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1. 1

I . I Gcneral 1
1.2 Specifications


2.1 Front Panel 2

2.2 Rear Panel


3.1 Precautions in Operation 4

3.2.1 AC Line Voltagc
3.L2 Maximum Input Voltages
3.1.3 Prevention of • 'Ion burns'
3.•1.4 Influence Of Strong Magnetic Fields
Vrcparation 5
3.3 Waveform Observation - . . . . . 5
3.3. General
3.3.2 usc of SYNC MODE Switch
3.3.3 External Sweep Operation
3.3.4 usc o f Linc Frcqucncy Swccp
3.4 Intensity Modulation
3.5 Voltage Mcasurements 6
3.5.1 Applications
3.5.2 Voltage Calibration
3.5.3 AC Voltage Measurements
3.5.4 DC Voltage Measurements
DC Supclposed on AC
3.5.6 Use of Probe, LPB-IOY
3.6 ()thcr Applications 9

3.6. I Frequency Comparison

3.6.2 Phase Determination
Amplitude Modulation Measurernent

Gene-al 11
4.2 Vertical A tnplilicr 11
4.3 Horizontal Circuits
4.3.1 Swccp Frequency Generator
4.3.2 Horizontal Arnplifier
4.4 Power Supplies and CRT Circuit


5.1 Gencr 13
5.2 Exposing the Chassis 13
5.3 Location of Adjusters
5.4 Vcrtit:al Amplifier Balancing . .
5.5 Vertical Attenuator Frequency Coinpcnsation 14
5.6 Uppc,- Limit of Sweep Frcqucncy
5.7 Swccp Centering 15
5.8 Calibration Voltage, 0. I Vp-p 15
5.9 Astig:natis-nl 15
5.1 0 Fuse Rcplacemcnt 15


LBO-510 is a compact general purpose 130rnm with wideband (DC to

4MHz) and high sensitivity (20m Vp-p/cm) characteristic: . It is designcd for maximum
uscfulnes.% in service shops, tcchllical schools and laboratories. It featurcs FET's in in put
circuits, l)C-coupled amplifiers, phascs (up to 1400 ) linc frcque.ncy sweep and vertical
caiibration voltagc. Return tracc blan king is providcd for clear wavefortn display.
1 .2 I
Specificati Impedance t
n put Control
Vert Voltagc
ical Maximum Input
Axis Voltage
Sensitivity Horizontal Axis
B Dcflcction
a Sensitivity
n Bandwidth, --3dB
d Input Impedance
w Maximum Input
i Vollage
d SW'Ĺ•ep Circuit

t Frcqucncy
h Synchronization
- CRT Scction
3 Accelerating
d Voltage
B Display Area
Z than 40pF in shunt. łoov (p-p +
- DCV).
x IOH7. to in fou steps with fine adjustcr.
i Internal & +: exrernnl; line.
s Sensitivity: Internal, I .5crn vcrtical ałnplitudc. Extcrnal,
M over I Vp.p.
Approx. 1500V.
8X cffectivc.
()ver 20 V p-p from external sourcc.
t IOC). 1 5 or as specificd, 50/60Hz: approx. 1 5 V A.
i 2 50 (fi) X •180 (W} x 41 5 (D) mrn•, 7kB.
o IO” X 7” X 1 6 1/2'. approx. 15 Ibs.
and \
20m Vp-p/ctu or bettcr.
DC: DC to 4MHz.
AC: 2Hz to 4MHz.
IMO S. less
than 40pF iii
shunt. XI, X
10, xłoo, and
fint adjuster.
0.1 Vp-p at line
600V (p-p + DCV).

