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Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 4

1. Objectives ........................................................................................................................... 4

1.1. General objective ............................................................................................................ 4

1.2. Specific objective ............................................................................................................ 4


INFORMATION on ACCESS to JUSTICE. ............................................................................. 5

2.1. The role of language in communication ......................................................................... 5

2.2. Importance of Second and Foreign Language Teaching ................................................ 5

3. The limitation of justice in Mozambique ........................................................................... 7

3.1. Notion of access the justice............................................................................................. 7

4. Challenge of the information in English to the population ................................................ 7

5. The position of the English language in Mozambique as a foreign language .................... 8

5.1. Foreign language concept ............................................................................................... 8

Conclusion ............................................................................................................................... 11

Bibliographic references .......................................................................................................... 12



Access to law and justice is a fundamental right, whose limitation jeopardizes democracy and
the full exercise of citizenship. The liberal conception that the State has and must have a
monopoly on the production and administration of law has been questioned, either by the
anthropology and sociology of law, or by the difficulties that judicial courts have been
struggling with in order to guarantee access to the justice of the citizens. If it is consensual
today that legal pluralism does not describe just one type of country, tending to be present in
all societies, in Mozambique the reality is particularly interesting due to the quantity and
diversity of normative orders and conflict resolution instances that act on the ground, as well
as well as the complex interconnections that are established between them. In this text,
focusing on the context of that country, I try to analyse the role of community conflict
resolution bodies, which make up a plural legal landscape, in promoting access to justice.

1. Objectives

1.1. General objective

The present work aims to study and analyse the position of the English language in
Mozambique and access to information to access to justice.

1.2. Specific objective

 The limitation of justice;

 Importance of English in Mozambique;
 Position of English in Mozambique.



2.1. The role of language in communication

Language is a medium of communication that helps us expressing and conveying our

thoughts, feelings, and emotions of two individuals. Moreover, Language depends on verbal
or non-verbal codes.
In other words, Language is considered the prime tool of society It is
through language that we communicate with the world, define our identity, express our
history and culture, learn, defend our human rights and participate in all aspects of society, to
name but a few.

2.2. Importance of Second and Foreign Language Teaching

English is the language of the world and the knowledge of the language makes a person, a
citizen of the world. According to Pandit Nehru "English is a big key on the modern world."
Its importance as international language can be denied by none. For this our reasons are
International Language, English is the international language, International English is the
concept of the English language as a global means of communication in numerous dialects,
and also the movement towards an international standard for the language. It is spoken all
over the world. This language is mother tongue of nearly 320 million people and another 200
million people use it as second language. So, it is very useful to establish international
relation for communication purpose and for the exchange of views with different countries of
the world. It is also referred to as Global English, World English, Common English, or
General English. Sometimes these terms refer simply to the array of varieties of English
spoken throughout the world.

Mozambique is a country surrounded by English language speaking countries such as

Malawi, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Tanzania, and Zambia. The importance of English
language of the use of English language in the country is of paramount importance in several
ambits such as education, politics, economy, trade, and social communication and interaction.
Apart from that, it is the language of our international communication in all areas, such as
science, media or art and it is often the language of entertainment as well as socializing.
Having a good command of English helps us to have more opportunities in life, first of all,
our career.

Moreover, it is considered as the third most widely spoken language in the world, English is
widely spoken and taught in over 118 countries and is commonly used around the world as a
trade language or diplomatic language. It is the language of aviation, computers, diplomacy
and tourism.

In addition, English language in Mozambique it is also important to be studied with students

of higher education for research and communication purpose, good communication skills and
build strong friendship.

It also helps in making the students confident enough. Thus, students get interested in going
to school every day. It's really important to remain friendly with others in this competitive
world. Better verbal communication and physical expressions help them to make new friends.

Furthermore, in particular, legal English is particularly important in relation to legal writing

and the drafting of written texts including contracts, court pleadings and judgment’s,
legislation, and legal correspondence.

In the Differences between general English and Legal English, there is a comparison of the
two languages clearly shows the differences of their usage. Legalese is strongly influenced by
its historical rules. Nevertheless, it is a frequently used language for legal purposes. This
leads to the question why it is that commonly seen on a global level. The following part
centres on answering this question by outlining the benefits of its use for lawyers and other

Without the basic skills in English, a lawyer who has studied in a vernacular medium can
only go so far. While practicing law in the local language helps certain groups of clients, the
lawyer himself has to be reconciled to spending his entire career practicing in the lower

Moreover, the relation between English and law is the use of language is crucial to any legal
system, not only in the same way that it is crucial to politics in general, but also in two
special respects. Lawmakers characteristically use language to make law, and law must
provide for the authoritative resolution of disputes over the effects of that use of language.

To sum-up, English is language important in law because it has been said that words are the
essential tools of the law. In the study of law, language has great importance; cases turn on

the meaning that judges ascribe to words, and lawyers must use the right words to effectuate
the wishes of their clients.
3. The limitation of justice in Mozambique

3.1. Notion of access the justice

Access to justice or more properly, access to a fair legal order means providing everyone,
without any restriction, the right to claim jurisdictional protection of the State and to have the
means constitutionally foreseen to achieve this result available.

