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Pia: Good morning, everyone! I am Mary Sophia A. Mabulac alongside Mary Samantha A.

both of us are from Grade 10-Borello and we proposed a program called “Shoot the Garbage, GOAL!”.
In this program *copy of program by ma’am wency*

Sam: There will be 3 trashcans (biodegradable, non-biodegradable, and recyclable) as you can see
around the campus. In this way, students will segregate properly, at the same time have fun! We also
added that there will be signage above the trashcans stating “Shoot the Garbage, Goal!” The people
involved in the making of our program are *copy of program by ma’am wency*

Pia: Good morning, everyone! I am Mary Sophia A. Mabulac alongside Mary Samantha A. Mabulac,
both of us are from Grade 10-Borello and we proposed a program called “Shoot the Garbage, GOAL!”.
In this program *copy of program by ma’am wency*

Sam: There will be 3 trashcans (biodegradable, non-biodegradable, and recyclable) as you can see
around the campus. In this way, students will segregate properly, at the same time have fun! We also
added that there will be signage above the trashcans stating “Shoot the Garbage, Goal!” The people
involved in the making of our program are *copy of program by ma’am wency*

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