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Reach for a Star

Now a days, a lot of people prefer to give up after their first attempt
because they don't realize that success would eventually come to them if they
persevere. Even if you try your hardest and still fail, remember that you atleast
tired, because everyone learns from their errors you will undoubtedly triumph the
next time you encounter a similar circumstances. Many people have failed simply
because they gave up and didn't even try. Everything is a worth a shot. Keep
trying till you succeed and never give up hope.

Skills that I need to develop to reach my star is to have a positive attitude

, intuition, preparation, a lust to learn, communication skills, courage, safe
awareness and negotiation skills. Skills propel my plan to become a successful
professional in the near future is you have a ability to focus, creative thinking,
effective communication, being organized and being open to change and
suggestions. If you are able to focus on the task at hand you will also be able to
deal with the task well and give it your best. Step should I make in order to
achieve my goal is be specific about what you want to achieve, draw up a plan of
action, make a list of steps, act, do not be passive, read and listen to advice,
examin your goal periodically, visual your goal and take action.

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