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Assignment 1

by Stephanie Gleeson

Submission date: 09-Oct-2021 02:07PM (UTC+1100)

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GSBS6015 Service & Relationship Marketing

Management Assessment 1: Service Encounter Analysis

Dr Jessica Wyllie

Written by

Stephanie Gleeson ((3318171)

Michael Donohoo ((3359965)

Great layout
1. Introduction

As a result of the expanding digital, media and communication world, many digital platforms and
channels have emerged and become a central part of how people engage with each other and
conduct business. One such example is the very popular application and communication
platform known as Zoom which provides 'place-based-value' to their customers. Significantly,
Zoom was recognised as the most popular virtual call and meeting platform globally and ranked
first in 37% of the countries examined (TechRepublic, 2021). Due to Zoom's prominence Ill
throughout the pandemic, our team decided to focus on Zoom and have compiled the following
report after individually testing the app for one week. Indeed, each team member downloaded
the app, experienced the app and answered a series of standardised questions based on their
experience. Following this process, the team critiqued the Zoom experience and provided
practical recommendations to improve the service and better satisfy customer needs and
expectations moving forward, which should create stronger loyalty bonds and reduce customer

2. Description of Service Organisation

Indeed, Zoom is an online video-conference platform that facilitates the communication

requirements of both individuals and businesses. The business is part of a competitive and
growing video-conferencing industry currently worth a staggering $4.21bn and estimated to grow
at greater than 10% per annum (Grand View Research, 2021). The Zoom conferencing service Ell
has benefited from COVID-19, with their total revenue during the 2021 financial year increasing
by 326% (Zoom, 2021). The surge in revenue was no surprise given that research indicates
three quarters of people employed within professional services worked from home during the
peak of the pandemic and continue to do so today (Statistica, 2021). With so much reliance on
video conferencing, Zoom has been fortunate to scale its infrastructure and enhance the online
call experience by integrating third-party appg:3n example (Zoom, 2021). Naturally, product
improvements are necessary to maintain Zoom's place as a 'Service Leader' and avoid being
surpassed like Skype, who used to be the dominant player within video calls (Walsh, 2020).
Accordingly, our team were excited to trial Zoom and had high expectations.

3. Service Experience Analysis

Service experience levels are connected with user satisfaction and behavioural characteristics
(Dagger & Sweeney, 2007). Therefore, measuring the e-service experience can allow Zoom to
understand customer satisfaction levels and areas that Zoom can improve on. Appendix X

Service Encounter Analysis Report 2


specifically for the Video Conferencing app and gauge the quality of the e-service registration
process, privacy functionality, app design and general satisfaction service levels. Additionally,
customer feedback on third-party review websites has been used as a secondary tool to collect
data on e-service quality. Together, the primary and secondary data collection methods can
inform a meaningful, unbiased critique of the service
exper ien ce .
1 1 1
Figure 2: Zooms E-Service Quality Dimensions Diagram

4. Critique of the Service Experience

To help analyse the Zoom service experience, it is critical to consider a standard model of a
consumer's decision process. Specifically, the three stages include a pre-service encounter,
service encounter and post-service encounter (Voorhees et al., 2017).

4.1 Pre-Service Encounter (Positive)

For the Pre-Service Encounter, there was a lot of valuable information available for video
conferencing services online as demonstrated through our survey responses. Importantly, the
information on the Zoom website coupled with the broader online environment reduced the