300mVp-p/cm or bettct .
DC to
ssoncs, snpplic€l
Tesvlcad with banana plug,
Instruction Manual C.) p it ion
Iscparatc order) p t clie LP05Y


Before operating the LBO-51(), especially for the first time, it is advisable for the user to
beconl(.• fanliliat with functions of ious switches. controls. etc.. described below.

a Front Panc)
2.1 Front panel, sec Fig. 2-1
Hood [or CRT Fastcncd with four thumbsc• ews.
2. Graticulc Marked in 8 vertical and 0 horizontal divisions, cac Il
division lcm, with 5 minor (2mm) markings on center
3. VERT GAIN For adjustine the vertical amplitude between range steps,
4. t Positioning For positiontrg the trace vertically on thc CRT screen.
5. VERT INPUT Three ranges, X l, X 10 and X IOQ, for vcrtica! input
control; CAL 0.1 Vp-p setting for sensitivity calibration.
6. Vcrtical input connector, UHF type.
7. Ground terminal


l 1.4. SWEEP FREQ Hz

1 5. Positioning

20. Pilot lamp
21 . Carrying handle Switch for
vcttica; ;uuplificr input: AC to block out
2 the cornponent, DC fot direct coupling,
. and GNI) to ground t Itc arnplificr input
(input signal is at opc•n circuit).
Two settings for internal ( * and line frequency and external.
For adjusting sweep frequcncy bctw•ccn steps of SWF.EP l: REQ E-17.
n Socket for Icad connection to extcrnal sync source.
Socket for lead connection to c.xtctrtal horizontal input signal
s Four steps to set sweep frequency range in I ()H7. to I at LINE for : weep at
o line frequency (phasing with PHASE control I C, ; at EXT for external
c horizontal input from 1 3.
k For positioning the tract horizontally on the CRT screcn.
c For adjusting the clarity of the CRT spot.
t For adjusting thc clarity of thc CRT spot.
For adjusting thc brightness of the CRT spot.
For adjusting the pha:.c of the tine frcqucncy swccp; knob sets AC power
at on when rotated clockwise and at off at full counterclockwise setting.
Indicates when AC power is at on.
Fig. 20- Rear panc:
2.2 Rear panel, see Fig. 2-2.
22. AC cord

23. ( •.orA hooks For AC cord storage.

24. INTEN MOD Z Socket for Icad conncction to Z-axis modulating source.
25. Ground socket


3.1 Precautions in Operation

3.1. I AC Line Voitagc
The AC voltage for operation should be kept within of the rating as spccified. If lower, proper performance
will not be achieved. At higher voltages, internal power supplies may bc damaged, especially when applied for
long periods.
3. J .2 Maximum Input Voltages
Voltagcs applied to diffcrcnt input connectors Illust not xcecd the values indicated in the chart below.
Connector Max. Volts (p-p + DC)
V IN 600
H IN 100
Examples of maximum conditions are shown at and "B" Fig. 3-1 .
+ 100V


- 300V
+ 50V
+ 20 V

50 v

Fig. I Ma voltages at V I N ( H IN).

CAUTION : Do 110t connect to the fly back circuit in TV se ts.

3.1.3 Prevention of "ion burns"

When the CRT beam is concentrated in a spot on the screen, thcrc will bc possibility of burning thc particular
portion. Thc INTENSITY control should always bc adjusted to extinguish tbc spot during standby periods, or the
spot Jnust bc kept in motion with the swcep frequency.
3.1 .4 Influence of Strong Magnetic Fields
The L IBO-510 should be operated in locations whcrc local magnetic field is not prcscnr•. there will bc a
distorted display of waveforms. Keep the ' 'gun type" soldeting away from the scopc.
3.2 Preparat ion

A. Control Settings:
INTENSITY Near full)' clockwise.
t (vertical)
at idposition.
VERT GAIN Fully countcrclockwisc.
HOR (;AIN Fully clockwise.
SWEEP FREQ Hz 10- look,
SWEEP VARIABLE an y sctting.
B. Connections:
Removc AC cord off thc standoffs at back of cabinet. Connect the plug to the
AC linc.
2. Test lead or Iow capacitance probe to V IN connector.
3. Test lead to V IN ground. C.. Adjustments:
1 Rotate PHASE knob clockwisc to turn on thc AC power switch.
2 Adjust I N'I S ENSITY and FOCUS controls for clear trace.
Fig. 3 a Turniug on AC power

