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Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Sarjana
Pendidikan (S.Pd)



TABLE OF CONTENT...........................................................................................2
LIST OF APPENDICES..........................................................................................3
1. TITTLE.............................................................................................................4
2. INTRODUCTION............................................................................................4
2.1. Background of Study.................................................................................4
2.2. Research Queastion...................................................................................7
2.3. Objective Of The Study.............................................................................8
2.4. The Significant Of the Study....................................................................8
2.5. Scope of Research.....................................................................................9
2.6. Operational Definition...............................................................................9
3. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE......................................................10
3.1. Previous Studies......................................................................................10
3.2. Related Literature Review.......................................................................13
3.2.1. Learning Method..............................................................................13
3.2.2. Community Language Learning (CLL)...........................................16
3.2.3. English Learning Community..........................................................16
3.2.4. Promoting Product...........................................................................16
3.2.5. Theories of Speaking.......................................................................18
3.2.6. Elements Of Speaking......................................................................19
3.2.7. Speaking Difficulties.......................................................................22
3.2.8. Coceptual Framework......................................................................23
4. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY...................................................................24
4.1. Research Design......................................................................................24
4.2. Population and Sample............................................................................26
4.2.1. Sample..............................................................................................26
4.2.2. Population........................................................................................26
4.3. Variable of the Research.........................................................................26
4.4. Instrument of the Research......................................................................27
4.5. Technic of Colecting Data.......................................................................27
4.6. Technique of Data Analysis....................................................................29
5. References......................................................................................................34


Appendix 1/Lesson Plan........................................................................................39

Appendix 2/Pre-Test........................................................................................................50

Appendix 3/Post-Test.......................................................................................................50

Appendix 4/Questionare...................................................................................................51




2.1. Background of Study

English is an international language that must be understood by

everyone, considering that in this era of globalization almost all

technology uses English, including in running a product buying and selling

business that wants to increase sales to an international level, of course,

English language skills are needed to promote their products.(Sri Rahayu,

2018: 145–150)

English teachers have long used the concept of four basic language

skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. These four language skills

are sometimes called "macroskills". This is in contrast to "micro-skills"

such as grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation and spelling (Aydoǧan &

Akbarov, 2014: 673). The four basic skills are interrelated by her two

parameters: type of communication (verbal or written) and direction of

communication (receiving or generating messages) (Aydoǧan & Akbarov,

2014: 673).

Speaking is a production skill that falls into two main categories:

accuracy and fluency. Accuracy consists of using vocabulary, grammar

and pronunciation across a number of activities, while fluency considers

the ability to sustain spontaneous speech. identified two factors in her:

production ability and dialogue ability. The ability to produce results in the

ability to speak without time limits, and the ability to interact results in

negotiation between learners. Both of these skills help learners improve

their speaking skills more easily (Derakhshan et al., 2016: 176). The

aspects of speaking consists of four aspects: Vocabulary, Grammar,

Pronunciation and Fluency (Balaram Naik, P Karunakar,1 M Jayadev,

2013: 2).

Based on interviews and observations conducted by

(Wahyuningsih & Afandi, 2020), they found that most students in the

Department of English Education face some kind of problem when

speaking English. These include lack of adequate vocabulary, lack of

grammatical proficiency, lack of correct pronunciation, lack of English

input outside of class, lack of self-confidence, and lack of language

development in the curriculum.

For the learning method the compiler chose the Community

learning language (CLL). Community Language Learning is a method

teachers use to see their students as a 'whole person'. Whole person means

that the teacher not only considers the intellect of the student, but also has

some understanding of the relationship between the student's emotions,

physical reactions, instinctive defensive reactions, and willingness to learn

(Dahler, 2015: 2). Teachers using this method want their students to learn

how to use the target language communicatively. In the classroom,

teachers become advisors. This does not mean that teachers taught

psychology to their students. In this method, teachers use tape recordings,

audio recordings, transcriptions, reflective experiences, reflective listening,

human computing, and small group assignments to see our ‘whole person’

(Daulay, 2019: 254), (Sexton et al., 2018: 9).

In the learning process, Community language learning (CLL)

requires learning strategies. In this research, the researcher chose to use

product promotion as a learning strategy. A promotion is an effort or effort

to advance or improve. For example, to increase trade or advance business.

Promotion comes from the English word promotion which is defined as

development or improvement. This understanding coupled with the field

of sales tools as a tool for increasing sales revenue. Promotions are

generally business activities aimed at increasing a company's sales or

productivity and revenue. The purpose of promotional activities is to

inform and communicate to the public about the existence of the product,

its advantages, advantages, features, price, where it can be obtained and

how to obtain it. There are 5 types of promotion, namely advertising,

personal selling, sales promotion, public relations, and direct marketing

(Kanita, 2019: 13) & (S. Chandrasekhar & Laily Noor Ikhsanto, 2020: 19).

