further improved by using pow
discharged from the system directly, or after digestion and dered activated carbon (PAC) as a support medium for the
conditioning. nitrifying bacteria. Alternatively, a submerged support
Anaerobic zones may be further divided into acidi?cation medium, ?oating or ?xed, can be provided in the aerobic
and hydrolyzing zones, and into methanogenic zones and zone, or a bio?ltration may be used.
sludge conditioning zones as de?ned in the co-pending Being very strong oxidants, nitrates and nitrites in the
application Ser. No. 08/046,788. The sludge separation anaerobic and anoxic zones take part in oxidizing poorly
devices can combine functions of anaerobic, facultative, degradable, recalcitrant, and toxic organics. Accordingly,
anoxic, or aerobic zones. The wastewater in?uent may be their recycling can serve two functions: nitrogen removal,
distributed over multiple process stages along the ?ow. Such and improved organics removal.
distribution may be needed to support generation and accu
mulation of the sludge mass when treating dilute wastewa 50 Distributed In?uent Feed and Load Allocation
ter, for example, municipal sewage. To improve the control over F/M ratio in particular
In various modi?cations, speci?c sludge zones can be reaction stages, to provide a carbon (organics) source for
established. For example, most upstream zones can be true denitri?cation, to increase the sludge growth for purposes of
anaerobic zone, followed by a facultative zone, an anoxic absorbing speci?c pollutants (heavy metals and other micro—
zone, and an aerobic zone. Optionally, a polishing zone, for 55 elements, toxic and slowly and poorly degradable organics),
example, with activated carbon adsorption and coagulation a distributed in?uent feed can be provided. Lines for feeding
?occulation zone can be established after the aerobic zone. part of the in?uent may be used in each reaction stage, or
These zones may partially overlap. They also may shift certain stages can be selected during design and operation.
during operation of the system. Optionally, a clari?ed ?ow of partially treated wastewater,
Zones combining several functions, for example, anaero for example after the anaerobic functional zone, can also be
bic with facultative anaerobic, anoxic and aerobic can also distributed over several downstream functional zones simi
be established. Such zones involve either feeding various larly to the described distributed in?uent feed. This option
sludges to the zone, or include means for retaining at least provides sequential anaerobic-aerobic treatment for the
one sludge in this zone, for example, anaerobic, and feeding entire wastewater ?ow. Accordingly, a broader range of
through other sludges cultivated in other zones, for example, 65 biochemical, physical-chemical, and chemical transforma
aerobic. As a sludge retaining means, a ?xed or ?uidized bed tions will be applied to the entire quantity of pollutants fed
can be used. into the system.
9 10
Physical, Physical-Chemical, Biochemical, and The aerobic and polishing process steps may be enhanced
Chemical Actions by the addition of hydrogen peroxide, ozone, ultraviolet
(UV) radiation or various combinations of these three. Such
The usual phosphorus uptake and removal by the growing
biomass will occur in present novel system. If required, the provisions are not possible in the prior art systems because
balance of phosphorous should be precipitated, for example, of the high biomass concentration which makes the mixed
as aluminum and/0r iron phosphates. Aluminum and iron liquor nontransparent and rapidly consumes hydrogen per
used for coagulation in the step of the e?‘luent polishing will oxide and ozone for nontarget reactions. In the downstream
take part in phosphorus removal in the polishing and zones of the present system, wastewater and sludge concen
upstream stages where it is back-fed with the biological trations are low and the mixed liquor is transparent for the
sludge. IO UV light. Accordingly, UV light can be used, and hydrogen
In systems with the powdered activated carbon (PAC) peroxide can be introduced to react with residual organics in
addition in the downstream zones, the separated PAC is the water being polished.
recycled upstream and passes with the sludge, in counter Besides usual processes, the removal of some inorganics
?ow to the water. In the polishing step, the PAC functions can be achieved in the new system. Particularly, sulfur
mostly as an adsorbent; however, a slow biological process 15 species, for example sulfates, can be converted into elemen
on the active surface also occurs, similar to processes in tal sulfur via biological conversion to sul?tes and sul?des in
water puri?cation for water supplies. The PAC spent in the anaerobic steps, and chemical reactions between sul?des
polishing stage and transferred upstream acts also as an and sul?tes and sulfates to form sulfur, and sul?des and
adsorbent with the increasing role of the biological activity. nitrites and nitrates to form sulfur and nitrogen. Calcium and
subjecting PAC to the alternate aerobic-anaerobic environ carbonates can be removed as calcium carbonates. Phos
ments is helpful for its bioregeneration. phorus can be removed with calcium, iron, and aluminum.
