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You have decided to join the Catholic Women’s League, you are most welcome.

There are a few things that you need to know before you make the very final decision to
become part of the CWL family.

1. When you attend the very first meeting you are welcomed and immediately assigned
to a Zone.
2. You will have to attend meetings and CWL activities for a straight six months. This is
a period of observation. You will be observed and you will also observe and see if
you fit in. During this period the dress code is CWO chitenge, white T-shirt and CWO
3. During the period of observation there are payments that you’ll be expected to
make. You will not pay membership and other big obligations, but you are expected
to make these contributions:
- Monthly mutulo for the Priest
- Incidental contributions e.g. Zone contributions for flowers and any other
contributions that may be required.
- Participate in all Zone activities
4. After the period of observation the Zone Leader will inform the Executive that you
have successfully completed the observation period. The Executive will in turn hand
you over to the Formators who will commence Formation Lessons. The dress code is
now CWL chitenge, CWL T-shirt and CWL silk headscarf.
5. During the period of Formation Lessons you will be required to attend each and
every lesson up to the end. After you have completed the lessons the Formators will
present you the Executive for first screening. After that the Executive will then
present you to Deanery for second and final screening.
6. Before you commence lessons you will be given a form to fill (enrollment form). This
form will be signed by your Small Christian Community and your spouse (if
7. CWL is not a club but a way of life. It is a vocation that you nurture by doing charity

The syllabus for Formation Lessons is very rich and complete. It covers all aspects of our
Christian Catholic faith. At the end of it all, you will be transformed into a woman of faith
and substance, as it touches on forming a woman who has compassion for humanity, a
woman who is an asset to her family, SCC, Parish and Catholic Women’s League.

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