Service Encounter Analysis Report 4

perceived functional, financial, temporal and social risk for our team before engaging with Zoom.
One major benefit was the fact that our team was also familiar with the video conferencing
landscape having used similar products during the COVID-19 lockdown for both university and
work. Afterall, being familiar reduces the risk to a customer before they sign-up or make a
commitment to a brand (Murray, 1991). Having said that, the team did note security concerns
the fact the privacy policy was complex and confusing h was one negative factor prior to
u.sing the core product. Bl
4.2 Service Encounter Fairness (Positive)
When signing-up to Zoom, our team's responses reflected on the overall fairness of the product
offering. Importantly, fairness can be broken down into Distributive Fairness and Procedural
Fairness. Distributive Fairness considers the synergy between the service inputs and outputs
(Mayser & Wangenheim, 2013). Simiiarly, Procedural Faimess considers if the service provider
was reasonable in their approach to clients (Ferguson et al., 2014). Our team mostly considered
fairness during the registration/ sign-up phase with Zoom. During this process, we had the option
to select a tiered product offering ranging from Basic, Pro, Business and Enterprise. Basic is free
for respondents but has limits on the length of meetings and number of participants. Whilst not
having all the benefits, we evaluated the Basic offering as a generous chance to trial the product
and were impressed with the simple and fast approach to sign-up. Afterall, our team responded
to the 'signing up to Zoom is easy' question very positively and noted the benefits of SSO,
Google and Facebook account plugins to quicken the process. Importantly, Zoom is not alone in
offering a tiered-pricing strategy which seeks to attract shoppers and align a product with
customers' likelihood to pay (Harmon et al., 2005).

A second consideration of fairness was to do with data collection with some of the team believing
the data collected is not appropriate or needed. Of course, personal information is of growing
importance within our interconnected environment and may cause some customers to consider
another service or even switch to a competitor video-conferencing platform.1
4.3 Service Encounter Control (Positive)
Having signed up, we next evaluated the product experience and whether it suited our team's
needs. Specifically, we thought about Zoom in the context of Control Theory. Control Theory
refers to building consumers' assurance by providing the customer control of a service situation IfflfJIWPSWfMifl
Significantly, Control can be broken down into either Cognitive Control or Behavioural Control.
For instance, Cognitive Control reflects a customer's knowledge of the service environment whilst

Service Encounter Analysis Report 5

Behavioural Control is the customer's individual analysis of the actions that can be taken to
augment their existing experience with Zoom (Esmark et al., 2016). Indeed, Esmark (2016)
argues that customers crave further behavioural control in most low-contact service encounters
within the technological space.

Fortunately, our critique showed that customers have strong behavioural control within Zoom
with our overwhelmingly positive responses on the ease of navigation question combined with
the question on conferencing functionality. Within the Zoom meetings, our team positively
evaluated and discussed the 'customisable elements' of the host being able to change
background, share their screen, mute respondents, add a zoom meeting through outlook
integration, record meetings and utilise a chat function during a meeting. Furthermore, there is
the option for the non-host participants to join by phone, share screen and engage with the host
or other participants in a variety of formats.

An unexpected positive came from Zoom's Augmented Product which now includes an app
integration functionality. For example, Zoom can be connected with salesforce to assist with
CRM or through Kahoot Quizzes to support with participant engagement as examples
(ZoomInfo, 2021; Hanoa, 2020). Of course, the Kahoot Quiz functionality has far reaching
benefits within the education space. To demonstrate, one educator's online review reflected on
how these apps have enhanced their, "ability to customise my video conferencing experience"
for their students during COVID-19 (Monica, 2021). Critically, most of the above actions by Zoom
have proved that giving strong Cognitive and Behavioural Control to customers results in positive
customer outcomes through greater customer inquisitiveness, eagerness and choice in their
service-encounter behaviour (Hui & Bateson, 1991; Brehm, 1996).

4.4 Service Encounter Failures (Moderate)

There are always going to be Service failures within a service organisation such as
Zoom. Importantly, these Service Failures will have a negative impact on loyalty and satisfaction
and in turn put enhanced pressure on Zoom's service recovery effort (Sousa & Voss, 2009).
Fortunately, our team did not experience any major service failures during our interaction
with Zoom as highlighted in the questionnaire. Having said that, some team members did

evaluate the process of trying to rectify a service failu e bur team moderately evaluated the
process to find information on the 'Zoom Help Page' which i ormed us of updates that had the
potential to impact the quality of future calls and gave us other solutio om, 2021a).

