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Let’s do this!

Activity 8

TASK 3- Write an essay explaining the importance of good communication as well as it’s
purpose in academic set up.

Importance of Good Communication and it’s Purpose in Academic Set Up

In our daily life, we cannot avoid socializing where we always interact with different
people and communicate with them. Communication has always been part of human being' s life,
it is always present either in real world where we communicate face to face or virtual world in
which we can communicate through the use of emerging technologies.

Communication plays a vital role in human life. It is one of the most important tools that
aid us to connect with people. It is the foundation of all human relationships, strangers who
started talking with each other formed relationships when they interact and communicate more. It
helps people to express their ideas and feelings, at the same time, it helps us understand emotions
and thoughts of others. Therefore, the importance of good communication cannot be
understimated. Either you are a student or working professional, good communication is
something that will connect you far ahead. Everyday, we communicate with a lot of people
including our families, our friends, our colleagues, or even strangers. We should learn how to
communicate effectively to make our lives better.

Effective communication is about more than just exchanging information. It’s about
understanding the emotions and intentions behind the information. As well as being able to
clearly convey a message. You need also to listen in a way that gains full meaning of what’s
being said and makes the other person feel heard and understand. In short, effective
communication is a two way process, the two persons involved exchange information or ideas,
they understand each other’s message and they are able to give feedbacks, thus, there is good
flow of communication. Good communication among people promotes unity and collaboration, it
can help us solve number of issues and resolve problems. This is the reason why we must know
how to communicate. A person who have the communication skill will be able to interact with
people in every situation and will be able to share his or her thoughts and reach out to other
people. For us to communicate effectively and to deliver an effective message, there are 7’ s
principles of communication defined by Cutlip and Center that we can adopt. First is
completeness, effective communications are complete, the receiver gets all the information he
needs to process the message and take action. A complete message is easy for the audience to
understand which reduces questions and smoothens the flow of the communication process.
Second is conciseness, it is about keeping your message to a point. You must be direct to the
point when delivering your message for the audience to get and understand what your are saying
and for them to focus on what is important avoiding any confusion which may arise. Third is
consideration, effective communication takes into account the viewer' s background. You as the
speaker must be careful with your message for it may cause misunderstanding, your audience
might think opposite on the way you were thinking. You must choose the right words for it may
sound disrespectful for them and think negatively. Also, you must use examples which are
relevant to their experiences for them to easily connect and process your content. Fourth is
concreteness, for you to deliver a effective message, it must be specific, tangible and vivid in
which it is supported by facts and figures for enhanced credibility. It helps the audience to widen
their understanding about what your were sharing to them. It also eradicate the risk of
misunderstanding that may arise in the context and foster trust. Next is courtesy, it is all about
respecting the receiver' s culture, values and beliefs in which you should craft a message that is
genuinely polite and unbiased. Avoid using words that may disrespect your audience to avoid
conflict and have a good flow of communication. Another one is clearness, the clearer your
message is the easier it gets your receiver to decide it according to your original intent. It helps
to avoid confusion and misunderstanding. Lastly is correctness, correct grammar and syntax
vouch increases effectiveness and credibility of your message. Those 7 C' s are important to take
note for you to deliver your message effectively and have a good flow of communication in
personal or professional context.

It is essential for us as an individual to be able to communicate effectively in every

situation that we are in. Being able to communicate effectively in every context is a big
advantage for us to be successful because communication is everywhere. Good communication is
important in different fields and settings and there are different purposes why we communicate.
One of the fields where communication is crucial is in education. Communication is paramount
in education. Whether it is teacher to student, student to student, teacher to teacher, teacher to
parents, teacher to admin or admin to parents, or vice versa, good communication is needed to
make sure that students are successful. Well developed communication skills are vital to child’s
academic success. At all levels of education, students as well as teachers must be able to
communicate effectively. They are able to talk openly about what is on their minds and develop a
shared understanding.

