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[PSPP VERSION 2022-2023 SEM1]



1. Understanding the PSPP menu items
a. PSPP Files (Data, Syntax and Output)
b. How to create, open and/or generate
c. How to enter data into PSPP
2. First steps in understanding the variables in your data file
a. How to ‘clean’ PSPP data
b. Generating basic descriptive statistics
3. Creating graphs in PSPP

1. Creating indices in PSPP
a. Reliability analysis
b. Factor Analysis
2. Examining relationships among variables of interest
a. Bivariate correlations
3. Using means comparisons to analyze data
a. T-tests
b. Analysis of Variance (income by degree)
i. Post hoc analysis
4. Importing Microsoft Excel files into PSPP.

[PSPP VERSION 2022-2023 SEM1]

PSPP Lab Exercise 1

Inputting data into PSPP

PSPP for Windows
PLEASE READ THIS ENTIRE PAGE FIRST. Next take a look at the third page (a table of your data). The
second page describes the table of data. Once you have read and reviewed all three pages, follow the instructions
on the bottom of this page.

To Enter Data:
Open PSPP. A spreadsheet called UNTITLED DATA will open. In the first column insert numbers from 1 to 25
as shown on the data sheet. Clicking within any cell will select it for data entry. To move around the spreadsheet
use the ENTER key to go down, TAB to go across to the right, and SHIFT TAB to move left. Or, you can use the
arrows on the extended keyboard to move around within the spreadsheet.

To Input Variable Information (example):

Go to the variable view and click on the first variable name.

Replace var00001 with ID where it says Name.

Continue to move across the row and fill in the information for that variable.

Type- the default is numeric. Do not change for this example.

Width- the default is 8 spaces. Do not change for this example.

Decimal places- the default is 2. Change to 0 for this example.

Label- In the "variable label" bar, type your variable name, in this example: Identification number

Missing- This is to identify variables that you want treated as missing. For example, if a respondent had put in
not applicable on a survey item you would want to code it as a missing variable. Leave blank for this example.

Columns- The default is 8. Do not change for this example.

Align- This changes how the variables appear on your screen. Do not change for this example.

Measure- There are three different types of levels of measurement you can choose from - nominal, ordinal, and
scale. Choose the appropriate measure. In this example, choose nominal.

[PSPP VERSION 2022-2023 SEM1]

For the categorical variables, Location, Gender, Feelings, and Religion, you will need to define the categories.
For example, variable 2: Location:
● Under values -double click on the box labeled: None…
● type: 1 in value bar
● type: Urban in value label bar
● Click Add
● type: 2 in value bar
● type: Rural in value label bar
● Click Add
● Continue
● OK
Enter all the data and name all the variables in this manner, according to the description provided. Repeat this
sequence for all the variables.

Data Description

Var1 Respondent's identification number (ID)

Var2 Location of residence (LOCATION)
1 Urban
2 Rural
Var3 Respondent's gender (GENDER)
1 male
2 female
Var4 How Happy do you feel today (FEELINGS)
1 Very Unhappy
2 Unhappy
3 OK
4 Happy
5 Very Happy
Var5 Respondent's age (AGE)
Var6 Respondent's religious affiliation (RELIGION)
1 Seventh Day Adventist
2 Catholic
3 Baptist
4 Methodist
5 Other
Var7 Respondent’s mother‘s education - years of schooling (MAEDUC)

Name your data set and save it the data (either to disk or to your student file)

Note: Use this data to complete Exercise 1 Part B.

[PSPP VERSION 2022-2023 SEM1]