Service Encounter Analysis Report 6


browse the app and never use the website. Hence, we recommend this functionality to be
updated via:
o An upgrade option will be added to the app to provide users with an upgrade
o The technique will involve a technical update intertwined with permission from
users to accept the update. Importantly, the update might require user training
and a modification to the app layout.
o The developer's team would announce an app update at a specific time, perhaps
an off-peak period (such as midnight).

The resulting outcome will enhance the existing 'Customer Access' strategy and enable
shoppers with an app preference to complete their tasks in a single preferred channel.
Afterall, some customers will prefer to solely use the app and others may just use the
website on their laptop to access Zoom. Hence, Zoom needs to cater to all customer

Figure 3: No license upgrade functionality

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Default Call-In CountJ")' or R ioo Not Set >


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Service Encounter Analysis Report 8

• Fixing data-sharing loopholes: As mentioned above, Zoom users can link to other
services while using the app such as Salesforce, CRM and Kahoot (Zoom 2021).
However, linking to these services may be a security breach for many users. Whilst most
customers would accept that the benefits outweigh the risks, some customers reject the
concept of their
data and information getting published to other apps and brands team
members did mention this in the survey. The recommendation is to: 1111111
o Create a permission request to publish any personal details to other apps from
Zoom·s users. In addition, users can reject the permission without affecting their
current Zoom service.
o Implement exceptional network security for Zoom and any other linked apps. This
would confirm and assure consumers that Zoom will never put their data and
credentials at any type of risk. Further, it will assist in reducing any security
service failures in the future.

• Enhancing Web Page Functionality : Upon further technical investigation of the app, we
discovered that Zoom has a few limitations in regard to the app and the official website:
o As displayed in Figure 4, the mobile app fails to deliver mobile-friendly page
performance and tap targets which could make a webpage appear distorted on a
mobile device for a user. Importantly, this could be fixed by making the interactive
elements such as buttons and links not too small or too close together (Website
Grader, 2021). Aifterall, aesthetic elements within a service environment have a
strong impact on customer satisfaction (Bressolles et al., 2007).
o The current page size and page requests are 11.1 MB and 143 respectively,
which need to be amended by removing or compressing heavy contents such as
images and videos and minimizing the number of HTTP requests (Website
Grader, 2021). Such an action would enhance Zoom's website and mobile app
o To solve the issues, Zoom should utilise their team of app developers to fix the
functionality and also create a training folder, a video, and instructions for users to
understand the updates and get familiar with the new look and performance of the
app. Significantly, we are recommending Zoom to practice a 'User-based' view of
service quality to ensure they can better meet the needs of customers better than

Service Encounter Analysis Report 9

Figure 5: Zoom's Terms of Service and Report Software Problems

5.7.6 (1056)
oom Version

Report Problem

ZOOM T RMS OF S RVIC Tell others About Zoom

Rate Zoom in the App Store )

Privacy Statement >

Terms of Service >
Community Standards >

Open Source Software C

• Expanding the augmented product: Zoom should continue to investigate opportunities t

integrate the Zoom product with other applications. A prime example is the Zoom outlook
integration App and Kahoot Integration App which our team and other secondary
customer reviews have noted as positive. Specifically, taking business calls as an
example, Zoom must look into:
o Note keeping apps to automatically keep and share notes with respondents at the
end of a business meeting.
o Productivity and scheduling apps to make sure a meeting stays on schedule with
in-call alerts.
o Collaboration apps to enable participants to add notes to a virtual white-board.

Of course, these integration apps should not be limited to business meetings but
extended to investigating apps that could be relevant to health consultations, education
and other Zoom use-cases.