3.3 Wavc forin ()bservation

3-3. 1 Gcncral
Connect the leads froili V IN to CCSI point Of circuit under cxaminati01'.
2. AC— DC, —GNI) switch scttings
AC. For AC input. or 10 pick out Llte AC whcn is supcrposcd DC voltage in the input
Generally used whell 0111 y thc AC signal is under exatnination or for
I X : voltage mcasutelï)C11ts.
GNI): usccl (iuring verctca! calibration only (Sce Secl 3. 5)
3. set VERT INPUT switch at XI 00, X 1(). or XI alld adjust VERT GAIN for suitablc trace
Set H()R. GAIN control fur silitable trace width.
5. SWEEP FREQ switch 10-100. etc., and SWEEP VARIABLE cont101 as reqnivcd {or thc
yavcf0T111 display.
6. Adjust the spot positioning controls to position the trace as requited on t, be graticu .
3.3.2 Use of SYNC MODE switch
As long as the t: amplitude is I ._5cnt or tnore, the sweep will bc synchronized and the r r acc will •
'stop". This occurs when the sweep frequencv is the same 01 at a sul_unultiplc of the in put frequency.
For sine waves. either setting can be used.
2. For irregular waveforms, the setting will depend on which peak the synchronization is desired. B.
This setting is used when the input frequency is related to the AC linc frequency
50, 100, 150Hz .... etc. (60s 1 20, 180H7. .... etc.)

c. EXT:
For synchronizing the sweep with an external source, thc input is connected to SYNC JN socket.
Input voltagc should bc approximately L Vp-p; higher voltages must bc lowered with use of a voltage
3.3.3 External Sweep Operation
1. set SWEEP FREQ switch at EXT.
2. Connect the external sweep input to H IN socket. NOTE: Do not apply more than IOOVp-p (p-p + DC
V). A blocking capacitor of suitafle value must bc used when only thc AC component is to be utilized.
3. Adjust HOR. GAIN control for desired swccp width.

3.3.4 Use of Line Frcquency Sweep

The LINE setting of SWEEP FREQ switch is used when it is desired to phase the input signal at linc
frequency, such as thc horizontal output from certain types of TV, FM, or AM sweep generators.
The LINE SWEEP PHASE control is used in the phasing. Reference should bc made to operating instructions
of the swccp generator in use.
3.4 Intensity Modulation

Frequency markers, timing pulses and other signals can be applied on thc tracc with connection from
sweep gencratorss etc., 10 INTEN MOD socket; on the rear panel. Approximatcly 20Vp-p input is required,

3.5 Voltage Measurements

3.5-1 Applications
When comparing the pct founance of amplifiers, tuncrs, etc., it is convenient to determine the response in
terms of voltage. After calibration, voltagcs and within litnits, DC voltage superposed 011 the AC
catnponcut can be mcasurcd.
3. S. 2 Voltage Calibration
Switch settings:
VERT INPUI• at c Al. O. I vpn.
SWEEP FREQ at 10000.
2. Adjust'nents:
SWEEP VARIABLE for a two«ycle trace.
VERT GAIN for trace atnplitnde at 5cm, peak peak, sce Fig. -3-3.

Fig. 3-3 Vert amplitude calibration

Adjust vertical positioning if necessary.

Do not touch VERT GAIN control after this adjusttuent; this is important.
3. Ul'der conditions ill step 2 above, I ctn vertically represents 20m Vp-p (0.02 Vp-p).
At VERT X I, lcm = 20m V: at X! O and X 100 respecl ivcly, the sensitivity is and 2Vp-p.
4. At Other calibrating amplitudes, different scntivities can be obtained as shown in
CHART 3-1.
CI IA RT 3-1 Vertical Sensitivities
Calibrating Atnplitudc, Vp-p per cm
peak-to-pack at 0.1 Vp-p
5 cm 20mv 0.2V 2.ov
2 ctn 50tuv 0.5 V 5.ov
I ctn 1 oornv I.ov
NOTES: I. Fot good accuracy. che AC line voltage "lust be at the ratcd value.
2. The Vrrus value for sine waves only is Vp•p/2.83, ot 0.353 Vp-p.
3.5.3 AC Voltag-• Measurernents
1. After calibration, set AC-DC-GND switch at AC.
2. Set the VERT INPUT switch to place the wave [0!urt peaks within upper and lower lines on the
3. Notc the distance between the peaks.
4. The peak-to•pcak voltage is given by
(Disyance in cm) X (Vp-p/cm) X Multiplier = Vp-p. Example: (See Fig.

Fig. 3-4 Vp-p measure Ine nt.

