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Conditions after the War

After World war II the Philippines was really devastated. Ruins and Universities around the
Philippines are destroyed. A lot of Filipinos died during the war due to fighting, execution,
famine, and diseases. It gives a tremendous problem to the post war Philippine republic.

The Philippines had suffered great loss of life and tremendous physical destruction by
the time the war was over. An estimated 1 million Filipinos had been killed, a large
proportion during the final months of the war, and Manila was extensively damaged.

After World War II the Philippines endured crippling high-interest loans under the guise
U.S. 'aid', and its society and infrastructure— including more than three-quarters of its
schools and universities—lay in ruins.
(Philippine Economy during the Japanese Occupation, 1941-1945), the total output
(GDP) of the economy in 1945, by war’s end was reduced to 30 percent of the pre-war
output level. The country also experienced the worst inflation in its history.

During the war the supplies were cut because ways of travelling them was affected.
Because of this the basic needs of filipinos during that time were scarce which cause
the death of many. Hospitals are also unavailable during the post war because most
were destroyed and need to be rehabilitated.

The recovery began as soon as military liberators began to retake the country.
With the help of USA and establishing The Philippine War Damage Commission
(PWDC), the country slowly began its rehabilitation promise from different sectors and

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