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Daniella Ayoola-Johnson

Stefano Vacca

April 3rd, 2023

*3-1E: Mind Your Business
According to the internet research I did on the Nigerian business climate, personal relationships
matter, so I need to build lasting relationships with my clients. Business etiquettes are rules and
norms that govern social behavior. They are particularly important to take into account when
conducting business while abroad. I should be careful not to criticize my customers in front of
others or in open meetings. I believe I should address my customer as Sir or Madame unless
they decide to tell me to call them by another name. This will set a professional business tone
with my client. It's also important to hold conversations with an open-minded attitude and be
open to uniqueness. I might want to consider using a translator or having a translator
accompany me granted gaining permission from my client, this will show commitment. I must
not assume that my customer knows English, even though it is an official language in Nigeria, as
meetings can start and end late and agendas are not frequently produced nor strictly followed.
My attire will consist of a blazer, a simple blouse, and dress pants; I will avoid wearing excessive
jewelry, accessories, or perfume because it might irritate my client; and the gift I might think
about bringing for my client is a fruit basket, assorted chocolates, or a well-known plant
because such gifts will undoubtedly make a lasting first impression. I'll do my absolute best to
adhere to this business protocol when I meet with my Nigerian client.

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