Distancc 4 ctn
Vp-p/cm 20m Vp-p (sensitivity
Multiplier x I (VERT INPUT setting).
Voltagc (4 X20rnVp-pX I) 0.08 Vp-p.
3.5.4 DC Voltage Measuremcncs
The scope can be used as a DC voltmeter with high input resistance.
After calibration, set AC-DC-GND switch at GND. The sweep controls arc not adjusted.
2. Adjust vertical positioning to set the trace on cente • horizontal line for C) V, sec dasbcd linc in Fig. 3-5
(actually the trace is continuous).

Proccdurc 2

posit ion
Proccdure L

Fig. 3-5 DC voltagc measurement.
3. sec ACU.•-GNI) switch at L)c:.
4. Connect VERT IN leads to voltage under Incasurerucnt.
Thc tracc will movc up for + V' and down lor - V.
5. Set VERT GAIN switch so that the trace position is below upper linc or above lower line.
voltage range is then at 201nVp-p calibration with VERT INPUT switch at Xl.
At X 10 and X 100 respectively. the range will be and ±8.OV.
At othcr Vp-p/crn sensitivities, (see Sect- 3.5.2), refer f o CHART 3-2.

CHART 3-2 DC Voltage Ranges
Calibration: Full Rałłgc [ Vo!tagcs (OV
Vp-p/cm at ccntcr line)

XIO xłoo
20mV ±0.08V
50111 V ±0.20V ±0.8V t-20.ov
NOTE: By positioning the OV reference below or above the center linc, it is possible to widen thc
rneasuring rangcs. For c xanłplc, if set at the Iowest !inc, thc range Will bc O to +0.16V,
Ctc., and vice versa.
3.5.5 DC Superposed on AC
T he voltagc scnsitivity is set as givcn in Sect, 3.5.4
2. An cxample with sinc wave is shown in Fig. 3-6.

Fig. 3-6 Simultancous DC and AC measurcment.

3. Procedure? When t he AC voltagc is high
conłparcd with DC voltagc, each
must be measured separa tely.

ure I DC 3.5.6 usc of Prohe, LPB-IOY
AC —D_2Vp.r, When thc Iow-capacitancc
probe, LP B- 1 C) Y , is used.
the voltage sensitivity is Iowered by
a factor of 10. The voltage, AC or
DC, as measured must be multip!icd by 10.

3.6 Othcr Applications

Typical uscs Of the other than for wavcforrn display and voltage mcasurcmcnts are given below.
3.6. i Frequency Comparison
Unknown frequencics undcr test can be cotnpared with a standard, or known, frcquc•ncy by thc lissajous
pattcrn rncthod.
1. Connect thc unknown frequency to V IN.
Adjust vertical corłtrols ł-or suitab!c amplitude.
2. Connect thc standard, or rcfcrcncc, frequency to H IN. set SWEEP FREQ switch at
Adiust HOR. (GAÍN for suitablc width.

Adjus( the knowll, or unknowłi, frequcncy for a cl (lefincd single or mul! ip!e
loop pattern.
The fveqłłency is calculated frorn the foilowing relatic.n:

whcre standard frequency (horizot)tal it: put) Fu tjnknown

frcquency• (vertical input) nurnber of loops on
uppcr line. N nutnbcr of loops on left line.
The pattern for Fu F s X 3 is slłown in Fig. 3-7.

Fig. 3-7 F requeacy co:uparison.

A. Use of line frequency as standard.
set SWEEP FREQ at LINE: AC-DC-GND switch at AC.
2. Connect a variablc audio osciltator to V IN.
3. Adjust the generator frcqucncy control.
At 50, 100. 1 50Hz . (or 60. 120, 180H7. the pattcrn with I, 2. 3 loops Wili be displaycd:
thesc are at multip!es of the line frcquency. B. Usc of I kH7 standard.
When a I kHz standard is uscd (llor izon tal input), the sałnc patterns will be displayed at J,
2, 3 kHz. At subtnnltiples, nałnely, 500. .333, 250, etc.. tbc patterns Will be rotated by 9($• but the savnc
formula is in calculat ion. 3.6.2 1)hase
The phasc angle of a givcn frequency• at differcnt points in a circuit can bc de tertîlinecl by convections
to V IN and H IN sockets. 'r hc uppcv freqtłcncy lirrłit is appro.ximatcly 1 set SWEEP FREQ switch
al E X 'ľ.
Ad_inst thc g.ain controls for suitablc height and widtll.
3. Rcfcrring (0 Fig. 3-8. the phasc anglc is calculated f fol)owing rclation:
sin f) = A/ B, or O = sin- A/ B.
Fig. 3-8 Phasc angie Incas .łrctnent.

