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NAME: Wyatt Bendickson Senior Seminar Committee Use Only -- DO NOT WRITE IN THIS BOX


*check which you wish to graduate from
Agriculture, Food, + Natural Resources
Arts, Communication, + Information Systems
Engineering, Manufacturing, + Technology
Health Science Technology
Human Services
Business, Management, + Administration

1. Describe your project in one paragraph using action verbs (ex: building, becoming, learning); be as specific and
concrete as you can.
For my senior project, I will be Shadowing a Cyber Security Professional and Constructing a basic Encryption
Algorithm. I will start by shadowing a family friend, Doug Inman. I will observe his daily life as someone who does this
for a living. I will also seek out his advice and opinions on the field from his perspective. After that, I will begin learning
how to code on a basic level, and complete projects with increasing difficulty. Then, when I feel more comfortable I will
begin coding my encryption algorithm.

2. Why did you choose this area of study, and what do you hope to learn through this project?
I choose this area because it's an area I have had a lot of success in through BPA. I also wanted to get a taste of the
field to decide if it’s something I would like to build a career in. I hope to learn more about coding and digital security,
and I also hope to see if this is a career I would like to pursue.

3. What is your background, or what do you already know about this project area?
I have relatively little experience and knowledge in the area. I have competed and excelled in Cyber Security and
Digital Forensics through BPA, but I have no clue how to code.

4. How is this project a stretch for you?

This project is a stretch because it is something that I am not at all comfortable with. I have never coded before
and even shadowing is a little bit out of my comfort zone. Im hoping after this project is over both of these areas are no
longer a stretch and I hope i'm comfortable with them.

5. List all the steps involved and the approximate time each task will take to complete in order to finish your project.
*Remember, this plan will probably change as you work on your project-- that’s expected and is part of the process of learning to do something new!
1. Researching and purchasing a good computer - 1 hour
2. Shadowing a professional in the field - 3 hours
3. Working through some online courses - 5 hours
4. Creating a small project of sorts - 5 hours
5. Learning and researching encryption - 3 hours
6. Creating a functional algorithm

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