There are various reasons why good communication skills are important for both students
and teachers in academic set up. Teaching is all about communication- listening, speaking,
reading, presenting and writing. For effective teaching a teacher needs to be highly skilled in
these areas. According to Monika Srivastava, good communication is considered as a strong tool
for effectiveness in teaching profession. Effective teaching skills are really important for a
teacher in transmitting of education, classroom management and interaction with students in the
class. Teachers who home their communication skills are prepared to instruct, advice and mentor
students. Teachers must be skilled at listening to their students as well as explaining things
clearly. They should not just teach but also listen to their student' s concerns and be able to give
their feedbacks accordingly. Students might have ideas they can offer which can make the
learning process better, teachers should listen to them and accept it. Teachers need clarity of
thought for them to teach their students effectively at the same time for the student’s faster
learning. Effective communication in class includes transforming boring into interesting and
having good presentation skills. An effective educator knows how to lighten up the mood of
listeners after noticing the laziness of the students to listen during discussion and able to get back
their attention for the whole class session, they must give encouragement to students to listen to
the topic with full presence of mind in the class. That’s how good communication can help
students study well. Good communication minimizes the potential of unkind feeling during the
process of teaching. Teachers must be able to eliminate the wall between them and the students
and build a good relationship through good and effective communication. Good teachers transmit
genuine commitment for their students. They care about their student' s progress and let them
know it at all times. They get to know their student's hope, fears and preferences and
communicate this knowledge to them. They also communicate their appreciation for the student’s
successes and constantly encouraging them. This shows open communication between teachers
and their students in which it helps students feel recognized and validated. In addition, teachers
must communicate in clear and understand manner in which students can easily understand and
get the point of what they are sharing to the class without complexity and the arise of confusion
among the learners. According to Freddie Silver, teacher with a good communication always
make things easier and understand.
Effective communication helps families and staff to share important and relevant
information about children. Teachers must be able to express themselves both verbally and in
writing in order to report students to their parents. They must be able to explain if ever there are
problems that arises especially when it comes to student' s misbehavior or learning problems. The
message must be delivered clearly and with tact. Teachers must be comfortable communicating
with parents regularly, either face to face, phone calls, or informal notes. Open communication
between parents and teachers is an example of good communication.

Academic success of students depends on their communication skills. Students are often
called upon in class to answer questions. Answers to questions needs to be communicated
effectively so that teachers can assess the student’s knowledge. Students with good
communication skills have the confidence and higher self-esteem in which they are the one who
didn’t hesitate to answer during recitations, and in return can lead to higher grades and marks
from teachers. Good communication increases the student’s focus which enable them to be
prepared for an answer when the teacher asks questions because of their presence of mind. A
student who can effectively ask questions and get help from the teachers when they have doubts
or unsure of one thing are often more successful than students who remain silent.
Communication skills must also develop in written words, for teachers tends to give written class
works. Students must be able to communicate effectively their thoughts, ideas and point of views
on written form. In addition, good communication is really important for students, it helps them
to listen and understand the point of views of teachers during classes.

Personal relationships rely on effective communication in every way. Good

communication reduces conflicts, builds trust and strengthens bonds. Good communication also
build strong friendships. It’s important to be friendly with other in school and college. Studying
with good friends relieve stress. Students needs to communicate effectively with their co-
students. They need friendliness and professionalism in their speaking attitude while interacting
with others. Effective communication fosters trust with others, the ability to listen attentively and
embrace different point of views, listening carefully and offering quality feedbacks helps other
people feel heard and understood. This, in return, nurtures mutual respect.

Another Importance of good communication is that it promotes team building and

collaboration among members of the group. A collaborative effort in solving the problem and
finishing the group class works with the team members is a great example of good
communication. With good communication, team members will be better able to rely on each
other in which it will encourage positive feelings and relationships among team members. Good
communication plays an important role in nurturing work experiences for the entire team.
Sharing ideas, opinions and suggestions in making the group work or group project is a big
advantage for having a good or better result.

Good communication is also important between the teachers, colleagues and supervisors
of the school. Good teaching involves consultation to others, either to co- teachers or the
supervisors. It is essential to interact with them to be able to gain new ideas and when there are
problems or conflicts that is needed to be solved or addressed especially from school
administrators and school board consultants and discuss it with colleagues.

In general, good communication is relevant in academic set up. It is really important to

have an effective communication among parents, learners, educators and supervisors, for it has a
big impact on the success of every students. Good communication in learning environment
promotes effective and successful education for the better life.

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