3.6.3 ArnpJitude Modulation Mcasurement
Two Incthods will be given for deternünation of amplitude nodulation of carrier frequencies
up to 4MH•,:.
Tine sigral input to V IN rnay be obtained f-rcnn a pickup coil loosely coupled to a radio
transmitter. or direct from a signal gencrator (at least ! Vrrns will be required). Care rnust bc
exerciscd when making the transmitter measurernents.
Depth of modulation, m, is calculated from thc relation.

x 100%
A. Envelope mcthod,
Adjust sweep contro)s for a two-cycle display, see s 'A" in Fig. 3-9. (NOTE: A signal
from thc audio source to SYNC IN, with SYNC MODE switch at EXT, can be used in
synchronizing the swecp).

A: Envelope rncchod B: Tra pezoid r r thod

Fig. 3-9 AM Incas u renu-•nts.
B. Trapezoid method.
1. set SWEEP FREQ switch at EXT.
2. Connect a part of thc audio modulation source H IN.
3. Adjust HOR GAIN for suitable width.


4.1 General

In this section the circuits which compose the LBO-51() wil be briefly described. Rcfercoce

will be madc to the functional block and schematic diagrams4.2 Vertical Amplifier

The signal under examination is connected to V Input. AC-DC-GND switch inserts a blocking
capacitor for AC signals. At GND, thc input signal is cut off. For attenuation of the input, two
frequency-compensated attenuators are used at X 10 and X 100 positions of VERT INPUT
The amplifier consists of a source follower, (2203, Self-balancing stage, Q204-Q205 for
pushpull output and an ctnittcr follower with (2206-Q207. The deflection alnplificr stage is madc up
with (high voltage transistors).

Vertical gaill is controlled with V R 204 which ad_i il.s t .c; fccdb.. c k in the Q204-Q2()5
stage. Spot positioning is done with V R 204 which adjusts the base voltage on (Q206Å2207
and in turn will vary the DC voltage to produce the required static deflection.
Two transistors, are connected across the input Of Q203 for
overload protection.

4.3 Horizontal Circuits

4.3.1 Sweep Frequency Generator
A modified multivibrator circuit (run-down type) is used in generating the sweep frequency
voltage, from 1 OH'. to over 100kHz. in four steps. Inter:ucdiatc frequencies are set with
SWEEP VARIABLE controls V R 302 , which adjusts the tune constant Of the sawtooth
waveform output.
For synch' onizing thc sweep frequency, inputs. and a •c derived from the vertical deflection
arnplifier stage. sweep is auto:uatically synchron when there sufficient voltage to produce
about i .5crn tracc atnplitudc. Linc frequenc) synchronizing is done wit.l) a stepped-down
voltage from the power transformer.
4.3.2 Horizontal Amplifier
Inputs from the sweep generator. external sweep source, and phased fine frequency circuit arc
selected with the SWEEP FREQ Hz switch. The arnpiifier consists of a sourcc follower, (2304
(with overload protector and a self-balancing anlp!ifier. Q for pushpull output to the horizontal
CRT deflection plates.

4.4 Power Supplies and CRT circuit

The operating voltages arc given in CHART 4-1.

CHA RT 4 - I Operating Voltages

ages Use Rectifiers, etc.
- 1 200 V (approx.) CRT accel. 1)107, (doubler)
+20CIV Final amp.. DIO! I)) 04
Am fiers and D102, D103:
swce ckt DI 05, Dlt)6
6.3VAC CRT heater

Cal. 0.1 Vp-

p and phase
A sitnplificd schematic for rhe CRT gun circuit is shown in Fig. 4-1 .
TO blank the rctUrn trace during the sweep operation, the negative-going voltage of thc
sawtooth waveform is amplified in the blanking circuit, The output is applied
to the cathode of tbe CRT.
Fig. 4 - I CRT gun circuit (sitnplified j.

