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Barbara E. Goodman, Ph.D.

The organs of the body communicate with each other in order to coordinate their
activities. People use instant messaging and the postal service, our bodies use the
nervous and endocri ne systems. The body’s nervous system is comparable to instant
messaging via the internet because it sends fast, direct messages. The endocrine
system is made up of hormones, their releasing organs, and their target organs.
Hormones are chemicals produced by specific tissues in the body and released into the
bloodstream. Thus, the endocrine system is comparable to snail mail because the
delivery of the message is much slower. Like bulk mail, the message is more diffuse
(reaches a greater area) and affects many organs. A hormone travels through the body
via the blood but affects only the cells with receptors for that specific hormone. While
mail is sent to a specific address, snail mail is only useful if the target has a box for it to
be put in. Thus, hormones are similar to snail mail as a slower method of
communication than nervous impulses.

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