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Student’s name. Jhon Peter Gomez Mendez

Specialty Administración de Empresas

Questions and answer about months of the year and the time.

Instruction. Write the answers on the lines.

1. What is the fourth month of the year?

The fourth month of the year is April

2. When is your birthday?

It's january twenty six

3. How many months is in a year

There are twelve months

4. What is the month after March?

It's the month of April

5. What the month before July?

The month before July is June

6. What is your favorite month?

My favorite month is July

7. What time is it?

1: 05
It's one-five

8. What time is it?

15: 45
It's three forty-five

9. What time is it?

13: 15
It's one fifteen

10. What time is it?

11: 00
It's eleven

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