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1. Give the name and symbol of the element that is most important in biological molecules (1p) .
Module Organic Chemistry 3vtto Chapter 4
name: ……………………………………………………… symbol: ……….………
Name: ………………………………………………………………………………………..…………
Open the link
Followed by opening the link Molecular Science and Technology and write down in your own
Learning goals
words whattraining
 Developing, this study entails. (1p)
and practising general skills such as meaningful reading and studying.
 Developing knowledge and skills of carbon chemistry

 General skills such as meaningful reading and studying, self-resonsibility and ownership
 Knowledge and skills of carbon chemistry, the filled in form.
Fill inExplain
3. this form individually,
in 20-30 wordsper person.
what yourYou may of course
preferences fill inrespect
are with this formtodigitally. However,and
your education structural
formulas must be written by hand.
following completion of VWO (1p) Please use all studymaterials available. To obtain sufficient progress you
must of course do the corresponding homework as indicated in the planner and by the teacher. The answers
to the assignments of the Textbook that you have to do are indicated in this Module. Please check your
answers using the answering sheets uploaded in the “jaarbijlagen”. By checking your answer you must first
do the indicated assignment and then when required make additions and improvements by using an other
color. When you have a question, make sure that you first read the text carefully and study your textbook
and chemistry lessons thouroughly. Only then the teacher can help you effectively .
This Module counts as a large test
One of the applications of Organic Chemistry is the development and synthesis of chemicals used in
Planning To do M = Module
week nr. lesson Fill in day and date (2p)
4. Name two other applications of Organic Chemistry. (2p)
page(s) ; assignment(s)
5 ……………………..……………………..…………………….. M: p 2 - 3 ; 1–6
22 application…………………………………………………………………….……………………………………………………..……………
First other
6 ……………………..……………………..…………………….. M: p 2 - 3 ; 6 – 10
Second other application……………………..……………………..…………………….. M: p 4 - 6 ; 11 – 20
7 ……………………..……………………..…………………….. M: p 7 - 9 ; 21 - 27
Study TB §3.1 page 78 and §8.1
8 ……………………..……………………..…………………….. Deadline: Module chapter 8
24 between atoms in a molecule is called an atomic bond or covalent bond. In organic
The bond
9 ……………………..……………………..…………………….. Recap: Chapter 5
chemistry structural formulas of molecules are often used. In a structural formula the atomic bond is
indicated as: —
The molecular formula of methane is CH4. Figure 4.3 c shows the structural formula of methane. The
number of bonds that an element forms is called the covalency. Chemical elements or atoms have
the tendency to gain or lose electrons to reach the electronic configuration of a noble gas. This is
referred to as the Noble gas configuration. This also may refer to as the octet rule, the electronic rule
for the main group of elements whereby atomic bonds are formed to gain 8 electrons in the outer
electron shell.
5. Study TB §3.1 page 78 and §8.1.
6. Compare TB Table 8.6 page 238 with the Periodic Table of Elements (see e.g. textbook page
264) and explain the covalencies of the elements carbon, hydrogen and oxygen using the
positions of these elements in the Periodic Table. (2p)







7. Deduce from the Periodic Tabel the covalency of the following elements and fill in (3p):

element covalency element covalency

carbon . 4 hydrogen 1

silicon ………………. astate ……………….

seleen ………………. helium ……………….

8. Follow chemistry lesson 1:

9. Follow chemistry lesson 2:




10. Fill in Table 1. Concepts (10p)

Concepts Description/definition

atomic bond or
covalent bond

covalency …………………………………………….………………………………………………………………

octet rule …………………………………………….………………………………………………………………

general formula of alkanes …………………………………………….………………………………………………………………

a linear alkane …………………………………………….………………………………………………………………

a branched alkane …………………………………………….………………………………………………………………

Isomers are different compounds with the same molecular formula but
with different …………………………………………….………………………………………..

general formula of alkenes …………………………………………….………………………………………………………………

saturated carbon …………………………………………….………………………………………………………………


unsaturated carbon …………………………………………….………………………………………………………………


general formula of

characteristic group of

general formula of alkanols …………………………………………….………………………………………………………………

Carboncompounds in categories.
Category I Hydrocarbons: a. alkanes – b. alkenes – c. cycloalkanes
Category II Alcohols: alkanols.
Ia. Alkanes
Lineair alkanes, the homologous series (see TB Table 8.13, p243) and some properties.
11. Follow chemistry lesson 3:
12. Fill in Table 2 below until (including) the 9th row. Answer question 19 by filling in row 10. (10p)
Use Binas-Table 99 for the relative atomic mass of elements and Binas-Tables 11 and 12 for
boiling points of liquids and gasses.

