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To reckon: (verb) to calculate or estimate something; to consider or think about something

Which sentence uses "reckon" correctly?

a) I don't reckon that he'll be able to finish the project on time.
b) I reckoned to the party last night.
c) Reckon you could pass me the salt, please?

Special effects: (noun) visual or audio effects created using technology, especially for use in films,
television, or theater
Which sentence uses "special effects" correctly?
a) The painting had beautiful special effects that made it look three-dimensional.
b) The movie's special effects were so realistic that it felt like you were really there.
c) The musician used special effects to create a unique sound for the song.

Predictable: (adjective) able to be foreseen or anticipated; following a pattern or formula

Which sentence uses "predictable" correctly?
a) The weather has been very unpredictable lately.
b) The story had a predictable ending that everyone saw coming.
c) The singer's performance was so unpredictable that it kept the audience on the edge of their seats.

Destiny: (noun) the events that will necessarily happen to a particular person or thing in the future;
Which sentence uses "destiny" correctly?
a) Some people believe that their destiny is predetermined and they have no control over what
happens to them.
b) She met her destiny at the mall last night.
c) His destiny was to become a doctor, no matter what anyone else thought.

An episode: (noun) a single event or a distinct part of a longer series of events, usually in a story or a
TV show
Which sentence uses "episode" correctly?
a) The book had 20 episodes that were all very different.
b) The TV show's latest episode was very boring and didn't advance the plot at all.
c) The movie had one long episode that lasted for three hours.

To make it: (verb phrase) to achieve success or reach a particular goal

Which sentence uses "to make it" correctly?
a) She wanted to make it to the top of the mountain before sunset.
b) He tried his best, but he couldn't make it to the concert on time.
c) They both worked hard to make it in the music industry.

Revenge: (noun) the desire to hurt or harm someone in return for an injury or wrong suffered;
Which sentence uses "revenge" correctly?
a) She sought revenge against her ex-boyfriend by spreading rumors about him online.
b) He always forgives people, even when they don't deserve it.
c) They decided to take revenge on their neighbor by throwing eggs at his house.

Key: (noun) something that provides a solution or explanation; a guide to understanding something
Which sentence uses "key" correctly?
a) The key to the puzzle was hidden under a rock in the park.
b) He lost the key to his house and had to call a locksmith.
c) Understanding the key concepts in a subject is essential for success

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