Promoting product (personal selling) to improve speaking skill at

lkp inec foundation is very appropriate to train students' speaking skills.

Quoted from (S. Chandrasekhar & Laily Noor Ikhsanto, 2020: 20)

“Personal selling is direct interaction, face to face between buyers and

sellers”. Personal selling is a form of personal promotion by presenting

products orally directly to prospective buyers which is intended to

stimulate purchases or activities to promote a product by visiting where

consumers are and two-way communication occurs (Kanita, 2019: 16–17).

The use of promoting products (personal selling) as a community-based

English learning model is considered very suitable for solving problems to

improve students' speaking skills as mentioned above.

From the explanation above, this research intends to examine the

effect of promoting product used to improving students' speaking skills.

This research will be conducted on students majoring in language at LKP

INEC FOUNDATION Jepara. It is expected that students' speaking skills

can develop well after using promoting products.

It is expected that students majoring in language at LKP INEC

FOUNDATION can spend more time speaking English, especially in

giving ideas, asking questions, responding and answering in English

through product promotion as a learning strategy.

2.2. Research Queastion

1. Is there any significant different betwen students speaking skill taught by

using community language learning (CLL) and without using CLL?

2. How significancy community language learning (CLL), as a learning

strategy improve students' speaking skills?

2.3. Objective Of The Study

1. To find out whether the use of community languege learning (CLL) as a

learning strategy can improve student learning achievement in speaking at


2. To find out to what extent the use of promoting products as a learning

technique can improve students' speaking skills.

2.4. The Significant Of the Study

The possible benefits from this research are:

1. For students

This study can encourage them to learn English, especially by

improving their speaking skills, and giving them more time. more time

to practice English and also develop students' confidence.

2. At the Master

Can be an entry and a reference for English teachers in the teaching

of oral expression. They can get the right technique to improve their

students' speaking skills and improve their speaking performance.

3. For researchers

It can provide information and input on teaching techniques to

motivate English-speaking students. This research will enrich the theory

of teaching speaking.

4. The Schools
Outcomes are useful as information or input for quality

development of the learning process and teaching English activities

using various techniques.

2.5. Scope of Research

The scope of this research focuses on teaching promoting

community-based products for learning English as a medium, and this

research is limited to the effect of advertising on the topics: Food,

Beverage, Cosmetics, etc. As a follow-up to improve speaking skills and

interest in learning to speak at SMA N 1 Kembang majoring in language.

2.6. Operational Definition

Based on the title "Promoting Product Based English Learning

Community to Improving Speaking Skills", the researcher provides the

following definition:

1. Speaking skill is the ability to communicate and one of the most

common keys to verbal communication.

2. Teaching is something that is taught: ideas and beliefs taught by

someone, religion, etc.

3. Promoting product (Personal Selling) is a method of communication

about the promotion of a product by communicating between the seller

and prospective customers to introduce the product and form customer

understanding of the product in an effort to persuade potential

consumers to buy the product.

4. Community Language Learning strategy (CLL) are focused on the

application of homogeneous study groups in the learning process so that

two-way communication occurs, not only communicating between

teachers and students, but also occurs between students and students as

well as with the surrounding environment. so that there is a two-way

communication that produces new knowledge and experiences.


3.1. Previous Studies

In writing this thesis, researcher found studies related to this

research as follows: Auliasafitri, (2016) The title of the research is

Improving Students' Speaking Skill Through Advertising Product at The

Second Grade of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) Suli, The objective of

the research is to find out whether the use of advertisement as media can

improve students’ achievement in speaking class at second grade of MAN

Suli and To find out what extent the use of advertisement as a teaching

media in improving. the researcher applied classroom action research

(CAR) as a research method. The number of this population was 20 students.

Oral speaking results showed that the students in the classroom were still

not good at speaking. In the first cycle, students promoted products in

groups and pairs, and in the second cycle individually. A research found

that her sophomore students at MAN Suli significantly improved their

speaking ability after using advertising as a medium. Test scores for cycle
1 (58, 2) and cycle 2 (77, 45). This means that using advertising as a

medium can greatly improve students' speaking ability.

Sri Rahayu, (2018), The role of English for business and marketing

purposes. Objective of the research is to find out how the role of english

for business and marketing purposes, to find out how the role of using

english correctly for business and marketing purposes and to find out how

the influence of english as a communication tool on business and

marketing goals. This research uses the literature research method. In

conclusion, it states that English for business and marketing purposes is

needed and plays an important role in companies as one of the languages

used to communicate as shown by several researchers on the use of

English for business and marketing.

Umiaty & Mansyur, (2017), Learning Community In Learning

English Speaking Skills Of Students Of Class Xii Sma Lpp Umi Makassar,

This study aims to describe the extent to which the effectiveness of the

learning community in teaching English speaking skills for class XII

students of SMA LPP UMI Makassar is measured using an experimental

research design of the pretest-posttest experimental-control group design.

