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English - Literature Circles - Task #1

English - Literature Circles - Task #1

by Jayson Brown

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2,908 528 32 2 min 6 sec 4 min 3 sec
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Report: English - Literature Circles - Task #1

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Report: English - Literature Circles - Task #1

English - Literature Circles - Task #1

Jayson Brown
Mrs. MacQuarrie
March 9, 2023
Task #1 (Choice 1 - self-reflection)
I will now explain what would happen if I put myself as a character in the
storyline of the video game “Floraverse''. I would name my character Wang. My
avatar would have green hair and white skin. He would wear black track pants
and a blue t-shirt most of the time. My avatar would have amazing powers,
making him the most powerful character in the “Floraverse” universe. He would
have the capability to shoot lightning out of his hands, shocking victims. If he
can target the victim for a long enough time with his lightning beams, they
would die from the severe electrical shock. Another one of Wang’s powers
would be fire laser beams that would shoot out of his eyes. These laser beams,
when shot, would be able to light the target on fire. Another one of Wang’s
awesome powers would be flying. This power is simple and is simply that Wang
can fly through the air, getting to destinations, way faster than if he were to
have to walk or run. An example of flying in the novel so far is when Bugz flies is
on her Thunderbird’s back and flies through the air at the end of chapter 1 and
the beginning of chapter 3. If Bugz had the power to fly like Wang, she could
have flown easier and perhaps faster, without needing a bird. The last one of
Wang’s powers would be swimming. A reason why Wang would have the
swimming power is so that he could survive scenes like when Bugz defended
Lake of the Torches from clan: LESS members

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Report: English - Literature Circles - Task #1

who had to use boats because they could not swim in chapter 3. This means
that he would be able to swim very well above and underwater for very long
distances and periods of time. Some of Wang’s best qualities would be caring
(to friends, not enemies), organization, honesty, responsible, kind, hard-
working, strong, loyal, consistent, motivation, and trustworthiness. The
qualities listed above show how Wang would be a good ally to other players and
a good player to believe in the game. Wang would compare and contrast with
other characters in the game by being a competent ally or enemy in the game.
Wang’s powers would prove to be a challenge for anyone who would fight him.
In my opinion, Wang would be an outsider like Bugz and would attempt to
defeat clan: LESS on his own. There is a chance that he would meet Bugz and
perhaps form an alliance with her. Though the chance that Bugz would accept
an alliance with him would be very low. An example of Bugz not wanting to talk
to anyone or even form an alliance with them is when she met Feng in chapter 4
and killed him quickly, without any remorse. Wang would not ally with Feng or
Alpha because they are both members of clan: LESS, so would likely, therefore,
be enemies of Wang. In conclusion, that was an explanation of my fictional
“Floraverse” character and how he would compare and contrast with other
characters in the game.

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