Service Encounter Analysis Report 11

6 Conclusic ii;; ..._
a m
It cannot be denied that Zoom is a 'Service Leader' and embodies outstanding service in the
communications industry. Specifically, Zoom has received a positive critique thanks to the low
risk and easy process of signing-up, the strong perceived fairness of the free basic service, the
behavioural and cognitive control given to users during the service encounter and a continual
approach to enhancing the Core and Augmented Services. Having said that, Zoom's security
failures are one instance of a negative service-failure that has thankfully been rectified.
Importantly, Zoom can enhance the service-encounter by adding functionality to the app, fixing
data-security loop-holes, ensuring web page functionality and performance and making it easy
for customers to provide feedback in the future. At the end of the day, if Zoom adopts a 'user
based' view of service quality and a survive-orientated culture, the business will go beyond
adequate service and live up to customers' desired expectations on a frequent basis.

Service Encounter Analysis Report 12

















4. What are you concerned about most when using Zoom and why?
3 Responses
Personally, my pre-service expectations were high due to the
strong 40% growth during the pandemic coupled with the $1bn
earnings within Zoom's quarterly results. Furthermore, over the
last 18 months, there has been a lot of reliance on Zoom and
businesses have been describing the platform as the future of
work. Hence, I had high expectations for my service encounter.
Having said that, I was concerned about the following: *Difficulty
of the process to sign-up and get started. *Call quality and
audio connection (Functional Risk). *Where to find support if
required (Functional Risk). *Potential hidden fees (Financial

When signed up the service, new users can only select the basic
anonymous tier. I did not have the power or option to select, upgrade or
even decide.

Online security is a concern of mine, and Zooms' privacy policy is

lengthy, complex, and confusing. I can also see a simplified app
privacy analysis via the Apple App Store that ou ines a high level
of data profiling and collection tools, including the collection of
emails, text messages, photos or videos. I am also concerned
about Zoom fatigue as a user; the free accounts time restrictions
were a convenient reminder to keep meetings concise and to the
point, which is beneficial.

5, Did you experience any errors when using Zoom?

3 Responses

Throughout the service encounter, I felt in control and did

not experience any service failures. I could easily share my
screen, see participants and chat on a clear connection. Some
minor weaknesses were: *Not being able to see any chat
when talking and sharing screen which limited control for the
person presenting. *Slow to connect (Mostly an internet issue
rather than a Service issue). Despite, not experiencing a service
failure, I did look into the Zoom Help Centre that did have a
lot of QuickStart guides, Video Tutorials, Knowledge Articles
Support Topics, Trouble-shooting etc. In my opinion, it was
well developed but users can add to these so sometimes
the information may not be 100% correct.

anonymous I have signed up to more than an account. When switching

between accounts, the app gets confused and an error appears.

I have identified a minor negative within the core service

concerning internet speed. Participants slow internet speed will
disrupt the core service experience. If you are the participant
anonymous causing these disruptions due to slow internet speed, you
may not be aware that this is occurring until another person
verbally advises you. It may take mul ple attempts for
participants to communicate this message to you due to the
service delays.

6. Are you satisfied with the service experience?

3 Responses

I was satisfied with Zoom's Core Service which is to provide

video conferencing for users. Personally, I feel that Zoom
completes the core function well and has been reliec upon by
many during the COVID·19 pandemic to keep businesses
functioning and also connect family and friends. Whilst
anonymous completing the core function, the zoom call interface is easy
to navigate and provides a lot of customisable elements such
as being able to change the personal background. Toe
Core Service exceeded my expectations. Furthermore,
additional elements such as the app integration was also
perceived positively as an additional benefit.