The results of the research show that learning community is effectively

used in improving the English speaking skills of class XII students of

SMA LPP UMI Makassar. This is based on the results of data analysis

which shows that on average the results of the speaking skills test of

students who take part in learning in classes that apply the learning
community are higher than the results of the speaking skills tests of

students who take part in classes that do not apply the learning community.

Daulay, (2019), Community Language Learning to Improve

Students’ Speaking Skill. The purpose of this research is to prove the

improvement of students' speaking skills by using community language

learning. Research method used in classroom action research (CAR) with

two cycles. Based on the result of this research, community language

learning can improve students’ ability in speaking English and their

interest to speak also enhancing. The indicators that influenced their

speaking are the method itself, accent, grammar, fluency, comprehension

and vocabulary.

Thesis & Suminah, (2014), Improving speaking skill through

promoting a product technique at the second year students of man palopo.

This thesis focuses on the improvement of students’ speaking skill at

MAN Palopo by using Promoting a Product technique. This thesis focuses

on two research questions are: Is promoting a product effective to improve

the students’ speaking at the second year students of MAN Palopo? And,

how are the students’ interest toward promoting a product? This research

used pre experimental method with pre test and post test design. The pre

test was given to know basic ability of the students in speaking and the

post test was given to know the students’ improvement in speaking skill

after given the treatment, and researcher used promoting a product as a

technique. The population of this research was the second year students of
MAN Palopo in Academic Year 2014 and the researcher used purposive

sampling which taken from class XI IPA I consist of 20 students as the

samples that used by researcher. The result of this research shows that

there were significant improvements on students’ speaking skill at the

second year students of MAN Palopo after conducting the treatments by

using Promoting a Product technique. In which the score of Ttest (12.23) is

bigger than the score of Ttable (2.093). It means that Promoting a Product

gives significant improvement to students’ speaking skill.

Based on the previous research above, We can see that

(Auliasafitri, 2016) and (Thesis & Suminah, 2014) agree in their

research that promoting product as a learning strategy can improve

students' speaking skills and for community language learning, (Umiaty &

Mansyur, 2017) stated that community language learning is effectively

used as a learning model to improve speaking skills and this statement is

corroborated by statements from (Daulay, 2019) said that community

language learning can improve students' abilities in speaking English and

their interest in enchancing. English is very important later in the world of

business and marketing according to (Sri Rahayu, 2018) English for

business and marketing purposes is needed and plays an important role in

companies as one of the languages used to communicate as shown by

several researchers on the use of English for business and marketing. This

method may vary based on the medium used. Therefore, in this research

the researcher chose to promote English learning community-based

promoting products (personal selling) as a learning model in teaching

speaking to students so that students can speak well and fluently and also

as a differentiator from previous research studies.

3.2. Related Literature Review

3.2.1. Learning Method

There are various classifications in the literature according

to different criteria. Due to the multiple functions that methods can

perform as well as the different variants they may have, the

rankings in certain categories are relative. Thus, a method may

belong to different categories, depending on classification criteria.

The most popular classifications have as main criteria: the

person/persons on whom the teaching, Teaching Learning Methods

activity is centered, the type of training/lesson, the type of activity

predominantly targeted, the degree of activism/passivity of the

pupils, the preponderant means of communication (oral, written)

(Landøy et al., 2020: 141–142).

Landøy et al., (2020) Described the criterion of the

persons on whom the teaching activity is centered or by degree of

student activity:

• Centred on the teacher expository methods:

a) Lecture/exposure

b) Story telling
c) Explanation

d) Instruction

• Focused on the interaction between teacher and student

a) Conversation

b) Collective discussion

c) Problem solving

d) Troubleshooting

e) Demonstration

f) Modelling

g) Exercise

h) Case analysis or study; or

i) Didactic game.

• Student centred or active-participatory methods:

– Methods of organising information and graphic visualisation:

a) Cube method

b) Method of mosaic or reciprocal teaching

c) Conceptual map

d) Starburst

e) Clusters

f) Diagrams

g) Training on simulator

– Methods of stimulating creativity:

a) Brainstorming
b) Philips 6–6

c) 6/3/5 Technique


e) or Panel discussions

– Methods to facilitate metacognition:

a) The Know/Want/Learn method

b) Reflective reading

c) Walking through the pictures

d) The Learning Log

3.2.2. Community Language Learning (CLL)

Community language learning (CLL) as one kind of

method in language learning where teachers to consider their

students as “whole person”. Whole person learning means that

teachers consider not only their students “feeling and intellect, but

also some understanding of the relationship among students’

physical reactions,their instinctive protective reactions and desire

to learn. The teacher become “language counselors”. A language

counselor does not mean someone trained in psychology, it means

someone who is a skillful understander of the struggle students

face as they attempt to internalize another language.