Access to justice in Mozambique is still limited, much more which the English language

Information in English is limited because is not an official or native language, but because it
is a foreign language, as it makes it difficult for people to understand, mainly or especially in

At some point, courtly proceedings are vague, especially when it is in English and

Access to justice, a fundamental condition for the exercise of citizenship, is a concern of any
democratic system. At a time when, both in the societies of the South and in the societies of
the global North, the judicial courts face serious difficulties (inaccessibility, delays,
inefficiency, costs, among others), proving incapable of facing alone the task of
administering justice, the debate about the definition of the role to be given to the different
forms of extrajudicial justice is pertinent to the global sphere. In Africa, the historical and
socio-cultural particularities give specific contours to the discussion. If, on the one hand,
community justice, due to its low costs, proximity to populations and speed, may prove to be
more appropriate to their specific cultural contexts and a reference to the creation of more
democratic models of justice throughout the world; on the other hand, they are not without
problems, facing severe criticism. Based on fieldwork carried out in Mozambique, this
communication aims to analyse the role of Mozambican community conflict resolution
bodies, in a context of legal pluralism, in the democratization of access to justice.

4. Challenge of the information in English to the population

First to point out that the challenge of English to the population is great due to they non-use
of the language and as for teaching, as already mentioned above it has been due to peoples

lack of interest in practicing the English language; because Mozambique has made available
several means of learning English but even so, English does not flow among people.

The challenges to information in English are:

 English being a foreign language, feet although being of utmost importance;

 Peoples lack of interest in learning;
 The adherence of information in Portuguese compared to English;
 Lack of time to learn English;
 Lack of interest in learning English;
 People can even speak English, but lack of practice can influence the English

With these difficulties they generate the challenges of information in English, so this is why
access to justice in Mozambique is low.

5. The position of the English language in Mozambique as a foreign language

5.1. Foreign language concept

Chimhundu (2002, p. 11) defines foreign language as the language used for communication
inside or outside Africa.

Lopes (2013, p. 60) understands that it is a language that the Mozambican speaker does not
use in his daily life and is learned in school as a discipline.

The concept of foreign language is also defined by Crystal (1997, p. 372) as popularly used to
refer to any language that is not a native language and is taught in school. It also states that it
is a non-native language without a routine media status in a given country, especially one
without official status in that country.

For many international students, English language proficiency is often a primary concern.
Learning English can open many doors. Many students face the same challenges, including
the team of international student editors.

Studying English can be interesting and rewarding, as well as bringing enormous benefits to
international students all over the world. English is the prevailing language in today's world
and knowledge of it is a prerequisite for entering many universities and also for securing a

For any student who wants to study abroad, speaking English is often a necessity. There are
a number of excellent schools around the world where you can improve your skills - or you
can also choose to take courses online.

Knowing English can open up a wide range of career options, which would be closed to non-
speakers. For example, you can start teaching English to other people, you can get a job with
a multinational that operates in your home country or you can also get a job and work in the
United Kingdom. Translator job openings are relatively well paid compared to the other
positions that are open to students and graduates.

English, in Mozambique, has been taught since the country's independence, in 1975, as a
foreign language, sometimes from 7th/8th grade to 11th/12th grade, or from 6th to 12th

In this case it is noted that students do not have the desired level of English when they
complete the 12th grade.

English is taught in the country as a foreign language, while Portuguese is the official
language and language of instruction in all education subsystems.

According to Firmino (2008, p. 4), in Mozambique, there are handbags of speakers of

languages of foreign origin other than Portuguese, especially English and others of Asian
origin, such as Hindi, Urdu or Gujrati. English is spoken to and by the community of
foreigners linked to international organizations and embassies, although due to contacts with
neigh boring countries such as the Republic of South Africa, there are many Mozambicans
who often use this language.

Citing the analysis made in a 2004 study, called “ESG Diagnosis”, on the performance and
expectations of general secondary school students, as well as the perception of students,
teachers and other education professionals about the curriculum in force at the time. Republic
of Mozambique (2007, p. 6-7) states that the relevance of the curriculum was questioned to
the various social contexts and the labour market, where graduates do not communicate in

For his part, Henriksen (2010, p. 60), in his doctoral thesis, concludes that it should not be
surprising that after seven years of learning English, there are still students who do not
communicate in this language.

The conclusions of Mawere (2012, p. 43) corroborated those of Henriksen (op. Cit.) And
recommend the introduction of English in the 1st class of primary school, because most
students complete their secondary education before acquiring the skills needed for the
mastery of the English language.

According to the National Institute of Statistics (2019), the 2017 Census reveals that in
Mozambique there are 112,385 speakers of foreign languages as their mother tongue, where
only 89,434 speak these languages more often in their homes, corresponding respectively to
0.51% and 0.40% of the population of 22,243,373 inhabitants.


At the end of this work, the group can see that English is the lowest language here in our
homeland, not only in our homeland but in other corners of African countries; with this it can
be understood that English at some point has not been an easy or simple language to
understand. And we can also add that English is a fundamental language for teaching, as it
shows many advantages over disadvantages.

Bibliographic references

Chimhundu, H. (2002). Language Policies in Africa.

Firmino, G. (2008). Aspects of Portuguese nationalization in Mozambique. Veredas:

Magazine International Association of Lusitanian’s.

Henriksen, S. M. (2010). Language Attitudes in a Primary School: A Bottom-up Approach to

Language Education Policy in Mozambique.

INDE/ MINED – Mozambique. (2010). English, 12th grade program. Maputo: INDE/
MINED – Mozambique.

Lopes, A. J. (2013). The battle of Languages: Perspectives on Applied Linguistics in

Mozambique. Maputo. Editor of letters.

Mawere, M. (2012). Reflections on the Problems Encountered in the Teaching and Learning
of English Language in Mozambique Public Education. International Journal of Scientific
research in education.

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