Separation of PAC, residual suspended solids, and par Heavy metals can be largely precipitated with sul?des
tially dissolved solids can be further improved by the formed in anaerobic steps.
addition of coagulants, (for example, aluminum and iron
ions or their combinations), and coagulation and ?occulation 25 Stabilized Flow Rate
aids (for example, polymers, silica based aids, etc.). These
coagulants and coagulation aids are also recycled upstream A time variable recycle of the e?luent to the head of the
together with the sludge. Aluminum and iron ions are used system is provided at the ?ow rate necessary to complement
in the upstream sections for phosphorus removal. Iron ions the in?uent flow to make up a constant combined ?ow equal
are also essential for microorganisms as a rnicronutrient.
30 to the maximum in?uent ?ow rate. Optionally, a flow
Iron ions are oxidized to the trivalent state in the aerobic
equalization tank is provided to reduce the maximum ?ow
stages and reduced to the divalent stage in the anaerobic and
rate. In such a case, the complementary ef?uent recycle rate
anoxic stages. Such cycling or iron species is useful for
is reduced to make up for the equalized maximum ?ow rate.
chemical conversions of organic and inorganic constituents.
Such provisions stabilize all ?ows in the system, and insure
Biochemical, physico-chemical, and chemical conver 35 more stable and simple operation of all process units.
sions of constituents in wastewater can be additionally
improved by imposing electrical and electromagnetic ?elds Storm Events
on the liquid in the biological reactors in all, or selected
ones, of the functional zones. These ?elds can increase the During rain events, the in?uent ?ow rate increases, while
process ate and shift equilibrium in many reactions, espe the pollution loading may remain the same or change only
cially, oxidation~reduction and precipitation equilibria, and slightly. In such cases the in?uent will be distributed into
also pH dependent processes. several zones along the ?ow and the e?luent will be dis
Electrochemical action can be produced by applying a charged from the ?nal sludge separators and from one or
direct current, an alternating current, or an asymmetric several preceding sludge separators. Fractions of separated
current (for example, a combination of direct and alternating 45
wastewater from these preceding clari?ers may not undergo
currents). A partially recti?ed direct current, and direct the whole sequence of treatment; however, the wastewater
current with a back pulse can also be used. Magnetic ?elds during storm events is more dilute and needs less treatment.
can be applied with the use of permanent magnets and Such an arrangement permits the use of smaller ?nal sludge
electromagnets. These actions can be applied to the mixed separators during rain events as compared to conventional
liquor, mixed liquor with PAC and/or GAC (granular acti systems designed to meet the storm conditions.
vated carbon), and with coagulants. PAC, GAC, ?occulent
and bio?ock particles and their combinations will serve as Dynamic Operation
?uidized electrodes and rnicromagnets (particles loaded
During dynamic operation with variable ?ows and con
with iron). centrations of admixtures, increased (decreased) incoming
Electric current can be applied to the mixed liquor or 55 loading rates will cause the speci?c treatment zones to
sludges at various process steps simultaneously with other increase (decrease) in size by stretching (shrinking) down
actions, for example with addition of the powdered and stream. This will control and insure stability and high
granular activated carbons. Carbon particles will serve as performance under variable input conditions.
multiple intermediate electrodes or ?uidized electrodes. The
electric forces will assist in transforming the materials Air Pollution Control
adsorbed on the carbon. These transformations may include
coagulation-?occulation, polymerization, and oxidation-re The escape of volatile organics and other obnoxious
duction. Electric current may also assist nitri?cation and gases, for example, hydrogen sul?de, to the air from an open
denitri?cation, reduction and oxidation of sulfur species, anaerobic, facultative, anoxic, and aerobic sections can be
precipitation of heavy metals, aluminum and iron salts 65 reduced by collecting the said gases and scrubbing them
coagulation, and oxidation-reduction involving hydrogen with the water undergoing the ?nal stages of the aerobic or
peroxide. polishing treatment. This can be done in a separate bio?lter,
11 12
or a bio?lter stacked above the other process sections. to the downstream reactions stages 201, 301, 401 and 501.