5.1 General

After a )ong period of use, it may be necessary to make minor adjustments and/or replacement
of components. In this section. direction are given for checking and adjustments.
5.2 Exposing thc Chassis

IMPORT: When checking with the AC power turned on, xtrcmc care must be taken not to cornc
into contact with the high voltage in the CRT circuit. Disconnect AC plug from the AC line.
2. Referring to Fig. 5-1 , remove four screws as shown for covers on each side, and take off
the covers.

ws o
Fig. 5-1 Removal of covers (right side shwon).

5.3 Location of Adjusters

Adiuste.•s on the printed circuit board arc shown in Fig. 50.


Fig. 5-2 Location of adjusters on F C.B.

Q )
5.4 Vertical Amplifier Balancing

When there is pronounced shift in thc display as VERT (GAIN control is adjust cd, the
following stcps are taken. A slight arnount of shift can bc usually tolerated Sincc can be
compensatcd with the positioning control without affectinf. the sensitivity.)
1. Control settings:
switch at GND.
VERT GAIN at fully counterclockwise.
H()R GAIN at fully counterclockwise.
2. Ad_iustmcnts:
Set vertical positioning for spot at middle horizontal linc. Rotate VERT GAIN to fully
clockwise. Therc should bc no vcrtical shift for proper condition.
3. (f any shift occurs. adjust V DC BAL, V R 202. using a small screw driver, to return the
spot to original position.
4. Repeat process of rotating VERT GAIN back and fovth and adjusting V R 202 until tberc
is no spot (Ttovement, or a Ininimutn condition.

5.5 Vertical Attenuator Frequency Compensation

1. Set the scope controls for waveform observation,

2. set AC.-DC-GNI) switch at DC.
3. Connect a 1 kHz square wavc (overshoot and sag less than 1%) to V IN.
4. The wavcforlll display at VERT INPUT, X 10 and Xl DO, should bc as shown at in Fig. 5-3.

A: Improper B: Proper Improper

Fig. 5-3 Attenuator frequency compensation
5. If 110t. adjust t[immcrs V C 201 and VC202 respectively at X 10 and X 100 settings of

5.6 Upper Limit of Sweep Frequency

This adjustment is required only when a single wave of 1 10kHz input is not propcr)y
L. Control scttings:
SWEEP FREQ switch at 100k range.
SWEEP VARIABLE at fully clockwise.
2. Connect a I sine wave signal input to V IN.
3. Adjust FREQ ADJ. V R for the single wave displ.?Y.

5.7 Swccp Centering

Control settings:
GAIN at fully counterclockwise.
Horizontal positioning for spot at vertical line. SWEEP
FREQ liz switch at J.C)dOO.
2. Adjustments:
HOR GAIN [or sweep to cover about 8cm. Under this condition, the trace length
cuch side of middle linc should bc within about at four frequency settings of thc switch.
not. adjust SWEEP CT R, V R 303, for best average conditions.

5.8 Calibration Voltage, 0.1 Vp-p

Connect AC plug to the AC line voitage at value specified for the scope.
2. set VERT INPUT switch at X 1.
3. Connect to V IN a voltage at 0.LVp-p from a square save generator at 50 to IOOOHz.
(If a sine wave is used, adjust the. volrngc to 0.0353 V rms.)
4. Adjust VERT GAIN control for trace amplittlde Of 5cm. Do not touch this control after
this step.
set VERT INPUT switch at CAL 0.1 Vp.p.
The tracc amplitude should be 5cm. If not, then adjust CAL ADJ. V R 301 , for
proper amplitude.

5:8 Astigmatism

This adjustment is required OTIly when the CRT lias been n placed.
Control setrings:
2. Adjust LINE SWEEP PHASE control far a circular pattern; adjust FOCUS control for a
clear trace, The trace sbould be uniform in width around the circle. If not. adjust
ASTIG, VR 104.

5.10 Fuse Replacement

The rating Of the AC linc fusc depcnds on thc AC voltagc used ill operation; use 0.5A for
1.00-1 ISV or 0.3A for 200-230 V. If the fuse blows after replacement, check the power supply
circuits for dcfectivc parts. such as rectifiers filter caoacitors.


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