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Work Sheet : Chapter 2

SUBJECT : Computer Science GRADE : IV

I. Choose the correct answer:

1. Which of the following is an operating system?
a) folder b) Android c) file d) none of these
2. Which of the following a folder consists of?
a) files b) window c) android d) none of these
3. In Windows, which is denoted by a name and an extension?
a) drive b) folder c) subfolder d) none of these
4. Which of the following helps to organize our files on the computer?
a) file b) folder c) window d) none of these
5. Which of the following operation changing the name of an existing file or a folder?
a) delete b) rename c) copy d) none of these
II. Put a tick  for the correct statements and a cross  for the wrong ones:
6. To open a folder, simply single click on it.
7. A Microsoft database file has .docx extension.
8. To copy a file in a location, press CTRL+C on the keyboard.
9. A folder present inside another folder is called a drive.
10. To select multiple non-adjacent files, press and hold the shift key.
11. Storing files in different folders makes difficult to locate them
12. When a folder is deleted, all the files and subfolders in it are not deleted.
13. You can copy a file from one location to another.
14. Copying means moving a folder from one place to another.
15. Cut and paste operations is used to move a folder from one location to another.
III. Answer the following questions in one word or one sentence:
16. Write the filename extension of the following:
i. Notepad file.
ii. Word processing file
iii. Picture file
iv. Sound file
17. Which technique is used to move a folder to a new location?

HIS/CBSE/Chapter 2: Work Sheet /2022-23/IV/COMPUTER SCIENCE Page No: 1

18. Write the shortcut keys used for doing the following:
i. Copy a file.
ii. Cut a folder.
iii. Select all files in a location.
iv. Paste a cut or copied file.
IV. Answer the following questions:
19. What is the difference between a file and folder?
20. What is the advantage of creating folders?
21. Write short notes on file icon and filename extension.
22. How can you select multiple non-adjacent files?
V. Answer the following application-based questions:
23. Ruchika has created a new folder with the name ‘Science’.
i. Now, she wants to move this file to D drive. Do you think it is Possible? Answer whether it
is Yes or No.
ii. Write the shortcut key to cut a folder.
24. Gaurav, while working on his father’s laptop.
i. He accidently deleted a file saved on the desktop. How can he get back the file?
ii. Which of the following keyboard key used to delete a selected file?
a) restore b) delete c) remove d) none of these
25. Ruchika has created a new folder with the name ‘Computer’.
i. She wants to give another name to this folder. Do you think it is Possible? Answer whether
it is yes /no.
ii. Which of the following operation she can use?
a) delete b) rename c) copy d) none of these

HIS/CBSE/Chapter 2: Work Sheet /2022-23/IV/COMPUTER SCIENCE Page No: 2

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