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Business Description

What is Get Fit Don't Quit?

Get Fit Don't Quit offer a variety of workout program. A basic workout program for those who don’t
have knowledge in workout, advance workout program for those who have a specific goal body,
knowledgable and have experience in workout but GFDQ offer a unique program package workout to
the customers around Manila using social media platforms. Our company will provide an excellent and
friendly coaching service to support the ambiance of enjoyment, energetic, and healthy lifestyle.

Quality Workout Program

We will offer nothing but unique packages workout program, all served with coaches’ kindness.

Opening of the business

We are open 24/7 by chat support service in our online plaftforms like Facebook, Intagram and Twitter.

A different variety of workout and pagkages will be featured during our free trial session and we can also
provide plus 1 free workout session for possible client.

Our product will be suitable for all ages. This is exclusive for the people who have a body goal and all the
possible customers/clients who avail in Get Fit Don't Quit fitness.

Industry sector
Our business belongs to the Online fitness industry index by sector.

Company Locations and Facilities

Get Fit Don't Quit will be located in our facility in Manila. We will aim for good services and an open
feeling for the customers to be comfortable.
The online selection that is chosen is based upon the following criteria :
 Community size: populations ranges up to more than a 1000 people who have social media
platforms around Manila.
 Large percentage of people who have social media.
 All these qualities are consistent with Get Fit Don't Quit’ goal of providing a top quality service
experience. We want our business to be a “word-of-mouth” to the whole community in online
fitness industry, where a our customers value our services as something exciting and cannot
wait to tell their friends, relatives, batchmates and coworkers.
 Get Fit Don't Quit company will directly compete with our competitors such as Anytime Fitness,
Pound for Pound and Gold's Gym Company.

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