3.2.3. English Learning Community

Learning community is a concept of creating learning

together in schools, namely the learning process between teachers

and teachers, teachers and students, students and students, and even

between the school community and the community outside the

school, so that student learning achievement can increase.(Umiaty

& Mansyur, 2017: 14)

3.2.4. Promoting Product

Promotion aims to inform, influence and persuade and

remind customers about the company and its marketing mix. The

point is that promotion introduces or informs consumers that

currently there are new products that are not inferior to the old

products. After consumers know a new product, it is hoped that

consumers will be influenced and persuaded to switch to that

product. And in the end, the company just reminded that the

product is still good for consumption. In carrying out promotions

to be effective, it is necessary to have a promotional mix, namely

the optimal combination of various types of activities or the

selection of the most effective types of promotional activities in

increasing sales.

There are four types of promotional activities, including:

1. Advertising (Advertising)
Non-personal forms of promotion using various media

aimed at stimulating purchases. Advertising offers a product to

consumers by stating reasons to buy

2. Face-to-face Sales (Personal Selling)

A form of personal promotion with oral presentations in

a conversation with potential buyers aimed at stimulating

purchases or promoting a product by visiting where the

consumer is, by a salesperson. With direct contact between

salespeople and consumers, two-way communication occurs.

3. Publicity (Publicity)

The form of non-personal promotion of certain services

or business entities by reviewing information/news about them

(generally scientific) or is an attempt to stimulate demand for a

product in a non-personal, commercial nature. About these

products in print media and electronic media, as well as the

results of interviews that are displayed in these media. This is a

very good way to introduce a company or product, because

publicity can reach potential buyers that cannot be achieved with

advertising and personal selling.

4. Sales promotion

Forms of promotion outside the three forms above are

intended to stimulate purchases. Sales promotion offers a

product by providing an incentive to buy. This incentive can be

in the form of money, goods or other additional services that are

not usually included with the product.(,

2016: 1–2)(Kanita, 2019: 16–21)

3.2.5. Theories of Speaking

1. Definition

Speaking is the active use of language to express meanings

so that other people can make sense of them (Irwandi, 2015: 1),

Speaking is the most effective communication done by fellow

human beings with the aim of understanding each other's

intentions and goals.

The purpose of speaking is to make listener easy to

understand. However, it is difficult for students to use English

if they rarely practice to speak it. However, the students have

no self-confidence to use English in spoken language.

Auliasafitri, (2016: 17) has explained “Speaking is used for

many different purposes, and each purpose involves different

skills, and we may use speaking to describe things to explain

about people's behavior, to take polite request, or to entertain

people with a joke and another.”

Wahyuningsih & Afandi, (2020: 1) In his research, he

revealed that “....the problems encountered by the students in

English language education department in speaking English

cover the lack of appropriate vocabulary, the lack of grammar

mastery, the lack of correct pronunciation, the lack of input of

English outside the class, the lack of confidence and the lack of

English speaking curriculum development”. Apart from the

problems mentioned above, it is also mentioned in the result

and discussion article that the lake of confidence is also a major

problem in learning speaking skills.

3.2.6. Elements Of Speaking

a. Pronunciation

Pronunciation is an act or results of production the sound of

speech as well as articulation vowel formation, accent and

inflection. typically with regard to some commonplace of contents

or settle for proficiency. The thought of “pronunciation” could also

be aforementioned to include:

1) The Sound of the Language

One their own the sound of language may well

meaningless. If you said /t/ (the line show that this is

phonetic script) a few times, e.g. tu, it will not mean very

much English. Neither will be sounds /k/, /a/, or /s/ but if

we put all these are sound together a certain order we and

up the word catch and does mean nothings

2) Stress

Native speaker of language unconsciously know

about the stress and how it works, they know which

syllables of words are stressed and they know how to use

stress, to change the meaning of phrase, sentences and


3) Intonation

Intonation is clearly important item and component

user of language recognize what meaning it has and can

change the meaning of word they through using it in

different ways, when we taught English language, student’s

need it use rhythms and stress correctly if they are to be


b. Types of Vocabulary

Harmer distinguishes two types of vocabulary

namely active vocabulary and passive vocabulary.

According to him active vocabulary is that the students

have learned and which they are expected to be able to use.

On the other hand, passive vocabulary refers to words

which the students will recognize when they met but will

probably not be divided in to four kinds as follows:

1) Oral vocabulary consists of words actively used in

speech. These are the words that come readily to one’s

conversation. The more often a person utters words the

words the more readily it will come to his tongue.

2) Writing vocabulary is the words that come readily to

one’s finger vocabulary.