name molecular formula molecular mass (μ) boiling pont (K) boiling pont (°C)

methane ……………..………………… ………………..……….. ………………..……….. ………………..………..

ethane ……………..………………… ………………..……….. ………………..……….. ………………..………..

propane ……………..………………… ………………..……….. ………………..……….. ………………..………..

butane ……………..………………… ………………..……….. ………………..……….. ………………..………..

pentane ……………..………………… ………………..……….. ………………..……….. ………………..………..

hexane ……………..………………… ………………..……….. ………………..……….. ………………..………..

………………. C7H16 ………………..……….. ………………..……….. ………………..………..

………………. C8H18 ………………..……….. ………………..……….. ………………..………..

13. Draw in Table 3 at M: page 14 the structural formulas of the linear alkanes from Table 2 (4p).

Systematic (rational) names of linear and branched alkanes

14. Study the systematic (rational) naming of alkanes (p242-246).
15. Follow chemistry lesson 4:
16. Do assignment TB: B11 (p249) a by filling in the following table (3p)
molecular structural formula
systematic name

1: ……………..……………………..……………


2: …………..……………………..………………


3: …………..……………………..………………


4: …………..……………………..………………


5: …………..……………………..………………


17. Answer assignment B6 b by writing down the numbers of the molecules which are constitutional

isomers of eachother (see also M: p 243). (2p).




18. Do assignment B12 (p249) 1 to 5 (3p)

name molecular formula

1 …………………………………………………………………………………….………………………………………………………………………………..………..

2 …………………………………………………………………………………….……………………………………………………………………………..…………..

3 …………………………………………………………………………………….…………………………………………………………………………..……………..

4 …………………………………………………………………………………….…………………………………………………………………………..……………..

5 …………………………………………………………………………………….…………………………………………………………………………..……………..

19. Follow chemistry lesson 5 about constitutional isomers of C 6H14 (see assignment B10, p140):

20. Study the link:
21. Write down in Table 4 on page 13 and 14 the structural formulas and systematic names of the
nine constitutional isomers with molecular formula C 7H16. (18p)

Ib Alkenes
22. Study “Alkenes and systematic naming of alkenes (pages 243 and 244)
23. Follow chemistry lesson 6

24. Write down the systematic name and structural formula of the five isomers with molecular formula
C5H10 belonging to the alkenes by filling in the following table (8p):

systematic name structural formula









Ic Cycloalkanes
Cycloalkanes are constitutional isomers with alkenes. For example propene is an isomer of
25. Follow chemistry lesson 7:

26. Write down the systematic name and structural formula of the three isomers with molecular
formula C5H10 belonging to the cyclo-alkanes by filling in the following table (6p) :

systematic name structural formula







II Alcohols
27. Study TB “Alcohols and systematic naming of simple acohols (alkanols) (page 253)
28. Follow chemistry lesson 8:
29. Do assignment 21 (p256) a to c bij filling in the correct systematic name, molecular and structural
formulas. (4p)

molecula structural formula

systematic name
r formula









30. Do assignment 22 (p256) a to d (4p)

a name molecular formula





31. Write down the systematic name and structural formula of the four constitutional isomers with the
molecular formula C4H9OH belonging the alkanols by filling in the following table (8p).

systematic name structural formula





Ethers are constitutional isomers of alkanols.

32. Write down the structural formula of the three constitutional isomers with the molecular formula
C4H10O belonging to the ethers (3p).



Table 3. Linear alkanes, the homologous series. Molecular and structural formulas.
name molecular formula structural formula

methane ……………..…………………

ethane ……………..…………………

propane ……………..…………………

butane ……………..…………………

pentane ……………..…………………

hexane ……………..…………………

………………. C7H16

………………. C8H18

Table 4 The structural formulas and systematic names of the nine constitutional isomers with the
molecular formula C7H16

of structural formula
carbon name
(As shown below the longest carbon chain must be drawn horizontally)

7 ─C─C─C─C─C─C─C─

6 ─C─C─C─C─C─C─


5 ─C─C─C─C─C─





4 ─C─C─C─C─



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