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Hi Juddea!

I wanted to let you know that I have

liked you for a very long time now. Someone
sending you a gift anonymously might be creepy
and uncomfortable, but what can I do? I still don’t
have the courage to tell you who I am. I don't know
much about you, we aren't close, and you might just
see me sometimes in the hallway. Plus, you’re
really beautiful and at the same time
intimidating (no offense 😅), that's one thing that
I like about you even though you're totally out of
my league. I just wanted to say how thankful I am
because you’ve inspired me to do better,
especially in my academics (seeing how active you
are in extracurriculars). I have no intention or
plan in revealing myself currently nor give hints
about who I am but if ever you feel creeped out
please let me know.

P.S. DIYs are not my forte but I wanted to show

admiration by giving something that I made
myself, I hope this letter and gift made you feel
special in someways.

Your admirer from afar,


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