3) Listening vocabulary is the stock of words to which one

responds withmeaning and understood in speaking of


4) Reading vocabulary is the words that one response in

writing of others.

c. Grammar

Grammar is a theory of language, of how language

is put together and how it works. More particularly, it is the

study of wordings (Wignel & Gerot, 2013:1). A subject

grammar is the organization of words into communicative

variables, often representing multiple structural classes,

such as phrase and complete sentences.

d. Fluency

Fluency is a term that requires further clarification,

because it includes two different meanings one general and

one technical. The general meaning includes the ability to

speak various languages, as in he is fluent in five

languages, while the technical meaning is applied to

characterize the students' speech. The technical meaning

can also be understood in more than one way, either as the

use of pauses, hesitancy and speed of speech of the speaker,

or as a synonym for 'speech ability', which means a person's

general skill (the Fluency of English Speaking Skill By the

Third, 2018: 14).

3.2.7. Speaking Difficulties

Cite from (Zainurrahman & Sangaji, 2019: 7)“....speaking

difficulties caused by the grammar issue. However, this problem is

caused by other issue nmaely psychological reason including

hesitance, nervouseness and low-self-esteem and their lacking of

vocabulary.” It can be concluded that the reasons for the difficulty

of learning to speak in Indonesian are psychological reasons

including indecision, nervousness and low self-esteem and lack of


Equipped with findings from Catur Widiyasworo in his journal,

Mastering speaking skills in Indonesia is not easy. I know that

most students still have trouble speaking English. This was because

the students did not know certain English vocabulary, had poor

pronunciation, were afraid of making mistakes, or were reluctant to

speak English. These problems make it difficult to express and

convey ideas through speech(Supeno et al., 2021: 534).

According to (Wahyuningsih & Afandi, 2020: 969–973)

The problem of speaking English is divided into six namely:

a. Lack of approriate vocabulary

b. Lack of grammar mastery

c. Lack of correct pronounciation

d. Lack of outside english input outside the class

e. Lack of confidence

f. Lack of language development in the curriculum

3.2.8. Coceptual Framework

Community language learning

 the student join the
 Learn to express
their ideas Promoting Product
 Improve student’s
self confidence

Improve speaking skills through promoting products

Fluency Accuracy Comprehen

Promoting product to improve speaking skills


Research method is a method used to solve a problem. In this chapter, an

overview of sub-sections such as research design, research object, research

location and time, data collection techniques and data analysis techniques is

provided. These categories are a brief explanation of how the research was

4.1. Research Design

This research is an experimental research. According to

(Rukminingsih et al., 2020: 38) Experimental research is a quantitative

research which the researcher manipulates one or more independent

variables (independent variable), controls other relevant variables, and

observes the effect of manipulation on the dependent variable (dependent

variable). An experiment deliberately and systematically introduces a

change and then observes the consequences of that change. It is only a

research problem that allows the researcher to manipulate the conditions

that are right for experimental research.

In this research, the researcher decide quasi-experimental design. A

quasi-experimental is a prospective research in which patients or groups

of patients self-select (or alternatively choose a provider) one of several

different treatment groups and actually compare the efficacy and safety of

these groups. Or is it a retrospective research. Global non-randomized

treatment. Quasi-experimental studies are observational researches that are

similar in many ways to randomized controlled trials (RCTs), with the

major exception that patients self-select between different treatments

rather than being randomized. (Maciejewski, 2020: 2).

The aim of this research was to find out how effective promoting

product with (CLL) community language learning as a learning strategy in

teaching students speaking product to express themselves verbally. The

experimental group in the classroom taught using CLL, while the pre test-
post test control group design is a group that uses direct methods in the

learning process.

This research use cluster sampling that took the subject based on

the level of class. The experimental class would be class Reguler and

control class would be Privat class and Toefl Class. Reguler class is taken

as a sample of experimental group with treatment and Privat Class and

Toefl class as control group without treatment. In this research, the data

would be taken through pre-test and post-test.

4.2. Population and Sample

4.2.1. Population

The population of this research were all students of the LPK

INEC Foundation Regular class. The total number of students is 62

from 3 types of study group/classes, namely Regular class (23),

Privat class (18), Toefl class (19). The researcher chose this class

because it can be equated with intermediate levels in English


By using non random sampling the researcher chose the regular

class as the experimental class while the private class as the control


4.2.2. Sample

In this research the researcher conducting the research at

LPK INEC Foundation, researchers obtained data that there were 3

types of study groups at LPK INEC Foundation, namely Private

classes, Regular classes, and Toefl classes.

Design pre test-post test using group control :

Sampling Total Group Pre-test Treatment Post-Test

Reguler Class 23 Exprimental Y1 X Y2

Privat Class 18 Control Y1 ... Y2

4.3. Variable of the Research

The research variables include the dependent variable and the independent


1. Improving Speaking Skill

2. The independent variable is the use of product promotion techniques.

4.4. Instrument of the Research

To collect data from students, researchers used two kinds of

instruments, namely;

1. Speaking test

The speaking test consists of a pre test and a post test. Pre test is used

to measure students' speaking ability before being given treatment by the

teacher. Post test is used to measure students' speaking ability after being

given treatment.