ID Location Gender Feelings Age Religion Maeduc Educ Income Ethnicity

1 1 1 3 32 1 16 4 10 1
2 1 2 1 37 3 13 4 8 6
3 1 2 2 72 2 10 4 8 3
4 1 2 3 86 3 10 5 8 1
5 1 1 4 30 5 5 5 8 2
6 1 1 3 32 2 10 6 7 4
7 1 2 2 29 2 10 4 7 3
8 1 1 3 20 2 4 7 7 7
9 2 2 3 38 4 12 9 5 1
10 1 1 3 20 1 9 9 6 5
11 1 2 4 19 2 2 8 8 2
12 1 2 4 43 3 14 8 5 1
13 2 2 5 38 2 12 4 8 1
14 2 1 1 45 2 17 8 9 7
15 2 1 4 20 2 1 7 8 2
16 2 1 3 53 2 3 7 11 5
17 2 2 3 20 3 7 7 6 2
18 2 1 4 27 4 11 9 4 3
19 2 1 5 54 5 8 6 4 3
20 2 2 3 25 1 15 6 9 4
21 2 1 2 20 2 1 6 10 6
22 2 2 3 38 3 7 6 6 2
23 2 1 4 20 3 5 4 6 3
24 2 2 2 34 2 10 2 4 7
25 2 2 5 67 1 19 2 4 2
26 1 2 2 72 2 10 4 8 3
27 1 2 3 86 3 10 5 8 1
28 1 1 4 30 5 5 5 8 2
29 2 2 3 20 3 7 7 9 2
30 2 1 4 27 4 11 9 4 3
31 2 1 1 54 2 8 6 4 3
32 1 2 2 72 2 10 4 10 1
33 1 2 3 86 3 10 4 10 6
34 1 1 4 30 5 5 4 8 3

[PSPP VERSION 2022-2023 SEM1]

SPP Lab Exercise 2

Running Frequencies and Descriptives in PSPP

There are 2 ways to retrieve the data file you saved in exercise 1:

a) Enter PSPP. An untitled data sheet will appear. Click on File. Click on Open. Click on the arrow under
Drives: Click on a: (or relevant drive) Under file name, click on the file (.sav). OK.

b) Click on My Computer icon. Click on or relevant drive. Click on the data file (.sav). PSPP will be
initiated and the data will appear.

Open previous data file from Exercise 1.

Task 1

To run frequencies for each variable, with the data editor open in the data view, go to:

● Analyze
● Descriptive Statistics
● Frequencies
● Click on the selected variable in the left box and transfer it to the Variable(s) box by clicking the arrow.
Note: You can transfer more than one variable to the Variable(s) box and run frequencies for all variables at
the same time.
● In the same window click on Statistics
● Select minimum, maximum, and range (they may already be selected as default)
● Continue
● In the same window click on Charts…
● Bar chart (You can also try a histogram with or without the normal curve, and a pie chart. However, PSPP
will only allow you to select on 1 chart at a time!)
● Continue

[PSPP VERSION 2022-2023 SEM1]

SPP Lab Exercise 2

Using the file, you created from SPSS Lab Exercise 1, create the following three additional variables. Be sure to
enter all relevant data labels.

Data Cleaning: Declare responses as missing for variables with the following values: Other, none, prefer not
to state.

Var8 Respondent's highest level of education completed (Educ)

1. Grade school
2. Some high school
3. High school graduate
4. Some College, but no degree
5. Trade or technical school
6. Associate degree
7. Bachelors degree
8. Post Graduate Degree
9. None

Var9 Income of respondents (Income)

1. Less than $10,000
2. $10,000 to less than $20,000
3. $20,000 to less than $30,000
4. $30,000 to less than $40,000
5. $40,000 to less than $50,000
6. $50,000 to less than $60,000
7. $60,000 to less than $70,000
8. $70,000 to less than $80,000
9. $80,000 to less than $100,000
10. $100,000 or more
11. Prefer not to state

Var10 Respondent's ethnicity (ETHNIC)

1. White
2. Black /African-American
3. Hispanic / Latino
4. American Indian or Alaska Native
5. Pacific Islander
6. Asian
7. Other

[PSPP VERSION 2022-2023 SEM1]


1. What percentage of respondents have completed a postgraduate degree?

2. What percentage of respondents have completed trade or technical school or higher?

3. Where do respondents “typically” live?

4. What percentage of respondents are Hispanic/Latino?

5. What percentage of respondents were either “happy” or “very happy”?

6. What is the modal age of respondents?

7. For the income variable, report and interpret the mean, median, mode, variance, standard deviation,
minimum and maximum values.

8. Report the mode (and corresponding labels/anchors) for the “religion” variable and the median (and
corresponding labels/anchors) for the “maeduc” variable. What do the values mean?

9. Create a pie chart showing the percentage of the sample who were male and female.

10. Create a simple bar chart showing the distribution of ethnic groups (n and %) of the sample.

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