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Texting while driving is about six times more likely to

cause an accident than driving intoxicated.
Current Event
A. The process of outlining a speech is broken down into 4 essential
“You might have heard the news about the military take over that
steps happened in Turkey a few days ago…”
1. Preparation Your Own Story
 WHAT  “Two weeks ago, I was going to my office when I met two
 decide on your topic; know your purpose strange men…”

 the main points ranked in order of importance with supporting Humorous one-liner
research The problem with trouble shooting is that trouble shoots back.
 WHO Talk is cheap. Until you hire a lawyer.
 consider the audience and refine your topic to suit them  Defining your thesis statement
 HOW  one-sentence statement that tells your audience what the entire
 long it needs to be (eg. 3 minutes, 5 minutes...) speech is about

2. Introduction 3. Body

What makes a great opening? Use transition or link between introduction and body

opening greeting and specific hook (attention getter) Support main ideas with examples and details (research findings, story,
current events, facts etc.)
Tie your points with transitions (first, second or finally)
e.g. “How many people here have a hard time balancing work, family
and personal time?”  Include Visual Aid

Startling/Surprising Statement or fact  Object, flip chart, a power point presentation, overhead
projector, slides or any dry erase board.
e.g. - “ One out of ten people we meet everyday have no heads.”
 Whatever visual you are using, make sure everyone can see it.
- Children do not trust us anymore.
 Don’t allow the visual to become a silent demonstration. Keep
Statistics talking as you show the visual
 Based on the report made by the National Safety Council, there  Maintain Eye contact
are about 1,600,000 accidents per year caused by texting while
 Look at the audience as you speak. WORKSHOP
 Small audience - look at each person in a short period of time. Write your speech (individual). In front of a camera, deliver your speech.
 Large audience - look at your audience in small “clumps” and CONTENT    
move from one “clump” to another. Introduction  
 Did the speaker use a “hook” effectively? 5
One way to ensure good eye contact is to look at your audience before  Did the speaker state his/her main idea/theme clearly? 5
you start to speak. Go to the lectern and pause, smile, look at the
audience and speak.
4. Conclusion  Did the speaker use enough supporting details? 5
 summarize your main points (quotation, question, forceful and  Did the speaker reinforce his/her point effectively? 5
emphatic statement, call to action) ARTICULATION    
 Did the speaker pronounce words clearly and correctly? 10
 Was his/her voice audible? Did the speaker vary his/her 5
tone depending on his/her message?
 Did the speaker use appropriate gestures to express 10
his/her point?
 Did the speaker use visuals effectively? (2) 5
 Did the speaker use appropriate costume? (3)
TOTAL 50  

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