2. Questionnaire

Questionnaires are used to determine whether students are interested

in learning to speak through the promotion of a product or not.

3. Video recorder

Researchers used a video recorder to record student performances.

4.5. Technic of Colecting Data

1. Pre-Test

Before giving the concept that students need, the writer gave a pre-

test to know the students' basic speaking ability. The writer asks

students to explain a particular thing, its definition, characteristics and

function in their own words. The researcher used a video camera to

record the student's performance.

2. Treatment

After giving the pre-test, the treatment was given to the student.

The treatment is divided into several stages. This study will improve

their accuracy, fluency and oral comprehension.

The phases in applying Promoting a product techniques in the

teaching process:

a. The students are divided into small groups. Each group is given

a topic about the product they should promote, and then the

researcher explains the rules of promoting the product and how

to promote it well.

b. For each group participate as a business and production

planner. When launching a product, you obviously need a

brand name that has a special meaning, tailored to its target


c. The researcher determines the product that the student will

make. Students must make the promotion as interesting as

possible, so that the public can be interested in their product.

d. In the promotion, they must explain the characteristics and the

advantages of the product.

e. The promotion is made as creative as possible. Audience as

firm owner that shall be made sure for has the honor to make

that product.

f. And finally, the researcher corrected some mistakes done by

the students.

The treatment was carried out in six meetings. For each meeting

took 90 minutes, so the total time for four meetings were 360 minutes.

It was done for Two weeks.

a. At the first meeting, the researcher taught about how to

promote the product well, and than she asked the students to

make promotion of the product of healthy drink.

b. At the second meeting, the researcher asked the students to

make promotion of the product of beauty soap.

c. At the third meeting, the researcher asked the students to make

promotion of the product of T-shirt.

d. At the fourth meeting, the researcher asked the students to

make promotion of the product of mobile phone.

3. Post-test

Post-test was performed after treatment. The format of the

following test is the same as that of the previous test. Their speech

achievements can be identified, categorized, tabulated and analyzed.

4.6. Technique of Data Analysis

To analyze the data, the researcher followed these steps:

1. Scoring the student's test In this test, the researcher uses a scale of 1

to 6 to measure students' oral responses according to their ability to

assess. Scoring of a student's speaking can range from print to score

on the basis of a fairly detailed scoring chart (showing accuracy of

pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, level of relevance, fluency and

pauses of speech).

The scoring scheme for the following (using a 6-point scale) is as


Table 3.1

Ratin Accuracy

6 Pronunciation is very little influenced by the mother tongue.

Two or three minor grammar or lexical errors.

5 Pronunciation is slightly influenced by the mother tongue.

Most of the utterances are correct, although there are some

minor grammatical and lexical errors.

4 Pronunciation is moderately influenced by native language,

but without significant phonological errors. There are some

grammatical and lexical errors, but only one or two that are

big enough to cause confusion.

3 Pronunciation is influenced by the native language, but there

are few serious phonological and lexical errors, and some

are confusing.

2 Pronunciation is heavily influenced by the native language

and errors hinder communication. There are many basic and

grammatical errors.

1 Serious pronunciation errors, and many basic grammatical

and vocabulary errors. There is no proof of mastery of the

language skills and areas practiced in the course.

Ratin Fluently

6 Speak without too much effort and with a fairly wide range

of expressions. Word searchers occasionally but not just

stopping once or twice aren't natural.

5 sometimes have to try a little harder to find the words.

Nevertheless, delivery was smooth overall and only a few

unnatural lags.

4 Although he tried hard and searched for words, it didn't have

too many unnatural pauses. Delivery was pretty smooth for

the most part. Sometimes sporadic but manages to convey

common sense. Pretty range expression.

3 It takes effort most of the time. Often have to search for the

desired meaning. Delivery was rather hesitant and sporadic.

The range of expression is often limited.

2 Pause for a long time as he searches for the desired

meaning. Delivery is often patchy and hesitant. Almost gave

up trying at that point. Limited range of expressions.

1 Lots of long and unnatural pauses. Very hesitant and partial

delivery. Sometimes it takes effort. The range of expression

is very limited.

Ratin Comprehensibility

6 It is easy for the listener to understand the speaker's general

intentions and meanings. Very little interruption or need for


5 The speaker's general intentions and meanings are pretty

clear. A few interruptions from the listener for clarification

are needed.

4 Most of what the speaker says is easy to follow. His

intentions are still clear but it takes a few interruptions to

help him understand the problem in order to ask for


3 The listener can understand much of what is being said, but

must constantly seek clarification. Does not understand

more complex or longer sentences of the speaker.