Alternatively, a double-deck bio?ltration can be used with Line 512 is the effluent discharge line. Lines 221, 321, 421
the upper deck irrigated by the wastewater treated in the and 521 are lines for counter?ow feeding of the separated
lower deck, and the lower deck fed with the water from the concentrated sludge from sludge separators 200, 300, 400
preceding process steps, for example, the anoxic step. Fur and 500 to reactions stages 101, 201, 301 and 401 respec
ther improvement of the scrubbing process can be provided tively. Line 13 is the sludge discharge line connected to the
by adding PAC to the top deck water in the bio?lter. The sludge separator 100. Line 121 is an optional sludge recycle
PAC will then be retained in a sludge separation device and in the section comprising the reaction stage 101 and sludge
recycled to the preceding process steps as previously separator 100.
described. The system of FIG. 1 is operated as follows: The waste
Methane gas can be introduced in aerobic stages, for water in?uent (a sludge free water) is fed via line 1 in the
example, by sparging in the aerated chambers, or as admix ?rst reaction stage 101 where it contacts the biological
ture to the air in bio?lters. Methanotrophic organisms will sludge and undergoes a partial biological treatment. During
develop and co-metabolize chlorinated and other poorly this treatment the biological sludge is grown. An additional
degradable organics. The oif gas from the anaerobic process quantity of concentrated sludge is transferred into the reac
stage can be used for this purpose. In case of an open tion stage 101 from the sludge separator 200 associated with
anaerobic stage, this gas can be collected under a hood and the second reaction stage 201. The mixture of wastewater
picked up by a blower or a fan delivering air in either an and the sludge form the mixed liquor. Wastewater is con
aeration basin or in a bio?lter. In such a case, the anaerobic tinuously fed into the reaction stage 101 and the mixed
o? gas will also be treated for hydrogen sul?de and volatile liquor is continuously displaced from this stage. Part of the
organics. mixed liquor is transferred in the next reaction stage 201.
The present biological method may also be applied to the The balance of the mixed liquor is fed into the sludge
treatment of industrial gaseous emissions such as venting separator 100. The water fraction (sludge-free water) from
and breathing devices in chemical, biochemical (fermenta the sludge separator is also fed into the next reaction stage
tion), painting and coating, and other processes emitting 25 201, while the separated sludge (concentrated sludge) is
organic gasses, organic particulates, and inorganic gases discharged via line 13. Optionally, part of the sludge sepa
treatable biologically (for example, hydrogen sul?de). The rated in the sludge separator 100 may be recycled via line
treatment of these emissions may be the same as described 121 back into the reaction stage 101. The second reaction
for the fugitive gases emitted from the wastewater treatment stage is fed via line 131 with mixed liquor from the reaction
operations, or it may involve a multistage system similar to 30 stage 101, clari?ed sludge-free water via line 111 from the
the present method of wastewater treatment. For example, sludge separator 100, and with the backfed concentrated
the gaseous emission can be fed into an anaerobic reaction sludge via line 321 from the sludge separator 300. The
stage and then transferred in an aerobic reaction stage. The wastewater undergoes additional treatment, and additional
constituents of pollution, gaseous or particulate, will be sludge is grown in the reaction stage 201. Reactions stage
scrubbed and adsorbed by the water carrying anaerobic and 35 301 with associated sludge separator 300, reaction stage 401
then aerobic biomass respectively. These two types of bio with sludge separator 400, and reaction stage 501 with
mass (sludges) in two process stages will degrade the said sludge separator 500 are operated the same way as the
organics, while multiplying the biomass. Similar to the preceding stage except that the last stage where the entire
previously described novel method of wastewater treatment, amount of the mixed liquor is directed to the sludge sepa
a portion of anaerobic biomass is transferred to the aerobic rator 500 and the clari?ed water is discharged from the
stage, and a substantial portion of the aerobic biomass is system via line 512. Means for aeration, mixing, pH control,
transferred to the anaerobic stage. A sludge condition asso nutrients addition, and other well known means can be used,
ciated with the anaerobic stage may be provided. PAC can but these means are not shown in FIG. 1.
be added to the aerobic process stage. Sludges grown in the It is clear from the previous paragraph that the wastewater
system, and the added PAC, will go in a counter?ow 45 and the biological sludge in the present system are going in
direction to the pollutant (gaseous) stream. Similar to above generally counter?ow directions. Due to the backfeed of a
described treatment of wastewater, the greatest concentra fraction of the sludge in stages 201, 301 and 401, and all
tion of biomass and pollutants will be in the head stages of sludge in stage 501, the sludge concentration in the head
the systems. This system will also provide a great diversity sections of the system is the greatest, and it declines towards
of environmental conditions for the e?icient treatment of gas 50 the downstream sections. The wastewater concentration in
streams. the system declines from the upstream to the downstream.