Fairly satisfiec with the service, it is free. Have not tried the
premium service

Overall, my experience has been positive when using

Zoom. Specifically, I have awarded Zoom 5/5 for pre-
service expectations due to the platform's global popularity
and knowledge of how necessary the platform's core
service (Video Conference) is during COVJD·lg for
personal and professional communication. I rated Zooms
Core Service offering as 5/5; this is due to: Health: Zooms
anonymous ability to fulfil business needs during Covid-19 as it offerS
a way to keep stakeholders connectec safely. Climate: This
app aids in the reduction of unnecessary carbon emissions
created from business travel. Time: Zoom saves time on
commuting to meeting destinations. Integration: Zooms
plugins for Outlook links the calendar functionality is useful.
Additionally, the app made it fast to sign up to Zoom; as
well as email sign up, the app also integrates SSO, Google,
Facebook account plugins to increase account creation
9 Appendix 2 - Online Review, Education

, -

"Zoom and Virtual Education"

10 Appendix 3 - Online Review, App

** * * *
" B es t V i d e o Conferencing App"

Service Encounter Analysis Report 18

Assignment 1

21 %


Internet Source 2%
Submitted to Federation University
2 Student Paper 2%
Submitted to University of Newcastle
3 Student Paper 1%
4 Internet Source 1%
Submitted to Australian Institute of Business
5 Student Paper 1%
6 Internet Source 1%
Submitted to University of South Florida
7 Student Paper 1%
8 Internet Source 1%
Submitted to William Angliss Institute of TAFE
9 Student Paper 1%
10 Submitted to Sim University
Student Paper 1%
11 Submitted to Bridgepoint Education
Student Paper 1%
12 Submitted to UC, Irvine
Student Paper 1%
Internet Source 1%
14 Submitted to Charles Sturt University
Student Paper 1%
Internet Source 1%
16 Submitted to AUT University
Student Paper 1%
17 Submitted to Chester College of Higher
Student Paper

Submitted to Coventry University
Student Paper <1
Internet Source

20 Submitted to Middlesex University %

Student Paper

21 Submitted to Taylor’s Education Group <1

Student Paper

Internet Source

Submitted to Bahcesehir University %
Student Paper

Submitted to Golden Gate University <1
Student Paper
25 Internet Source <1
Submitted to University of Technology,

Student Paper

Internet Source

"Online Engineering and Society 4.0", Springer %
Science and Business Media LLC, 2022

Rui Sousa, Christopher A. Voss. "The effects of <1
service failures and recovery on customer %
loyalty in e‐services", International Journal of
Operations & Production Management, 2009
Publication <1
30 Internet Source

Exclude quotes
Exclude matches Off

Off Exclude bibliography

Assignment 1



Stephanie, Michael & Peter

Overall a great attempt on your SDS and customer

experience report. This report has been awarded a

/30 high distinction for reasons that will be outlined


1. I would like to commend you all on your report.

It was an absolute pleasure to read!
2. there were areas in which there was more
defining of the theory rather than its application
to the discussion at hand and your service
3. At times there were areas in which a bit more
clarity was needed.
4.. The prioirtisation of recommendations
would have been great to have been made

Please note that a copy of the marked assessment

will be sent to the team for you all to review the
comments and marking rubric. It is advised that
you look to bottom of the pdf file for the related
comments and rubric.




Text Comment. Great layout



Comment 1 | Introduction
Fantastic, clear introduction

Comment 2 | Service Descr

It would have been great for your team in this section link the service concepts we have
learnt into this section i.e , think flower of service model

Comment 3 | Service Descr

such as?


Comment 4 | Evaluation


Comment 5 | Evaluation



Substantiation| Evaluation

Substantiation of argument required. You need to ensure when developing your argument
that you are well-informed through theoretical concepts as well as business sources


Comment 6 | Critique

this is a great aspect to point out because these complexities can actually cause issues with
service exclusivity, may impact vulnerable populations not knowing how their information is
being used and can induce risk

An additional sentence here to cap off why this is problematic would have been brilliant.