2 Only small parts (usually phrases and short sentences) can

be understood and then with considerable effort by someone

who is used to hearing the speaker.

1 Almost nothing is said that can be understood. Even if the

listener tries very hard to interrupt, the speaker cannot

clarify everything he seems to have said.

Adopted from (Heaton, J. B., 1988: 100)

2. In addition to skill assessment on the six scales described above, the

researchers also conducted a rating classification to measure the

students' speaking ability. Below is a classification of rating scales.

Rating Scale

Classification Scale Rating

Exelent 86-100 6

Very Good 71-85 5

Good 56-70 4

Fairly Good 41-55 3

Poor 26-40 2

Very Poor <25 1

The Calculation and Analysis of Means Score

a. The calculation of mean score

1. The mean score of experimental group (Mx)

Mx =

2. The mean score of control group (My)

My =
b. The computation of deviation

1. Square deviation of experimental group

∑X = ∑x2 – (x)2
2. Square deviation of control group

∑Y = ∑y2 – (y)2
The Calculation of T-test

𝑡 − 𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡 =MX – MY
∑𝑥2 + ∑𝑦2 1+1
NX + NY −2 NX NY

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Appendix 1/Lesson Plan

1. Subject : English

2. Time Allotment : 2 x 45

3. Class/Semester : Reguler

4. School : LPK INEC Foundation

5. Treatment : 1st

6. Language Focus : Speaking Skill

7. Standard of Competency :

• Expressing the ideas.

8. Basic Competency :

• Doing promotion by expressing the ideas with the own


9. Indicators :

• The students will be able to comprehend about

speaking skill.

• The students will be able to comprehend about

promoting a product.

• The students will be able to speak truly

without feeling anxiously, becoming more

proficient and creative.

• The students will be able to express

their ideas and train to get imagination.

10. Objectives : Promoting the product with creative


11. Learning Materials : The topic is healthy drink product.

12. Steps in Learning


Warm Up Greeting/Lee  Greeting and praying. + 5-10 min

Breaking  Asking the students’


 Giving motivation to the

students before giving the

Lead in material.
+ 5-10 min
 Telling the rules of

promoting a product

activity to the students.

Presentation Language/Skill  Dividing the students into + 40-50

some groups. One group

consists of 3 members. min

 Giving the topic to the


 Making brainstorming of

the topic.

 Putting the ideas into a

graphic organizer.

 Asking the members in

each group to discuss their

topic in group before doing


 Each group will promote

their product with their

own words and creativity.

 Teacher gives feedback to

the students.

Control Control Practice  Explaining the correction + 10-15

Practice of the students’ min


Closing  The teacher asks the + 5 min

students’ problem during

the process of learning.

 Closing the class and


13. Subject : English

14. Time Allotment : 2 x 45

15. Class/Semester : Reguler

16. School : LPK INEC Foundation

17. Treatment : 2nd

18. Language Focus : Speaking Skill

19. Standard of Competency :

 Expressing the ideas.

20. Basic Competency :

 Doing promotion by expressing the ideas with the own words.

21. Indicators :

 The students can speak truly without feeling

anxiously, becoming more proficient and creative.

 The students can express their ideas and train to get


22. Objectives : Promoting the product with creative


23. Learning Materials : The topic is the product of beauty


24. Steps in Learning


Warm Up Greeting/lee  Greeting and praying. + 5-10 min

breaking  Asking the students’


 Giving motivation to the

students before giving the

Lead in material.
+ 5-10 min
 Telling the rules of

promoting a product

activity to the students.

Presentation Language/Skill  Dividing the students into + 40-50

some groups. One group min

consists of 3 members.

 Giving the topic to the


 Making brainstorming of

the topic.

 Putting the ideas into a


1. Subject : English

2. Time Allotment : 2 x 45

3. Class/Semester : Regular

4. School : LPK INEC Foundation

5. Treatment : 3rd

6. Language Focus : Speaking Skill

7. Standard of Competency :

 Expressing the ideas.

8. Basic Competency :

 Doing promotion by expressing the ideas with the own words.

9. Indicators :

 The students can speak truly without feeling anxiously,

becoming more proficient and creative.

 The students can express their ideas and train to get imagination.

10. Objectives : Promoting the product with creative ideas.

11. Learning Materials : The topic is T-shirt.

12. Steps in Learning


Warm Up Greeting/lee  Greeting and praying. + 5-10 min

breaking  Asking the students’


 Giving motivation to the

students before giving the

Lead in material. + 5-10 min
 Telling the rules of

promoting a product

activity to the students.

Presentation Language/Skill  Dividing the students into + 40-50

some groups. One group min

consists of 3 members.

 Giving the topic to the


 Making brainstorming of

the topic.

 Putting the ideas into a

graphic organizer.