Similar to the treatment of wastewater, physical, physical Accordingly, the FM ratios vary less along the process train
chemical, biochemical, and chemical actions may be applied in the present system than in the prior art methods. The
to the gas treatment. It may be advantageous to add organic highest organics (food) supply corresponds to the greatest
substrate to the water used in the biological treatment of 55 concentration of the biological sludge. At the place of the
dilute gases, or gases with poorly degradable organics to lowest food availability, in the downstream sections, the
support biological growth and insure process stability. A biological sludge concentration is at a minimum. Accord
wastewater may be used as a source or organic substrate. ingly, the food de?ciency will not cause a massive die off
FIG. 1 illustrates a basic system with counter?ow of the and release the secondary substrate (a pollutant) and nutri
activated biological sludge and wastewater. The system ents (also pollutants).
consists of consecutive reaction stages 111, 2010, 301, 401 In the present system, the sludges in each stage are largely
and 501 connected to each other by lines 131, 231, 331 and adapted to the environment in the stage, substrate concen
431. Wastewater in?uent line 1 is connected to the stage 101. tration and composition, F/M ratio, pH, nutrients concen
Lines 110, 210, 310, 410 and 510 connect treatment stages trations, etc. Through the sludge backfeeding, and the mixed
101, 201, 301, 401 and 501 to sludge separators 100, 200, 65 liquor pass down, these sludges interact and change gradu
300, 400 and 500 respectively. Lines 111, 212, 311 and 411 ally. The ?ow pattern of wastewater is generally down
are provided for transferring the separated sludge-free water stream. However, water ?ows with backfeed of sludges,
13 14
provides some backfeed of water. Under such conditions, at line 12 and a pump or other conveying means 11 for
least part of the metabolic products formed in the down— transferring part of the conditioned sludge to the anaerobic
stream stages is re-treated in the upstream stages at different functional zone, for example, to a stage 101, and a line 13
environmental conditions and with the use of a wider range for sludge discharge. The system is equipped with appro—
of biological and other agents taking part in the processes in priate auxiliary mixing and aeration devices and other
these stages. conventional means commonly found in anaerobic, faculta
Under variable in?uent conditions (variable ?ow, concen tive, anoxic, aerobic, and polishing zones. The auxiliary
tration and composition of substrate), the present system means are not shown in FIG. 2.
will be operated as follows: short time (high frequency) Operation of the system shown in FIG. 2 is similar to that
variations in concentration will be very effectively equalized previously described. The function and operation of the
due to the dilution in the reaction volumes, due to the split sludge condition are described in the co-pending patent
parallel ?ows in the reaction stages and sludge separators application Ser. No. 08/046,788 dated Apr. 12, 1993. Func
with time delay, and due to the backfeed of sludges. At slow tional zones provide a greater variety of microorganisms and
variations (low frequency), the treatment process may be a broader range of environmental conditions. For example,
virtually completed, for example at a prolonged low loading the strongly anaerobic functional zone provides strongly
rate, in the reaction stage 301. Very little treatment, if any, reducing conditions helpful for reductive dehalogenation of
will occur in stages 401 and 501. Accordingly, sludge organics, reduction of toxic and poorly degradable organics
concentrations in stages 401 and 501 will also decline. As containing oxygen, sulfur, nitrogen, phosphorous, and others
not degradable aerobically. Metabolic product of the anaero
the loading rate increases, the organic substrate (food) is not bic zone, mainly fatty acids, and some original readily
completely consumed in the stage 301 and some organics oxidizable organics are transferred to the subsequent zones
enter stage 401. Due to greater food supply, the sludge where they are easily oxidized. The back recycle of the
growth in all sections increases and sludge concentrations in sludges and associated water is helpful for the repeated
all sections correspondingly rise. The section of the train anaerobic-aerobic action that is applied to the original and
where treatment occurs becomes longer. At the end of a metabolic products. This produces much greater destruction
prolonged period of a high loading rate, the entire train will 25 of organics. Optionally, alternating functional zones
be used for treatment. The effect of shortening and length (anaerobic-aerobic-anaerobic-aerobic . . . ) may be used.
ening the section where the treatment occurs is qualitatively Facultative and anoxic zones can also be included in the
the same in cases of ?ow and concentration variations. alternations.
