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Online Meetup: “Getting to know each

● Share information about the culture of their community and the community to
which they belong.
● Reflect on cultural diversity and the richness of sharing intercultural

Type of lesson
Online meeting

60 minutes

Link to join the meeting

You may use the video calling application of your preference you have previously
decided on with the teacher of the other class you’re working with.

As part of Class2Class, we suggest using

It’s free, it has breakout rooms and it’s online.

● Discuss with the other teacher who is going to be in charge of each part of the
Online Meetup. Assign responsibilities for each part.
● All students should interact orally at least once during the activities.
● All students reinforce their commitment to promoting cultural awareness.

This resource can be adapted according to the profile of the students and your
educational context, just remember that it is important to maintain the expected
learning goals at the end of the session.

(10 minutes)
Congratulate the students for their participation in the event.
List the learning objectives of the synchronous session above.
● Share information about the culture of their community and the community to
which they belong.
● Reflect on cultural diversity and the richness of sharing intercultural

Activity 1 - Who am I? (10 minutes)

Reflect on the learning objectives for this activity
● To make visible the common aspects that students share
among their interests in order to strengthen bonds of
Create a Mentimeter link that gathers students’ responses.
While the responses are being sent by your students, Main Room
Mentimeter will automatically create a WordCloud. Whole-Class
Share a link from Mentimeter or another digital tool to form a
word cloud.
Instruct the student to write down three words or phrases that
identify him/her and that he/she would like to share with
his/her classmates.
E.g., student- mandalas- chocolates
slim-footballer-rock music
Highlight the words with the most emphasis in the WordCloud.

These repeated words show what most students share in

Activity 2 - I am from… (10 minutes)

Reflect on the outcome of this activity:
● Share information about the culture of your community. Main Room
In the main room, mention the following guidelines:
Instruct students that they will present their collage as a
Each one of them will have a minute or two to share:
An image of their collage explaining what it represents

While a student is presenting, other students can ask
Tell students they may send their questions via chat so they
can be asked later.
It is suggested that the presentations do not exceed 2 minutes
per student so that all students from the group can
participate. Breakout
At the end of the students' participation, the teacher should Rooms
make a closing comment, thanking them for the learning
experience they have just had and highlighting the cultural
richness of each country.

Activity 3 - Same and different at once! (5 minutes)

Reflect on the outcome of this activity
● To make visible similarities and differences among students
and the richness of sharing intercultural experiences.
Follow the padlet link for this activity and copy the shareable
Main Room
Share a padlet link to demonstrate brainstorming.
Instruct the student to complete the two sentences:
We are different in__________
We are similar in__________
After collecting the answers, read through the comments your
peers made and reflect on the differences and similarities.

Closing (5 minutes)

Check the satisfaction survey
Copy the link of it Main Room
During Whole-Class
Thank students for their participation and reflect on the
experience of having met people from other parts of the world
Ask students to fill out the survey
Then please upload the photo to the padlet wall
Say goodbye!

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