 Asking the members in

each group to discuss their

topic in group before doing


 Each group will promote

their product with their

own words and creativity.

 Teacher gives feedback to

the students.

Control Control Practice  Explaining the correction + 10-15

Practice of the students’ min


Closing  The teacher asks the + 5 min

students’ problem during

the process of learning.

 Closing the class and


13. Subject : English

14. Time Allotment : 2 x 45

15. Class/Semester : Regular

16. School : LPK INEC Foundation

17. Treatment : 4th

18. Language Focus : Speaking Skill

19. Standard of Competency :

 Expressing the ideas.

20. Basic Competency :

 Doing promotion by expressing the ideas with the own words.

21. Indicators :

 The students can speak truly without feeling anxiously,

becoming more proficient and creative.

 The students can express their ideas and train to get imagination.

22. Objectives : Promoting the product with creative ideas.

23. Learning Materials : The topic is mobile phone.

24. Steps in Learning


Warm Up Greeting/lee  Greeting and praying + 5-10 min

breaking  Asking the students’


 Giving motivation to the

students before giving the

Lead in material. + 5-10 min
 Telling the rules of

promoting a product

activity to the students.

Presentation Language/Skill  Dividing the students into + 40-50

some groups. One group min

consists of 3 members.

 Giving the topic to the


 Making brainstorming of

the topic.

 Putting the ideas into a

graphic organizer.

 Asking the members in

each group to discuss their

topic in group before doing


 Each group will promote

their product with their

own words and creativity.

 Teacher gives feedback to

the students.

Control Control Practice  Explaining the correction + 10-15

Practice of the students’ min


Closing  The teacher asks the + 5 min

students’ problem during

the process of learning.

 Closing the class and



Muhammad Galih Prasetyo

NIM 181320000406

Appendix 2/Pre-Test

The researcher divides the students into several groups and

asked the students to explain about a thing, with the theme of

learning equipment, starting with the opening and then

continuing with the students to explain about a thing, especially

the definition, characteristic and the function of the thing with

their own words in pre test to know the ability of their speaking

with their own words in pre test to know the ability of their

speaking skill before being given treatment students are given

15 minutes to prepare for practice and end with closing.

Appendix 3/Post-Test

The researcher divides the students into several groups

and asked the students to explain about a thing, with the theme

of learning equipment, starting with the opening and then

continuing with the students to explain about a thing, especially

the definition, characteristic and the function of the thing with

their own words in pre test to know the ability of their speaking

with their own words in pre test to know the ability of their
speaking skill before being given treatment students are given

15 minutes to prepare for practice and end with closing.

Each group explains about an object whose theme has

been determined by the researcher, especially the meaning,

characteristics and functions of the object and each member of

the group is required to get a turn to speak to find out the

improvement in students' speaking ability after being given


Appendix 4/Questionare

Daftar ini bertujuan untuk mengumpulkan data tentang sikap

terhadap pengaplikasian Community Language Learning (CLL)

terhadap peningkatan berbahasa Inggris siswa. Untuk itu anda

diharapkan memberikan jawaban dengan sejujur-jujurnya. Kejujuran

dan kebenaran penilaian anda merupakan sumbangan terbesar dalam

penilaian ini dan atas kerjasamanya diucapkan terima kasih.

1. Bacalah petunjuk kerja sebelum mengerjakan angket di bawah


2. Pada setiap pertanyaan disediakan empat criteria yaitu:

Sangat Setuju (SS), Setuju (S), Tidak Setuju (TS), dan

Sangat Tidak Setuju (STS).

3. Berilah tanda checklist (√) pada setiap pilihan.

4. Terima kasih atas kejujuran anda dalam mengerjakan angket ini.


Nama :


Kelas/Semester :


1 Teknik “Promoting a Product” sangat efektif

dalam peningkatan kecakapan berbahasa

Inggris siswa LPK INEC Foundation.

2 Metode “Community Language Learning”

mampu memotivasi anda untuk meningkatkan

kemampuan berbahasa Inggris.

3 Teknik “Promoting a Product” dapatmenambah

kelancaran speaking anda.

4 Metode “Community Language Learning” anda

dapat lebih mudah dan percaya diri dalam

mempraktekkan berbicara bahasa Inggris.

5 Penggunaan media sangat berperan dalam

proses pembelajaran pada teknik “Promoting a


6 Metode “Community Language Learning” lebih

efektif dibandingkan dengan metode lainnya

dalam peningkatan speaking siswa.

7 Metode “Community Language Learning”

memberikan nuansa baru dalam peningkatan

dan proses pembelajaran bahasa Inggris.

8 Teknik “Promoting Product” dapat

mempengaruhi kemampuan speaking siswa dan

meningkatkan kosakata dalam bahasa Inggris.

9 Metode “Community Language Learning” kita

dapat belajar bahasa Inggris dengan


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