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Bastidas Paul

Alone: having no one else present.

-This wine goes well with food, but is also very good alone.

-I got him alone and asked him what had really happened.

Quiet: Making little or no noise. Carried out discreetly, secretly, or with moderation.

- She looked around at the quiet foyer of a massive house.

- The place was quiet and secluded, and Sarah would be a sweet person to work for.

Loud: producing or capable of producing much noise; easily audible.

- They were kept awake by loud music.

- Loud protests were heard when the decision was announced.

Extrovert: an outgoing, overtly expressive person.

- I had been a very extrovert person, living life to the full.

- Often, a good match is to pair up an extrovert and introvert to balance out each other.

Statement: a definite or clear expression of something in speech or writing.

- The only defense in that statement was honesty.

- But I am making a simple statement that life is better now than it has ever been.

Profile: is defined as to create an overview about a person or thing.

- She leaned back against his arm, watching his profile as he looked out the window.

- Focusing on his profile, she willed him to look her way.

Magazine: A periodical containing a collection of articles, stories, pictures, or other


- Alex was sitting in his chair, reading a magazine and glanced up when she spoke

- He tossed the magazine aside and stood.

Museum: is a building that houses famous works of art, important artifacts and historical

objects, or other items of cultural or scientific significance.

- I heard we had a nice museum in the cellar.

- The museum will get a big kick out of it.

Restaurant: is a place of business where a large selection of food and beverages can be

selected from a menu.

- The ride to the restaurant was a quiet one.

- We dined at a small Mexican restaurant and spent the meal discussing general


Travel: is defined as the act of going on a trip or going on vacation.

- I would like to travel there.

- When you travel, you can take your work with you.

Beach: The zone above the water line at a shore of a body of water, marked by an

accumulation of sand, stone, or gravel that has been deposited by the tide or waves.

- There is a lovely beach that stretches miles along the blue Atlantic.

- I also remember the beach, where for the first time I played in the sand.
Partner: is a person who takes part in an activity or business with others or one of two

people who are in a relationship.

- He'd never had a partner in all his time alive.

- At balls he danced if a partner was needed.

Match: is defined as a small thin piece of wood or cardboard tipped with flammable

chemicals that catch fire with friction.

- As a rule, a match consists of 21 points, or 21 ends.

- Zeb struck a match and lighted one of the lanterns.

Listen: is defined as to make an effort to hear or pay close attention to someone or


- Just listen to what he has to say.

- Alex, listen to me.

Interview: A formal meeting in person, especially one arranged for the assessment of the

qualifications of an applicant.

- This interview was proof.

- He asked if he might record the interview in addition to taking notes.

Grocery: is a store where food is bought, or the items for sale there.

- Finally, rationalizing that they needed milk, she headed for the grocery store.

- The whole corner grocery store is also a memory of times gone by.

Lunch: is defined as to eat a midday meal.

- Sometimes Alex comes home for lunch and we eat together.

- Lunch is in the refrigerator.

Suggestion: is a proposal made or an idea that has been put forth.

- The boy smiled at the suggestion, but Shipton shook his head no.

- Alex said nothing, his stoic features giving no suggestion of what was on his mind

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