However, quantitatively, it may differ. Increasing ?ow rates Usually, sludges are composed of psychrophilic, meso
causes the dilute sludge wash down through lines 131, 231, philic, and thermophilic microorganisms. The proportion of
331, and 431, while increasing concentrations causes the such organisms depends on temperature and other environ
food to ?ow down and the corresponding sludge growth mental conditions. Particularly, in media with easily degrad
results in transferring more concentrated sludge in the able organics percentage of the therrnophiles is high even at
downstream stages. In either case, or a combination of these moderate temperature. This increases the diversity of
cases, the system can be designed to control the treatment 35 biopopulation in the system and improves the process.
process by spontaneously shortening and lengthening the Alternate exposure of the original organics and the meta
treatment stretch of the process train. Therefore, there is no bolic products to the anaerobic and aerobic environments
need for a complex process sampling, frequent or continu produces easily degradable constituents for both anaerobic
ous on-line analyses, and process controls. Obviously the and aerobic zones. Transfer and recycle of liquids and
new system behavior and operation under dynamic condi sludges between these zones brings a great variety of
tions are superior as compared to the prior art systems. vitamins, growth substances, amino acids, and other essen
FIG. 2 illustrates a novel system with multiple-chamber tial constituents produced in living systems in various func
functional zones. It comprises reaction stages 101, 102 . . . tional zones. This novel and useful effect is not possible in
, 201, 202 . . . , 301, 302, 303 . . . , 401, 402 . . . , 501, 502 the known systems.
. . . . Reaction stages 101 . . . , 201, 202 . . . , 301, 302 . . 45
FIG. 3 is a ?ow chart similar to that of FIG. 2 with the
. and so on, represent multiple chambers in functional zones.
additional lines 2 and 242, 341, 343, 441 . . . for distributed
For example, 101, 102 . . . stages may form an anaerobic
feed of influent in various functional zones in the system.
functional zone, 201 . . . chambers form facultative zone,
301 . . . stages an anoxic zone. All reaction stages in all zones
Distributed feed of the in?uent may be helpful for increas
are connected by lines 131, 132 . . . , 231 . . . , 331, 332 . 50
ing the sludge mass in the system by providing more food in
. . , 431 . . . , 531. Each zone has at least one sludge
aerobic functional zones where sludge yield is greater than
separation device 100, 200, 300, 400 and 500 connected to in anaerobic zones. Distributed feed may also be helpful in
the last chamber in a particular zone by lines 110, 210, 310, systems with alternating aerobic-anaerobic zones to provide
410 and 510. Optionally, more than one sludge separation su?icient organics supply for maintaining anaerobiosis in
the downstream anaerobic zones. It can also be used as a
device can be used in a functional zone. In such a case, the 55
sludge separation device is connected to one of stages within source or organics in the anoxic zone for the reduction of
the zone preceding the last stage. For example, it can be nitrates and nitrites. In this embodiment, additional optimi
connected to stage 301, or stage 302, or to both. The zation of F/M ratios and improved biodegradability or
separated water is passed downstream via lines 111, 211, 311 organics are provided.
and 411. The separated sludge is fed back to one or several Optionally, partially treated wastewater, for example from
preceding stages within the same functional zone, or in the the anaerobic functional zone, can be distributed over sev
preceding functional zone. Lines 221, 222 . . . , 321, 322 . eral downstream functional zones. For this purpose line 111
. . , 421, 422 . . . , 521, 522 . . . are provided for the sludge would be extended and provided with branches leading to
feed back. The in?uent is conveyed by a line 1, and the the reaction stages 301, 401 and 501 or other intermediate
e?luent is discharged via line 512. The sludge discharge line 65 stages.
121 is provided. Optionally, line 121 is used for transferring FIG. 4 is a ?ow chart similar to that shown in FIG. 2 with
the anaerobic sludge to a sludge condition 10, which has a additional means for physical, chemical and physico-cherni
15 16
cal treatment combined with the previously described bio ?ow. Iron ions are helpful in chemical, biological and
logical treatment. electrochemical conversions involving sludges. In particu
Physical means include an electrolyzing means compris lar, iron can be oxidized to its trivalent state in aerobic
ing electric current sources 172 . . . , 373 . . . , 472 . . . 572 process zones and reduced to it divalent stage in the anaero
and electrodes 182 . . . , 383 . . . , 482 . . . , 582. Electrodes
bic and facultative zones. Such cycling of iron is very
are submerged in the reaction stages. Alternating, including supportive for biological and chemical oxidation-reduction
industrial frequencies (50—60 Hz), or direct, or asymmetric reactions in the reaction stages. In the upstream anaerobic
alternating, or reversing currents, and current with back zone, iron will largely be consumed for sul?de precipitation.
