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Summative Assessment for the Cross curricular unit “Our health”

Learning objective (6.R5) Deduce meaning from context on a limited range of
familiar general and curricular topics, including some
extended texts (6.UE13) Use modal forms including, mustn’t

(prohibition), need (necessity), should (for advice) on a range
of familiar general and curricular topics
Assessment criteria  Identify short questions on curricular topicswith
support such as colour and number
 Talk about ability, make requests and offers, and ask for
permission using can and can’t

Level of thinking skills Knowledge and comprehension


Duration 20 minutes

Task 1. Read the text and fill the blanks with the necessary words in list.
Мәтінді оқып, бос орындарды берілген тиісті сөздермен толықтыр.

cold, sick, teacher, essay, students, home

Getting a Cold

Lucy has a cold. Her nose is blocked, she coughs a lot, and she has a sore throat. She felt fine last night,
but now she is very 1)_____. Lucy wants to go 2)______ and rest, but she thinks

she can’t. She is a student and her essay is due today. She needs to proof read it and print it so the
teacher gets it on time. Lucy’s 3)________ is very strict. He told Lucy that the 4)_______

must be handed in on time. There are eighteen 5)_________ in the class, and they are all very

busy writing their essays. Hopefully, they won’t catch Lucy’s 6) _______. If the other students

catch colds, they might take several days off school and miss out on study.

Task 2. Use the correct modal verb for each sentence. Modal verbs may be used more than once:
mustn’t, need, should. Дұрыс модаль етістігін қолдан: mustn’t, need, should, can. Бір модаль
етістігі бірнеше рет қайталануы мүмкін.

1. You ____________go in for sports.

2. I ____________to go swimming to exercise my leg.

3. Children ____________eat junk food.

4. You ______________ arrive late to school.

5. I think, you ____________ go to the doctor.

6. …… I help you with the dishes ?

Rubrics for providing information to parents on the results of Summative Assessment for the
Cross curricular unit “Our health”


Level of learning
Assessment achievements
Low Middle High

Identify Experiences Makes mistakes in Answers to the

short challenges in answering basic questions questions correctly
questions answering the
on questions
topics with
such as
colour and
Talk about Experiences Makes mistakes in using can Adresses the task
ability, challenges in using and can’t in writing fully. Confidently
make can and can’t in writing uses can and can’t in
requests and writing
offers, and
ask for
using can
and can’t

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