Substantiation | Evaluation

Substantiation of argument required. You need to ensure when developing your argument
that you are well-informed through theoretical concepts as well as business sources

Comment 7 | Understanding

One thing to note is that you do not need to define what a theory it doesn't add to your
marks, rather think about contextualizing the theory to what you are discussing. One it helps
and 2
QM Citation Needed | Format
Cite Source:
Please use the link below to find links to information regarding specific citation styles:


Comment 8 | Critique

Great work!

Comment 9 | Critique

was this sufficient?

Comment 10 | Critique

this sentence reads unfinished so you need to add how they found it was it problematic, not


Comment 11 | Critique

great discussion

Comment 12 | Critique

great work on this section. At times a few additional sentences to help articulate why this is
positive or negative for their service experience/or justification was needed. This could have
been achieved by removing the definitions if the concern was around word count


Text Comment. to


Substantiation| Solutions

Substantiation of argument required. You need to ensure when developing your argument
that you are well-informed through theoretical concepts as well as business sources


Substantiation| Format
Substantiation of argument required. You need to ensure when developing your argument
that you are well-informed through theoretical concepts as well as business sources

Comment 14 | Solutions

Great informative recommendations. Should any of these be prioritised?


Text Comment. Great


Comment 15
all that is missing from here is just a bit more substantiation around why this is important to


Comment 16 | Conclusion







Comment 17 | Evaluation

Thank you for providing This!



( /1.5)

FAIL (<50)
No introduction provided, or an inappropriate introduction is developed with a
lack of alignment to the proceeding information.
PASS (50-64)
Provides an adequate introduction, illuminating the direction of the SE analysis.
Some errors and omissions of what the analysis entails is evident.
CREDIT (65-74)
Provides a sound introduction, illuminating the direction of the SE analysis. The
introduction is logical and in most instances is consistent with the proceeding
information in the analysis.
Provides a competent introduction, illuminating the direction of the SE analysis.
The introduction is accurate, logical, and consistent with the proceeding
information in the analysis.
Provides an excellent introduction that clearly articulates the direction of the SE
analysis. The introduction is accurate, logical, and consistent with the proceeding
information in the analysis.

Description of the Service Organisation ( /2.5)

FAIL (<50) No description of the service organisations is provided, or the description is

PASS (50-64) Demonstrates an adequate ability to identify & summarise aspects of the sservice
strategy of the service organisation. Limited use of examples is provided.
CREDIT (65-74)
Demonstrates a sound ability to identify and accurately summarise aspects of the
service strategy of the service organisation. Description should be more succinct.
Demonstrates clear competence in identifying and accurately summarising the
service and its purpose. Discussion could be more succinct. Examples provided.
Demonstrates excellence in identifying a service organisations strategy and its
purpose. Examples are skillfully integrated into a succinct and well-articulated

Service Experience Analysis ( /5)
FAIL (<50)
Demonstrates little or no ability to analyse the SE. No knowledge of the importance
& relevance of service quality tools is included. No service quality instrument
provided in appendix.
PASS (50-64)
Demonstrates an adequate ability to implement a service quality tool and analyse
the SE. Demonstrates adequate knowledge of the importance and relevance of this
tool. Explanation of the importance & relevance of the tool is required. Some
service quality instruments are included.
CREDIT (65-74)
Demonstrates a sound ability to implement an appropriate service quality tool and
analyse the SE. Demonstrates sound knowledge of the importance and relevance
of this tool. Further clarification of the importance & relevance of this tool is
needed. All service quality surveys provided in the appendix of the report.
Demonstrates clear competence to implement an appropriate service quality tool
and analyse the SE. Demonstrates competent knowledge of the importance and
relevance of this tool. In most instances, the discussion is clearly articulated.
Service Quality surveys provided in the appendix of the report.
Demonstrates excellence in implementing an appropriate service quality tool and
analyse the SE. Demonstrates excellent knowledge of the importance and
relevance of this tool. A skilful and engaging explanation of the importance of
service quality assessments. All completed service quality surveys are provided in
the appendix of the report.