This will reduce the sul?de content and TDS of the liquid in
pulses, can be applied. The sludge ?ocks and particles of the
the system. Both, iron and aluminum will be used in
powdered activated carbon (see later) can be used as ?uid phosphorus precipitation.
ized electrode. Application of the electric current to the
biological system greatly expands the range of ORP in the Hydrogen peroxide, or ozone, or both, can be added to the
reaction zones. Moreover, nricrozones with a wide pH range
polishing reaction stage for oxidation of residual organics. In
the presence of the iron coagulant, hydrogen peroxide would
are formed in the liquid. Accordingly, many chemical,
become the Fenton reagent, a more capable oxidizer than the
electrochemical and biochemical reactions will be effected,
and/or accelerated. For example, nitri?cation-denitri?cation
hydrogen peroxide itself.
may be greatly improved, including the accelerated biologi FIG. 5 is a ?ow chart similar to that shown in FIG. 2 with
cal pathway and the chemical pathway when ammonia and the addition of an effluent recycle line 511 and a conveying
nitrogen oxides react to form nitrogen and water. Sulfur means 513 for transferring part of the e?luent to the in?uent
formation from hydrogen sul?des and oxyions of sulfur can line 1. Optionally, line 511 is connected to a ?ow control box
be accelerated. Many oxidation-reduction reactions involv 514 on the line 1 for producing a constant ?ow rate of liquid
ing toxic, poorly degradable, and recalcitrant organics can through the system as described in the co-pending applica
be effected. tion Ser. No. 08/046,788 ?led Apr. 12, 1993.
Magnetic devices 261 . . . , 361, 362 . . . , 562 can be This system modi?cation is operated similarly to those
submerged in the reaction stages. Permanent magnets or 25 previously described. The ef?uent recycle serves to dilute
electromagnets can be used. Magnetic action will accelerate the excessively concentrated in?uent. The recycle of meta
biochemical reactions and promote some chemical reac bolic products exposed them to a wide range of enzymes and
tions, primarily formation of the insoluble calcium carbon ORP conditions. In a system with a ?ow control box 514, the
ate. The latter are helpful for reducing the TDS of the liquid ?ow rate across the system is stabilized. Accordingly,
e?luent. Magnetization of mixed liquor can also reduce operations of sludge separation means and other portions of
heavy metals in the e?luent due to formation of the metal the system become simpler and more reliable.
carbonates and other poorly soluble salts. FIG. 6 is a ?ow chart similar to that depicted in FIG. 2,
Means 541, 542, 543 . . . for addition of the powdered with the addition of the storrnwater over?ow chamber 16
activated carbon (PAC), coagulants, hydrogen peroxide, and and additional distributed storm ?ow input lines 3 and 351,
35 352, 353, 451, 452. Optionally, distribution lines can also be
other reagents can be provided. Preferably, these reagents
are fed into the polishing stage or one of preceding treatment provided to other reaction stages. Over?ow clari?ed water
stages. lines 312 . . . , 412 from several sludge separators in the
mid-to-downstream sections of the system are also provided
PAC in the polishing step can adsorb residual organics
for the storm event ?ows.
including toxic, poorly and slowly degradable. PAC will be 40
separated from the liquid in the sludge separator 500 and In dry weather, the system is operated the same way as
back fed in the previous reaction stages. Gradually, PAC will described for the system shown in FIG. 2. During a storm,
be transported with the sludge in the counter?ow direction the excess in?uent, above the maximum dry weather ?ow, is
to the water ?ow. In each reaction stage, PAC will be used split in the chamber 16 and stages 301 . . . , 402. Therefore,
as an adsorbent or organics. Adsorbed organics will be 45 portions of the in?uent are bypassing several upstream
largely biologically degraded, including a substantial frac reaction stages. However, the in?uent during the storm event
tion of toxic, poorly and slowly degradable organics. Alter is diluted by the storm water, is usually less polluted, and
nating anaerobic-aerobic conditions improve biological needs less treatment. Accordingly, bypassed portions will
regeneration of PAC by supporting the destruction or organ get su?icient treatment.
