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Hiểu Vinh: dohieuvinh@gmail.



The chart below illustrates the different levels of post-school

qualifications in Australia according to gender and the different
percentage of men and women who held them in 1999 in 5
types of diploma. During this year, the ratio of man who got
degree or certificate was rising higher than woman. The
qualification in skilled vocational was the highest percentage
achieved diploma by males. This was far higher than the
proportion of woman which just only get around 10 percent. In
sharp contrast, The undergraduate diploma of males in this
year hit the low point which just be displayed near 40 percent
and It can be seen from the graph that there was a significant
differences between the rate of woman and man in this area.
Instead of remaining steadily under man percentage, woman
had some markedly changes in this stage and reached peak at
70 percent. As is shown, The ratio in bachelor’s degree in both
genders are slightly different. And the last, Postgraduate
diploma and master’s degree showed moderate proportion
between males and females.

Naturally, The birds have a pair of wings to fly to get their

freedom and their praxis. It just like a creative artist who want
to follow their desire and the dream to get their own space or
ideas. But, One thing that makes bird can not fully as the same
as the artist is the restriction. Some people said that creative
artist should always be given freedom to express their frontwise
in whatever tools of media that they wish and there should no
government forbidden rules ( In words, pictures, music or film)
on what they do. In contrasty, some local communities decline
this perception. In my opinion I partly agree with 2 comments .

First, if a creator do not have any chance to express or

propagate with the community, they will become bored and
think that they are useless and their career path was a wrong
decision. Moreover, Putting a rhymester in a sizeable room which
surround by laws or strictly rules not only will not help the
internet society becomes more cleaner but it also brings
detrimental desire to other people. On the other hand, if the was
no restriction, the creator might have more chance to bring
their product, their inspiration to more and more people. But
From my point of view, the perception about creation and law
should be empaled by society. For instance, back to few years
ago, there was no countless rule like today about what should be
appeared on the internet and influencer could publish any kind
of video on Youtube. This was one of the main causes which make
bad content was speared out and predominated.

In conclusion, I think both ideas have their right explicate. But

to decide which information can be brought to our community,
the ban have to be taken to consideration and weighing up both
sides positive and negative to fit the society ambience

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