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TEST 1 animals like bears, rodents and amphibians

Task 1 hibernate during the winter months to conserve
energy and stay warm. Well, evidence has
Man: All right everyone, welcome to the site recently been found to support the idea that our
you’ve all been waiting to see. That’s right, we’ve own ancestors may have hibernated for this same
finally arrived at our last spot on the tour of reason.
ancient Egyptian architecture, the Great Pyramid! Previously, we did not believe that humans could
This is where the tour ends, so after I’ve given ever hibernate because we did not evolve the
you some information about the pyramid and its necessary body functions to do so. It has
history, you’re free to stay as long as you like! traditionally been understood that rather than
Now, let me tell you a little bit about this evolving this way, we developed the skills needed
impressive structure. I’m sure you’re all aware to provide ourselves with food throughout the
that of all the pyramids at Giza, there is none winter months. However, now that fossils of early
bigger than the Great Pyramid, but did you know humans have been found with signs of bone
that at around 4,500 years old, it is also the oldest damage similar to that which occurs in animals
one of the pyramids? It’s true. In 2550 BCE that hibernate today, there is reason to believe
Pharaoh Khufu ordered his engineers to build him hibernation amongst early humans was once
a tomb that would last throughout the ages so he possible. The fossils that were found were of early
would always be remembered, and as you can humans living over 400,000 years ago, and they
see, they succeeded! were discovered by a team of
Another interesting thing about the Great Pyramid paleoanthropologists – researchers who
of Giza is that, after its completion, it remained the specifically study prehistoric humans – in a cave
tallest man-made structure in the world for nearly in Atapuerca, Spain.
4,000 years. In fact, the engineers who developed The evidence supporting the hibernation theory is
the construction methods used to build the Great that the fossils showed weakness caused by a
Pyramid were so far ahead of their time that lack of vitamin D, which is obtained by the body
neither archaeologists nor modern architects are through sunlight. Therefore, it can be understood
exactly sure how they managed it! that these early humans went through periods of
Finally, before all of you go off to wander around time without getting any sunlight at all, just as
the site on your own, I wanted to tell you one last hibernating creatures do. This also means that
thing. Preservation of the Great Pyramid is they were probably able to slow their metabolism
essential to maintain its excellent condition. down enough to stop eating for the long winter
Archaeologists have spent lots of time carefully months. Since winters were much colder across
excavating artefacts over the years as well as most of the planet at that time, the
preserving the engravings and other artwork, all of paleoanthropological community has often
which has been photographed and catalogued to wondered how early humans managed to survive.
ensure that it is accessible in the future. Of So this discovery is an important find as it offers a
course, nothing beats seeing it for yourselves in possible explanation. As they continue their work,
person, so go! Get some unforgettable snaps for they hope to find more evidence to support this
the photo album and enjoy yourselves! And I’ll be conclusion.
here for another hour or so if you have any
questions for me. Thank you! Task 3

Task 2 Man: It’s fair to say that social media dominates

much of teenage life these days. It’s also worth
Woman: Good afternoon. Today I would like to noting that a number of parents of such teenagers
talk to you about a remarkable discovery made are concerned about the negative effects of social
recently in the north of Spain which indicates media, in particular, their children’s lack of face-to-
something interesting about early humans. So, face interaction with peers. While these parents
what is this discovery? As you know, many may have valid concerns, it turns out that

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researchers have found a number of benefits to

social media use amongst teenagers.
For one, studies have shown that when young
people use social media, their ability to
communicate and get along with others is better
than those who do not use social media. When
people used to think of teens who spend a lot of
time online, what came to mind? A lonely
teenager who never left his or her room. But that
idea is becoming more and more outdated.
Today’s teens can have close friendships with
people who live on the other side of the planet,
and because of these friendships, they are less
likely to feel the need to give in to peer pressure.
Since social media adapts itself to the user’s
specifications, users are immersed in a world that
feels comfortable. This is particularly beneficial to
teens who suffer from low self-esteem or have
interests that are dissimilar to those of their
classmates. In other words, exploring the world of
social media encourages teens to express their
interests and opinions and gives them confidence
when they find like-minded people.
This doesn’t mean that social media only benefits
the user. Research has shown that there are
benefits to society as well. The confidence that
finding friendships online offers has been shown
to equip users of social media with the social skills
they need to be active members of society. This is
apparent in the way social media campaigns have
improved communities around the globe, whether
it’s to organise social events or promote civil
rights. People sometimes think of their online lives
as separate from the ‘real world,’ but this
crossover illustrates how much social media has
become a very real part of everyday life,
especially for young people.

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