ics that otherwise would be not degraded. Alternating The use of several sludge separation devices for the
anaerobic-aerobic bioregeneration of activated carbons is a effluent discharge, such as shown for units 300, 400, and
signi?cant improvement over the prior art methods (see US. 500, instead of a single separator (500 in other embodi
Pat. No. 3,904,518 and No. 4,069,148). This improvement ments) increases the total hydraulic capacity of the system,
results in reducing PAC demand for treatment. Additional thus preventing hydraulic overloading during a storm event.
application of the electric current with the use of the means 55 Additional reduction in the hydraulic loading on the sludge
172. . . , 373 . . . , 472 . . . , 572 to sludges loaded with PAC separators during the storm event can be achieved by
further improves the condition for oxidation~reduction of temporarily closing lines 422 and 522 for sludge recycle.
adsorbed organics. The use of PAC also improves the FIG. 7 depicts a possible layout of the novel system with
performance of the sludge separation means 100, 200, 300, counter?ow of wastewater and sludges and with multiple
400, and 500 by forming denser and heavier sludge particles. 60 functional zones along the process train. The system may
Conventional coagulants, for example aluminum or iron include anaerobic, an intemiittent aerobic-facultative,
salts or their mixtures, can be used. Optionally, electroco anoxic, aerobic and polishing zones.
agulation can be used. Electrocoagulation does not increase An anaerobic functional zone comprises the reaction stage
the e?‘luent TDS. Coagulants help to remove suspended 101, sludge separator 100, and the sludge condition 10 with
solids, dissolved organics and phosphorus. Coagulation 65 a supernatant separator 14 and a nrixing means 15. The
materials are separated with the sludge in the sludge sepa reaction stage may be any apparatus selected from an empty
rator 500 and are back-fed in the counter?ow to the water tank type, a ?uidized bed reactor, a packed bed ?xed or
17 18
?oating media reactor, or a bio?ltration type reactor. Waste functional zone. In the reaction stage 101, organic particles
water in?uent line 1 is connected to the reaction zone 101 in the in?uent are partially solubilized by the hydrolyzing
equipped with a mixing means 115. A passageway 131 for microorganisms, the soluble organics thus formed and those
anaerobic mixed‘ liquor connects the anaerobic reaction originally present in the in?uent are at least partially con
stage to the downstream section of the process train. The verted into fatty acids by the acidogenic organisms, and the
sludge separator 100 may be any suitable means used for fatty acids are at least in part converted into methane by the
sludge separation: a gravity settling tank, a suspended methanogenic organisms. Simultaneously, carbon dioxide.
sludge blanket clari?er (for example, such as shown in FIG. hydrogen, hydrogen sul?de and ammonia will be formed.
7, see also the U.S. Pat. No. 4,472,358), a ?otator, a During these conversions, the named groups of organisms
centrifuge, or a ?lter. Intake passages 110 for the anaerobic propagate and grow. To improve the process rate, provide
mixed liquor connect the reaction stage 101 to the suspended good destruction of suspended solids and increase the pro
sludge blanket clari?er 100. Conveying means 125 are cess stability, the sludge formed in the reaction stage 101 is
provided for settled and, possible, partially compacted conditioned in the sludge conditioner 10.
sludge, this means being connected to the sludge lines 121 The mixed liquor containing particles of biological sludge
and 122 going to the reaction stage 101 and the sludge formed by these organisms is transferred into the suspended
conditioner 10. A means 111 is for transferring the clari?ed sludge blanket clari?er 100 through passages 110. The
water to the downstream section of the process train. Line 12 settled and, possibly, compacted and densi?ed sludge is
and conveying means 11 are provided for transferring the taken by the conveying means 125 and is transferred with
conditioned sludge from the sludge conditioner 10 to the the help of the conveying means 125 via line 122 into the
reaction stage 101. Line 13 is provided for the discharge of sludge conditioner. Some nonconditioned sludge may be
the conditioned sludge. The supernatant separator may also recycled to the reaction stage 101 via line 121.
be any means for solid-liquid separation. An Imhoff settling The effects produced by the sludge conditioner are
trough is shown in FIG. 7. A passageway 31 for the described in the co-pending patent application Ser. No.
