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ECO 2302

Unit I Discussion Board

Part I: Introduce yourself to your classmates with your name, location, current employment, and future

Part II: In the past, comparative advantages have sometimes shifted from one nation to another. What
factors do you think caused these shifts? Why? Was there anything a nation could have done to prevent
an advantage from shifting to another nation?

 I was born, raised, and still reside in Southwest Louisiana, in a small town called Westlake. I am studying
for my bachelor's degree in business administration, and I will graduate next year. I plan on getting my
master's degree after that. I am currently employed at a local chemical process plant as a timekeeper and
hope to transfer to the main office in the administration office.

I believe that a lot of manufacturers are now doing business in other countries because of the lower cost
of producing these items combined with the extensive government red tape and fees our government
would be taxing them with. This has given China and Mexico an opportunity they used what they had and
now have more manufacturers than anyone giving them the comparative advantage.

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