Critique of the service experience ( /6.5)

FAIL (<50)
No critique or an inadequate critique of SE and service quality findings. Limited
detail. No use of secondary materials to support critique.
PASS (50-64)
Provides an adequate critique of most/all aspects of the SE and service quality
findings. Discussion is primarily descriptive. Limited use of secondary sources to
support critique.
CREDIT (65-74)
Provides a sound critique of most/all aspects of the SE and service quality findings.
Elements of description with deeper evaluation in most places. Scholarly
secondary materials used to support critique.
Provides a competent critique of all aspects of the SE and service quality findings.
Deep argument in most places. Multiple scholarly & secondary materials used to
support the critique.
Provides an excellent critique of all aspects of the SE & service quality findings.
Deep analysis provided in all instances. Multiple, relevant, scholarly secondary
materials used to support the critique.

Understanding and analysis ( /4)

FAIL (<50)
No evidence of linking services & relationship marketing theory to the analysis
discussion. Inadequate grasp, and limited use of course terminology.
PASS (50-64)
Services & relationship marketing theory is adequately linked to the analysis
discussion. Limited use of course terminology and/or minor inaccuracies are
CREDIT (65-74)
Services & relationship marketing theory is linked soundly to the analysis
discussion. The extent and use of course terminology is sound.
Services & relationship marketing theory is competently used and clearly linked to
the analysis discussion. Use of course terminology is extensive and largely correct.

Recommendations to Improve SE ( /6.5)

FAIL (<50)
No recommendations provided and/or the recommendations are not informed by
services marketing theory. Significant limitations are apparent.
PASS (50-64)
Demonstrates an adequate ability to propose several recommendations. Limited
evidence of services marketing theory linked to the recommendations.
CREDIT (65-74)
Demonstrates sound competence to propose and discuss a range of actionable
recommendations. In most instances, recommendations are appropriately linked
to services marketing theory.
Demonstrates clear competence to propose and critically discuss a range of
actionable recommendations. Recommendations are clearly supported by services
marketing theory.
Demonstrates excellence in proposing and critically discussing actionable
recommendations targeted at improving the SDS. Recommendations are
insightful, well justified and are prioritised.


( /1.5)
Either draws no conclusion or draws an inappropriate conclusion with a lack of
FAIL (<50)
alignment to the preceding information.
PASS (50-64)
Draws an adequate conclusion, reiterating the SE. There is consistency with the
analysis but could be improved. The conclusion attempts to unify the SE analysis.
CREDIT (65-74)
Draws a sound conclusion and reiterates the SE and recommendations. The
conclusion is accurate and consistent with the analysis. The conclusion brings
unity to the SE analysis.
Draws a competent conclusion and clearly reiterates the SE recommendations.
The conclusion is accurate, logical, and consistent with the analysis. The
conclusion unifies the SE analysis successfully.
Draws an excellent conclusion and clearly reiterates the SE Strategy and
recommendations. The conclusion draws a fully constructive SE analysis.

Format, referencing and grammar ( /2.5)

FAIL (<50) No consistent style or structure. Limited evidence of appropriate APA referencing
in-text and/or no reference list.
PASS (50-64) The CRM analysis reflects minimal structural flaws. Information has been
organised to convey meaning to the reader. Some in-text referencing errors
evident (no page number/s for direct quotes or similar). A reference list provided;
some references omitted. APA referencing style followed.
CREDIT (65-74)
The SE analysis reflects consistent structure. Information is organised and
sequenced to convey the intended meaning to the reader. Appropriate and
consistent referencing provided with minimal errors. Both in-text referencing and
reference list follow APA Style.
Analysis is well structured. Information is logically organised and sequenced to
convey the intended meaning to the reader allowing ease of reading. Appropriate
and consistent referencing provided with no errors (APA Style).
The SE analysis is very well structured. Information is very well organised and
easily accessible to the reader. Appropriate and consistent referencing provided
with no errors (APA Style).

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