supernatant connects the means 14 to the reaction stage 101. 08/046,788 dated Apr. 12, 1993. Supernatant may be sepa
The intermittent aerobic~facultative zone comprises a 25 rated in unit 14 from the sludge being conditioned and
reaction stage 201 equipped with aeration means 216, mix transferred to the reaction stage 101 via passage 31. The
ing means 215, and a sludge separation means 200 similar conditioned sludge is recycled to the reaction stage 101 via
to that associated with the anaerobic reaction zone. A line 12 by means 11. Part of the conditioned sludge is
passage 131 for the mixed liquor from the previous stage, a discharged via line 13. The contents of the reaction stage 101
passage 111 for the clari?ed water from the previous stage, and the sludge conditioner 10 are mixed by the mixers 115
and optional raw in?uent feed lines 2 and 3 are connected to and 15. The wastewater in the anaerobic zone is at least
the reaction stage 201. Means 225 for conveying sludge and partially treated. Organic content is reduced at least partially,
lines 221 and 222 are provided with the sludge separator while poorly and slowly degradable and toxic organics are
200. Passages 231 and 211 for transferring the mixed liquor removed and destroyed. Nitrates and nitrites fed with the
and the clari?ed water to the downstream process stage are 35 recycled effluent, if any, are reduced to nitrogen and water.
provided. A sludge back-feed line 322 from the subsequent Sulfur in sulfur-containing compounds, organic or mineral,
stage 301 and the associated sludge separator 300 to the is reduced to hydrogen sul?de. A fraction of hydrogen
reaction stage 201 is provided. sul?de is used to precipitate heavy metals, some sul?des
react with nonreduced sulfate and incompletely reduced
The anoxic zone is similar to the intermittent aerobic
40 sul?te to form elemental sulfur, and some sul?des are spent
facultative zone. Major elements of this zone are the reaction
to reduce the nitrates and nitrites to nitrogen and sulfur.
stage 301 and the associated sludge separator. This zone is
equipped sinrilarly to the previous (intermittent aerobic The mixed liquor from the anaerobic functional zone, the
anaerobic) zone. An aeration device is not shown, but it can clari?ed effluent from the clari?er associated with the
be provided. As has become clear from the previous descrip anaerobic functional zone, and, optionally, part of the in?u
tions, the aeration device, if pictured, would have been 45 cm, are fed into the intermittent aerobic-facultative zone
numbered 316. through lines and passages 131, 111, and 2 and 3. The sludge
separated in the anoxic functional zone is also fed into this
The next process zone, the aerobic zone, is similar to the zone. The contents of the zone are periodically aerated by
previous one. All equipment and connections are also simi means 216 and mixed by means 215 during the balance of
lar, and the pattern of numbering of all elements is also clear the time. Part of the aerobic-facultative sludge is recirculated
from the previous description. from the sludge separator 200 with the help of means 225 via
The last process zone, the polishing zone, is also similar line 221. Accordingly. the wastewater constituents are sub
to the preceding zones. It also includes two major elements: jected to the action of aerobic and facultative organisms.
the reaction stage 501 and the sludge separation stage 500. During facultative period, biological processes involve
Similar equipment is also shown in the drawing. An optional 55 destruction of organics, growth of facultative anaerobes,
mixer may be provided in the reaction zone 501. Addition suppression of the ?lamentous growth, and phosphorus
ally, the reagent feed lines 5641, 542, 543 . . . are provided release from the sludge. During aerobic period, the biologi
for pH control, for coagulants, polymers, PAC, hydrogen cal processes involve microbial growth, destruction of
peroxide, etc. The line 512 for the effluent from the sludge organics, and phosphorus uptake. Depending on the loading
separator in this zone is provided. An optional line 511 with 60 rates, total retention time, and time split between aerobic and
conveying means 513 connects the ef?uent line 512 to the facultative periods in the aerobic-facultative zone, nitri?ca
in?uent line 1. An optional flow control means 514 as shown tion may occur during the aerobic period. In such a case,
in FIG. 5 may also be provided. denitri?cation will occur during the facultative period.
Other features, such as those shown in FIGS. 1 through 6, The mixed liquor and the clari?ed water from the inter
may be included in the system presented in FIG. 7. 65 rnittent aerobic-facultative zone are fed to the anoxic zone
The system of FIG. 7 is operated as follows: The in?uent via passages 231 and 211, and separated sludge from the
is fed via line 1 into the reaction stage 101 of the anaerobic aerobic functional zone is fed via line 422. The content of

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